Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maria Duval talks about Charisma

Maria Duva's explanation about Charisma.
Charisma is that natural authority, that irresistible fascination
a person can have over others, almost as if they had supernatural powers.

Charisma is the result of what is called vibration, the subtle energy that emanates from each of us. Some people are described as being charismatic, while others are not.
People who are shy are very low in natural vibrations, to some extend that they are even "invisible" to others, even though they are physically around. On the other hand, people who are naturally high in vibrations attract people and happy events most of the time. People like to be with them, as if by magic. They are the driving force of mankind and they are leaders of the society most of the time.

This is the vital force which they are blessed with and permits them to move forward at the forefront of most people who are probably lower in vibratory levels.

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