Some of the most frequently experienced paranormal, energetic and psychic events include déjà vu, telepathy, premonitions, past life recall, synchronicities, energetic recognition and many more.
You have been thinking of someone you know only to have, next the telephone rings and discovers that person is on the line? Or perhaps been driving your car and moments later observed the person you were thinking about traveling in another car in the opposite direction? Or you had a dream foretelling an event that later took place?
Déjà vu
You arrive somewhere for the first time and been instantly struck by a strong sense of familiarity of the place? Sometimes, this type of experience can expand to include the conversation and even the actions of the individuals present as events unfold around you – a very powerful experience.
Visit from a non-physical person
Experienced the death of a family member or friend and felt sure of their presence in the period following their passing?
‘Re-discovered’ a photograph of or letter from someone from your past whilst cleaning out a cupboard and shortly afterwards read about them in the news, noticed an identical model, type and colour of the car they used to drive parked across the street from your house, received an e-mail from a friend asking if you know of their whereabouts…………………..or all three!?
YOu been pondering a difficult question, absorbed in your own thoughts before unexpectedly encountering a discarded newspaper or magazine from whose randomly opened pages certain words seemed to ‘fly off the page’, providing a fresh viewpoint or even a direct answer to your dilemma?
Energetic recognition or familiarity
You meet someone for the first time and despite being able to confirm that you could not have previously met them in this physical life, felt certain you recognized them at the moment of introduction? Many readers would be able to add examples of similar phenomena as well as variations to this short list, each a small glimpse that suggests there is a great deal of life left to be uncovered by us all.
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