Saturday, December 13, 2008

Maria Duval - Mental Illness Delaying Inner Peace

Mental Illness Delaying Inner Peace
When a person goes through life living with mental illnesses, it often delays them from gaining inner peace. To all the mental ill patients in the world, I recommend you read all the FREE information available to you regarding your diagnoses, and learn to accept what you cannot change.

Sure, you are saying to your self easier said than done. Some of you might say this writer has no idea what she is talking about, or has no idea what I deal with in my mind. Wrong. I do have an overall idea of most mental illnesses, studied human behaviors my entire life, and lived and dealt with more mental ill persons than the average bear.

Thus, learning about what you are suffering can help you find inner peace. When a person knows what they live and who they are they often feel peace of mind. Furthermore, when a person learns to accept what they have and what the person cannot change, they often find inner peace.

Countless of people today are diagnosed with Bipolar and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-ADHD. The two major problems touching the world today are affecting millions worldwide. To help you understand these diagnoses, if you are suffering, you must first realize that both Bipolar and ADHD are missing chemicals or faulty functions in the brain, which cause the symptoms to occur. Thus, you are not mentally ill; rather you have a need within the brain that requires restoration, which will provide you peace of mind. Still, mental ill does not mean you are crazy, rather it means your mind functions differently than other minds do.

Paranoid Schizophrenics often believe they are crazy and never learn to accept self. Unfortunately, this is one of the largest diagnoses that make it difficult for others to help them find inner peace. Still, it is a fault of the mind, since the Twin in the brain is faulty. Therefore, the mind is off balance, which creates the symptoms.

Other mental illnesses such as Oppositional-Defiant Disorder-ODD are common in society and rob individuals of their true inner peace. ODD is a dangerous disorder left alone, thus to obtain inner peace something has to give in the mind, and medications are needed to control the persons mind. ODD patients tend to act out defiantly under rule, and often fail to adhere to authority, at the same time the person acts out violently when emotions are threatened. Therefore, the person will need medications, and after spending hours with a few of these patients, I noticed a major overlook on expert?s part. Thus, many of these patients tend to have a medical deficiency that creates this reaction, which includes the hormones and thyroids.

Mental illnesses such as psychopathic tendencies, traits, or personality disorders exist in our society. To find inner peace for these people is next to impossible, since they lack the ability to show compassion, consideration, respect, et cetera to others rather than self. Many of these types self-worship and human creation has no value. Thus, to find inner peace while suffering this disorder is going to take the will of the person to seek out medical care, including thorough testing to determine if the hormones and thyroids play a part in the faulty ailment and will take determination to control the mind, which brings us to a problem?

Most people with these types of mental illnesses cannot benefit from mental health advice. Therefore, to find inner peace the person alone is going to need to come to terms with reality. This diagnoses, while experts claim is not incompetence or else insanity might need to re-assess the diagnosis. There are tips for helping such mental illnesses coming in the near future, but until learn to accept, and learn to control your behaviors to find inner peace.

For the most part, nearly all mental ailments have a resolve to find inner peace. Again, learn, accept, and grow to help you find your inner peace of mind. It is essential to take care of your health and mind when suffering mental ailments to find inner peace.

Jeff Miles shows you on his free website how to stop panic and anxiety attacks: little-Known, safe and powerful techniques to totally eliminate panic and anxiety out of your life, even if the doctors have given up. To find out more just visit: and http://www.depression-self-esteem-stress-managementcom

Control Your Fear Before It Will Control You!
"Fear Factor" has been one of my favorite TV shows. It highlights the courage of the participants to engage in the most fearsome and disgusting acts.

Most of the contestants are willing to sacrifice their dignity for the sake of the prize money. So what does that imply?

It implies that with the proper mindset, determination, and will power, you can conquer your fear.

Everyone has some sort of fear. It may be brought about by any one or more of the following reasons.

1) by a traumatic past incident (like being bitten by a dog)
2) by the influence of other people
3) by their own negative way of thinking

But are you going to let fear take over your life? Will you remain a hostage of your fear forever?

You must take the necessary steps to overcome your fright. It's all in the mind.

Do you envy other people when you see them enjoying wild rides, and you're just stuck in a corner because you're too terrified to give it a try?

My suggestion is to face your fear head-on. Imagine yourself enjoying the experience instead of exaggerating the things that make you worry. (Unless of course you
have health problems, then taking wild rides may not be a good idea).

Do you want to be a doctor but you're afraid that your intellect can't handle the pressure or you're worried about financial insecurity?

Well here's the good news. If you're really determined to achieve your deepest desires, a powerful force will enable you to reach them amidst every obstacle that comes in the way. I'm not kidding.

Someone or something will always be there to help you attain your goals. Just have faith in your abilities. Your will power have the utmost capacity to accomplish anything with the proper mindset.

You could use visualization to help you in defeating any kind of fear.

Are you afraid of heights? Then imagine yourself being on top of a mountain, overseeing the magnificent sights. Enjoy and feel the moment. Take away all worries and anxieties.

Then just do it! Face it head on! Go to the top of a building and savor the great feeling of being able to face your fear.

This applies to whatever thing that triggers your fear factor. Just imagine being able to defeat it, then confront it with the definite belief that you have the capacity to do everything you want if you just put your
mind to it.

Face the thing you fear the most and you'll never have to fear anything again in your life.

Are you sick and tired of being "empty" inside and out? Worry no more! At you?ll find free and reliable information that gives you the straight facts and solutions to beat depression and fears.

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