Horoscopes are astrological chart and readings used to predict future based on the basis of the person's date of birth which coincides with the celestial star signs. Astrologers have divided the heavens into 12 sections, each thought to be ruled by a different sign of the zodiac belt through which the sun, moon, and planets move in 12 fixed positions called houses. I am not sure how accurate it is nowadays because I have seen different interpretations of my own horoscope being different in several prints. So it is really sometimes inaccurate.
On the other hand, I have seen some very accurate horoscopes and I am very impressed by its accuracy. There could have some basis behind it but it can be uncanny how right horoscopes could be.
On the whole, astrology does provide incredible keys to understanding, but it doesn't necessarily provide clear and simplistic answers to any problems with which you may be dealing. Horoscope may give you some insights and understanding of the reasons why you behave as you do.
1 comment:
I believe Shakespeare hit the nail on the head when he wrote in one of his pieces that the philosophy of man could never comprehend the truth. Right now, I’m more concerned in getting people interested in the subject of Astrology by offering an informative blog site which covers many subjects about life. It would be great if we could all help each other.
Kind regards,
Mike O’Hare
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