Thursday, May 13, 2010

THe Paranormal Gift

The paranormal gift of seeing visions of the present and approaching days defines what clairvoyance is. This extraordinary ESP ability/skill is the endowment that enables professional psychics and mediums to experience things that would be concealed to the naked eye of everyday people.

The action of clairvoyance necessitates attuning to the waves or vibrations of ethereal energy.
The word "clairvoyance" means "clear-sighted," or the ability to see in the metaphysical realities.

There are two types of clairvoyance.

Positive: voluntary clairvoyance is when a person can willingly use this ability at will. This type of clairvoyance is developed through coaching and practice.

Negative: involuntary clairvoyance exists when the sights of the spirit worlds come without supplication and cannot be contained. This form of clairvoyance is the ability used by most accomplished fortunetellers to create psychic readings.

In the mind are two tiny organs called the pituitary body and the pineal gland. Medical science knows infinitesimal about them, and names the pineal gland "the diminished third eye.

The pituitary body and the pineal gland belong to still another class of organs, which are regarded sedentary. In the remote past, when mankind was in touch with his internal self, these organs were his means of reaching inside.

They were connected with the autonomic or sympathetic nervous system. In most people these sense centers are frozen, but instruction and practice will set them spinning clockwise. That is the difficult feature in the development of constructive clairvoyance, which is prerequisite to do psychic readings.

A clairvoyant psychic is a person who by definition can inflame a spiritual phenomenon so as to grant a mutual vision of the undetected and assist in leading a person towards increased good health, riches and happiness through psychic readings.

So the candidate must feel, not a wish to indulge an idle curiosity, but a blessed and unselfish desire to assist mankind. Until such a desire exists, no advancement can be made in the acquisition of optimistic clairvoyance and psychic readings may not be exact.

Love Spells

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your post remind me the ten blessings of Buddha in which Buddha says:Once you practiced thoughtful observation of the body and become aware that matter(body) doesn't exist then you get Magical Powers." With the "Heavenly Ear," the purified, the super-human, one may hear both kinds of sounds, the heavenly and the earthly, the distant and the near.What I think is that all mystical power has a scientific background because modern science also says that body does not exist.If true then all mystical powers are man's common ability.