Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Wow, time really steamrolls through everyone's life, and it's Mom's day again when you barely knew it. It's May and I just had a great time celebrating this fun filled day with my parents, siblings and kids. It's a tradition to gather and have a BBQ at the garden right at the back of mom's house. Yes, my family bonding is very strong, perhaps rather unusual here, because i have heard of accounts of broken families due to all sorts of reasons.

Yes, Mom's day is getting very commercial. Restaurants will be filled and florists get higher volume of earnings in this week.

Some quick history of Mother's day.

The first Mother's Day in the USA was held in 1907 when Julia Ward held a ceremony to honor her mother. She then successfully campaigned for a formal holiday to honor mothers and by 1911 most states had taken up the idea. This was followed in 1914 by a declaration by President Woodrow Wilson that Mother's Day should be celebrated as a national holiday on the second Sunday in May. The idea quickly spread to Canada and Mexico and many more countries throughout the world.

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