Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Meditation removes stress

Sometimes when I am facing too much stress from work, I will meditate. Meditation is really a great energy healing method that is just best for people who live with a great deal of tension from work or other areas of their lives.

All too often, we are imprisoned by destructive thoughts. Meditation can help us calm down and understand yourself better spiritually. Meditation is not a new spiritual improvement technique; it has been around for around 5,000 years. And it has rewarded me with less worry and much more energy.

Damaging thoughts can definitely hold you imprisoned if you put attention on them; so through meditation, you can take control of your mind!

How let show you Maria Duval's recommended technique to meditate. It is very simple actually:
  • Sit or kneel comfortably. Preferably in a quiet room.You may like to play some meditative music in the background.

  • The hands are loose and open with the palms up, one atop the other and thumbs lightly touching.

  • Head is upright. Eyes may be closed or open. If open they should focus on your hands or a spot nearby.

  • Count upwards to 10 on each exhale. Breathe in a relaxed and natural way. Then begin again at one and repeat. Continue to breathe naturally.

  • Continue for 10 to 15 minutes.

Try to commit at least 10 minutes each day, if possible.

Soon you may reap the benefits of your consistency as in:
  • more energy

  • improved quality of sleep

  • decreased anxiety

  • improved concentration

  • improved visual acuity

  • increased alertness and heightened immunity
Meditation also helps for those having hypertension, headaches and many medical benefits.

All the best :)

1 comment:

bhawan said...

Yes meditation is really helpful to release all stress and pain, really. In recent past I was facing some drastic situation in my family and I was just lost, completely lost that how to overcome, then I read an article about meditation on, then I realized that I need to be in meditation atleast an hour a day.
I am thankful to God, that he helped me, this is his grace only that now I feel myself light, free from all tensions and burdens. I start meditating with Active Meditation, this helped me to throw out all of my suppressed emotions, now I practice with Beyond Boundaries, a kind of passive meditation in which you don't need to do any efforts, one can sit calmly with the music going on, being witness of everything, this technique is similar to ‘vipassna’ of Buddha, and the main thing is both technique is, they are guided meditation techniques by an enlightened master Anandmurti Gurumaa from India, but they are available in English as well.

I also practice a new relaxation technique known as Yoga-Nidra (conscious sleep), in which one can see his/her own body in sleeping mode, yet aware of everything, this is awesome. I think each person should try it; its benefits are countless, really.