Tuesday, February 20, 2007

From Spain... Maria Duval deserves it!

Someone's from Spain actually has this for me in my email today and this is a nice story. It is a translated text to English. There's a Maria's fan from Spain. I think there are many more. We should stick together and be more vocal instead.
Dear Maria Duval,

I thank you for your kindness, and I want to congratulate you, since it is amazing to see how exactly your predictions come true. With a slight difference (of only a few days) I saw that practically all the things you write me about became true.

The fact is that I do not like to gamble at any game; the game I like is to send writings to literature contests, both in prose and in verse (this is a real lottery)and I would like to succeed in this. This is also a field in which I could win a lot of money, and even ensure a regular and stable income in order to make my dreams come true.

Once again, thank you for all your offers and your interest, and I hope to keep receiving your correspondence.

With affection, Juan Lorenzo R.P.
Cadiz, Spain

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