Sunday, July 19, 2009

Expel the bad energy inside you

Are you able to feel aware of what inspires you? Get quiet for a moment and take a really deep inhalation. As you inhale, feel all the people who love you.

Breathe in every iota of desire you have ever felt for wanting to be, do and have more than the voices inside of your head think you can.B

Expel the negative energy that is building up inside you, come on, we all have different "strains" of negative energy inside us. We got to move it out!

Visualize all the negative energy releasing through a chord dropping down deep into the earth.

Visualize negative energy and stagnation being burned and releasing steam, as you allow yourself to receive guidance for what inspires you.

Forgive yourself for ever going against what inspires you and connect to the voice of your Soul.

Thank you, Maria Duval for once again enlightening me! :)

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