Sunday, December 14, 2008

Maria Duval - The Pros And Cons Of Witchcraft Covens

The Pros And Cons Of Witchcraft Covens
The upside of joining a Coven is that it can give you some discipline when practicing your craft. For example, you will be celebrating every Sabbat, and making sure to do your daily devotions. It can be a rewarding experience to meet with like-minded people �" no matter what you do.
Also, the High Priest and High Priestess will always be there to help guide you on your path.
The downsides of joining a Coven are mostly the politics involved. There can be squabbles, and problems within the group (for example, arguments over who should lead, etc). There may also be people who join who have a lot of emotional baggage, and actually bring negative energy into the group. This can corrupt the energy that the Coven is working with �" in short, it may bring everyone down.

The last downside of belonging to a Coven is that it can be a large commitment of time and energy. You will be expected to participate and even donate some money towards expenses and materials.

Where To Find Covens

You can easily find Covens in your area by checking them out online. To start, just go to and sign up if you aren’t already (it’s free). You can also try to “google” the name of your city along with the word “Coven”. For example your search may be “New York Coven”.

You may have many covens in your area, and may have a choice as to which one you want to join.

Once you have at least once Coven to visit, contact them and find out if you can join. Then go visit and talk to the High Priest/Priestess and find out what the Coven is all about, and if you feel comfortable with it.

Here are some of the questions you can ask on your visit to the Coven:

1. What does your group have to offer me?
2. What is your philosophy of witchcraft?
3. What tradition do you practice?
4. What do you feel that I have to offer your group?
5. What are your requirements for degrees?
6. How long is the dedication period?
7. What are the expectations of members in your group?
8. Are there membership dues?
9. What is your lineage?
10. What is your teaching style?
11. How do you define covenstead?

What Covens Do Together

It would be more accurate to ask what covens do not do together! Make ritual candles one full moon. If you do not practice skyclad, make your robes together. If you do practice skyclad, make robes for when you do visit other covens. Make soap or other Yule gifts together. Buy a case of tomatoes from the Farmers market and can them as a group. Throw parties. Make ritual bath salts, make incense, go visit other covens or Renaissance festivals as a group. Cook a weeks’ worth of meals for somebody mourning a loss or celebrating a baby. Become active in the pagan community. Make ritual jewelry together. Design and build a sacred space in your covenstead. Go to movies. Go out to dinner. Switch off babysitting. Adopt a road and pick up the litter. Hold a group yardsale. Help your fellow coveners move. Practice random acts of kindness. Enjoy!

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on witchcraft schools visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

Introduction to Numerology
Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect and correspond to everything else in the whole cosmic plan. This is because numbers are the reliable language system through which the universe is made understandable, and thus the root numbers from 1 to 9 has a significant effect on everything around us, including we ourselves. In numerology, each letter in the alphabet has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The important sums in numerology to watch out for are the numbers in your birth date and the sum of the letters in the name; when these two are interrelated, they tell a wealth of information about the person. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, motivations, strengths, fears, talents, and many others. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. At best though, numerology offers a guide and a beacon to get us on the way; it doesn't dictate what will happen because at the end of the day, it is free will and bravery that matters. Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and meta physician of the 6th century B.C., is said to be the originator of much of what we call numerology today. The actual origins of numerology pre-date Pythagoras, the most popular being the very old Hebrew Kabbala. In the 20th century, the old science seems to magically reappear in the form of a series of books published from 1911-1917 by L. Dow Balliett and it was helped along in the 30s by Florence Campbell, and within the next few decades a wealth of literature was available to the public. Indeed, if you look at the past 9 decades, it would seem that the science has moved very rapidly. But perhaps all of this was known at a much earlier time, and it was just hiding from us for a while. All the nine numbers in numerology have their own essence. Simply from a person's birth date stems all other important happenings of the past, present or the future that can be calculated through numbers. Nothing is beyond numbers and the stars, and in the believing heart.

The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer daily horoscope, love psychics, online psychics and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer email readings, free tarot reading, mothly horoscope and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer psychic information, love horoscope, psychic service and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer love predictions, spiritual experience, clarvoyance test and more.

The Robertson Panel: The CIA Considers UFOs
1918-1939 is sometimes called “the golden age of aviation” because of the much technological advancement made in aircraft. With World War II came better, faster airplanes and more experienced pilots. By the time the war was over, air travel was becoming firmly established across the world. The skies became the highways of the future. People started looking up in curiosity. What they saw in the skies was sometimes mundane, but sometimes astonishing. The UFO age had begun.

The early 1950s saw a surge of civilian UFO reports. So serious had the problem become, that normal intelligence duties in the CIA were being seriously impacted. Authorities were worried that if the Soviet Union or another adversary attempted to invade the US, the lines would be clogged and the government would be unable to act, so serious had UFO hysteria become. Clearly, something had to be done.

The CIA responded by forming a committee to investigate the thousands of UFO reports and choose a course of action. The committee, headed by Howard Percy Robertson came to be known as The Robertson Panel. Robertson was a distinguished physicist, a CIA employee, and a director of the Defense Department Weapons Evaluation Group. He drew upon six friends and colleagues of scientific importance to fill the panel. Some of the more famous scientists on the board were Luis Alvarez, who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1968; and Samuel A. Goudsmit, who was a head of one division of the Manhattan Project and jointly proposed the theory of the electronic spin. Other members were Frederick C. Durant, missile expert; Thornton Page, astrophysicist; Lloyd Berkner, physicist; and Allen Hynek, astronomer.

From the beginning, the panel was biased against the idea of UFOs. In their first briefing, Robertson explained that their purpose was to “debunk” UFOs. At least one committee member, Thornton Page, was reprimanded for his “excessive levity.” There has also been some criticism that, while the scientists on the panel were leaders in their respective fields, these scientists specialized in outer space. No scientists were consulted who had expertise in atmospheric conditions�"which is where UFOs are seen.

The panel met in secret for four consecutive days. During this time they viewed two amateur motion pictures: The 1950 Montana and the 1952 Utah UFO Films, which had already undergone 1,000 man hours of detailed analysis by Navy officers who had concluded that the depicted objects were not any known aircraft, creature, or weather phenomenon. Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and Major Dewey J. Fournet then addressed the panel, summarizing the extensive work they had been involved with in UFO affairs over the preceding years. Ultimately, the panel spent twelve hours considering reports and investigations that Project Blue Book and other committees had spent years investigating. They speedily found "explanations" for the reports. When there was no answer to be found, they swept the case under the table.

The Robertson Panel wasted no time in formulating their official report. They concluded that 90% of UFO sightings could be readily identified with meteorological, astronomical, or natural phenomenon, and that the remaining 10% could be explained with detailed study. They furthermore stated that such study would be a waste of time. Their final recommendation stated “That the national security agencies take immediate steps to strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunately acquired.”

Based on their recommendations, a public relations committee was assembled to reduce public interest in UFOs. Believers subscribing to such notions were painted as foolish and irrational. This effort drew upon the resources of renowned scientists as well as celebrities and mass media. Even the influential Disney Corporation was involved in the debunking effort. From this point forward UFology has been seen in disrepute among scholarly circles, and UFOs have become a subject of the fringe communities.

Finally, due to the suggestions of the committee, groups studying UFOs were monitored by government agents and spies in order to keep them from influencing mass thinking. As late as 1976 a CIA memo was discovered telling how the agency was still having to report on the activities of UFO groups.

In the years following the Robertson Panel at least two members expressed disappointment with its proceedings. Because of the panel's conclusions, the attention needed to acquire the data to even decide the nature of the UFO phenomenon has not been given the subject. Thornton Page and J. Allen Hynek both lamented that the subject had not been treated with more seriousness. While Page expressed passing interest, Hynek went on to become a scientifically respected voice in UFology.

There can be no doubt that the Robertson Panel opened the era of government cover-up regarding the UFO phenomenon. And yet, stripped of credibility and respect, there are still those who insist on sharing their experiences. For no matter the cost, there are still those who look up into the sky with curiosity.

About the Author: Francesca Black a long time science fiction buff, manages content for UFO Gifts and Science Fiction Corner

How To Use A Crystal Ball
Step 1. Preparation Most people find crystal ball gazing is easiest in a quiet, dimly lit room. Many people like to have candles burning. For some the reflections of the flames help to summon images - others find them a distraction. Burning incence is common and some people like to have soothing music playing gently in the background.The important thing to remember is that you are creating an atmosphere. The important key when doing crystal ball gazing is that you must be relaxed and your mind must be clear. It is always best to perform a cleansing ritual followed by a protection ritual, and THEN begin your crystal ball work. Normally a cleansing ritual would be performed on night one. The next night you would perform a protection ritual on yourself and within the room you intend on performing the crystal ball gazing. On the third night you can then be well prepared to use your crystal ball. Even though these rituals are not necessity, it is always wise to do them for maximum safety and best results. When performing any form of scrying or divination you are summoning forth forces from the spirit realm. Normally these forces are closed off from this plane we live in unless otherwise disturbed such as through specific rituals such as crystal ball gazing and scrying. When you perform divination these forces can either aid you in bringing forth images of the future or other events, or attack you. Evil spirits and negative influences can use your crystal ball, scrying mirror, ouija board, or pendulum a link for them to step through into this world. They can also use it as a means to drain energy from you as well. This is why it is always best to ensure proper cleansing and protection is prepared before hand. Step 2. The Crystal Ball Gazing Method Place the crystal ball on a table in front of you. Many crystal balls you can buy come with their own stand. If you don't have a crystal ball stand you might like to use a small cushion or a silk handkerchief purchased and reserved specially for this purpose. *Tip* To amplify your crystal ball gazing, you can use a gemstone sphere as a compliment to the crystal ball. Simply having a gemstone sphere resting next the crystal ball can augment your diving two fold. Sit down and relax. Lay your hands gently on the ball for a minute or two in order to energise it and strengthen your psychic rapport. Whilst holding the crystal ball, think about the purpose of this scrying session. If appropriate try to visualise the subject of your question. Some people like to ask the question out loud, others prefer to internalise it. Now, remove your hands from the crystal. Look into the crystal, stare deeply. Allow your eyes to relax and become slightly unfocused. After a little while you should see a mist or smoke forming in the crystal. Let this mist grow and fill the ball, then visualise it gradually clearing to reveal images within the crystal. The images you see might not be what you expected. That's OK, don't fight them. Your subconscious mind knows what information you need. Many people find that when they first begin to use a crystal ball, the images have nothing to do with what they focus on. This is because your mind is not yet adjusted at being able to grasp and focus on the energies being past from your subconscious into the crystal ball itself. Think of the mental energies going from your mind to the crystal ball as a funnel. The base or "tip" of the funnel is your subconscious energies and that energy is being directed upwards towards your conscious mind which is the mid point of the funnel. The conscious part of the mind that receives the subconscious energy then "spills" it into the crystal ball to form those images from the subconscious, which would be the mouth of the funnel. Since divination uses both the subsconscious and conscious part of the mind at the same time it can be rather difficult to concentrate on both at once. Your subconscious is where the energy is stemming from. It passes it upwards to your conscious which is needed to act on that energy into the crystal ball. Without the conscious mind you would be in more of a deep meditated state and your eyes would not be able to consciously focus or input the images within the crystal ball. As noted, it is perfectly ok that the first couple times you divine with a crystal ball the images are not related to what it is you want. The fact you are able to see ANYTHING in the crystal ball is showing progress. The more you work with the crystal ball, the better you will get at being able to see exactly what it is you want to see by manipulating your subconscious energies to your conscious energies, and then to the crystal ball. Either way, just let the images flow, changing and taking you wherever they choose to go. Don't try to rationalise now, time for that later. Step 3. Closing The Crystal Ball Session Let the images slowly fade back into the crystal ball. Don't just stop the session suddenly, instead reverse the process you used at the beginning. Visualise the mists coming back and covering the images, then receding to return the ball to its natural state. Thank your crystal ball and put it away carefully wrapped within a dark cloth is best as dark cloth keeps the energies of the ball contained within it and prevents it from leaking out. It is also always best to ensure you cleanse your crystal ball. A good, fast, and simple way of doing this is to simply light a sage smudge stick and or sage incense and move the ball around the smoke before you place it back for storage. Another quick and easy way to cleanse your crystal ball would be to give it a dip in salt water for roughly one minute. You do not want to soak it too long in salt as it can damage and ruin the crystal ball. If you would like to view different crystal balls or if you would like to purchase one you can find them here:

Moon's Light Magic has their own information blog on ritual tools, wicca, witchcraft, paganism, the occult, and the paranormal:

What is the Zodiac?
Before looking at what the zodiac is, it is important first to understand what the ecliptic is. If you were to imagine what you see when you look up into the sky, and if you tracked the apparent movement of the Sun through it, this is what is meant when the word ecliptic is used. Put simply it means the apparent pathway of the Sun through the sky as viewed from earth. The zodiac is actually a group of constellations that form the backdrop to the Sun's apparent pathway through the sky that extends 9 degrees on either side of the ecliptic. The orbits of the planets (and our Moon) also fall within this zodiac belt. The word zodiac stems from the ancient Greeks - zodiakos kyklos, "circle of animals", or ta zodia, "the little animals" because most of the constellations through which the ecliptic passes represent animals. Although the constellations are irregular in size and shape the 12 astrological signs are generally allocated 30 degrees each. "The word zodiac stems from the ancient Greeks - zodiakos kyklos, "circle of animals", or ta zodia, "the little animals..." The ecliptic was clearly identified and divided into 12 equal signs of the zodiac around 450 BC in Mesopotamia. Most reference sources indicate that the zodiac is a Babylonian invention - the oldest record of the zodiacal signs is a cuneiform horoscope from 419 BC. At the same time, Greek sources claim the discovery of the ecliptic during the second half of the 5th century BC. Like many historical developments it is quite possible that both the Greek and Babylonian cultures developed these systems at about the same time. Symbolically, each of the zodiac signs (Aries - Ram; Taurus - Bull; Gemini - Twins; Cancer - Crab; Leo - Lion; Virgo - Virgin; Libra - Scales; Scorpio - Scorpion; Sagittarius - Archer; Capricorn - Goat; Aquarius - Water Bearer; and Pisces - Fish) represent various qualities. For example, Aries is represented by a Ram and the qualities of initiative, bravery and assertiveness. Because the Sun's (apparent) pathway through the heavens is basically constant and can be found at roughly the same spot for the same date in each year, this is how we came to use Sun Signs: the position of the Sun in relation to the backdrop of the zodiac constellations. This system is convenient because the average person doesn't have to have complicated planetary positions worked out to know which constellation affects them personally, the date of birth is all that is needed in most cases.

The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer live psychic, online psychics, psychic advice and more.

Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages �" For Free!
The US Government tried to ban them on TV and radio back in 1974. They were once arguably used to boost sales of popcorn in movie theaters by almost 60%. And today, they’re the subject of numerous Derren Brown-style “mind” shows airing throughout the globe. I’m talking, of course, about subliminal messages. However despite all the media hype, subliminal messages aren’t just used by advertising moguls trying to get us to buy another can of coke. They can also be employed to make serious and lasting change in our own lives. In this short article, I’m going to share a method you can use to get subliminal messages working for you�"starting tonight! But before we begin, let’s ask ourselves: what exactly are subliminal messages? Subliminal is defined as “below the threshold of consciousness”. Subliminal messaging refers to the act of sending messages direct to the powerful subconscious mind, the part of your brain that controls everything from memory to body temperature to providing your conscious mind with its core traits. Subliminals really hit the headlines back in the 70’s, when advertisers began inserting messages into commercials. The messages were simply 100-millisecond flashes, and nobody officially “saw” them. Yet sales mysteriously rocketed. Even Hollywood got in on the act. Alfred Hitchcock planted his own subliminals inside the movie “Psycho”! These suggestions were having so much impact, that the US Government almost banned subliminals back in the mid-70’s �" and UK, Australian and Canadian governments actually did ban the technology. Yet by this time, the news was out �" and individuals were beginning to realize the potential of subliminals as a revolutionary self-help tool. The idea of sending self-improvement affirmations direct to the subconscious mind was suddenly open to everyone. But how? There are two primary ways you can actually “send” subliminal messages. Visually, such as using the latest Subliminal Power software program ( to flash messages around your computer screen as you work. Or, less effectively, using sound, such as with the subliminal CDs you can order online at sites such as Subliminal CDs ( Yet if your budget is low, there’s an even cheaper way to get the power of subliminal messaging working for you! Here’s how. Begin by identifying a couple of core goals you’d like to concentrate on in your life right now. For example, you may wish to learn faster or quit smoking. Then, write that goal down as a simple, short, positive affirmation. For example, “I am a quick learner” or “I am ready to quit smoking”. Other examples include “I invest wisely”, “My reading speed increases every day”, or “I am now more confident”. Be careful: do not use negative terms, such as “Not” or “Don’t” in your message. The subconscious does not understand such words in context and would read “I don’t gain weight” as “I gain weight”. You have been warned. Now write your affirmation, clearly and in thick black marker pen, onto a sheet of white cardboard. Create three-or-so cards, each with affirmations focusing on your core theme, and store them next to your bed with a flashlight. Next comes the unsociable part! We’re going to catch your mind in a highly receptive state, by waking it up in the middle of the night, when the door to your subconscious is wide open. Set your alarm clock for 3am, then go to sleep as normal. As soon as you hear the ring, turn off the alarm and�"almost instinctively�"pick up the affirmation cards and your flashlight. The room should be pitch black. Next, flick the flashlight on and off very quickly a dozen times over each affirmation card. While doing this, stare at the cards. Do not consciously try to make out the words. These subliminal messages are for the subconscious. When you’re done, simply turn off the flashlight, put down the cards and return to sleep. It will take just two minutes of your time and I guarantee you’ll fall straight back into deep and restful slumber. That’s it: you’ve just “sent” a bundle of subliminal messages straight to your subconscious. What follows is exciting! After the first few nights of using this technique, most individuals report problem-solving dreams that assist in their goals or influence their decisions. Just a week later and practically all participants note a serious movement toward their core goal. Their leaning speed improves dramatically. Their nicotine addiction is cut in half. As the change comes from within, it isn’t always obvious. Yet a few weeks down the line, most individuals sit back and realize just how far they’ve progressed without consciously realizing it. Soon, your goals have been achieved... the messages worked. When ready, you can move onto your next set of goals by simply writing out a new set of affirmation cards. It’s a very simple system, yet remains highly powerful and terribly underused. Most people reading this article won’t try this straightforward experiment. Maybe they just don’t believe it will work, or maybe they view it as being altogether too much hassle. It’s inconvenient, certainly�"perhaps not as user-friendly as a piece of modern subliminal software. But you think it doesn’t work? Then try it for a week, and see for yourself. Anthony Robbins, Tiger Woods, Derren Brown, New Scientist magazine, even the U.S. Government all know the power behind subliminal messaging. And if you don’t, maybe it’s about time you caught up.

Bradley Thompson is a well-known mind guru, Subliminal Messages & Subliminal Learning expert, and commissioner of the critically-acclaimed Subliminal Power software at as used by Olympic athlete winners. Bradley is also the creator of self-empowerment tools such as Subliminal-Studio,, Instant Hypnosis Downloads, and Binaural Beats. You can find his homepage online at

How to Seduce the 12 Horoscope Signs
Follow the advices and attract the person you desire. The following advices are quite general. You can consult Tarot or psychic for personal questions. To Seduce an Aries Man The type of woman who can attract an Aries man is one that demonstrates a sense of independence and is bold, adventurous, or spontaneous. They'll respect the freedom of a woman like this. They admire strength and courage. Aries men enjoy a challenge, and may find it enjoyable to be seduced by an assertive woman, while offering sufficient resistance to make it interesting. To Seduce an Aries Woman The type of man who attracts an Aries woman is brash and bold, daring and direct, and has a sense of adventure. They are drawn to macho types or men in uniform. They seek competition and challenges, so they prefer authoritative men who are hard to get. Aries women are attracted to winners, in sports or business or any form of competition. Seduction of Taurus Taurus man prefers a woman who is cute, cuddly, calm and comfortable, and shows affection with caresses and kisses. They prefer women who are easy-going, earthy and sensuous, and not too independent or energetic. To Seduce a Taurus Woman The type of man who attracts a Taurus woman is the classic strong and silent type. Men who are down-to-earth appeal to her, and it may be important to her that he likes animals or nature in general. A man who can cook, cuddle, and care for her physical comforts is of great interest to her. To Seduce a Gemini men Gemini men are attracted to women who are clever and changeable and can keep them guessing. They can be drawn to average looking women who are witty and interesting, and certainly more than to the beautiful but dull sort. To Seduce Gemini Woman The right man for the Gemini woman is clever and changeable, and a great conversationalist. Communication is very important to her, so the man who can share information and ideas is sure to be well regarded. To Seduce a Cancer Man The type of woman who attracts a Cancer man is one who will comfort and care for them. A woman who feeds a Cancer man and makes him feel loved may soon see them sharing her home, since home is where they most want to feel wanted and cherished and comforted. To Seduce a Cancer Woman The right man for the Cancer woman is protective, security-conscious, sensitive, and understanding. If she finds that he makes her feel safe and secure, she’ll feel herself drawn to him. To Seduce a Leo Man The type of woman who attracts the Leo man is one that they can feel proud to be seen with -- one who makes them look good just by having her on his arm. A woman who is gorgeous or dramatic or regal or aloof turns them on. To Seduce a Leo Woman The right man for the job of taming the Leo lioness is one who radiates warmth and shows his affection in a physical way. They are even more interested if he happens to be rich or famous or powerful or gorgeous (or all of the above) so that she can share the spotlight with her new love. To Seduce a Virgo Man The type of woman who attracts the Virgo man in search of company always appears well groomed and conservatively dressed -- and, above all, has an air of propriety. They are very particular, and desire nothing short of perfection in their potential mates, which can leave them out in the cold more often than not. To Seduce a Virgo Woman The type of man who attracts the Virgo woman is intelligent, impeccably mannered and groomed, practical, and reliable. Neatness and cleanliness are the single most important factors here for the approval of a Virgo lady. To Seduce a Libra Man The type of woman who attracts the Libra man has lots of class but isn’t too formal at the wrong times. She can be sort of sophisticated but not terribly stuck-up, sort of picky but not too particular, or any one of a number of contradicting categories, as long as she is utterly sincere in her attentions and has no hidden agendas for the relationship. To Seduce a Libra Woman The type of man who attracts a Libra woman is charming, polite, and well dressed -- it also helps if he’s good looking, romantic, and a bit old-fashioned as well. They tend to respond to mental and verbal flirtations more so than the crude physical kinds. To Seduce a Scorpio Man The type of woman who attracts the emotionally volatile Scorpio man is very vital, passionate, and intense. They rend to go for dynamic and powerful types of women who aren’t indecisive, weak willed pushovers. To Seduce a Scorpio Woman Scorpio women prefer a man who appears intense or inscrutable, and has a kind of magnetic charisma about him that hints at smoldering sexuality and unexplored depths of unbridled passion. To Seduce a Sagittarius man Sagittarius men like the type of woman who is honest, direct, and reliable -- basically a lover who is also a friend. They like a woman who's playful one minute, and philosophical the next, but always happy. To Seduce a Sagittarius Woman The man who attracts a Sagittarius woman is one who displays high moral and ethical standards, and lives up to their ideals of honesty and integrity. They want honesty, friendship, and fun from a potential mate. To Seduce a Capricorn Man The type of woman who attracts a Capricorn man is socially acceptable and somewhat formal or aloof -- not to mention quite serious about success and status. To Seduce a Capricorn Woman Capricorn women are after a man who seems serious, aloof, and detached, and somehow projects an inscrutable personal aura. They want a man who's ambitious and socially acceptable, and they are drawn to money, status, and power. To Seduce an Aquarius Man The type of woman who attracts an Aquarius man is intelligent, independent, free spirited, and a good conversationalist. Should she keep him guessing, or be a bit unconventional, she'll fascinate him, but if she's too emotional, he'll pass. To Seduce a an Aquarius Woman The type of man who attracts the Aquarius woman is intellectually interesting, logical, open-minded, and willing to experiment. A man with ideas and insights fascinates them to no end. Aquarius women are even more attracted if he seems unconventional or unpredictable or just unusual in some way. To Seduce a Pisces Man The type of woman who attracts the withdrawn Pisces man is romantic and emotional, sensitive and passive. Should she be intriguing or mysterious or able to make him feel secure, she could be just the one for him. Pisces men are fond of secret love affairs, as well as people who need help or emotional support. To Seduce a Pisces Woman The Pisces woman is after a man who is romantic, sensitive and either an imaginative dreamer or just lost and confused. The idea of a secret love affair can excite and entice her, and mystery intrigues her. You can also develop your own Tarot and psychic reading ability to find the solution to your specific questions. The simplest way to develop your psychic ability is through listening to your intuitive voice. For example, you can do your own Tarot card reading, and then ask yourself what these cards really mean. Trust your own psychic ESP! After all, no one can be a better Tarot reader than yourself.

"How to Seduce the 12 Horoscope Signs" was written by Elaine Fung. Elaine Fung is an expert in horoscopes and psychic subjects. In this article she provides us with useful tips to seduce any person we like just by knowing his zodiac sign. This is a public article, so, please feel free to use our content and give credit by linking back to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice tips. Thanks for sharing!.
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