Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maria Duval - Meditation is Free Medicine

Meditation is Free Medicine
Meditation for health purposes is a mind-body practice. Meditation is practiced both on its own and as a component of some other therapies, such as yoga, tai chi, and qi gong. Mindfulness meditation and the Transcendental Meditation technique (also known as TM) are two common approaches to meditation. They are also two types of meditation being studied in research projects.There are many types of meditation, most of which originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. Generally, a person who is meditating uses certain techniques, such as focusing attention (for example, on a word, an object, or the breath); a specific posture; and an open attitude toward distracting thoughts and emotions. Meditation can be practiced for various reasons--for example, with an intent to increase physical relaxation, mental calmness, and psychological balance; to cope with one or more diseases and conditions; and for overall wellness. The term meditation refers to a group of techniques, most of which started in Eastern religious or spiritual traditions. These techniques have been used by many different cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. Today, many people use meditation outside of its traditional religious or cultural settings, for health and wellness purposes. In meditation, a person learns to focus his attention and suspend the stream of thoughts that normally occupy the mind. This practice is believed to result in a state of greater physical relaxation, mental calmness, and psychological balance. Practicing meditation can change how a person relates to the flow of emotions and thoughts in the mind. Most types of meditation have four elements in common: * A quiet location. Many meditators prefer a quiet place with as few distractions as possible. This can be particularly helpful for beginners. People who have been practicing meditation for a longer period of time sometimes develop the ability to meditate in public places, like waiting rooms or buses. * A specific, comfortable posture. Depending on the type being practiced, meditation can be done while sitting, lying down, standing, walking, or in other positions. * A focus of attention. Focusing one's attention is usually a part of meditation. For example, the meditator may focus on a mantra (a specially chosen word or set of words), an object, or the breath. * An open attitude. Having an open attitude during meditation means letting distractions come and go naturally without stopping to think about them. When distracting or wandering thoughts occur, they are not suppressed; instead, the meditator gently brings attention back to the focus. In some types of meditation, the meditator learns to observe the rising and falling of thoughts and emotions as they spontaneously occur. Mindfulness meditation originated in Buddhism. It is based on the concept of being mindful, or having an increased awareness and total acceptance of the present. While meditating, the meditator is taught to bring all her attention to the sensation of the flow of the breath in and out of the body. The intent might be described as focusing attention on what is being experienced, without reacting to or judging that experience. This is seen as helping the meditator learn to experience thoughts and emotions in normal daily life with greater balance and acceptance. TM originated in the Vedic tradition in India. It is a type of meditation that uses a mantra (a word, sound, or phrase repeated silently) to prevent distracting thoughts from entering the mind. The intent of TM might be described as allowing the mind to settle into a quieter state and the body into a state of deep rest. This is seen as ultimately leading to a state of relaxed alertness. An example of mindfulness meditation would be based on this simple question, ask it of yourself, and WAIT for the answer: "I wonder what my next thought will be?" The silent pause, brief as it may be, is the desired result, and can be extended with practice. During that silence, you experience that "relaxed awareness" sometimes referred to as "comsciousness". Meditation is generally safe. There have been a small number of reports that intensive meditation could cause or worsen symptoms in people who have certain psychiatric problems. Individuals who are aware of an underlying psychiatric disorder and want to start meditation should speak with a mental health professional before doing so. For More Information on Meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, and Reiki as a means of relieving stress and anxiety visit the author's website:

Laddie Sacharko retired from military life more than 10 years ago, after serving for 25 years. He is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, with a Masters Degree in Education Counselling. While studying, Laddie interned with drug and alchohol rehab programs, in order to understand the psychology of addiction. Laddie currently operates Starfarm Tai Chi and Qigong Search Center, where his activities are directed at helping others discover the mind-body connection, and move towards acceptence of their lives. Laddie is also the author of several articles and "e-Books and e-Manuals", which are enjoying success world-wide over the web, and publishes under the name Starfarm Publications visit

The Opening To The Psychic World
Neutral believers of paranormal entities and phenomena are yet confused of their in dept purpose to humanity. Astrology sings or star signs are already universal terms but delivers no unique impact to what does it really means or its true objectives. Psychics would explain the topic more deliberately and more specific but some readers may not understand some distinct terminologies and issues that surrounds the subject. It is common that psychic personalities were labeled by the general public as eccentric, mysterious, "out-of-this-world, powerful and knowledgeable individuals, or in other words, difficult to understand. From my article "Psychic Reading: The Fun of Knowing", I quoted the idea "Many people has their own interpretations of their intuitions and natural perceptions. But the bases of its truthfulness or reliability are sometimes doubtful for some people." This bring us to the reality that some people has their own explanation and interpretation of psychic knowledge because of lack of adequate information. Fortunately for everyone, the psychic business or public psychic service break that gap between psychic erudition to civil understanding. Because of the need to be virtually open, the paranormal world involving psychic and mysticism cradled books, libraries and other references with psychic dictionaries. This way, people could easily define each nomenclatures that connect and describe some supernatural phenomena. Uncommonly, this introduction to their world resulted negative effects also to most psychic personage. Critics, non-believers, and religious communities criticize their faith and practices unevenly. They are sometimes exiled from the society because of their odd behaviors, lifestyle and beliefs. Even others would declare their doings as part of evil paganism. But because of modernization (means more choices for information dissemination) and thorough education, a positive quantity of literate individuals already accepts this uncanny knowledge as part of human learning. Even scientists are open to the idea since some of their discoveries and inventions came from the concept of mysteries, phantasms or supernatural impressions. Astrology, for example, is an ancient knowledge for extra-terrestrial depiction and prediction ; and which applied by science as astronomy and also with meteorology. Overall, learning the principles and beliefs of psychic exposes the public to the reality that there are things hard to explain but can be understood with the right cognition and with the right people to ask. Some psychics too understand this boundary of paranormal comprehension of the common people so they learn to expand their definition and explanation of everything about psychic and spiritual world. Thus, people who tend to be cognitive and open-minded with psychic knowledge accept their existence and their probable positive impingement to the society.


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Dream Interpretation || Numerology || Psychic Readings

An Introduction to the New Age �" Becoming a Psychic
People who accept the realm of the paranormal and unnatural are certain that people in the beginning are born with psychic powers but only few becomes a psychic. There are two types of psychics that we believe in; the “natural born” and those with little powers within them. The “natural born” psychics are said to be the gifted as they have great amount of psychic powers since birth. On the other hand, those who are born with lesser amount of psychic powers requires heavy practice and understanding in order to grow. In other cases, lots of psychics whose abilities are suddenly awaken by strong emotions or near-death experience, which results into having great amount of mental powers in an instant. Psychics are people with great mental abilities beyond the use of the five senses; clairvoyance / telepathy, cold reading, psychic reading, dream interpretation, palm reading, astrological reading and tarot card reading are just some of the abilities of a psychic. Here are some aspects that may help a person to develop his/her psychic skills or abilities. UNDERSTANDING. Spiritual development requires time, patience and understanding. In order to develop your psychic ability, you must first understand its importance and purpose, having a psychic powers also hold responsibilities; becoming a psychic means that you allow your mind and body to grow spiritually, set your goal into helping others, giving the precise information as possible and know that having a psychic ability is never to be abused. PATIENCE. Whether if you're a natural born with psychic powers or not, you will only be able to develop your psychic ability in time, so don't rush, the spirits will guide you through your journey. It is best to find a psychic group in your community or online to guide you, books and journals of other psychics are a great help too. FOCUS. Focusing first on one ability is good, choose which ability you would like to develop. It is important that you believe in yourself while doing a reading. Psychics have different types of reading and uses the most appropriate one for a client. CHOOSE YOUR TOOL. Always have the proper tool(s) before conducting a reading. * A Tarot Card is a divination tool that is used to gain insight and resolve issues regarding heath, relationships, career, and spirituality. * Numerology, from the word itself, uses numbers that correspond to each letter of the alphabet. With a mathematical formula, psychics use numerology to give past or future information on a person's life path. * Astrology and Horoscope, uses symbols and through the use of celestial bodies such as the moon, sun, and planets that represents events that occur on a person's life. * A Crystal Ball is used to aid in clairvoyance, a Greek word that means “clear seeing”, is a psychic ability that is beyond the five senses �" the transferring of information using only the mind. * There are other ways of reading without the use of a tool, these are clairvoyance, a Greek word meaning “clear seeing”, palm reading, cold reading, dream interpretation, and more. PRACTICE. Becoming a skillful psychic requires a lot of practice, nobody becomes a professional in any field in just a few days! When practicing your psychic ability keep in mind that what you're doing something good for someone, discard your doubts, no matter what your mind sees during a psychic reading take full trust in your ability. Lastly, if you've just begun to learn on how to develop your psychic powers, try some psychic ability test first to know the scope and limit of your psychic powers. Psychic tests are available in online and in a psychics' community.

The Writer Ei Mara used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer free tarot card reading, astrology signs, daily free horoscopes and more.

Colors in Dreams and Their Meaning
Dreams in colour are rarer in comparison to others. The question of colour in dreams has been proved of absorbing interest; and there has been much research into the subject. We often claim to have dreamed in colour but when we are questioned we fail to clearly tell which colours we have dreamed in or what was the colour of a particular object or so. This, to some extent, is because of our tendency to forget our dream once we are awakened. Every colour possesses its own symbolism for everyone of us. Colours play an important psycho-physiological role in our daytime lives. Hereunder we are giving details in regard to the different colours we see in our dreams and their significance. Red: Lighter shades of red can be representative of excitement (especially sexually), passion, energy, and life. However, deeper or "weighed down" shades of red may be indicitive of anger and vengence. Notice how the stop sign is red; possibly a hint from your subconscious to cease and desist in a certain activity? Orange: Orange is considered to be a color of warmth, thoughtfulness, wisdom and sociability. Muddier shades of orange may be representative of pride or vanity, while golden orange denotes self-control. Yellow: A bright yellow color represents "sunniness," joy, optimism, and intuition and mental stimulation. Muddier shades of yellow may mean blocked intuition, betrayal, treachery, and faithlessness. This color may be used by your subsconscious to help ease you out of depression. Green: This is the color of nature. It is also the color of development and growth. Lighter shades of green tending towards blue represent healing. Darker, muddier shades of greens represent envy and greed, as well as a stubborn and/or self-opinionated attitude. This color is also representative of money. Blue: Blue is a cool, calming color, often used for relaxation and meditation. It is a very spiritual color, and is representative of truth, intellect, and justice. Muddy shades of blue may denote depression or moodiness. When this color appears in your dreams, it is probably a message from your subconscious telling you to relax and take things more slowly. Violet: Darker shades of violet may denote a person who feels misunderstood or has obstacles to overcome. It too is a spiritual color, and brighter shades help inspire and stimulate, especially in relation to dream activity. Black: Because this color is often regarded as the color of death, its appearance in our dreams may represent the death of old ideas or change. Another possible explanation is that it represents a hidden or rejected aspect of the dreamer. It is the color of mystery, the unconscious, and sometimes even protection. White: White is often regarded as the color of purity and truth. Seeing this in your dreams may be a message from your subconscious telling you to regard the truth of a certain situation. It is also the color of completeness and innocence.

The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic phone, psychic and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot card reading, dream interpretation, psychic phone and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot reading, live psychic, psychic reading and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic readings, psychic advice and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer accurate psychic reading, psychics, tarot reading and more.

Your Beautiful Mind
What if you could think whatever you want whenever you want? What if you felt joy, love and peace all the time, or even just most of the time? Can you think of some old feeling that you would rather not be carrying around, or a behavior that just doesn't serve you anymore and you would like to let it go? Now is the time. Your mind thinks as it was trained to. Over the years you have downloaded from your senses various thoughts, feelings, opinions and beliefs that rule over your life. Some of them may be quite helpful to you while others may be keeping you from realizing your full potential, or just being happy and prosperous. You can consciously decide how you want your brain to work, and if there is something in your mind you no longer want to think you can now change it. Your own mind may not believe this, and may even fear the idea, but if you would like to change what goes on in your mind and body the first step is in realizing that you can:absolutely. The second step in this process is in realizing what your thoughts and feelings are and how they are affecting your life. What thoughts serve you and which ones don't? The next step is to consciously decide in what ways you want to think and which ways you don't. The clearer your mind is as to what you want it to think, the easier it is for your mind to think it. Once you have gained clarity as to what you want your mind to think it is simply a matter of programming your mind to think that way. This is where I can help you. Just like learning a language, as you repeat ideas and feelings they become ingrained into the neuro-physiology of your brain and become adopted into your own personality and behavior. Thought-forms can be created in your mind and firmly established so your mind becomes the perfect servant to your own consciousness. Where there was negative you create positive, where there is fear you create courage and strength, where there is discord you create harmony. Look how enslaved most people are to their mental and emotional conditioning. There is absolutely no reason to stay in a contracted mental or emotional state, you can start shifting and reprogramming your mind once you decide to. This choice is the power that makes it happen. Your spirit is guiding you to make those choices, just as it guided you to be reading these words. I will be conducting a series of three one hour teleconferences this month called The Enlightened Mind Series ( During these teleconferences I will guide you into deep states to access your subconscious and provide you a series of templates for your mind to consider and adopt if you choose. Emotionally, physically and mentally let us create those thoughts and feelings that bring greater prosperity, happiness and peace into your life and to those in your life. Why settle for anything else? From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir "Who decides what state you're going to be in?"

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Law of Attraction: The Stalemate to Manifestation
Another word for stalemate is deadlock. When you feel your ability to manifest or use the Law of Attraction hits a wall, "this" is the reason.

First a brief introduction, reminder, or new perspective (Yes, there are still those this is new to):

There's only One "substance," One Law, One Cause, and many Effects. Any conflict or "lack" in our lives is the result of how we use this Truth . . . but there is a key point.

The Law of Attraction states that the emotionally-charged thoughts we hold (emphasis on the word "hold") directs what manifests for us. There's a blend of mysticism and science called quantum mechanics. Both say the same thing: there's a field of energy in existence that congeals thought forms into real experiences.

This field is like soil. Soil performs according to certain laws. When we plant a seed or seedling into it, it doesn't refuse to grow what we plant. It doesn't judge the person who planted as unworthy to receive and benefit from the crop. It doesn't think, it responds; and it responds by growing what we plant and nurture (our repetitive thoughts) into a result (expansion into our lives of what we focus on). All we have to do is understand the laws soil has programmed into it. When we understand its laws and use them correctly, we get the soil to produce what we need or choose for it to do for us. And, what it produces can feed, clothe, and house us; and give us material to make violins or violence.

The field, like soil, follows the Law; and the Law follows our moment-by-moment feeling/thought vibrations. We direct, we don't create. The field creates according to our instructions . . . because that's the Law.

The experience of prosperity or any effect requires we embody the consciousness of prosperity. The Effect always matches the Cause in vibration.

Now, here's the key: Affirming or stating something is yours and simultaneously believing you don't deserve it or won't get it, negates having what you desire. The two thoughts cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Until you choose, your situation or experience is at a stalemate.

We also need to pay attention to how small or large we imagine experiences for ourselves. The Source (or whichever word you choose) wants us to ask or claim what we desire to experience. Its very existence and behavior proves its nature is to create and expand. We, as expressions of it, have the inherent right to ask for whatever we want and receive it. No one, especially Source, is going to pat you on the back for asking for very little or for not taking up too much space. Even the universe we reside in continues its expansion.

Ask yourself what will remove doubt from your mind. Dream and desire; then dream and desire even more.

Joyce Shafer is a Spiritual Empowerment Coach and writer ( Buy her new e-book that�s like a B-12 shot for affirmations and understanding manifestation (feel it in your cells), �Law of Attraction Alchemy: Change Lead Thoughts into Gold,� at ($6.95) -- Buy directly from Joyce ($5.95) at her Website. If you�re ready for more success and balance in every area of your life, see her coaching offers at

Why Metaphysics? Part 1
What is metaphysics, and why should we bother studying it? What benefits does it have for humanity? What is its purpose? How will its teachings help advance society? How will it assist our civilization and culture to progress? How will our lives be re-created individually and collectively with the application of metaphysical principles? Questions abound concerning metaphysics, for people intuitively feel that it may have something precious to offer in terms of facilitating personal growth and self-empowerment. Among those spiritually inclined, it has become a "prime directive" to understanding their lives in terms of metaphysical principles and concepts such as multi-dimensional realities, the Higher Self, love, karma, reincarnation, etheric energies, psychicism, oneness with all, cosmic beings, the ascension, etc., and some of the causes of this higher thinking and awareness is the thinning of the cosmic veil between dimensions; the increased contact with invisible forces; the influence of intense electromagnetic cosmic energies bombarding upon our planet and solar system at this time; the influx of higher spiritual beings incarnating in the physical realm; the discoveries of many ancient secrets left hidden in monumental structures and time capsules; scientific developments in hyper-space technologies, and shifts in its paradigms, etc.

All of these are occurring on a global scale, in every nation of this planet, and it is affecting every human being. So it would seem that humanity is awakening from its long sleep of forgetfulness and ignorance. The Tree of Life of immortality, enlightenment, and illumination will be found hidden in the seeds of the Tree of metaphysical knowledge--using the word "metaphysics" in its most spiritual, gnostic sense.

For thousands of years we have sought for truth, and most of the time from the wrong persons and in the wrong places--what we received were man-made opinions and beliefs which were forced upon our minds to be accepted as the "word of God," or the way that Nature had decreed, and that there is nothing that anyone can do to change it. While in our infancy, physically and spiritually speaking, we accepted everything told to us by organized religion, elders, and pedagogues as gospel and truth and we based our philosophy of life on the indoctrination imposed upon us and which subsequently formed our false sense of "conscience," and a poor understanding of spiritual values. This caused us great soulful sufferings and torment in succeeding years in our everyday life--an intense sense of shame, guilt, fear, and sin whenever we "violated" any so-called law of God formulated by theology; and it never occurred to us to question the systems, the mechanisms, and their origins that brought about our morbid condition. This naturally lowered our self-esteem. Conscience is not similar to the concept of the "still, small voice." The latter is the silent voice of the Spirit, whereas conscience in part, is simply the engrams or programs imprinted upon the subconscious mind. Conscience is also partially our memory of the negative consequences of our past actions impinging upon our conscious mind whenever we are about to act in a negative way resembling that of the past.

But to return from our digression: in past centuries we were told lies by false prophets and the ministers of religions that mediators between God and men were necessary; that theirs was the only way to God; that their race or sect were the chosen one of God; that everything that God would reveal to humanity lies in a single book; that God punishes us for sinning and perhaps in the afterlife casts us into hell; that illness, old-age, and death were a natural part of life; that one no longer receives any new revelation from God, etc. We were told to fear God, to see everything as separated from us, to believe that we were born in sin, that the sexual act is shameful, that we were simply mortals subjected to the whims of God for the determination of our fate, that we were inherently bad--and even more--that the world was flat! While at the same time heinous crimes against the Holy Human Spirit were being committed by those very same representatives of religions such as the crimes of persecution, torture, and murder of innocent human beings who simply were more spiritually and psychically inclined or conceived the universe from a different viewpoint--and all these atrocious acts were carried-out in the name of Religion, Love and God. The Crusades and the Inquisition are dark chapters in the history of man.

One of the points that we wish to put forth here is that since time began the dark, retrogressive forces have infiltrated or have tried infiltrating every institution that have sought to improve the condition of the soul, and the expression of the human spirit in our mundane lives. They have always opposed and attacked the true representatives of God and steered seekers of truth away from them. Their purpose is to stall human evolution and progression indefinitely, that human beings cringe and cower under their manipulative control, that humans be made into slaves and automatons answering to their every whim. They work openly and subtly, physically and psychically. They make us believe that we need them--their services and wares--and we are psychologically controlled to be dependent upon them and return to them again and again for their assistance--usually for a large fee or with some loss on our part. We will not be too specific here, we simply caution our readers to "be wary, be very, very wary!" Treading the spiritual metaphysical path will assist one to be more discerning as to the understanding of what is True and what is false, what is Real and what is illusory.

Generally speaking, a portion of humanity is now more experienced in the ways of men and the world than in bygone days, and they seek for that which will release them from all their mortal limitations and errors, from that Gorgon we call "the human ego," from concepts that bind one to personal illusions and glamour, and from that state of human mortality. Many of us are beginning to realize the existence of different dimensions and multifold realities. We seek ways for improving the human condition, for perfecting human expression, and the generation of a new type of Homo sapiens whose intelligence and heart matches those of the immortal gods.

Human beings are basically seekers. Some of us thirst for that which we know not what. The "curiosity instinct" impels every one of us to learn everything we can of our environment, of ourselves, of the universe, of Nature, and of God. What fascinates and intrigues us most are the phenomena caused by forces and powers that transcends the perceptual capacity of the physical senses and the apprehension of the human mind. Humanity is intensely interested in the Intelligence that shapes human destiny--whether this "Intelligence" be considered as a being, a force, a Universal Mind, an omnipresent energy, or a collective consciousness. People are seeking explanations to their "inexplicable" experiences in the field of psychicism and the paranormal. Such occurrences as coincidences or "synchronicity" also baffles the mind as it begs for enlightenment. Those of elderly years wonder what lies for them in the "after-life," as the youthful ones wonder of their place in this world. A questioning being is a thinking being and it denotes, whether consciously realized or not, as a desire to seek, to know, and to be aware of Truth. The curiosity instinct mentioned above could well be the primitive stirrings of the divine will of the highest aspect of Man seeking to be aware of Its essential nature. The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom as taught in metaphysical, esoteric, occult and arcane schools are filled with principles that would help us understand ourselves and our omniverse.

Humanity as a whole, is jaded and sickened by the constant wars and conflicts; with the materialistic and hedonistic life that do not offer any permanent peace and happiness or solutions to the various problems facing us as we approach a new millenium with its tremendous supernal and mundane challenges. Many seek for a more profound meaning in life, for they see through their mundane activities as a brittle illusory facade presenting itself as reality. We often ask "why am I here?" "why do I exist?" "where will I go from here?" Our present systems of religion, philosophy, and science offer no real solution, consolation, solace or comfort to our hearts and soul-search, instead they tend to mislead, confine, and circumscribe the soul and mind to a certain area of life; to a limited way of living and thinking; to a sense of separatism; to a dualistic judgmental attitude; to a sense of fear and helplessness; and to a state of external dependency--it especially confines man to a mortal sense of existence--and we say this not from a sense of judgment but from an observational standpoint.

Conversely, metaphysics as a repository of "New-Age" concepts, the Ageless Wisdom, divine energies, power-centers, and angelic and cosmic support, seek to liberate us from self-imposed limitations as it offers answers to questions that troubles the human soul. The soul loves freedom for freedom is ingrained in the soul. God gave man the liberty to choose, and this privilege should not be taken away from man by any being for it is a violation of the natural order of things.

Freedom may be considered as an instinct for it is to be found in animals as well. No creature enjoys being confined in a cage. Every creature love to be free and to express the genetic joy programmed in its DNA. Nature has granted all creatures their freedom of expression but some of us would impose our will upon Divine Will by creating cages of man-made laws and regulations that do not reflect the laws of Heaven. Man-made laws may easily be manipulated by the unscrupulous for their own heinous purposes. Crimes may be committed that are "lawful," that goes undisciplined in our courts of judgment. In the laws of our society, the innocents are often made to pay for the crimes of another. Where is the love (religion), and rationality (science), and justice (philosophy) in that?

We are writing intuitively here and our statements may be interpreted and applied in various ways. In fact, statements in our literary works may seem to lack any logical structure or sequence. They may appear to be non sequitur. Logic may appeal to the thinking mind, however it is more than conceptual reasoning that we have to develop. There are higher faculties of the soul that should be cultivated and made used of, such as intuition. The cliché "reading between the lines" may seem irrational to the scientific type and yet it is this particular mode of perception that has to be practiced as a spiritual stimulus to the Soul.

There are many scholarly definitions of metaphysics and they are all valid; however, for our purpose, without explaining metaphysics in an overly-academic way, let us say that metaphysics in its more modern connotation, deals with cosmic laws and principles, with unseen forces and powers influencing ourselves and the circumstances and conditions of our daily lives, and how we may take advantage of those laws and principles by re-directing them so as to improve our holistic lives for the better. Metaphysics teaches us how to harness and apply the cosmic power lying latent within us. In its most profound spiritual aspect metaphysics teaches us the nature of Reality and how we and Nature relate to it. Metaphysics instructs us how to harmonize ourselves with the Divine Plan of God, and it reveals the true purpose of life. Metaphysics, therefore, has a dual function: it helps us to improve our lives secularly now in this physical dimension, and it also prepares us for a glorious life in the higher cosmic realms. Actually, as seen from a spiritual perspective, life has no divisions: life is one, as it is continuous. There is no death only a constant change.

The application of certain metaphysical principles assists the acceleration of one's evolution and the quantum leap to a higher level of intelligence and spiritual awareness. We emphasize the word "application," for knowledge of principles or techniques alone is of no value. Knowledge of itself is not power, it is the application of knowledge that empowers one. Spiritually, it is not what we know or the psychic powers that we possess that counts, it is what we are. We know many people possessing a little knowledge or power feel themselves highly superior to their fellow men. This is arrogance and carries the seeds of peril. The saying that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" is literally and evidently true; we can well understand how insufficient knowledge and a disregard for life may result in catastrophes. It was the cause of destruction of previous high-tech civilizations, historically unrecorded, as it is the cause of our present social, political, and ecological unrest.

To understand the above concept of incomplete knowledge, consider for instance the knowledge that we have to construct nuclear weapons--how much do we really know of the impact that it will have upon us and the universe should we choose to detonate one? We may presently believe that the effects of a nuclear blast be localized causing the exploded area to be radioactive for centuries to come. This is an obvious effect, but what about the not-so-obvious rippling, chain-reaction that it would cause in the physical and not-physical universes to the very end of our galaxy?

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

Beginner's Meditation - How Deep Can You Go?

When I teach Meditation classes, new students often ask: “What can meditation do for me?” To answer that question as genuinely as possible I draw upon my own twenty-something years of meditating experience. One of the core meditation benefits I enjoy is a continual feeling of inner peace. This is a true blessing compared to how things were many years ago. Enslaved by my own mind I was constantly pulled this way and that. My inner voice chattered ceaselessly: “Let’s go here. Let’s go there. Let’s do this. Let’s do something else.” My mind seemed to operate from somewhere on the surface of ego consciousness: a place of conflicts, dissatisfaction, restlessness and fantasy.

Now those aberrations have dissolved, leaving behind pools of perfect peace. And within these oases of peace there is a clarity of mind; a greater understanding of myself, of humanity and of the world in which I live. This in turn contributes to a general state of happiness and, sometimes, periods of pure joy.

But I am not unique. Anyone who practices meditation regularly can tell you that they too experience the core benefits of meditation - namely:

  • Inner peace
  • Clearer thinking
  • Greater understanding
  • Constant happiness
  • Being in joy

For those who wish to (re-)establish these natural ways of being, the easiest meditation technique to begin with is “witnessing.” A “witnessing” meditation is a means of being in the present moment; it is a way of giving your fullest attention to what is going on in your body and mind “now.”

Meditation For Beginners

  1. Sit upright, spine straight, feet flat on the floor. Keeping your spine erect let your shoulders relax downwards. Place your hands openly on your lap, passive hand resting in the active. Focus on letting your body relax. Try to be aware of your entire body from head to foot.
  2. While maintaining a steady awareness of your body, bring your attention to your breathing as you inhale. Focus on your breath as it enters your nostrils. Follow the course of your breath as it passes down your throat and into your lungs.
  3. Watch the passage of your breath as the inhalation reaches its maximum, pauses, and then becomes an exhalation. Continue watching the outflow of breath to the point where it pauses briefly before becoming an inhalation once again.
  4. As you breathe in and out, pay attention to the expansion and contraction of your rib cage, and the rise and fall of your stomach. Notice how your breathing becomes longer and smoother. Watch your breathing cycles and each time you breathe out imagine all the muscles in your body relaxing more and more.
  5. Now bring your attention to your mind. Observe the thoughts passing through your mind. After a time you will notice how your thoughts slow down and become easier to watch.
  6. In time and with practice you will reach the stage where thoughts cease to enter your mind. It is then that your mind becomes like a cloudless sky.
  7. Once you arrive at this state of what Buddhists call “no mind” you will quickly become familiar with “The Witness” �" that eternal part of us that exists beyond everyday mind.

About The Author

Michael Connolly is a retired Hypnotherapist and Psychoanalyst. He has accumulated extensive knowledge of parapsychology and metaphysics over a period of three decades. These days he enjoys sharing his knowledge on the Internet. Ultra Deep Meditation. Author's Blog:

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