Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Maria Duval - How To Use A Crystal Ball

How To Use A Crystal Ball
Step 1. Preparation Most people find crystal ball gazing is easiest in a quiet, dimly lit room. Many people like to have candles burning. For some the reflections of the flames help to summon images - others find them a distraction. Burning incence is common and some people like to have soothing music playing gently in the background.The important thing to remember is that you are creating an atmosphere. The important key when doing crystal ball gazing is that you must be relaxed and your mind must be clear. It is always best to perform a cleansing ritual followed by a protection ritual, and THEN begin your crystal ball work. Normally a cleansing ritual would be performed on night one. The next night you would perform a protection ritual on yourself and within the room you intend on performing the crystal ball gazing. On the third night you can then be well prepared to use your crystal ball. Even though these rituals are not necessity, it is always wise to do them for maximum safety and best results. When performing any form of scrying or divination you are summoning forth forces from the spirit realm. Normally these forces are closed off from this plane we live in unless otherwise disturbed such as through specific rituals such as crystal ball gazing and scrying. When you perform divination these forces can either aid you in bringing forth images of the future or other events, or attack you. Evil spirits and negative influences can use your crystal ball, scrying mirror, ouija board, or pendulum a link for them to step through into this world. They can also use it as a means to drain energy from you as well. This is why it is always best to ensure proper cleansing and protection is prepared before hand. Step 2. The Crystal Ball Gazing Method Place the crystal ball on a table in front of you. Many crystal balls you can buy come with their own stand. If you don't have a crystal ball stand you might like to use a small cushion or a silk handkerchief purchased and reserved specially for this purpose. *Tip* To amplify your crystal ball gazing, you can use a gemstone sphere as a compliment to the crystal ball. Simply having a gemstone sphere resting next the crystal ball can augment your diving two fold. Sit down and relax. Lay your hands gently on the ball for a minute or two in order to energise it and strengthen your psychic rapport. Whilst holding the crystal ball, think about the purpose of this scrying session. If appropriate try to visualise the subject of your question. Some people like to ask the question out loud, others prefer to internalise it. Now, remove your hands from the crystal. Look into the crystal, stare deeply. Allow your eyes to relax and become slightly unfocused. After a little while you should see a mist or smoke forming in the crystal. Let this mist grow and fill the ball, then visualise it gradually clearing to reveal images within the crystal. The images you see might not be what you expected. That's OK, don't fight them. Your subconscious mind knows what information you need. Many people find that when they first begin to use a crystal ball, the images have nothing to do with what they focus on. This is because your mind is not yet adjusted at being able to grasp and focus on the energies being past from your subconscious into the crystal ball itself. Think of the mental energies going from your mind to the crystal ball as a funnel. The base or "tip" of the funnel is your subconscious energies and that energy is being directed upwards towards your conscious mind which is the mid point of the funnel. The conscious part of the mind that receives the subconscious energy then "spills" it into the crystal ball to form those images from the subconscious, which would be the mouth of the funnel. Since divination uses both the subsconscious and conscious part of the mind at the same time it can be rather difficult to concentrate on both at once. Your subconscious is where the energy is stemming from. It passes it upwards to your conscious which is needed to act on that energy into the crystal ball. Without the conscious mind you would be in more of a deep meditated state and your eyes would not be able to consciously focus or input the images within the crystal ball. As noted, it is perfectly ok that the first couple times you divine with a crystal ball the images are not related to what it is you want. The fact you are able to see ANYTHING in the crystal ball is showing progress. The more you work with the crystal ball, the better you will get at being able to see exactly what it is you want to see by manipulating your subconscious energies to your conscious energies, and then to the crystal ball. Either way, just let the images flow, changing and taking you wherever they choose to go. Don't try to rationalise now, time for that later. Step 3. Closing The Crystal Ball Session Let the images slowly fade back into the crystal ball. Don't just stop the session suddenly, instead reverse the process you used at the beginning. Visualise the mists coming back and covering the images, then receding to return the ball to its natural state. Thank your crystal ball and put it away carefully wrapped within a dark cloth is best as dark cloth keeps the energies of the ball contained within it and prevents it from leaking out. It is also always best to ensure you cleanse your crystal ball. A good, fast, and simple way of doing this is to simply light a sage smudge stick and or sage incense and move the ball around the smoke before you place it back for storage. Another quick and easy way to cleanse your crystal ball would be to give it a dip in salt water for roughly one minute. You do not want to soak it too long in salt as it can damage and ruin the crystal ball. If you would like to view different crystal balls or if you would like to purchase one you can find them here: http://moonslightmagic.com

Moon's Light Magic has their own information blog on ritual tools, wicca, witchcraft, paganism, the occult, and the paranormal: http://moonslightmagicblog.blogspot.com

Extrasensory Perception Or ESP | What Is It?
Countless movies, stories, and tales have spun gold out of the concept of extrasensory perception (often referred to as ESP). Consider popular television shows and films like Medium and The Sixth Sense. People are fascinated with the paranormal � Ouija boards and tarot card readings, once considered taboo and even somewhat dark � are now popular games sold in Toys R Us. But with all this talk and publicity, much of the origin and science of extrasensory perception has been obscured. The actual definition of extrasensory perception is the �ability to acquire information by means other than the five canonical senses (taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing), or any other sense well-known to science (balance, proprioception, etc)�, but there are several different types of ESP, as well as interpretations of it.

Before getting into all the different ideas and challenges associated with extrasensory perception, let's first consider the history of ESP. The concept itself goes way back, far before popular culture turned it into a cultural phenomenon of sorts. In fact, in many past cultures (i.e. ancient China and Egypt), it was simply expected that people could communicate mentally with others, including the dead, gods, and other supernatural spirits. While this possibility has been heavily criticized as, at best, speculation and at worst, pure superstition, plenty of accounts (both ancient and relatively recent) have described incidents of extrasensory perception, as well as everyday use of it for divination.

So, the big question is: Do people actually have ESP and can it be proved? Many paranormal scientists have run experiments to test the veracity of alleged psychic abilities and many have come out shocked and amazed at the results. It seems that ESP may be a little more likely than anyone previously thought. In fact, some paranormal studies have found that alleged psychics seem able to foretell the contents of sealed envelopes and accurately draw images identical to those of people drawing the same image from a remote locale. Parapsychology (especially the area of extrasensory studies) has grown both in venerability and believer population. In fact, many large universities now have Parapsychology programs including Edinburgh University in Scotland.

Most claims of psychic readings and abilities are similar to the three most commonly reported extrasensory happenings which include telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. Telepathy is defined as mental communication between two or more people. It entails one person sending or receiving thoughts to or from another person via some sort of mental or emotional link.

Clairvoyance is often called a �second sight� or a �sixth sense� -- that is to say, the person perceives events happening in a location other than his or her present one, without having any previous knowledge of the event. For example, a clairvoyant person may sense that something is wrong with a friend or a family member to find that he or she was in trouble. They also may �know� that their house is being robbed as they are out to dinner. Precognition, on the other hand, is also known as �fortune telling� or �foresight� and entails the ability to know or predict what will happen in the future. Many prophets (including very false ones) have risen to fame � and even religious worship -- through their apparent ability to predict the events of the future.

Malcolm Moorhouse is a clairvoyant psychic with over 16 years professional experience. Web: www.psychicreading4you.co.ukwww.psychics4you.co.uk Copyright Malcolm Moorhouse 2006

The Role of Fake Media in Society
As we all have our eyes fixated in Iraq, Israel, or the potential for another stolen election this year it is important to not forget the role of media in our everyday lives. So many Americans get their information from the tainted mainstream media machine run by the current government that it is a frightening prospect to merely hope the truth somehow gets through. I am sure we all know people who are seemingly good folk, but somehow they keep getting it wrong on such crucial matters such as election fraud, the war, or any number of Bush-GOP scandals. You have to realize the gauntlet of false news that is thrown at them each day, which is the basis for their political opinions. Case in point is the poster child of fake news, Fox News. Using false slogans such as "fair and balanced" or "we report, you decide", Fox News has made its living on being nothing short of propaganda for the Republican Party. News shows are peppered with pro-administration stories and even when they have to cover a negative story; it is always framed from a positive angle, thus skewing the truth. The amount of time spent on positive stories versus negative GOP stories is staggering and the guests on their various shows are designed to put a loud, confident voice on the republican side and a milquetoast, timid voice on the democratic side. That is never more evident than on their flagship show Hannity and Colmes where the jaw-jutting, boisterous Hannity is opposed by the meek and affable Colmes. Guests are extreme ideologues on the right, such as war criminal Oliver North or venom-witch Anne Coulter and moderate voices on the left; people you or I have probably never heard of. News is not reported on Fox, it is packaged. The pre-set talking points for the GOP are sent to Fox each day, so that the commentators throughout the day can repeat them over and over again, so that eventually the populace begins to think it is true. Just this past week we saw President Bush began to use the ridiculous term islamo-fascism and sure enough, there was all the Fox commentators using the same ridiculous line all night long. Karl Rove says to call all democrats who support a troop withdrawal, cut and runners and that very night there is O'Reilly, Hannity and company calling them cut and runners. Never mind that the majority of the American people support bringing our troops home, it does not matter in the world of fake news. The opinion of the American people does not matter when you are deciding what the news will be. Not satisfied with this, Fox also employs flat out lies in their coverage. It was recently discovered that Fox used a"conservative strategist" named Karen Czarnecki on their evening "news" shows. What they did not tell us was that she was not really a conservative strategist. No, Ms. Czarnecki actually was the Labor Department deputy assistant secretary. She was a government employee posing as a pundit on a news program, offering her opinion that not surprisingly, agreed with the government line. The damage done here is that people watching think they are getting an honest opinion, when in reality they are only getting the opinion from the government's standpoint. Similarly, when the administration is in a tough spot, they call on Fox to provide them with an "exclusive", meaning an administration official can sit with someone like Sean Hannity to express the government's opinion without the threat of an actual news interview breaking out. Dick Cheney and Karl Rove have both appeared on these "exclusives" where Hannity did not pose one serious question in opposition to the government position. Propaganda at its best. Propaganda does not end with Fox though, as most realize now that they are not fair, nor balanced. The real damage done by Fox News is that it makes the other news sources seem mainstream, when in fact they mimic Fox and rarely question the GOP controlled government. People like Chris Matthews are presented as moderate when in reality he has as worse a record in supporting the GOP then anyone on Fox. People like Tucker Carlson and Joe Scarborough are presented as average guys representing America. Never mind that Scarborough is a former GOP Congressman and Tucker is as republican as they get. America buys it. About the only beacon in this sea of untruth is Countdown with Keith Olbermann but you have to sift through hours of lies just to get to that one beacon. Moving past TV news however, the same bias exists in print media. Many local papers have sold out the American people for the interest of the companies that own them. People look at the New York Times as some bastion of liberalism, but a closer look reveals that while some op-ed writers are liberal, the paper itself is not. It is owned by pro-Israel folks who agree with this administration. They supported the Iraq War and in case you forgot, Judith Miller worked for them when she sold us the WMD lies, straight from her confidential White House sources. Not all subterfuge however is so subtle. Here in New York we deal with a paper like the New York Post. The Post is possibly the worst paper in the country in terms of objectivity, which should be the hallmark of any newspaper. The Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News. It is estimated that it LOSES 15-30 million dollars per year. Estimates are necessary because Murdoch refuses to allow anyone to know how much he really loses for operating the Post. Why does he insist on operating a paper that loses so much money? Because he does not care about the money, he cares about putting his version of the news on the streets of New York every day. The Post is propaganda straight out of Communist Russia during the cold war. There is never a bad word uttered in its pages about the GOP or the Bush administration. Every article, whether op-ed or "news" is framed to support the GOP. The op-ed section is littered with pro-GOP rhetoric including the daily White House talking points. I know well principled people who rely on the Post as their primary news source each day and it is no wonder that their political opinions are often simply inaccurate.

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Is Science Spirituality? Is Spirituality Science?
It would seem that these two aspects of human life have little in common - as Kipling’s well-known saying has it ‘East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet’. But the latest developments of modern science show us that at the most fundamental level the spiritual aspect of life is not only compatible with, but inseparable from, the scientific aspect, like opposite sides of the same coin. This turning point in science and in history comes from the discovery by Quantum Physics of the Unified Field of all the laws of Nature, described as a field of pure consciousness where subjectivity and objectivity co-exist in a state of singularity. Most people, including some top scientists, seem to be unaware of this discovery and its momentous implications: that peace, fulfilment and joy are available for everyone. It is an extraordinary time we live in at the beginning of the 21st century �" even more extraordinary than most people know! It is unique in the history of our world and mankind and can never be repeated: the transition from a long history of darkness to the Age of Enlightenment. Everybody knows that our present world is confronted with the gravest threats that have ever faced us: for instance the danger of nuclear destruction and climate change, causing rising sea levels. But most of us perhaps are so bound up with our work or vocation and family life that time is hardly left to think seriously about the future of mankind. Even some scientists who know about these threats are also so caught up in their personal lives and specialised work to realise the possibility of positive transition through the subjective technologies of consciousness cognised within the ancient Vedic Tradition of India. These have been brought out to the world for over 50 years by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and have now been confirmed by the objective knowledge of the Unified Field and extensive scientific research on their practical effects for society and the individual. For instance, at the time of writing, Holland and the USA are the only countries with permanent groups of Yogic Flyers of sufficient size (the square root of one per cent of the population) to reap the full benefits of these Vedic technologies in their national life, as is currently being reported in their media. Also other European countries as well as some in the Americas are rapidly approaching the necessary numbers, and remarkable effects are being reported already. In all these countries introducing these technologies to students in schools and universities is being applied for the future well-being of their nation and the world. Article written by Veronica Hatten, author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

Veronica Hatten is author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

World War II Foo Fighters
In the 1938 comic strip Smokey Stover, a firefighter was known for his line, “Where there’s foo, there’s fire.” From Smokey, aircraft pilots borrowed the term “foo fire” to describe the various unexplainable phenomenon seen in the skies over Europe and the Pacific theatre during World War II. While Allied pilots initially thought the flying objects were German secret or psychological weapons, after the war it was discovered that sightings were also reported by the enemy, who had assumed the crafts were US-made. To this day, the sightings remain a mystery.

Over the course of the war, fireballs, estimated to be as big as 300 feet and as small as 1 foot in diameter, were reported and thoroughly documented. These apparitions left witnesses awe-inspired, wary, and frightened�"although the foo fighters never harmed or attempted to harm anyone. The CIA was commissioned in 1952 to study the reports and concluded that while mysterious, foo fighters were not a considered a threat to national security.

A Foo fighter is an umbrella term that includes flying objects of various shapes and sizes. Wobbling, or vibrating flares were described as glowing globes of intense green, yellow, red, orange, or white lights. One crew even reported observing the phosphorescent spheres going through a sequence of color changes at regular intervals. Other reports describe them as silver or gold metallic, and disk-shaped. They frequently appeared at the wing tips of planes in pairs or alone, although sometimes they were found in larger clusters of fifteen or more. In one report 150 objects were estimated to be arranged in 10-12 lines. Picking up an aircraft, these blobs of fire could reportedly pace a plane at very high speeds through extensive evasive maneuvers for several minutes. One British officer and his crew of sailors tracked an object from the deck of their vessel for over an hour. Although a few baffled pilots attempted to intercept, and even fire upon the globes, their efforts were unsuccessful, and the objects usually zoomed away of their own accord.

Foo fighters were mentioned in the American mass media. Ponderous articles appeared in Time and Newsweek in 1945, contributing to the wave of UFO consciousness building in the US. By 1952 so many civilians were contacting government agencies regarding UFO reports that regular intelligence work was being affected.

While scientists have never been able to explain the phenomenon, many speculations have been advanced as possibilities. Five of the most plausible theories are:

1. The fireballs may be nothing more than St. Elmo’s Fire, a reddish brush-like discharge of atmospheric electricity which has often been seen near the tips of church steeples, ships’ masts and yardarms. It also appears at a plane’s wing tips.

2. They may have been optical illusions, mere after-images of light remaining in pilots’ eyes after being dazzled by flak bursts.

3. Occurrences may have been the rare effect of “ball lightning,” a glowing, drifting bubble of light typically eight inches in diameter. These generally, though not always, follow regular lightning strikes.

4. Bright ground objects reflected from the curved plastic canopy of an aircraft can be perceived as images above the horizon.

5. Proponents of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) have suggested that foo fighters are hard evidence of ETs visiting earth.

Foo fighters are certainly some of the best documented reports of UFOs, and photographs and respected testimony abound. Hopefully in time the mystery will be solved, and this comic book name will be replaced by its true name.

About the Author: Francesca Black a long time science fiction buff, manages content for UFO Gifts http://www.ufo-gifts.com and Science Fiction Corner http://www.science-fiction-corner.com

Meditations: Using Meditation to Master The Art Of Success
Quick question before we start, please raise your hand if you have achieved everything you wanted to achieve in your life. Let me ask you another question … do you have a passion to succeed or to achieve something? Are you programmed to succeed? Would you like to know how? There are many theories that have been written by experts, historians and psychologists across the world and also across time on success but the one thing every single one of them always defines as the secret to success is that you must believe you are going to succeed and that you can achieve what you want to achieve and that you are prepared to continue to have a go and keep having a go, learning each time, till you achieve what it is that you want to achieve. If you ever get a chance to read a book by Napoleon Hill called Think and Grow Rich it is worth reading. The author, Napoleon Hill wrote this book back in 1937 and he was basically looking for a formula that anyone could follow to achieve success and in particular riches on an obscene scale. One of the 13 Secrets that he outlines in his book is that all millionaires and in this era billionaires know is the power of Autosuggestion. This was the term that was bandied around in the 1930's era and essentially autosuggestion means the reprogramming of your mind to believe something so much that your mind automatically pushes you towards success and in the case of Think and Grow Rich, obscene wealth. In today's hip culture, the guru's of the self-help industry refer to the power of autosuggestion more as affirmations than the autosuggestion term however they are essentially the same. The bottom line is this, for you to succeed you have to believe that you can succeed and you have to train your mind to succeed and to think successfully. Most people at this point and I are sure you are one of them, will go, yeah right what a load of hippy talk. Well maybe, but let us look at few facts. Let us look at some of the most successful people in the world and take someone who I am a great fan of Lance Armstrong and look closely at what he has achieved. Lance Armstrong is a leader and a hero in the cycling community. After being diagnosed with testicular cancer which had spread to his lungs and brain he fought this disease whole heartedly and not only beat the disease, but he used the power of his mind to go onto win the Tour de France, not once, not twice but seven times. There is no way in the world that this man could beat such a debilitating disease unless he had programmed his mind to say, I will beat this disease and get my life back and exceed what I had achieved before. In fact, going onto win the Tour de France seven times is a feat never before achieved in the history of the race. Knowing this information if you were faced with absolute adversity what would you do? Would you just simply stop, give up and die or would you keep fighting? Would you beat your adversity and then stop, or would you push your goals further out there to achieve more? If you want to be successful, you must train your mind to be successful. You must have an overwhelming belief or faith in yourself that you can do it, even when everyone around you is telling you that you can not do it. The key to this success is to program you for success. When I was doing a business course a few months ago one of the tasks that we were given was to write down ten things that we wanted to achieve. We were asked to identify specifically what those ten things are in business we wanted to achieve. The sort of items people wrote down - 1. I am going to make $200,000 cash profit this year 2. I am going to buy a new Mercedes 3. I am going to buy a jet ski 4. I am going to raise $500,000 to build an orphanage in Laos 5. I am going to buy the block Lot 4 Coral Coast Road in Townsville Australia 6. I am going to take my family to Las Vegas and have $5,000 spending money 7. I am going to raise the $4,000 to buy a Vintage Plane for the RAAF Museum 8. I am going to win the Archery at the next Commonwealth Games 9. I am going to learn to fly a plane 10. I am going to hike up Mount Kosciusko What people were then told was to right these elements down onto a sheet of paper and put them up where you could see them every day where you can read them and remind yourself of what you are going to achieve. Essentially what they told us to do is to follow the third secret to success identified by Napoleon Hill called Autosuggestion. However, what I noticed with all the people in course was that over a period of time, they began to give up. They did not read their ten items every day and they did not affirm that they would achieve what they wanted each day. Part of the reason this occurs is simply because the hustle, bustle and stress of everyday life and reality take over and your mind is cluttered with the stress. When the course finished they did not have the people in the course to continually speak with them to see if they were sticking to their ten things they wanted to achieve. Look ask any educator in the world, if you are stressed when trying to learn something, you will never learn the material as well as somebody who is not stressd. Why … because a mind that is not stressed and cluttered will allow you to absorb the information more effectively than somebody who does not and this leads me to how Meditation is one of the secret tools to success. Meditation on its own will NOT bring you success. The role of meditation in the art of success is to bring your mind to a point of calm where it can absorb all the material to help you succeed and in particular, so that you can ingrain into your mind the affirmations of what you are going to achieve. The first step in using meditation to help you succeed is to learn to meditate to eliminate the stress. Before trying to address anything else you must learn to relax and be calm and to clear your mind. That is, your mind must be free from clutter, worry, concerns and anything else that may stop you from programming your mind to succeed. There are many meditations that will help you in overcoming stress such as the breathing meditation technique, stillness meditation technique and the numbers meditation technique. Each of these techniques will teach you how to achieve focus and calm during your meditation session. Once you have mastered those techniques, you can then focus on your affirmations or autosuggestions each day of what you are going to achieve. The Buddhists use sacred phrases in their meditations to help them become better people on their journey towards achieving enlightenment. You can use the affirmations or ten things you want to achieve in exactly the same way. By reflecting on the ten things you want to achieve during meditation, you are reinforcing what you want to achieve in the way of success and ingraining in a clear mind these affirmations or autosuggestions, which means you will maintain your focus to achieve these ten things even when you are challenged by what is going on in your day. When you start using this technique over a period of time, you will be amazed how your mind will say to you, "Hey, you are off focus on what you want to achieve get back on focus". I recommend that for meditation to work effectively that you spend no less than 20 minutes in the morning and night meditating on the 10 things you must achieve. The reason that I recommend meditating twice a day is that you need to be reflecting on your affirmations for a minimum of 20 minutes a day, however most people find that it takes them about ten minutes of their meditation time before they are truly calm, when they are first starting out. You will find though as time goes on and you meditate regularly that you are able to get to a state of calm a lot quicker than when you first start out. Look the bottom line is this, if you want to succeed, you must believe inside of yourself that you can achieve whatever success you want. It is totally up to you as to what you want to achieve and only you can do it. Remember, that every great achievement in the world started out as a single thought that one person believed in enough to what to achieve it. To stay on the path to success, meditation will help you to control the clutter and the stress the world can pile on you on a day-to-day basis in your mind.

If you are interested in reading the Think and Grow Rich book by Napoleon Hill and learning the thirteen secrets to success, it is available at our website as a PDF as well as an MP3 Audio version. The best type of Meditation Music is Baroque Music played at 60 beats per minute and this music is also available at our website.

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