Monday, December 15, 2008

Maria Duval - Working the Law of Attraction

Working the Law of Attraction
The law of attraction has been a buzz phrase for a couple of years now, since the movie The Secret swept the world. The movie was so powerful to people because it showed that we really are in control of our own destiny, and if we don't like the way things are in our lives, we can change them.

Some people immediately embraced this idea, while others are skeptical of what you can change with the power of your mind. It seems silly to be attracting good parking spaces into your life when people everywhere have real problems that need solving.

But the truth is starting with something simple like getting to work without hitting a traffic light or finding a really good parking space can help you see how the law of attraction works. In its most basic form, this law means that what you focus on expands and becomes a reality in your life.

If you're running late and all you're thinking is "oh my goodness, I'm going to be late, I'll bet I hit every red light and there's going to be traffic and there's no way I'm going to get to work on time," what do you think will happen? You'll probably get exactly what you expect.

If, on the other hand, you take a moment to calmly envision getting to work on time with no traffic hassles, and you really see your car pulling into a great parking space at exactly the time you need to be there, you can attract that, too.

The law of attraction rewards a playful spirit. You can't really go into it with skepticism, thinking that it's not going to work. Again, if you're focusing on that this is going to be a big failure and a waste of time, then that's what you're going to get.

You've probably experienced this in your life in a negative way before. For instance you might have been worried about money, hoping that your paycheck would come before a major bill arrived, and of course, wouldn't you know it, the bill came first. Hard to believe as it may be, you caused that to happen.

The mind is very powerful as a conduit of energy. Bring more positive thoughts into your life and you will also bring more positive experiences into your life. You don't have to start with attracting the perfect new house or the car or partner of your dreams. Start small. Play with it and see what happens.

Maybe you want to attract some money. Imagine yourself going to your mailbox and finding a check you weren't expecting. Really feel what it would be like to experience that. It might not happen today, but go into this with an open mind and you might find you'll get exactly what you asked for.

Marisa Singhnarinaath is passionate about helping people solve life's problems through self-help products and understanding the law of attraction. Learn more at Self Help Product Reviews.

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