Many things in life require a certain mind-frame to get there. The bigger you think the more you can achieve because your mind is more open to the possibilities that life extends to it. If you think small and believe that you will only get so far then chances are that you will only get that far.
Some people dream small so that they do not feel let down if they don't achieve their dreams, aka "Don't get your hopes up high, because its only that much farther that they will fall" (I use to think that way myself because I felt that life handed me too difficult of a hand). But I have always been very positive, what some would call a fighter and I have always searched for more, I knew it was there somewhere. Once you start to achieve some success, its not hard at all to raise your dreaming standards.
Maria Duval has brought a brand new vehicle to our lives, she is showing us that we do not have to settle for less. That we can expect more and that we personally deserve the absolute best. The higher you reach the more you can grasp. After all, we only live once, so why not make it the absolute best.
Today a friend of mine told me that he no longer just wants to exist, he wants to live. There is a big difference and I agree with him, I want to be among the living, not the existing.
The same goes not only for the success in your personal life but also for the way of your mind-set. If you think about the positive side of things you will likely receive the positive response that you seek.
Life is all about the mind, passion and fun though we do experience some set backs but the positive side of those set backs is that they make us stronger.
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