Monday, October 27, 2008

Maria Duval - 7 Laws of Attraction - How to Attract Your Desired Life

7 Laws of Attraction - How to Attract Your Desired Life
As the words imply, the 7 Laws of Attraction is all about attraction - you attract people, events and circumstances through your thoughts. Your thoughts can lead you to success - or failure. Everything that is happening to you right now is actually governed by the 7 Laws of Attraction. 1. The Law of Manifestation
Whatever you channel your thoughts and energy to, manifests. This still holds true no matter how big or small your thoughts are. The principle here is that you create your reality through your thoughts. Think intensely and frequently about success and you will get it. Think about failure with the same intensity and frequency and you will get it. Be careful what you wish for - it will definitely come true if you concentrate hard enough on it. 2. The Law of Unwavering Desire
If you want something so purely and completely and you believe with all your heart that you deserve it, that you must have it, then you can only be sending out the right vibrations for the universe to receive and send back to you. Let no fear or doubts hold you back. 3. The Law of Delicate Balance
Desperation is a negative emotion; and when you are desperate to have something, you may be sending out the wrong signals. It may seem like a contradiction to Law # 2, where desiring is beneficial to the attraction of positive energy towards yourself; but these 2 cases are different. You must strike a delicate balance between the dream you hope to come true, and living contentedly in the moment. Do not make your goal the singular object of your desire that you neglect all other aspects of your life. Just know that it will happen in time and that, while waiting, you need not be so despondent. 4. The Law of Magnetism
In school we were taught that opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other. Not so in this case. Energy is as pervasive as air. It is all around us, even within us, and we ourselves radiate energy, though often we aren’t even aware of it. But what we must know is that whatever kind of energy we emit�"whether positive or negative�"is the same kind we attract as it returns to us from the universe. What goes around comes around, as the saying goes. 5. The Law of Synchronization
The universe has much to offer in terms of gifts and gains. These fruits are yours for the taking, if you but align yourself and be in close harmony with the ‘Giver.’ Do not fight the flow or resist the order of things. You are part of a greater whole, not a separate entity; to throw yourself into this realm and bask in it is not only a duty but a birthright. 6. The Law of Universal Influence
Do not take the tiniest of actions for granted. Even the most seemingly harmless of deeds can have influence, for we are all connected and, therefore, what I do affects you to a certain extent, and vice versa. Since you are practically glowing with energy, which vibrates and is carried out into the world, it follows that others will pick up on it and be impacted by it. So exude only the positive. 7. The Law of Conscientious Action
Much like the principle of karma, this Law of Attraction follows the rule, “What you sow, you shall reap.” Carry yourself with dignity and act only in a way that is honorable�"to yourself and to others�"and the rewards will be plenty. Live your life according to the 7 Laws of Attraction - think and feel positively, purposefully and passionately and you will attract only the best things. Success and happiness will be yours for the taking.

Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at

Law of Attraction: What Will People Think?
Do the opinions of others about you and your choices matter more than your own? What do you attract into your life when you make choices based on the wishes (or demands) of others rather than what's appropriate for you?

Alchemy Statement 24 from "Law of Attraction Alchemy" states:

I know I sometimes appear different than who I really am . . . an Extraordinary, Unique Expression of the Infinite . . . and know the only opinion of myself that matters is my own.

Opinions of others may be interesting and even sometimes helpful; but if you make the opinions of others about you and your life choices more important than your own, you'll live an unfulfilled life. Nor can it matter how you appear to others when you're on purpose about your life.

If you allow others to decide your value or worth, or attempt to tell you how to live, this depletes your energy. Listening to others rather than to yourself, keeps you from focusing on what you feel and desire to experience, as well as the truth of who you are as an expression of Source Consciousness.

You're the only one who knows what's appropriate for you. Until you quiet the noise in your mind created by input from others, and the world around you, you can't get in touch with your head-and-heart alignment.

People wonder and strive to find out what their purpose in life is. Our purpose is to live and expand our personal power . . . to share the process and outcomes of doing this with others. No one but you can decide how that looks and feels for you; and, no one else should.

Many of us heard not-so-good statements about ourselves as we grew up. Some of us weren't supported and encouraged in the way we would have liked to be, in a way that helped us feel strong about ourselves and our ability and right to make choices. The result was less self-esteem and belief in ourselves than would support us in life, and our lives reflect this. This doesn't have to stay our experience of ourselves and our reality.

Nor are we required to rehash or relive the statements that became programs we play over and over, especially at the subconscious level. We can imprint new statements, new programs, as the "tapes" we play. Not only that, we can believe them because they're true.

Because Law of Attraction says your word (including the unspoken) is law, and fulfills what you focus on, the way to shift your experience of life is to restate your "law," that is, put new directives into the quantum field and yourself. However, every word of a new statement is important. Law of Attraction is impartial as it follows your exact words.

My "Law of Attraction Alchemy" e-book and online workshop and coaching program emerged from what I can only call Divine Inspiration. I felt my own "confusion and frustration" at one time, and began to ask better questions. One feeling I had during the C&F period was, "I know how this feels for me. I know there are others who feel the same." At that moment, I felt my passion and purpose to assist others to "ease their pain" pulse like a light inside of me. As Kurt Wright stated, "Commitment is a magnet." As soon as I opened myself to learn and grow in regard to the Law of Attraction and faith in the Truth of Source and how reality works, my life was a sequence of inspired events and connections.

Another "fact" about this time was, though I knew what I felt and I trusted the inspirations I received, I appeared a certain way to people who believed I should be following a different path. At my core, I knew if I listened to them, I'd be disavowing my faith in Spirit . . . and in myself as an expression of Spirit. No matter how many challenges I attracted, also known as gifts to learn and grow from, I knew the inner freedom I sought could only happen if I stayed committed to my path.

Any perceived negative becomes a "fact" of our experience because we imagine it into becoming just that; but, it isn't the truth. It's an experience but not a reality of spirit, which we are. We simply need to remember to look underneath the layers of beliefs and manifestations . . . the cause and effect we perpetuate in our lives. Experiences may, indeed, become facts; but they are never necessary.

One of the most effective and long-lasting ways to manage your inner power better is to listen to your Self. Keep integrity in your mind and heart, and be completely honest with yourself about your best interests, desires, and dreams.

Never give another's opinion more weight than your own. Both of you are expressions of spirit having an experience called life. We're all entitled to make the most of this opportunity and to decide what our path looks like as we do this.

Be one of the 20 people who sign up by August 31 for the 64-Day Do-Over online workshop and one-on-one coaching program. Details available at / Joyce Shafer ( is a Spiritual/Life Empowerment Coach and writer based in New York City. Her books that move you forward in life are available at and her Website.

What Attracts You
Every now and then some new concept or high tech tool comes along and tantalizes the minds of the multitudes. Depending on the magnitude of impact, often what effectively results vary from great strides and changes on personal levels to global scales. When it comes to the movie The Secret and its teachings about the law of attraction , there have been many people jumping on board as if it were a new and unheard of concept.

Positive affirmations and positive thinking and even the law of attraction, is not new to us. So why have so many people jumped on the ban wagon of manifestation this time around? One key factor might be the new way of explaining the scientific aspect behind the old idea.

Relating the power of though energy to the energy vibrations of everything around us is the skeptics smelling salts for many eye opening modes of thinking. Scientific discoveries, much like law, are fixed factors that stabilize and ground possibilities into sound beliefs. Thus getting the skeptic to understand the concept becomes the only challenge. Although we are continuously learning more, science has its undeniable concrete grounding effect.

Aside from the original movies teachings, another popular scientific discovery on this subject matter comes from a Quantum Physics ( discovery of how electrons change their behavior in reaction to being observed. Again, the science is proven and what remains is the understanding of it in relationships to manifesting.

In addition to the science of it all, titling the movie The Secret provoked curiosity as to when, what and where was the hidden concept in the first place. In response this may have been why it turned the heads of many Holy Doctrine devotees. Many found themselves seeking truth and proof of the science in scriptures in order that they might compare the potency of The Secrets message with Bible teachings. Some spiritual leaders sought to warn people to beware of false teachings and disprove it while others looked to enhance awareness for better understanding it.

Once knowing what the law of attraction is on the level of science, relating it to Biblical doctrine is easy. It is undeniable that thought effectualness is what Jesus was teaching when he said, when praying for something behave as if you have already received it. This was also what Jesus was trying to convey when he spoke to those he healed in saying, it was because of their belief that He was able to heal them. Another interesting interlocking of the law of attraction in relation to belief and biblical teaching is when Jesus told His disciples that if only they believed, they could tell a mountain to move itself into the ocean and it would. The amazing man Jesus who walked on water spoke of how our thinking was able to do much more than we imagined. This is confirmed again in His teaching that sinning in our thoughts is the same as sinning in the flesh. As a Master of masters, many religious scholars would not deny that Jesuss words are significant evidence that Bible teachings support the law of attraction concepts.

Another interesting perspective as to The Secrets depth of success should in deed be attributed to the makers of the film themselves. Surely they believed what they wanted to teach and utilized energies of visualizations, feelings, and thoughts for the movies success to reach the multitudes in understanding, applying, and changing the world for the better. Once the idea was conceived and great thinkers put into action, manifestation of a film that illuminated harmony and clear understanding was thus inevitability born.

In order to understand why The Secret has had such a powerful impact on the minds of so many who already knew the secret, one could say it is due to powerful impacts of new science, old religion and present day applications. Apparently this combination has shaken awake the giants of incredulity and shed the blankets of the dormant believers. We have only to wait and see what dreams may come of it all.


Traveling life's journey one step at a time as I practice law of attraction techniques. Unfolding lasting effects in living life purposely.

Traveling life's journey one step at a time as I practice Law Of Attraction techniques to cause unfolding effects for self improvement.

The News is Good News - And There Is Peace
The good news is that the good news is no longer "The Secret". The Law of Attraction has been spoken about and written about during all times, and yet the cultural barriers like organized religion and feudal political power (which we still have today, we call it corporate) placed the information in the inner circles.

If you've attracted the "Secret" or The Law of Attraction to yourself in any way shape or form, then you know. Information about it is everywhere right now. The world is ready for an overhaul towards peace, it seems.

If any of the desired outcomes in your life are related to peace, whether that means absence of war, or tranquillity or quiet at home when you want it, where is your peace at?

Do you feel peaceful right now?

Do you feel peaceful when your child loses it and calls you a @#$%&& moron before he/she slams their door?

Do you feel peaceful when your car doesn't start or the washing machine just stops?

Do you......okay, you can finish the list for yourself, specifically for you.

The next good news is, the proportion of race consciousness that is rooting for everyone to have peace, fulfillment, riches, not to mention edible food and drinkable water in their lives, is HUGE.

I checked out a few blog carnivals yesterday that had to do with "good", and I would need a month to read them all, and I mean 12 hours a day! The piece of the pie that is focused on good outcomes for this planet is a big piece and it is mind boggling!

The hundreds and hundreds of squidoo lenses that have been written share their adsense and sales income from internet marketing with charities - the details don't matter. The goodies are getting circulated.

Goodness is increasing.

Many celebrities are putting more and more of their resources toward alleviating world hunger and distress.

Even Paris Hilton wants to do social good, so let's support her and not be mean about her past. She certainly has the ability to help others change their lives if she proceeds with her plan. James Hillman who wrote "The Soul's Code" explains that we all enter our lives with a guiding force, who arranges circumstances so that we can head toward our greatness. He doesn't say "except heiresses".

The good news is for everyone. Take a moment every day to think about the good in your life. (It's kind of an insurance because of all the good chemicals that flow into our bodies when we do that).

Also, just contemplating the good news in your life is your gift to the rest of us. It's a one mind thinks all deal.

Dianne M. Buxton is a ballet teacher, and a writer. If you find these ideas useful, you can find out more about them here.

How to Seduce the 12 Horoscope Signs
Follow the advices and attract the person you desire. The following advices are quite general. You can consult Tarot or psychic for personal questions. To Seduce an Aries Man The type of woman who can attract an Aries man is one that demonstrates a sense of independence and is bold, adventurous, or spontaneous. They'll respect the freedom of a woman like this. They admire strength and courage. Aries men enjoy a challenge, and may find it enjoyable to be seduced by an assertive woman, while offering sufficient resistance to make it interesting. To Seduce an Aries Woman The type of man who attracts an Aries woman is brash and bold, daring and direct, and has a sense of adventure. They are drawn to macho types or men in uniform. They seek competition and challenges, so they prefer authoritative men who are hard to get. Aries women are attracted to winners, in sports or business or any form of competition. Seduction of Taurus Taurus man prefers a woman who is cute, cuddly, calm and comfortable, and shows affection with caresses and kisses. They prefer women who are easy-going, earthy and sensuous, and not too independent or energetic. To Seduce a Taurus Woman The type of man who attracts a Taurus woman is the classic strong and silent type. Men who are down-to-earth appeal to her, and it may be important to her that he likes animals or nature in general. A man who can cook, cuddle, and care for her physical comforts is of great interest to her. To Seduce a Gemini men Gemini men are attracted to women who are clever and changeable and can keep them guessing. They can be drawn to average looking women who are witty and interesting, and certainly more than to the beautiful but dull sort. To Seduce Gemini Woman The right man for the Gemini woman is clever and changeable, and a great conversationalist. Communication is very important to her, so the man who can share information and ideas is sure to be well regarded. To Seduce a Cancer Man The type of woman who attracts a Cancer man is one who will comfort and care for them. A woman who feeds a Cancer man and makes him feel loved may soon see them sharing her home, since home is where they most want to feel wanted and cherished and comforted. To Seduce a Cancer Woman The right man for the Cancer woman is protective, security-conscious, sensitive, and understanding. If she finds that he makes her feel safe and secure, she’ll feel herself drawn to him. To Seduce a Leo Man The type of woman who attracts the Leo man is one that they can feel proud to be seen with -- one who makes them look good just by having her on his arm. A woman who is gorgeous or dramatic or regal or aloof turns them on. To Seduce a Leo Woman The right man for the job of taming the Leo lioness is one who radiates warmth and shows his affection in a physical way. They are even more interested if he happens to be rich or famous or powerful or gorgeous (or all of the above) so that she can share the spotlight with her new love. To Seduce a Virgo Man The type of woman who attracts the Virgo man in search of company always appears well groomed and conservatively dressed -- and, above all, has an air of propriety. They are very particular, and desire nothing short of perfection in their potential mates, which can leave them out in the cold more often than not. To Seduce a Virgo Woman The type of man who attracts the Virgo woman is intelligent, impeccably mannered and groomed, practical, and reliable. Neatness and cleanliness are the single most important factors here for the approval of a Virgo lady. To Seduce a Libra Man The type of woman who attracts the Libra man has lots of class but isn’t too formal at the wrong times. She can be sort of sophisticated but not terribly stuck-up, sort of picky but not too particular, or any one of a number of contradicting categories, as long as she is utterly sincere in her attentions and has no hidden agendas for the relationship. To Seduce a Libra Woman The type of man who attracts a Libra woman is charming, polite, and well dressed -- it also helps if he’s good looking, romantic, and a bit old-fashioned as well. They tend to respond to mental and verbal flirtations more so than the crude physical kinds. To Seduce a Scorpio Man The type of woman who attracts the emotionally volatile Scorpio man is very vital, passionate, and intense. They rend to go for dynamic and powerful types of women who aren’t indecisive, weak willed pushovers. To Seduce a Scorpio Woman Scorpio women prefer a man who appears intense or inscrutable, and has a kind of magnetic charisma about him that hints at smoldering sexuality and unexplored depths of unbridled passion. To Seduce a Sagittarius man Sagittarius men like the type of woman who is honest, direct, and reliable -- basically a lover who is also a friend. They like a woman who's playful one minute, and philosophical the next, but always happy. To Seduce a Sagittarius Woman The man who attracts a Sagittarius woman is one who displays high moral and ethical standards, and lives up to their ideals of honesty and integrity. They want honesty, friendship, and fun from a potential mate. To Seduce a Capricorn Man The type of woman who attracts a Capricorn man is socially acceptable and somewhat formal or aloof -- not to mention quite serious about success and status. To Seduce a Capricorn Woman Capricorn women are after a man who seems serious, aloof, and detached, and somehow projects an inscrutable personal aura. They want a man who's ambitious and socially acceptable, and they are drawn to money, status, and power. To Seduce an Aquarius Man The type of woman who attracts an Aquarius man is intelligent, independent, free spirited, and a good conversationalist. Should she keep him guessing, or be a bit unconventional, she'll fascinate him, but if she's too emotional, he'll pass. To Seduce a an Aquarius Woman The type of man who attracts the Aquarius woman is intellectually interesting, logical, open-minded, and willing to experiment. A man with ideas and insights fascinates them to no end. Aquarius women are even more attracted if he seems unconventional or unpredictable or just unusual in some way. To Seduce a Pisces Man The type of woman who attracts the withdrawn Pisces man is romantic and emotional, sensitive and passive. Should she be intriguing or mysterious or able to make him feel secure, she could be just the one for him. Pisces men are fond of secret love affairs, as well as people who need help or emotional support. To Seduce a Pisces Woman The Pisces woman is after a man who is romantic, sensitive and either an imaginative dreamer or just lost and confused. The idea of a secret love affair can excite and entice her, and mystery intrigues her. You can also develop your own Tarot and psychic reading ability to find the solution to your specific questions. The simplest way to develop your psychic ability is through listening to your intuitive voice. For example, you can do your own Tarot card reading, and then ask yourself what these cards really mean. Trust your own psychic ESP! After all, no one can be a better Tarot reader than yourself.

"How to Seduce the 12 Horoscope Signs" was written by Elaine Fung. Elaine Fung is an expert in horoscopes and psychic subjects. In this article she provides us with useful tips to seduce any person we like just by knowing his zodiac sign. This is a public article, so, please feel free to use our content and give credit by linking back to us.

The Quantum Law of Attraction
Our beliefs not only affect our physical health but also events and even aspects of our physical world. For many this will be hard to accept; however, there have been numerous documented stories that give credence to the theory that we can literally bend reality by changing our beliefs.

There have been many instances during my own life where I have experienced what can only be termed as miracles that have challenged my whole view of what we call reality.

After being made "redundant" and let go from my job, I used a goal-setting process to secure a new position for exactly the salary and career path I wanted, within three weeks--despite the fact that the unemployment rate was at record levels and the country was in deep recession.

On another occasion I purchased a home that matched the exact details of my goal--including the price, the location and even the size of the rooms--within two weeks.

Another amazing example of the power of manifesting occurred when I secured contracts for my training firm within 20 minutes of setting a goal (that one still sends shivers up my spine).

Despite having these experiences I was never quite able to create these results on a consistent basis. Only after studying a variety of texts on metaphysics was I able to finally connect the dots and discover the true cause.

The universe and the world in which you live is made up of matter. This matter can take the form of solid matter such as plants, trees and human beings, liquid matter such as water, milk or blood, and gases such as oxygen, methane or hydrogen.

If we examine each of these different forms of matter we will discover that they are made up of molecules, and if we look deeper still we will find that these are made up of atoms, which are made up of subatomic particles (pure energy).

Everything in the world around you is made up of these subatomic particles: the ground you stand on, the body you have, the food you eat and the stars you gaze at in the night sky. This energy is all around and you are affecting it simply by existing within it.

Thoughts are also energy, which registers as electrical impulses within the brain. This energy not only has an incredible impact on our body's physiology, it also affects our external world.

As the universe is merely a giant hub of energy interacting with itself, we are all on some level connected. Think of lights on a Christmas tree and imagine that every living being on the planet is an individual light powered by a central energy source.

It is this deep connection that allows us to create the circumstances to manifest the results that we desire in life, and it is our beliefs as the creator of our thoughts that directs the flow of energy to create positive results or negative ones.

Our beliefs are like lightning rods attracting events, circumstances and people into our life experience. It doesn't matter if you wish to achieve great wealth, develop a new product idea, or see an improvement in your health--if your beliefs are not in alignment with what you consciously desire, you will experience immense difficulty in having what you want in life.


T.D.McKenzie is the creator of the McKenzie Mastery Process: Discover The Secret Word That Allows You To Erase Any Limiting Belief Permanently From Your Mind Within 90 Seconds...Even If It's Been A Part of Your Life Since You Were 5 Years Old!

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