Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fengshui Fortunes

Often we get so caught up with our life and work that we become increasingly frustrated and stressed out. What we do not realize that there are small things by implementing which we can actually make a whole lot of difference to the way we go about doing things in our life. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of placing and arranging things in an order that helps in achieving harmony with the environment.

Maria Duval on FengshuiFeng shui wealth suggests placement of certain things in a way and manner so that this creates harmony and gives monetary benefit to the person. According to Feng shui there are different elements that govern the influences of wealth, love, happiness, prosperity and other things in life. For feng shui wealth southeast is the direction and the element that governs this is wood.

So if you feel that you are not doing too well on the monetary front, it may be that you need to place things in your office or house according to the feng shui wealth beliefs. There are several things that you will have to do for practicing feng shui and realizing its benefits. One of the first things that you must do for this is begin with a space clearing procedure of your house and office.

After that gradually you can go about implementing other things which will prove to be beneficial to you according to feng shui. According to feng shui the southeast corner of your house or office must be kept very clean and in proper order. The lighting of that place must neither be too bright or too dark; it must be just perfect to light up the place properly.

According to feng shui it is also suggested that you keep the place lighted throughout the day or as long as this is possible. You can also put up an aquarium that is well maintained in your work place or your house if you are working from there. Water enhances wood and you must choose bright and energetic fishes to stimulate positive energy from them and if you have nine fishes in the aquarium it is considered as an auspicious number according to feng shui. You have to be very careful while you are choosing the directions to place these things and also the elements of which these are made as this can have a major influence in the wealth that you earn and accumulate.

Chinese coins tied with red ribbons are considered to be auspicious for bringing in wealth according to feng shui. You can place the coins in the place where it is in constant touch with your money. The wallet or purse where you keep your money could perhaps be the best place to put these coins. You can display symbols of prosperity like Chinese coins and a Hotei Buddha sitting on a pile of gold coins can be beneficial according to feng shui. A pair of male and female Foo dogs placed just outside the entrance of your business establishment will help to bring in wealth for you according to feng shui beliefs.

Maria Duval - Mindfulness Meditation: Creating A Life of Purpose and Harmony

Mindfulness Meditation: Creating A Life of Purpose and Harmony
I was just about to give up on my life when I was introduced to Eastern spiritual practices. I had studied everything that our Western world had to say about suffering and what to do about it. And the more I learned, the worse I felt. Out of desperation for a better way of life, I began a daily meditation practice. I studied and practiced a mindfulness practice called shamatha in which the attention is placed on the breath in a restful yet alert manner. This practice showed me very clearly what the problem was: ME! There was so much chaos and distraction taking place in my mind on a momentary basis that it made sense as to why I never felt right. The 'me' that I had come to know was indeed full of conflict, speed, and ambivalence. My thoughts constantly raced and pulled me in a million different directions. It was frankly appalling to see how frenzied my mind was. All of this mental chaos created a state of emotional inertia that kept me confined to a very narrow range of the the human emotional spectrum. Basically, I was so stuck in my head that I had lost contact with reality.
From a meditative perspective, everything in the universe is inherently empty. Our concepts and opinions are devoid of any inherent reality. We are convinced that we are real only because of the deluded nature of our own minds. We simply don't see things as they are. We see through the filters of our concepts and thoughts, which seem to be very convincing. If we buy into our mental projections of reality, we will suffer. Meditation is the practice of developing space around these constant projections. With regular practice, we become less and less convinced that we or anything else is inherently real and solid.
The irony here is that recognizing our own non-existence is the very basis of freedom, joy, and love. Our clunky, solid sense of self is what gets us in trouble. So, when I say that everything is empty, it may be tempting to see this as a negative statement. But even that is empty. When we flash on non-existence or emptiness, we see the ultimate potential in all things. Instead of being pinned down by our dualistic perceptions of good/bad, happy/sad, like/dislike, etc., we see that the universe is free from any kind of limitation whatsoever. This is the nature of genius and mysticism.
Have you ever lost yourself for a moment? Perhaps in your work, or playing with your kids, or watching an intense movie? That is like flashing on emptiness. You are free of your normal sense of who you are. There is no boundary between you and everything outside of you. In Buddhism, this is seen as the experience of Big Mind. It is a momentary flash on the infinite nature of reality from which we are inseparable. In mindfulness practice, this flash of awakening is deliberately maintained; everything that arises in the mind is simply a manifestation of universal energy. There is no 'I' in any thought or feeling. It is impersonal energy that arises and passes. When we taste this freedom from personalizing the constant arising of thought, it is like we can finally breathe and surrender to the beauty of life.
Regular meditation practice enables us to rest our awareness in this state of undistracted, empty stillness. Interestingly, this does not necessarily mean that the mind is quiet and obedient. We can still be thinking and have a recognition of this peace and openness. Over time, the mind does stop for periods of time. There is just absolute stillness. But as a beginner, the main point is to keep your awareness one-pointed on the present moment whether you are thinking or not. Don't try to stop your thoughts. Just stay focused on the moment and be still.
As your mind begins to become more expansive and present, your life will begin to open up in unforeseen ways. Old habits, fears, and harmful relationships will fade away. You will become genuinely invested in the ways that you can be of service to others. Why? Because the inside and the outside are no longer seen as separate. Instead of being preoccupied with this contracted version of 'I', the enormous energies of the universe call you out to offer your best to alleviate the suffering of others. This is the beginning of freedom. It is the beginning of living in spirit. Mindfulness practice is one the the vehicles that can take you there.

Kevin Doherty, L.Ac., MS is a licensed acupuncturist who has been practicing, studying, and teaching meditation since 1992. To learn more about Kevin and his approach to meditation, go to http://www.mindfulnesscd.net

Meditation Courses
If you are a beginner in meditation and you aren’t sure you are doing all you can accomplish, or you feel like there may be something distracting you, you will want to check your area to see if anyone offers meditation courses. By taking a course, you will have an experienced guide that can give you advice and track your progress. It’s possible that you will also be in a group that is learning the practice of meditation together. This is a good place to make friends and meet people you already have something in common with.

Where should you look to find meditation courses? If you live in a metropolitan area, you may be lucky enough to have a store nearby that sells specialty items that aid in meditation. These stores will likely have a pegboard for groups that meet to meditate together. There you will find any courses or information on instructors that are local to your area. If you don’t have a store that fits this description, try a health food store. Many people who practice meditation also try to live an all natural lifestyle, and they would frequently visit your local health food store as well.

If you don’t live in a high population center, you can still try an internet search for meditation courses. There may be someone who travels through your area on a regular basis and they stop to teach a group in your area. Or there may be a group already established in your hometown and you only have to call to join to them. Wherever you live, there are options available to you if you spend a little time looking for them.

You may also be able to find meditation courses on DVD or CD. These would include a group instructor giving you verbal directions while you are meditating to guide you to your fullest potential. The best courses would have a selection of lengths available, so that if you don’t have a full hour to devote to your meditation that day, you would be able to choose a shorter time, such as thirty minutes or even fifteen minutes.

About the Author: This content is provided by Swee Onn. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information please visit www.sweeonn.com Others web page: www.darlingforever.com , www.supermodelfashions.com Read more articles by: Swee Onn

7 Highly Effective Habits for Stress Releasing
7 highly effective habits of stress releasing are outlined below. You as an individual can consider them and customize them to your own daily regimens.

If your goal is to improve your career, succeed at putting money in the bank, feel happier, and effectively use The Law of Attraction, this article may help you organize yourself and become more efficient emotionally and mentally. These 7 effective habits, or however many your most efficient version ends up being, will attract the life you want, if you can manage the stress releasing part.

The Abraham materials (Ester and Jerry Hicks) really cut to the chase. Stated simply, you have two feelings - you may feel good and you may feel bad. 2 different vibrations, each attracting more of the same. If you have stressful thoughts that cascade like a runaway train, you do need a method to switch tracks.

Number 1: just to slow things down a little, a few deep slow breaths. The sooner you employ this, the less stress chemicals will be flooding your bloodstream and brain, and the faster you'll recover your good feelings.

Number 2: eat if you are hungry, preferably no sugar. If you have passed your snack time or mealtime, you have set your nervous system up for a negative response to anything.

Number 3: ditto for hydration. Do you always have a bottle of water handy? At your desk, in the car, walking the dog, etc.

Number 4: daily meditation. (But I don't have time...!!) Here's a method. When your alarm goes off, hit the snooze button. Sit up, drink some water, and then for the next few minutes, deep breathe and count as you exhale. This is a focusing tool to get your mind off your early stressful thoughts. Just for a few minutes every morning, to make it a habit.

Number 5: develop the scenario of your desired outcome in life. Be it home, partner, finances, get the overall picture and express it to yourself, emphasizing how it feels deep inside. Exactly in the spot in your body where your stressful thoughts attack, you want to feel a deep peace, warmth, quiet thrill, energy, or whatever it is for you. Write this on an index card and keep it with you at all times. If you're not an expressive writer, do it in point form. This is an effective way to remind yourself of your outcome, as you run the gauntlet of your day.

Number 6: exercise. We are made to move and stress ourselves a little physically, every day. You know you can't park your car for a few months without something needing a tune up. What about your body? If you have physical problems, consult your doctor. If you're out of shape something like Slow Burn, a super slow motion method, is great. And whatever makes you feel good - walking, yoga, weight resistance. There are a lot of ways to learn for free if your cash flow is low right now. Library books, internet - there is a glut of info waiting for you. Biochemically, exercise is necessary to release endorphins, your feel-good chemicals. Not to mention the cascade of other healthy cellular events exercise triggers.

Number 7: if your stressful states are persistent, there are energy methods of reversing your nervous system's response to thoughts and feelings. Simple to learn and do in minutes. These will keep you on the path to be using The Law of Attraction to the max.

This simplification is deliberate. The simpler the better. Whatever you formulate to be your 7 highly effective habits to stress releasing and fullfillment, I wish you the best, and even better.

Dianne M. Buxton is a ballet teacher, and a writer. If you find these ideas useful, you can find out more about them here.

Maria Duval - Is Science Spirituality? Is Spirituality Science?

Is Science Spirituality? Is Spirituality Science?
It would seem that these two aspects of human life have little in common - as Kipling’s well-known saying has it ‘East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet’. But the latest developments of modern science show us that at the most fundamental level the spiritual aspect of life is not only compatible with, but inseparable from, the scientific aspect, like opposite sides of the same coin. This turning point in science and in history comes from the discovery by Quantum Physics of the Unified Field of all the laws of Nature, described as a field of pure consciousness where subjectivity and objectivity co-exist in a state of singularity. Most people, including some top scientists, seem to be unaware of this discovery and its momentous implications: that peace, fulfilment and joy are available for everyone. It is an extraordinary time we live in at the beginning of the 21st century �" even more extraordinary than most people know! It is unique in the history of our world and mankind and can never be repeated: the transition from a long history of darkness to the Age of Enlightenment. Everybody knows that our present world is confronted with the gravest threats that have ever faced us: for instance the danger of nuclear destruction and climate change, causing rising sea levels. But most of us perhaps are so bound up with our work or vocation and family life that time is hardly left to think seriously about the future of mankind. Even some scientists who know about these threats are also so caught up in their personal lives and specialised work to realise the possibility of positive transition through the subjective technologies of consciousness cognised within the ancient Vedic Tradition of India. These have been brought out to the world for over 50 years by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and have now been confirmed by the objective knowledge of the Unified Field and extensive scientific research on their practical effects for society and the individual. For instance, at the time of writing, Holland and the USA are the only countries with permanent groups of Yogic Flyers of sufficient size (the square root of one per cent of the population) to reap the full benefits of these Vedic technologies in their national life, as is currently being reported in their media. Also other European countries as well as some in the Americas are rapidly approaching the necessary numbers, and remarkable effects are being reported already. In all these countries introducing these technologies to students in schools and universities is being applied for the future well-being of their nation and the world. Article written by Veronica Hatten, author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

Veronica Hatten is author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

How to Rise Up after a Fall
How do you rise up after a fall? You know how easy it can be to trip and fall. Once you're down, it's not always easy to scramble to your feet or grab an extended hand to rise again. An emotional or spiritual fall can be just as sudden and painful as a physical one. "The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down." (Ps. 145:14) What caused you to fall? Maybe it was insecurity, fear or loneliness? You may feel that you just cannot rise up from under the sheer weight of despair. Have you been lugging a heavy burden for a long time, and tried over and over again to lift it off your back, only to fall down again and again? When you fall, negative, defeatist thoughts tend to come rushing in, don't they? Do you hear yourself saying that it's no use, you're no good, or why bother? Who told you that you would never amount to anything? Who planted those seeds in your head? No matter what others have said to you or about you, you have no right to listen to them. Yes; that's right! If you're a child of the Most High God, then you are very, very special. People may have done or said things to put you down, but God says that he has a future for you. Do not listen to others or your own negative thoughts. Instead, find out what God has to say about you and speak His Promises for you into your life. God's Word says that no matter what has caused you to fall, "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Yes; you are here for a purpose! He knew you before the foundation of the world, and has made you to be conformed to the image of His Son, whom He delivered up for you! (Rom. 8: 28-29; 32) If God gave you His very best; would He then not also want you to have the very best? God is not distant. If you know Him, He is living inside of you! "In him we live, and move, and have our being." (Acts.17:28) However, you cannot always be in perfect step with God. David found that out. He fell numerous times, even though he was anointed to be King over Israel and had a close walk with Him. Throughout the Psalms we find him crying out to the Lord to deliver him from the power of his enemies. In Psalm 142 he cries out loud that his spirit is overwhelmed, there is no one to help him, and that he feels as if his soul is in prison. David was depressed big time and had almost given up all hope. But by the time he finished telling the Lord about his problems, he ends up saying, in today's terminology, "Listen to me, Lord, you are my protection and all that I need. I've been doing it my way and look where it has got me. You fix it for me, and I will give you all the praise; I know without a doubt that you will send upright people to help me because I know that it's your nature to always give more than I can even think or ask!" Oh David knew God so well! Yes, he had allowed himself to stray away and do his own thing, but in his distress he knew what to do. Allow his experience to be a valuable lesson to you. What worked for him will work for you! So, how do you rise from your fall? Cry out loud to God, and tell Him all your troubles. He's your Daddy; He's there for you and wants you to tell him �" even though He already knows what you're going through. Then speak the Word of God to Him, reminding Him that you know His promises for you. You can find a verse that applies to your situation and fill in your name. For example, you can paraphrase Jer. 29:11: "For I know the thoughts You think about me, Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give me an expected end." In the process of talking to Him and meditating on His Word, your faith will be stimulated and, like David, you will feel the assurance and peace that God will come through speedily and powerfully. Remember always that: in all things you are more than conquerors through him that loved you! (Rom. 8:37)

Author of With Wings As Eagles, a testimony of living a life of abundance and miracles. Her e-zine teaches how you can do the same: http://www.lifealteringwords.com

Anointing...Unlocking Its Treasure
It is abnormal for a child of God to live inconstant with the supernatural. The anointing is supernatural, and the anointing is for action. When we take the action of engaging with the Holy Spirit, then we are in agreement with the anointing and what He wants for us. We engage with the Holy Spirit by getting our mind in tune with Him, and keeping our minds in contact with God. Connection with the anointing is evident once you start ministering to someone. You plan on saying only one thing, then the Holy Spirit begins to bring more to your mind. The Word keeps flowing because you’ve engaged your mind with the Word.

That is how we are to live; we are to live in the revelation of the Word of God. And if our minds are ever idle, even for a couple seconds, all it takes to be back in the anointing, and that supernatural realm is to stop and ask God to show us something in His Word. By doing this, we've put God first in our mind at that time.

I heard a preacher say, " Why don’t you stop talking about God all the time, and start manifesting Him?".

Jesus spoke to the disciples telling them how to go about their life staying in the realm of the supernatural.

Luke 10:8-9 And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you:
And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.
Jesus told them to GO into the city- They had to act, there in manifesting the power of God.

Luke 12:32b For it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
It's His pleasure... Manifesting the power of God is evidence that His kingdom has been given to the children of God, the obedient Disciples.
So, it is God's good pleasure to give you power and the anointing to heal the sick, and raise the dead. Who brought the Kingdom of God, according to Luke 10:8-9? The disciples that Jesus had sent. So, when we go manifesting the power on earth, it is the Kingdom. It is imperative that the believer knows how to live in and flow with the anointing in order for the truth of God’s word to live and have free reign in the earth realm. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” But the Bible says, “ And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) So, it was not enough for Jesus to be full of truth only, He also needed the grace, or ability, of the Holy Ghost to rightly divide the truth and to cause the truth to manifest.

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. The only one that can interpret divine truth in complete and total accuracy is the Holy Ghost. We have been given, by God, the truth of His word on record. But that is not enough, we must depend completely upon the anointing that abides and lives in us to reveal and make known, not only the knowledge of Christ, but the life and power that His Word contains.

James has been a diligent student of the Word of God for over 3 years, after a miraculous encounter with the power of God. He has recently graduated from the International Miracle Institute with a Bachelors Degree in Theology. He is called and anointed of God to preach the gospel and lead people into the supernatural victory of Christ. The Word of God will change your life! For more life changing faith, check out his blog at http://filledwithfire.blogspot.com . Reprint in full with writer's name, contact information and brief bio.

The Magic of Believing (from Inspirational Books - Part One)
The Magic of Believing (from Inspirational Books - Part One)



Submitter's Note: Craig has been studying and researching the human mind, the "last unexplored frontier" for the past decade and he is currently "working" on the connection (overlap) between mind and spirit, the relationship between psychology (science of the mind) and the spiritual world, God. A fascinating subject! This article (in point form) is based on an excellent motivational, up-lifting and inspiring book 'THE MAGIC OF BELIEVING' by Claude Bristol (written in the "thirties"). I am sharing the contents of this work in the spirit of encouraging and hopefully even inspiring those people, who really want to achieve their fullest potentials to read this classic book, BELIEVE...and surprise themselves what happens.

Thank you sincerely, Mr Bristol for sharing your practical insight, words of wisdom and especially inspiration, which I'm passing on in the form of this series of articles from my notes taken from your book.

Powerful forces locked in your mind can turn desire into reality! Learn to release them in this extraordinary book. Just BELIEVE!

Craig * "If thou can'st believe, all things are possible to him that believeth" - Mark 9:23

Most religions of the world (but especially Christianity) are based upon the powerful principle of FAITH ("God turns the impossible into the possible"). There is a golden thread running through all the teachings and makes them work for all who genuinely accept and apply them; it helps them reach all their goals in life. That thread in a word is BELIEF. There's genuine magic in believing. Study books of greatness and inspiration; because as we learn, we grow (in knowledge, as well as spiritually). It's a journey of exploration and personal growth.

See the law of suggestion (auto-suggestion) at work. Most of history's greatest achievements have been accomplished not by the most talented, but by the people who were willing to take on great risks and challenges and see them through. And that happens only by believing. All of us can develop belief, yet few people know HOW.

"You can become the unique person that it is in you to become; but only if you resist the urge to conform to the images others hold of you. You can turn all your potential into reality, only if you are willing to DREAM...and BELIEVE." - Nido R. Quebin. * Is there a something, a force, factor, power, a science, call it what you will, which a few people understand and use to overcome their difficulties and achieve outstanding success?

This concept is understood by few and used by even less people. I am convinced any sincere person can reach any heights he or she desires. There is a wealth of spirit in YOU. This book is written to help develop individual thinking and doing, to help people to a better understanding and the principle DOES work.

THE POWER OF THOUGHT (or the 'science of thought'): The principles mentioned in this work substantiate great truths handed down the ages.

The greatest problems bothering most people are financial ones.

Old Latin proverb: "Believe you have it and you have it." Belief is the motivating factor that enables you to reach your goal.

Can man project his thoughts even at great distances into other minds (mental telepathy)?

The most important advance in the next generation will be in the vast unknown of the human mind - dealing with the spiritual, ie. thought. Psychology is the science of the mind.

Persistence brings confidence and a continued right mental attitude followed by consistent action will bring success. Know the formula. It is mind power that has built empires.

Use the technique only for GOOD - to better yours and others lives.

THOUGHT: Thought is a terrific force with unlimited powers. RW Emerson: "Thought is the ancestor of our every action."

Our world is governed by thought. Buddha: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought."

The secret of success lies not without, but within the thoughts of man. History is filled with accounts of how thought has made weak men strong and strong men weak...and evidence of this is evident all around us in everyday living.

What you exhibit outwardly you are inwardly. You are the product of your own thoughts. "What you believe yourself to be, you are."

Thought is the original source of all wealth, success, material gain, all great discoveries and inventions...and of ALL achievement. Without it there'd be no empires built. A man's thoughts make or break him. Shakespeare: "There is nothing good or bad; but thinking makes it so."

Draw on the great source of power that lies within each one of us. We become what we contemplate, what we think about most. Everything is within - the mind is the source of all power. Man secures the gold of the spirit, when he finds himself.

Edison said that 'ideas come from space'.

The great ancient Greek physician, Paracelsus: "The human spirit is so great a thing that no-one can express it. Faith must strengthen the imagination, for faith establishes the will." * The Keys to Success: The first step on the road to success: Know exactly WHAT you want out of life.

Hard work alone will not bring success; our hands are designed to be helping the brain. DESIRE (burning), an obsession helps ensure success in any endeavour. (Personally, I feel we need to have balance in our lives). Ensure your thoughts and aims are co-ordinated. Make your energy concentrated and applied without "let-up" (continuous) * There is a big difference between NEED and a DESIRE.

All-consuming thoughts can be bad, as one needs balance in our lives. Become more real with our thinking and adding flavour (intensity) through our imaginations, ie visualisation.

"Thought attracts that upon which it is directed." It then sinks into our consciousness - the depth depends on the constancy, intensity and power of your thoughts.

Everything that exists is vibration??? The healing touch of Jesus's hand.

Prayer and meditation operate through this principle, as "focussed energy", like a lasar-beam.

"Creative force comes only when there is a completely rounded-out thought, when there is a fully developed mental picture, or when the imagination can visualise the attainment of our ambition and see in our mind a picture of the object we desire - a house, a car, a radio, etc - just as if we already possessed them."

To be effective, you have to BELIEVE that your prayers will be answered. Different creeds and cults work as a result of the firm beliefs of the individual: The "Magic of Believing". *

The Subconscious Mind:

The "still small voice within". Supreme Intelligence or Universal Mind. The subconscious or "essence of life" limits of its powers are unknown - it never sleeps, warns us of impending danger and can perform what are sometimes called miracles. The subconscious acts primarily on its own initiave, but there are times when its activities appear to be the result of influences from outside.

Get in contact with your subconscious mind and you can achieve wealth, power, fame, asw well as cure physical ailments and solve countless human problems. And its power is for YOU to use. Just BELIEVE in its power and put it to work using the techniques or systems.

Inventions, great musical compositions, poetry, fiction, writings (like this work) and all other ideas for original accomplishment come from the subconscious. Bricks fall into place, like a "magical hand". A pattern of co-incidences is a working out of a pattern you started with your own weaving. The great power of the subconscious is one of the most formidable forces in shaping and controlling our lives. Perhaps it works like an electrical vibration sets the law of attraction into operation.

Sustained thought or fixed mental picture - go "into the silence". Make mental pictures through the imagination - visualise. This comes about as a result of belief - a strange power that causes miracles to happen. It's a deep-seated belief - "heart and soul". a spiritual force. Know with every fibre of your being that you WILL achieve your desires.

Remember that your life is a "work in progress", so take one day at a time in an 'attitude of gratitude'.

Enjoy the journey of life

The Magic of Believing (from Inspirational Books - Part One) THE MAGIC OF BELIEVING - THE POWER OF THOUGHT ENERGY INTRODUCTION: Submitter's Note: Craig has been studying and researching the human mind, the "last unexplored frontier" for the past decade and he is currently "working" on the connection (overlap) between mind and spirit, the relationship between psychology (science of the mind) and the spiritual world, God. A fascinating subject! This article (in point form) is based on an excellent motivational, up-lifting and inspiring book 'THE MAGIC OF BELIEVING' by Claude Bristol (written in the "thirties"). I am sharing the contents of this work in the spirit of encouraging and hopefully even inspiring those people, who really want to achieve their fullest potentials to read this classic book, BELIEVE...and surprise themselves what happens. Thank you sincerely, Mr Bristol for sharing your practical insight, words of wisdom and especially inspiration, which I'm passing on in the form of this series of articles from my notes taken from your book. Powerful forces locked in your mind can turn desire into reality! Learn to release them in this extraordinary book. Just BELIEVE! Craig * "If thou can'st believe, all things are possible to him that believeth" - Mark 9:23 Most religions of the world (but especially Christianity) are based upon the powerful principle of FAITH ("God turns the impossible into the possible"). There is a golden thread running through all the teachings and makes them work for all who genuinely accept and apply them; it helps them reach all their goals in life. That thread in a word is BELIEF. There's genuine magic in believing. Study books of greatness and inspiration; because as we learn, we grow (in knowledge, as well as spiritually). It's a journey of exploration and personal growth. See the law of suggestion (auto-suggestion) at work. Most of history's greatest achievements have been accomplished not by the most talented, but by the people who were willing to take on great risks and challenges and see them through. And that happens only by believing. All of us can develop belief, yet few people know HOW. "You can become the unique person that it is in you to become; but only if you resist the urge to conform to the images others hold of you. You can turn all your potential into reality, only if you are willing to DREAM...and BELIEVE." - Nido R. Quebin. * Is there a something, a force, factor, power, a science, call it what you will, which a few people understand and use to overcome their difficulties and achieve outstanding success? This concept is understood by few and used by even less people. I am convinced any sincere person can reach any heights he or she desires. There is a wealth of spirit in YOU. This book is written to help develop individual thinking and doing, to help people to a better understanding and the principle DOES work. THE POWER OF THOUGHT (or the 'science of thought'): The principles mentioned in this work substantiate great truths handed down the ages. The greatest problems bothering most people are financial ones. Old Latin proverb: "Believe you have it and you have it." Belief is the motivating factor that enables you to reach your goal. Can man project his thoughts even at great distances into other minds (mental telepathy)? The most important advance in the next generation will be in the vast unknown of the human mind - dealing with the spiritual, ie. thought. Psychology is the science of the mind. Persistence brings confidence and a continued right mental attitude followed by consistent action will bring success. Know the formula. It is mind power that has built empires. Use the technique only for GOOD - to better yours and others lives. THOUGHT: Thought is a terrific force with unlimited powers. RW Emerson: "Thought is the ancestor of our every action." Our world is governed by thought. Buddha: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." The secret of success lies not without, but within the thoughts of man. History is filled with accounts of how thought has made weak men strong and strong men weak...and evidence of this is evident all around us in everyday living. What you exhibit outwardly you are inwardly. You are the product of your own thoughts. "What you believe yourself to be, you are." Thought is the original source of all wealth, success, material gain, all great discoveries and inventions...and of ALL achievement. Without it there'd be no empires built. A man's thoughts make or break him. Shakespeare: "There is nothing good or bad; but thinking makes it so." Draw on the great source of power that lies within each one of us. We become what we contemplate, what we think about most. Everything is within - the mind is the source of all power. Man secures the gold of the spirit, when he finds himself. Edison said that 'ideas come from space'. The great ancient Greek physician, Paracelsus: "The human spirit is so great a thing that no-one can express it. Faith must strengthen the imagination, for faith establishes the will." * The Keys to Success: The first step on the road to success: Know exactly WHAT you want out of life. Hard work alone will not bring success; our hands are designed to be helping the brain. DESIRE (burning), an obsession helps ensure success in any endeavour. (Personally, I feel we need to have balance in our lives). Ensure your thoughts and aims are co-ordinated. Make your energy concentrated and applied without "let-up" (continuous) * There is a big difference between NEED and a DESIRE. All-consuming thoughts can be bad, as one needs balance in our lives. Become more real with our thinking and adding flavour (intensity) through our imaginations, ie visualisation. "Thought attracts that upon which it is directed." It then sinks into our consciousness - the depth depends on the constancy, intensity and power of your thoughts. Everything that exists is vibration??? The healing touch of Jesus's hand. Prayer and meditation operate through this principle, as "focussed energy", like a lasar-beam. "Creative force comes only when there is a completely rounded-out thought, when there is a fully developed mental picture, or when the imagination can visualise the attainment of our ambition and see in our mind a picture of the object we desire - a house, a car, a radio, etc - just as if we already possessed them." To be effective, you have to BELIEVE that your prayers will be answered. Different creeds and cults work as a result of the firm beliefs of the individual: The "Magic of Believing". * The Subconscious Mind: The "still small voice within". Supreme Intelligence or Universal Mind. The subconscious or "essence of life" limits of its powers are unknown - it never sleeps, warns us of impending danger and can perform what are sometimes called miracles. The subconscious acts primarily on its own initiave, but there are times when its activities appear to be the result of influences from outside. Get in contact with your subconscious mind and you can achieve wealth, power, fame, asw well as cure physical ailments and solve countless human problems. And its power is for YOU to use. Just BELIEVE in its power and put it to work using the techniques or systems. Inventions, great musical compositions, poetry, fiction, writings (like this work) and all other ideas for original accomplishment come from the subconscious. Bricks fall into place, like a "magical hand". A pattern of co-incidences is a working out of a pattern you started with your own weaving. The great power of the subconscious is one of the most formidable forces in shaping and controlling our lives. Perhaps it works like an electrical vibration sets the law of attraction into operation. Sustained thought or fixed mental picture - go "into the silence". Make mental pictures through the imagination - visualise. This comes about as a result of belief - a strange power that causes miracles to happen. It's a deep-seated belief - "heart and soul". a spiritual force. Know with every fibre of your being that you WILL achieve your desires. Remember that your life is a "work in progress", so take one day at a time in an 'attitude of gratitude'. Enjoy the journey of life

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique - A Most Effective Self Help Treatment
Gary Craig attended a course on TFT - Thought Field Therapy (Dr. Roger Callaghan) but considered it to be too complex. Through experimentation he developed EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques to make this self-development technique as easy as possible to use but without detracting from its power. So what exactly is EFT? EFT is a technique which involves the stimulation of various acupuncture points whilst connecting to (thinking or talking about) the issue that the person wants to resolve. In order to understand the principals beyond EFT it is useful to start off with an understanding of acupuncture. For many thousands of years, acupuncture has been used by the Chinese as a technique to help people overcome physical, psychological and emotional problems and blocks. In its simplest form our understanding of how acupuncture works is this: - 1) There are a number meridian lines or channels contained within the body. 2) Along the meridian lines flows energy which is called 'Chi' (pronounced chee) 3) The ends and beginnings and parts in between of each of the meridian lines (acupuncture points) are close enough to the surface of the body for them to be affected by physical manipulation. 4) If a person has an particular issue, an experienced acupuncturist will know which meridian lines will have a blockage in them relevant to the issue, will know the acupuncture points appropriate to use for the resolution of that issue. 5) Acupuncture needles, which are very thin and hollow, can be inserted in appropriate acupuncture points to help the flow of energy through a particular meridian line. 6) With the blockage in the flow of Chi gone the issue goes or improves as well. Now acupressure is the manipulation of those same acupuncture points on the body but instead of using acupuncture needles, the fingers and thumbs are used instead. Forms of acupressure that you might have experienced before are reflexology or shiatsu. EFT is similar to acupressure from the point of view that needles are not used but acupuncture points are manipulated. A series of light tapping with the fingers is used. The tapping can be done by the person with the issue for themselves or a practitioner can do the tapping for them. Now at the same time the person is asked to repeat a sentence which describes the issue. The idea behind this is that the person stays connected to the issue (by repeating the description of the problem). At the end of one round of tapping on various acupuncture points, the strength of the issue is checked with the person. Of the issue is still present more rounds of EFT (tapping) will be used. To complete one round of EFT takes about 60-90 seconds. The majority of people who have experienced EFT report a decrease in the strength of the issue. With EFT being a process that anyone can use on themselves, it can be a very useful tool to help anyone deal with any issue whether physical, psychological or emotional. The amazing aspect about EFT is that you do not have to have to believe in it in any way for it to be effective. The only thing you require is may be a sense of curiosity and willingness to do it. The rewards are high as the loss of that old issue often results even for the sceptic. Today, thousands of people have become regular EFT users and there are many EFT practitioners in the UK and worldwide now available to help people rapidly.

Steven Harold
EFT London Practitioner
EFT London UK

Meditation The Easy Way To Relieve Stress
Have you ever been so stressed out from work, kids, relationships or the other millions of things that you just want to pull your hair out? I know you have, we all have. When we are upset by someone at work or in society, danger signals are sent to our brain and our heart starts beating faster and our blood pressure rises. However, we don’t usually run away and we usually don’t start fighting physically. We hold it all in, perhaps showing a smile on the outside. If this is kept up all day, the stress builds and if it continues over a long time it can damage our heart. There is a very easy, relaxing solution to relieve the pressures of modern day life, and it has been there the whole time, its meditation. Many people all around the world use different techniques to meditate but the end result is very similar - “Relaxation”. One of the most popular ways is by listening to meditation cds. You may be thinking you just don’t have time to meditate, but trust me if you just start making a few minutes a day to lock yourself away and find the peace within yourself it will be well worth its weight in gold. If you just start out meditating for a few minutes at a time and stick with it you will find that it is so enjoyable and relaxing you will find it is hard to pull yourself away from it. You’ll soon find that you look forward to grabbing your favorite meditation cd and sitting back to seek peace and harmony. To practice meditation we don’t need to follow a particular religion; anybody can meditate, the only requirement is our conscious aspiration to silence the thoughts of the mind. In fact, one of the important aspects of meditation is that it is a form of sense withdrawal. When you become adept at this technique it relieves stress and is just as effective as going away to the top of a forested mountain or sitting alone on a sandy beach. You’ll find that many meditation cds will take you away to beautiful special places in your mind…more beautiful than you can imagine without experiencing it yourself. There are many positive results that you will get from meditating, besides just a relaxation tool. If you can teach yourself to focus on goals you would like to achieve or something you would like to improve about yourself you will find many answers to a great number of things in the silence of meditation. For thousands of years people have been using this method to obtain the things that they want and the things that they dream of. Many great leaders in history and very successful people have been using meditation to do their most productive thinking and soul searching. Some say there is no connection to the universal energy like the one you will find when develop the skills of a very deep relaxing meditation. Walking meditation is also becoming more popular these days because you can get both mental and physical benefits and some say it is more effective as it is easier for most people to be more intense and more easily aware of their bodies while walking, as compared to sitting. It is truly amazing some of the story’s I have heard about people that have overcome illness and many other disorders with simple meditation. A real possibility of a compassion and wisdom-based world exists, replacing the fear-based world that we find ourselves living in, but it has to begin with each of us taking the time to understand our “selves.” It is one thing to talk about peace and love but it is only when we meditate that we can experience these qualities as a living reality. Our ability to meditate is not some special skill out of human reach. Every human being looking for peace in life should practice meditation and experience how it will relieve mental stress and suffering. To find out more about meditation and get some very helpful tools including some wonderful meditation cds to get you started in finding real inner peace go to www.easy-meditation-cd.com.

To find out more about meditation and get some very helpful tools including some wonderful meditation cds to get you started in finding real inner peace go to www.easy-meditation-cd.com

Malice In “I Wonder Who I Am” Land
For many years I maintained confidence in my personal identity. I knew exactly who I was and was quite comfortable in my skin. Although, I must confess my skin used to fit me better than it does these days. Recently several things happened to shake this confidence in my person. I don’t know about anyone else, but I take pride in my personal mettle. About two months ago my credit card company informed me somebody hacked into their records and stole my identity, along with approximately one million other customers. They went on to assure me that my account would be safe. It wasn’t my money I was worried about at the time but my identity. How can anybody steal someone else’s identity? More important than that, why would anybody want to steal somebody else’s identity? Especially somebody like me. In thinking about this I wondered, how much can I charge someone for borrowing my identity? I might have a cottage industry here in the making. Or, perhaps it’s just cottage cheese. I could understand if I were a good looking, rich tycoon with more dollars than sense. I’ve been looking for money all my life and have been unsuccessful. I am so poor some church mice have loaned me a dollar or two over the years. And if I ever see those mice again I aim to repay those loans. The way I feel about it is if anyone can get money out of my account, good luck to them, because I can never get money out of my account when I need it. In fact, I have a good mind to find these identity thieves and ask how they’re getting money out of my account. I’d pay good money to find the secret to that puzzle. The ATM at my bank stands for Automatic Thief Machine. It holds me up from getting to my next appointment with cash and never returns my card. A second incident furthered my identity malaise. A few days ago, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and Yours Truly were in a little bit of a tight spot. Actually, it was I in the tight spot, which is nothing new for me. I can’t remember the events leading up to the spot I found myself but my wife looked at me, placed both hands on her hips and declaimed, “Who do you think you are?” At the time, I did not know quite how to answer that philosophical inquiry. I mean, she has known me for over 35 years ,and for her not to know who I am at this point is just a little bit puzzling to me. At the time, I must confess, I was a little confused about who she thought she was. Being the gentleman I am, I kept my befuddlement to myself. My selfhood perplexity deepened. One day this week, I was going about minding my own business n which is a full-time job with part-time pay and no benefits n when I bumped into an old friend. After we exchanged a few pleasantries, he looked at me and said, “Is there anything wrong? You don’t look yourself today.” Now, the question plaguing my mind was simply, if I don’t look like me, who in the world do I look like? I simply smiled and mumbled something to the effect that recently somebody had stolen my identity. Frankly, I was surprised someone noticed it. In thinking about this, I wondered when someone’s identity is lost where does it go? Is there a lost and found department somewhere for lost identities? Then an awful thought tugged at my mind. What if someone lost their identity, went to the lost and found department and, by mistake, picked up someone else’s lost identity? How do I know it hasn’t happened to me? What proof do I have that I am who I say I am? The evidence before me is quite overwhelming. A major corporation in the United States has informed me that someone has stolen my identity; my wife asked me who do I think I am; and a friend I’ve known for years tells me I don’t look like myself. Talk about having your reality check bounce. I must confess to times when my mind does wander a trifle. But I refuse to accept the judgment that I am absent-minded. I grant you my mind, on the odd occasion, does take a little break every now and then, but it is never absent. This recent identity crisis caused me to do a little evaluating about my personhood. Who am I really? I jotted down a few notes: son, brother, uncle, husband, father and grandfather. Although I’m not old enough to be a grandfather, I do accept the privileges of this position. After all, I’m living with a grandmother, so it is easier just to go along with the program, if you know what I mean. Then a marvelous thought poked its way into my mind. How it got in with all the clutter is beyond me. The thought was simply this; I am also a son of God. This is based upon a wonderful verse of scripture. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” (John 1:12 KJV.) I’m unsure about many things, but one thing I am confident in is my relationship to God.

James L. Snyder is an award winning author and popular columnist living with his wife, Martha, in Ocala, Florida and can be contacted at jamessnyder2@att.net.

Guided Meditation vs UnGuided Meditation
The challenge new meditators have when learning meditation is whether to use a guided mediation or to use an unguided meditation. Our objective in this article is to look at both meditation types so that you can choose which meditation style will suit your requirements. Guided Meditation involves somebody guiding you through the meditation process. That is they literally talk you through the whole meditation process. There are some advantage and disadvantages to this technique. One of the reasons you may consider guided meditation is to help expand your understanding of the various meditation techniques. The Guided Meditation technique can be presented in a number of ways. You may do a guided meditation session in a small group with a meditation practitioner or you might do a guided meditation session using a meditation cd or meditation dvd. If you are first starting out, the Guided Meditation sessions is a good way to learn meditation as the meditation practitioner will talk you through the experience and to help you identify what you should be feeling and how to move you into the state that your meditation technique is trying to get you in. For example if your guided meditation session is teaching you how to master the deep-breath meditation technique then the practitioner will talk you through how to relax and release the tension within your body. They will also be able to tell you what you should be thinking and feeling. A good practitioner will also give you some exercises during the session to try at home that will help your experiment with the meditation technique. The obvious downside to guided meditation is that someone is actually talking to you during the meditation session. Sometimes what people will find is that it is difficult to get to that state we are trying to achieve when someone is talking during the session. Often what you will have to do is to follow a guided meditation session for a number of times till you can learn and remember the meditation process and then try it for yourself in an unguided meditation session on your own. Some meditation centres also offer unguided meditation sessions in a group. What this means is that the whole group meditates together but the session is done in silence with no-one speaking. Many group meditation sessions though will still use meditation music as the basis of the session. Some meditation classes in remote locations will undertake unguided sessions out in the natural surrounding and will use the sounds of nature as the tool to help bring the group to a point of relaxation. Once again though one of the key elements of these unguided sessions is that no-one is allowed to speak during the meditation period. The group leader will generally use a special sound to bring the group meditation session to an end. Most professional meditation practitioners will recommend that a person who is new to meditation take a guided meditation session so that they can learn how to achieve the state of mind the type of meditation they are trying. Learning to meditate is one of the most important tools any human can master and can help improve your day-to-day life and help you cope with your surroundings. Once you have undertaken a few guided meditation sessions you will certainly be able to pursue unguided meditation sessions on your own and the more practice you get the better you will be at meditation. It is also worth considering purchasing a few different guided meditation cd’s so that if in the future you are unsure of what to do during the meditation session, you can refer to the meditation cd as a reference.

Chris has Baroque Meditation Music available at - Meditation Music (Baroque Music) and a simple six step meditation program - Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management

Monday, September 29, 2008

Maria Duval - Have you Tried the Latest New York City Sensation?

Have you Tried the Latest New York City Sensation?
In the smog and rat race of our brave new world, have you ever set time aside to reflect and wonder if you could change or at least learn from your past? Do you even think it is possible to learn from your mistakes? Do you even remember your mistakes?

What if I told you there was a way to step back in time and reflect on your past and create a future that insures you don't make the same mistakes again, would you like to try it? It will take as little as 5 minutes and on the other hand you can do it for as long as you like.

Have you tried Walking Backwards, That's right simple by walking backwards you can physically walk your mind back in time. Now of course walking backward is not that easy and ho by the way it's a killer workout, it works your balance, agility and stability, and it targets your Glute and Hamstrings, which are trouble areas and very weak for a lot of people in fact weak Glutes and Hamstrings are in part a contributing factor for back pain.

Have you seen Steven Hefferon the "Backward Walking Man of Central Park"? Those that have, get up pretty early, Steve likes to walk first thing in the morning before heading into his office, most of the time before 6 AM not to beat the heat but to beat the distractions, it freaks people out a little bit when they see me walking backwards and while Steve does not mind explaining what he is doing it does make it hard to keep focused on stepping back in time.

If you would like to learn how to walk your mind back in time, the first thing you need to do is to practice walking backwards. Any path that is paved and has an edge is great for practicing. If you are still hesitant try holding someone's hand and doing it together.

The hard part is training your mind to think backwards, so one technique is to think back on birthdays, holidays or special events than as you get better at thinking back concentrate on details of the events and sooner of latter you will think of the blunder, embarrassing moment and yes even the mistake…

Don't get me wrong this is not just about walking back into mistakes but feel free to walk your self back when you have moment of greatness and genius. Backup your life to a time when you could do no wrong, when you felt the best, the safest and the felt like you could do anything, feel free to walk your self in to a feel good moment and stay there for a while and than use that feeling to create achievement in your life today…

Look you can sit on the couch and watch reruns or Hogan's Heroes, or Get Smart or Gilligan's Island and have the same type of memories but If you want to create change in your life, get you butt off the couch and walk your mind back in time and learn from your mistakes and hold on to the times that made you feel good or even the times of greatness.

Let me add final summation to the experience, as the final step in creating change and to live the changes you want to live, there is a simple formula to any situation you find yourself in and it goes like this…

STOP, you're self from reacting like you would have…

THINK, for a moment what is the best way to handle this situation…

ANTICIPATE, How the outcome is going to be so you become in control of the situation and not always have to put out fires…

You see I heighten my success by learning from both from the highs and lows, understanding what I did, why I did it and what my thought and beliefs were at the time.

I know now, that I need to live my life Expectedly and Pro-actively. I start each day with thoughts of achievement; knowing what I need to get done will get done. The words I choose to use throughout the day are also critical in reinforcing the outcome of my day. And of course my actions fulfill my expectations.

Holly cow why did it take me 40 years to learn that, why did my mother not explain it to me or why did I not learn this in the 20 plus years I was in school. Or did I, and just needed to grow up to appreciate it.

While growing old may suck, it does help you appreciate the good the bad and the ugly in life.

I like to thank Matthew Furey for teaching me these techniques, you see I went from being computer geek to co-founding losethebackpain.com and becoming and Internationally Known Back Pain Expert, it took a while but I did it.

See you in the park…

Article courtesy of Steve Hefferon, CMT of The Healthy Back Institute. You can take advantage of the many available free resources on their website by visiting http://www.losethebackpain.com

Connecting in Life and in Business - Are you Connecting?
The Principle of Connecting: Most of us want to know how to connect better with others in relationships of every kind, including business relationships. We often feel the desire to connect, but sadly realize that our attempts have not truly been successful. However, we can all experience consistently satisfying connections when we understand the hidden dynamics by which they are ruled.

Connecting occurs when one is simultaneously intra-connected and inter-connected. Intra-connection is the connection of one to oneself. Inter-connection is the connection of with others. These must occur at the same time, although the intra-connection is the foundation of inter-connection, and must be cultivated in order for connection to really take place.

Imagine that our attempts to connect with others are like an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg represents what we say. The foundation of the iceberg, the base that holds the tip above the surface of the ocean, is how we feel when we say what we say. The feeling beneath the words provides an emotional current that gets infused within the words as they are spoken. The reason why we feel as we do is the point of origin of the feeling that becomes infused into our attempt to connect.

A great majority of the time, people are not aware of the true reason that gives birth to their feelings. Because we mentally attach a reason to the feeling based on past conditioning and programming, that reason no longer reflects accurately who we are and what we desire in the present moment. Interestingly enough, the tip of the iceberg is approximately 8% of the total formula of connecting. The remaining 92% are the foundation of the iceberg, the part that is underneath the water. Although we may not perceive this 92% with our five senses, we feel it through the multi-sensory dimension of who we are.

A great question to now ask yourself is “What is getting in the way of me being intra-connected?” As you ponder this question, here is a wonderful concept to embrace: You do not have to create connection with others. Such connection already exists. Therefore, your responsibility is simply to remove any emotional or spiritual debris that is getting in its way.

To express it in medical terms, we have become de-myelinated emotionally. Myelin is a substance that surrounds many vital nerve pathways within our bodies. It is like the insulation surrounding an electrical wire, functioning to assure that the electricity is only delivered to the place where we wish to make use of it. What we must do is re-myelinate the emotional pathways that conduct the natural, pre-existing sense of connection between our personal and social selves and our higher Selves.

In essence we just have to let go of whatever may be getting in the way of communicating from the standpoint of who we already are. As we do, we begin to notice that our sense of connection to others becomes easy to feel, and we conduct all our relationships within the shelter of that ease.

About Ellie Drake
Savvy businesswoman, doctor, in-demand motivational speaker,mother and an inspiration to men and women around the globe,
Ellie Drake is a multi-dimensional success. She maintains a demanding schedule of personal appearances as well as a series of
web sites, each offering insights, newsletters and products designed to help individuals achieve their personal best. Each Monday
night at 10;30 pm Eastern, Drake offers a free teleconference designed to empower her listeners.
Visit BraveHeartCommunity.com or EllieDrakeFreeReport.com for more details.

Calm Your Mind And Spirit Through A Spiritual Retreat
A lot of the busy people nowadays are actually really prone to undergoing all sorts of stress related activities from high tailing it from one meeting to another or giving a presentation or a report that took weeks before it could be finished. Such stressful activities can really be jarring on the nerves which is why a lot of people become cranky and would not care less about how they associate with other people anymore.

1. Regain Self

When this happens and that person has already lost contact with his or her spiritual self as well as a good relationship with God, then it is really time to file for a vacation leave for your self and join a spiritual retreat wherein you will be able to calm your nerves and senses so that you will be able to go back and think about the really important things in life. Acknowledging people's importance in your life and how you greatly appreciate their constant presence in your life will really be able to help you have a successful spiritual retreat.

2. Cater To Your Needs

When it comes to joining a spiritual retreat, you must consider the following things when trying to pick out from the various spiritual retreat venues the ones that will really be able to cater to your spiritual needs as well as will be able to foster your spiritual well being. There really are a lot of spiritual retreat venues that are available nowadays for people who would just like to get away from it all and what is great about it is that you need not worry about being bored to your wits in these spiritual retreats since the organizers of these spiritual retreats have already made it possible that you will actually have a good time in their spiritual retreat programs.

- Talking about your feelings
- Your anger
- The world
- Your frustrations
- Your hopes
- Rekindle your relationship with God

3. Aims And Goals

A spiritual retreat aims to answer all these doubts and reassure you that God is certainly with us, always guiding and protecting us from harm. Like if your car has been bumped by another car and it has left a deep dent on the back, you can be rest assured that God is still protecting you since at least you were saved from any bodily harm and that your car is just a material possession that if you really work hard on it, you can actually still have it fixed or you can just buy a better model. A really enables you to become more objective when it comes to dealing with certain situations and to not get easily angry with others as well as with God.

4. Relaxation In Paradise

Still, there are those who go on to spiritual retreats hoping that they will be able to just have the time to reflect on the things that they have done and let go of all regrets - the chances that they did not took as well all the wrong things that they have done. Because as the clichoes, it's all in the past. While a spiritual retreat is really meant for looking back on your past in order to be able to have a better looking future with your newfound faith in God as well as in yourself. It is highly important that you should also be to finally let go of the things that have been bothering you in the past therefore not enabling you to live your life accordingly to God's will.

For more great spiritual retreat related articles and resources check out http://www.weknowgetaways.com

Who Made The First New Year's Resolution?
What is it that makes people stay up until the wee hours of the morning one night out of the year? My primary objective in life is not to see how late I can stay up, but getting up in the morning. If I can get up each morning, it is a major accomplishment that I should celebrate with eggs, bacon and a hot cup of coffee " which is about all the celebrating I can handle. I’m not anxious to see someone drop the ball on New Year’s Eve. I do enough of that myself throughout the year and believe me, nobody cheers. One thing I am most careful to do each New Year’s Day is make out my resolutions for the coming year. New Year’s resolutions represent one of the most ancient of human rituals. I say “human rituals” because it is not known whether the animal or plant world enjoy such exhilarating rituals. The evidence at this point in time is inclusive. Perhaps Mark Twain was correct when he observed, “humans are the only animals that blush " or need to.” I have not always held such high and lofty views of the New Year’s resolution. Once, when I was young and did not know any better, I completely ignored this yearly ritual. My good friend and mentor, the Reverend Frank Simmons, set me straight on this important issue. My early pastorate was close to Frank’s and we spent much time together. I learned so much from him, things they do not teach in college. Each New Year’s Day we would spend in each other’s society. One year Frank and his wife would entertain us at his parsonage and the next year my wife and I would reciprocate. It was at our parsonage one year when I made the casual remark that I did not believe in New Year’s resolutions. As far as I was concerned, a New Year’s resolution was a useless attempt to interfere with scientific laws. My best resolve is not going to change much in the long run. Besides, I can’t run that far these days. My mind is bigger than my legs. For example. Have you ever noticed that a New Year’s resolution is stronger at its birth than any subsequent period? My best intention in January is a long faded memory by July. Most New Year’s resolutions are simply lame attempts to apologize for the past year and a promise of better behavior in the year ahead. People spend so much energy in the creative act of coming up with a good set of New Year’s resolutions that there is no energy left to actually keep them for more than two consecutive days. Frank allowed me to dig my hole as deep as possible and then in his unique way, let me know that I was wrong. I always took criticism from him very seriously. “Can you tell me,” he asked with a mischievous twinkle, “the origin of the New Year’s resolution and who made the first one?” Of course, he caught all of us off guard with this one. My good wife suggested that maybe it was Samson who resolved to give up female barbers. Everyone had a good laugh at that one. Frank especially enjoyed it, slapping his knee and roaring with laughter. My thoughts turned to the biblical book of Ecclesiastes. “When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.” (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 KJV.) In my mind, a vow is the same thing as a resolution. As important as it is to make a vow, or resolution, keeping it is more important. If you cannot, or will not, keep it, better not make it. A resolution is not an opportunity to boast. It should be done very carefully and sincerely. Many people at this time of the year make resolutions such as attending church more regularly, reading their Bible and praying every day, and giving more money to their local church. Such resolutions are music in the ear of every pastor. The problem is, the band stops playing in mid-February. If everyone who made such resolutions actually kept them for an entire year, most pastors would have heart attacks by September. Thankfully, there is no actual medical danger for the cleric population. Back to Frank’s intriguing question. “Can you tell me the origin of the New Year’s resolution and who made the first one?” During our lively discussion of the subject Frank kept quiet. He just leaned back in his chair, listening to the deliberation with a devilish grin playing across his face. Gradually, the rest of us grew silent and directed our attention toward Frank. “All right,” I finally begged, “tell us. Where did the New Year’s Resolution originate and who make the first one?” Frank knew he had us right where he wanted us. “Not many people know,” Frank began, “that the New Year’s resolution has biblical roots. It began with Adam.” He certainly had my attention and I leaned forward to catch every word. With great deliberation Frank explained, “As the first couple began their second year in the Garden of Eden, Adam turned to Eve and said, ‘Honey, this year I’m going to turn over a new leaf.’”

Rev. James L. Snyder is an award winning author and popular columnist living with his wife, Martha, in Ocala, Florida and can be contacted at jamessnyder2@att.net.

Malice In “I Wonder Who I Am” Land
For many years I maintained confidence in my personal identity. I knew exactly who I was and was quite comfortable in my skin. Although, I must confess my skin used to fit me better than it does these days. Recently several things happened to shake this confidence in my person. I don’t know about anyone else, but I take pride in my personal mettle. About two months ago my credit card company informed me somebody hacked into their records and stole my identity, along with approximately one million other customers. They went on to assure me that my account would be safe. It wasn’t my money I was worried about at the time but my identity. How can anybody steal someone else’s identity? More important than that, why would anybody want to steal somebody else’s identity? Especially somebody like me. In thinking about this I wondered, how much can I charge someone for borrowing my identity? I might have a cottage industry here in the making. Or, perhaps it’s just cottage cheese. I could understand if I were a good looking, rich tycoon with more dollars than sense. I’ve been looking for money all my life and have been unsuccessful. I am so poor some church mice have loaned me a dollar or two over the years. And if I ever see those mice again I aim to repay those loans. The way I feel about it is if anyone can get money out of my account, good luck to them, because I can never get money out of my account when I need it. In fact, I have a good mind to find these identity thieves and ask how they’re getting money out of my account. I’d pay good money to find the secret to that puzzle. The ATM at my bank stands for Automatic Thief Machine. It holds me up from getting to my next appointment with cash and never returns my card. A second incident furthered my identity malaise. A few days ago, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and Yours Truly were in a little bit of a tight spot. Actually, it was I in the tight spot, which is nothing new for me. I can’t remember the events leading up to the spot I found myself but my wife looked at me, placed both hands on her hips and declaimed, “Who do you think you are?” At the time, I did not know quite how to answer that philosophical inquiry. I mean, she has known me for over 35 years ,and for her not to know who I am at this point is just a little bit puzzling to me. At the time, I must confess, I was a little confused about who she thought she was. Being the gentleman I am, I kept my befuddlement to myself. My selfhood perplexity deepened. One day this week, I was going about minding my own business n which is a full-time job with part-time pay and no benefits n when I bumped into an old friend. After we exchanged a few pleasantries, he looked at me and said, “Is there anything wrong? You don’t look yourself today.” Now, the question plaguing my mind was simply, if I don’t look like me, who in the world do I look like? I simply smiled and mumbled something to the effect that recently somebody had stolen my identity. Frankly, I was surprised someone noticed it. In thinking about this, I wondered when someone’s identity is lost where does it go? Is there a lost and found department somewhere for lost identities? Then an awful thought tugged at my mind. What if someone lost their identity, went to the lost and found department and, by mistake, picked up someone else’s lost identity? How do I know it hasn’t happened to me? What proof do I have that I am who I say I am? The evidence before me is quite overwhelming. A major corporation in the United States has informed me that someone has stolen my identity; my wife asked me who do I think I am; and a friend I’ve known for years tells me I don’t look like myself. Talk about having your reality check bounce. I must confess to times when my mind does wander a trifle. But I refuse to accept the judgment that I am absent-minded. I grant you my mind, on the odd occasion, does take a little break every now and then, but it is never absent. This recent identity crisis caused me to do a little evaluating about my personhood. Who am I really? I jotted down a few notes: son, brother, uncle, husband, father and grandfather. Although I’m not old enough to be a grandfather, I do accept the privileges of this position. After all, I’m living with a grandmother, so it is easier just to go along with the program, if you know what I mean. Then a marvelous thought poked its way into my mind. How it got in with all the clutter is beyond me. The thought was simply this; I am also a son of God. This is based upon a wonderful verse of scripture. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” (John 1:12 KJV.) I’m unsure about many things, but one thing I am confident in is my relationship to God.

James L. Snyder is an award winning author and popular columnist living with his wife, Martha, in Ocala, Florida and can be contacted at jamessnyder2@att.net.

Initiation: Taking Your Life To The Next Level
This past Sunday I had the privilege of welcoming back a group of women at the completion of their initiation process. After 10-months of weekly meetings ? discovering their wounds and their gifts, exploring their scary edges and their hidden joys ?these women left Wednesday evening for the culminating weekend of ritual and celebration.

And on Sunday afternoon, their community welcomed them back. As they walked under the archway and into the circle of friends, I could see, shining through the exhaustion from four days and nights of ritual, the new light that each of these women had tapped into. I could feel the way in which each of them had opened to a deeper understanding of who they truly are.

The highlight of the day was hearing their initiated names, chosen by the leaders, with the help of Spirit, as a lifelong reminder of their purpose and gifts. While I cannot share their actual, initiated names I can give you a taste. They were names like:

Drinks from the Well of Worthiness
Flaming Stone
Speaks Compassionate Truth
Healing Phoenix
Bringer of Sacred Irreverence

These are names that, once given, can never be taken away, and will never be forgotten.
You might wonder what initiation has to do with coaching? It has everything to do with coaching in the way that I approach the work.

Initiation is about stepping into a more mature level of commitment to your life and the manner in which you engage with the world around you. Wherever you stand on your path, the initiatory process propels you into a more active and intimate relationship with the life experience you are creating. Formal initiation marks your transition from one life stage or level of awareness to the next.

While coaching cannot replicate or replace a true initiatory experience, it certainly can help a person discover their unique gifts and find meaningful ways of offering them to the world. In our culture, where formal initiatory experiences are hard to come by, that can be a powerful offering.

In our culture we do have events that offer glimpses of an initiatory past, but very few of them retain their previous power. Weddings, potentially a profoundly initiatory experience, have become an excuse to have a great party. The birth of a child has become so sterilized and anesthetized that the majority of new parents miss out on the opportunity to consciously step through the threshold into parenthood. Most religious initiations have become watered down and no longer serve the purpose for which they were created: namely the conscious and intentional maturation of a person.

According to Jewish tradition, I was initiated into adulthood when I was thirteen. I went through the preparations, learned how to read my Torah portion and chant the other stuff. But when it came right down to it, in my middle-class, reform community, the underlying initiatory element of a Bar Mitzvah had been lost long ago. When I completed the process, my bank balance was larger, but I was no more a man than I had been before the ceremony.

And don?t you dare ask me to remember what Torah portion I read, or anything the rabbi said to me, or the words of wisdom my male elders passed on to me. That is all long gone. What I do remember is the party! We cleared out our garage and turned it into a barn to have a big square dance. Where I came up with that theme, I have no idea. It probably was not even my idea.

In contrast to that, my wife and I created our wedding with the intention of acknowledging and exploring the underlying initiatory experience. We chose to consciously step through the threshold of that initiation into our new life-stage. I will always remember the connections I felt as I walked around the circle of friends and family gathered to support and witness us. I will always remember being asked, at the end of the ceremony, if I was ready to step into the world in a new way, in the role of husband. And I will always remember, after having said ?yes,? the surge of power and joy that filled me as my wife and I walked through the gateway into our new experience.

Will the women who participated in this recent initiation remember their experience?

You bet! They?ll carry their initiated name with them for the rest of their lives. They?ll carry the memories of the edges they confronted and crossed over, as well as the edges they confronted and were unable to cross. They?ll remember the dark places they discovered within themselves and the hidden gifts that they found waiting there.

And most important, these women will never again live in quite the same way. They have forged an intimate connection with their gifts. They cannot turn their backs on their gifts anymore than we would turn our backs on our ability to walk or speak or breathe. Can you imagine waking up one day and deciding that you no longer had a use for your ability to walk? Our deeper, soul?s gifts are just as powerful, perhaps more so, and yet, it is far too easy to deny these gifts. The women who went through this initiation no longer have that option. Their experience, their initiated sisters, and their community, will now hold them accountable for offering their gifts to the world in a more expansive way.

Because it is so rare to find an opportunity to participate in a formal initiatory experience, we must become the stewards of our own conscious maturation. We must, on a daily basis, affirm and re- affirm our choice to move into a mature adulthood.

Without formal initiation, our maturation process is evolutionary. It happens each day, in small, incremental moments and movements. By bringing our attention, and intention to the micro-initiations of our daily life, we can achieve the same result as going through a formal initiation. We can step through the threshold to our next level of maturation or awareness.

If you would choose the path of initiation, then begin to pay attention to the opportunities for transformation that happens every day. When something happens in the outer world that propels you to an inner edge, stop and explore it. Don?t be in such a rush to turn around and get away from that edge. When someone says or does something that irritates or even angers you, stop and ask yourself what wound inside you has been activated. When you find yourself resisting an opportunity to offer your gifts to the world, stop and uncover the old beliefs that hold you back.

By committing to your own initiatory process, and using the seemingly insignificant events of your everyday life to catalyze your awakening, you will discover your gifts and the ways in which you are meant to share them with the world.

Maria Duval - The Psychic Universe

The Psychic Universe
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A place wher you can find true ethical and certified psychics to give you the help and guidance you need.

Types Of Self-Defeating Communication
If there was a law against people verbally abusing themselves, it would be a safe bet that most Americans would now be in jail. The things we say to ourselves both silently and out loud are amazing! And we say these things to ourselves almost constantly. For example, how many times have you found yourself making derogatory remarks about how you reacted to a situation you have just experienced? We tend to judge and invalidate our actions when they are out of sync with our beliefs about what is right and wrong or good and bad.

If you are like the average person in our society, I suspect that you make such self-deprecating statements all too frequently. Likewise, I strongly suspect that the frequency with which you verbally abuse yourself about goals detracts significantly from your results.

I have good reason for both suspicions. First, it is common knowledge that people talk to themselves when involved with certain tasks. Salespeople talk to themselves before meeting a client, lawyers talk to themselves about judges and jurors and musicians talk to themselves about the requirements of a piece they will play. Butcher, baker, or candlestick maker ? it makes no difference. All people talk to themselves.

There are two types of self-defeating statements that people are prone to make. First, there are negative self-statements; that is, statements that deprecate your own self-worth and abilities. Second, there are self-pressure statements; that is, statements that bring greater pressure on you than the situation demands.

When you make either self-pressuring statements or negative self-statements, several things can happen, most of which are bad. Negative self-statements frequently become what we call self-fulfilling prophecies. This simply means that because we expect negative reactions from ourselves, based on the negative things we?ve said about ourselves, we are likely to behave accordingly. This is because we begin to think obsessively about how bad we are rather than think about what we need to do in order to properly execute.

Fortunately, simply by being aware of these types of self-defeating statements, you can work to develop a positive approach to your self-talk, and overcome this negative cycle.

Dr. Patrick Porter is an entrepreneur, award-winning author, and motivational speaker. His electrifying keynote speeches and seminars deliver the real life, nuts ?n bolts concepts he used to take his business venture to astounding heights. http://www.patrickkporter.com

Maria Duval - 5. The Importance Of Being Grounded (2)

5. The Importance Of Being Grounded (2)
- Do you know what it feels like to be grounded? - Do you know how you can achieve better grounding in your life? I remember that, although I was meditating for quite a long time already, I had difficulties in feeling what it was to be grounded and to me it was very helpful to work with the meditation technique that I am going to tell you about: My teacher and mentor Christopher Beaver (Telluride-CO) taught me that: “Each individual possesses a natural rhythm that is as unique as their fingerprints or DNA. Staying connected to Mother Earth creates a change in your own personal energy field, so that you can re-align to a more natural way of being.” I have experienced that by becoming grounded you take the first step in evolving your consciousness towards change. Please be aware that these self motivation tips are the key to change and growth. Therefore I recommend you to practice this self motivation exercise in order to obtain the necessary self motivation skills. To achieve better grounding in your life, I share this meditation with you. I am convinced that it will be of great help to you too: 1. Find a quiet place and sit, either in the Lotus posture, or in a chair with your back straight and both your feet on the ground, your hands resting on your thighs with the palms up. (This helps you to be open) 2. Close your eyes and breath, while your jaws are unlocked and your tongue touches the back of your lower front teeth. 3. Take 3 slow deep breaths to let your body know that you are going into meditation. 4. Start breathing-in through your nose and- out through your mouth and open yourself to receive Mother Earth’s energy. Feel this energy surround you like loving arms, sending you nurturing and unconditional acceptance. 5. Feel an imaginary cord opening up underneath your body and visualize it to roll out to the centre of the earth. 6. A red colored grounding energy enters your body at the base of your spine. Let it flow into your pelvis and the lower part of your body. Then direct it up the back of your spine and let it go up to the top of your head, after which you let it flow down the front of your spine. 7. Keep breathing-in through your nose and- out through your mouth, while you feel this energy moving up and down your spine and into the lower part of your body. This meditation will truly help you to: - feel connected to the Earth - balance - create a deep inner peace - become stress-resistant - feel energized - bring you to your deepest internal information - feel what you REALLY want So, give yourself a gift, take action and repeat this exercise for 20 minutes every day.

Ab van Deemter (http://www.passiontogrow.com) is a Personal Growth specialist and a spiritual person, who believes in sharing his knowledge of personal perseverance. He has studied metaphysics and other holistic methods for many years and embarked on a life of success. With successful tools for personal freedom he has made it past a life full of obstacles and now mentors and teaches business owners, their staff, his own employees, as well as a large group of private individuals.

The Law of Attraction �" A Users Guide
Have you noticed how some people just seem to always be in the zone? They always reach their goals and get everything they want in their lives. How can this be?
One possible answer would be that they’re just lucky. Another answer could be that they know something others don’t. Let us explore those two answers a little further.

What if it’s Luck.
Luck is considered to be something we can not control. If you won a million dollars in a lottery you would call it luck. If you discovered your car had a flat tire when you was allready late for work, you would probably call it bad luck. Some people are considered to be lucky while others are considered to be unlucky. If luck is what makes the difference between rich and poor, then there is nothing we can do to change it. We’ll just have to trust that destiny is doing what it’s supposed to do for us.

What if they know something others don’t.
If the successful people know something that can get them anything they want, it would be a totally different story. That means that everyone, with the right knowledge, could get what they want. YOU could get everything you want. Wow, think about that for a moment. Where would you be today if this was true? I got news for you: It is true. It’s called the Law of Attraction.

All matter is energy. The chair you are sitting on, the trees in the backyard, your house and your car. It’s all vibrating energy. And so are you. So, what makes us vibrate? Have you heard the expression ‘you are what you eat’? The same goes for thoughts. You truly become what you think about. Our thoughts and feelings make you who you are to the rest of the world. What you think about today is what you’ll get tomorrow.

The main thing that will make the Law of Attraction work in your favour is your feelings. You are always utilizing the Law of Attraction, whether you know it or not. If you’re feeling bad that’s exactly what you’ll attract. If that is the case, you need to do anything you can to turn it around. Switch the negative thoughts with positive ones. Smile to everyone you meet (even if you don’t want to). Sing in the shower. Become aware of your inner dialog and change it. When you first start doing this it will feel artificial and unreal to you. But if you stick to it, you will see that an incredible change takes place inside of you. You’ll start to attract positive things and people.

Think of your self as an adjusted magnet. You’ll attract all the things you think about the most. If all you can think about are your bills, then that’s what you’ll get; more bills. If all you can think about is the money you have, then that’s what you’ll get more of. Stop worrying about the things you can’t do anything about, and start paying attention to the things you can change. Be patient. You have planted a seed. Everything that’s in your life today, is there becouse of what you have thought in the past.

Jarle Husefest is the founder of the website PersonalDevelopmentBooks.net. The main purpose of the website is to distribute eBooks about Personal Development for free.

Break a Bad Habit and Make a New Friend: YOU
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they decide changes must be made. Usually it means breaking a bad habit built up over the years. No matter what the bad habit, the time for change has come and the need to make life changing corrections must be faced.

Making the decision to correct the bad habit is the first major step. In Alcoholics Anonymous the first step is admitting you have a problem. That step applies to everyone who has decided to make a change in their life by improving their lifestyle, self-image or health. Before one can start down the self-improvement road one must first admit what the problem is.

The next step is deciding how to make the necessary changes to break habits and improve their life. Breaking a bad habit is no easy task. Smokers are often told that being addicted to nicotine is as bad as heroin. Even knowing this, every year thousands take the steps needed to stop one of the worst habit-forming addictions our of day. They are ready to face the fact that their bad habit is hurting them and they know that their decision will lead them on a journey of self-improvement that will add years to their life.

People addicted to alcohol are another group who take the journey to self-improvement. Their journey is one that is very welcomed by friends, co-workers and family members who for years have had to endure the effects that this addiction has had on their lives. In many cases the alcoholic has the support of many to help them on their journey of self-improvement.

In recent years one of the most publicized self-improvement movements has been for weight loss. The airwaves are full of advertisements for products to help people lose weight. There are even reality TV shows portraying the struggles that overweight people go through and the self-confidence they gain as the weight drops off.

Although the challenges are great for some of these addictions, the benefits are life-changing for all. The smoker has lowered their risk of cancer; the alcoholic sees life as a sober person and regains the love and respect of family and friends. The life change that weight loss gives is by far the most dramatic. Not only do they feel better and look better; they receive constant feedback from people who can see the physical differences from their self-improvement program.

To start a self-improvement program is easy. Following through and sticking with it is the hard part. There will be times of setbacks, but it’s easy enough to pick yourself up and start again. For the smoker who lasts three months, then has a setback, knows what they did accomplish that and the next time may be able to go further. The dieter can also fall off the wagon without too much damage done before they start back on the road to break their eating habits.

It simply takes making a decision to start, making a plan to help break your bad habits and then following through. Breaking a bad habit often requires the help of a support network and many get much further when they have others to help them.

The end result is well worth the struggle. All who have habit-forming problems and who have decided to make changes in their lifestyle for the better will receive positive feedback The most important feedback they get, after their doctors, is the feedback they give themselves.

Kaled Asmri is giving away free memberships to his SHS Tips ‘private eZine’. To get your own membership, visit http://HabitMagic.com/free while free memberships last.

Meditations: Using Meditation to Master The Art Of Success
Quick question before we start, please raise your hand if you have achieved everything you wanted to achieve in your life. Let me ask you another question … do you have a passion to succeed or to achieve something? Are you programmed to succeed? Would you like to know how? There are many theories that have been written by experts, historians and psychologists across the world and also across time on success but the one thing every single one of them always defines as the secret to success is that you must believe you are going to succeed and that you can achieve what you want to achieve and that you are prepared to continue to have a go and keep having a go, learning each time, till you achieve what it is that you want to achieve. If you ever get a chance to read a book by Napoleon Hill called Think and Grow Rich it is worth reading. The author, Napoleon Hill wrote this book back in 1937 and he was basically looking for a formula that anyone could follow to achieve success and in particular riches on an obscene scale. One of the 13 Secrets that he outlines in his book is that all millionaires and in this era billionaires know is the power of Autosuggestion. This was the term that was bandied around in the 1930's era and essentially autosuggestion means the reprogramming of your mind to believe something so much that your mind automatically pushes you towards success and in the case of Think and Grow Rich, obscene wealth. In today's hip culture, the guru's of the self-help industry refer to the power of autosuggestion more as affirmations than the autosuggestion term however they are essentially the same. The bottom line is this, for you to succeed you have to believe that you can succeed and you have to train your mind to succeed and to think successfully. Most people at this point and I are sure you are one of them, will go, yeah right what a load of hippy talk. Well maybe, but let us look at few facts. Let us look at some of the most successful people in the world and take someone who I am a great fan of Lance Armstrong and look closely at what he has achieved. Lance Armstrong is a leader and a hero in the cycling community. After being diagnosed with testicular cancer which had spread to his lungs and brain he fought this disease whole heartedly and not only beat the disease, but he used the power of his mind to go onto win the Tour de France, not once, not twice but seven times. There is no way in the world that this man could beat such a debilitating disease unless he had programmed his mind to say, I will beat this disease and get my life back and exceed what I had achieved before. In fact, going onto win the Tour de France seven times is a feat never before achieved in the history of the race. Knowing this information if you were faced with absolute adversity what would you do? Would you just simply stop, give up and die or would you keep fighting? Would you beat your adversity and then stop, or would you push your goals further out there to achieve more? If you want to be successful, you must train your mind to be successful. You must have an overwhelming belief or faith in yourself that you can do it, even when everyone around you is telling you that you can not do it. The key to this success is to program you for success. When I was doing a business course a few months ago one of the tasks that we were given was to write down ten things that we wanted to achieve. We were asked to identify specifically what those ten things are in business we wanted to achieve. The sort of items people wrote down - 1. I am going to make $200,000 cash profit this year 2. I am going to buy a new Mercedes 3. I am going to buy a jet ski 4. I am going to raise $500,000 to build an orphanage in Laos 5. I am going to buy the block Lot 4 Coral Coast Road in Townsville Australia 6. I am going to take my family to Las Vegas and have $5,000 spending money 7. I am going to raise the $4,000 to buy a Vintage Plane for the RAAF Museum 8. I am going to win the Archery at the next Commonwealth Games 9. I am going to learn to fly a plane 10. I am going to hike up Mount Kosciusko What people were then told was to right these elements down onto a sheet of paper and put them up where you could see them every day where you can read them and remind yourself of what you are going to achieve. Essentially what they told us to do is to follow the third secret to success identified by Napoleon Hill called Autosuggestion. However, what I noticed with all the people in course was that over a period of time, they began to give up. They did not read their ten items every day and they did not affirm that they would achieve what they wanted each day. Part of the reason this occurs is simply because the hustle, bustle and stress of everyday life and reality take over and your mind is cluttered with the stress. When the course finished they did not have the people in the course to continually speak with them to see if they were sticking to their ten things they wanted to achieve. Look ask any educator in the world, if you are stressed when trying to learn something, you will never learn the material as well as somebody who is not stressd. Why … because a mind that is not stressed and cluttered will allow you to absorb the information more effectively than somebody who does not and this leads me to how Meditation is one of the secret tools to success. Meditation on its own will NOT bring you success. The role of meditation in the art of success is to bring your mind to a point of calm where it can absorb all the material to help you succeed and in particular, so that you can ingrain into your mind the affirmations of what you are going to achieve. The first step in using meditation to help you succeed is to learn to meditate to eliminate the stress. Before trying to address anything else you must learn to relax and be calm and to clear your mind. That is, your mind must be free from clutter, worry, concerns and anything else that may stop you from programming your mind to succeed. There are many meditations that will help you in overcoming stress such as the breathing meditation technique, stillness meditation technique and the numbers meditation technique. Each of these techniques will teach you how to achieve focus and calm during your meditation session. Once you have mastered those techniques, you can then focus on your affirmations or autosuggestions each day of what you are going to achieve. The Buddhists use sacred phrases in their meditations to help them become better people on their journey towards achieving enlightenment. You can use the affirmations or ten things you want to achieve in exactly the same way. By reflecting on the ten things you want to achieve during meditation, you are reinforcing what you want to achieve in the way of success and ingraining in a clear mind these affirmations or autosuggestions, which means you will maintain your focus to achieve these ten things even when you are challenged by what is going on in your day. When you start using this technique over a period of time, you will be amazed how your mind will say to you, "Hey, you are off focus on what you want to achieve get back on focus". I recommend that for meditation to work effectively that you spend no less than 20 minutes in the morning and night meditating on the 10 things you must achieve. The reason that I recommend meditating twice a day is that you need to be reflecting on your affirmations for a minimum of 20 minutes a day, however most people find that it takes them about ten minutes of their meditation time before they are truly calm, when they are first starting out. You will find though as time goes on and you meditate regularly that you are able to get to a state of calm a lot quicker than when you first start out. Look the bottom line is this, if you want to succeed, you must believe inside of yourself that you can achieve whatever success you want. It is totally up to you as to what you want to achieve and only you can do it. Remember, that every great achievement in the world started out as a single thought that one person believed in enough to what to achieve it. To stay on the path to success, meditation will help you to control the clutter and the stress the world can pile on you on a day-to-day basis in your mind.

If you are interested in reading the Think and Grow Rich book by Napoleon Hill and learning the thirteen secrets to success, it is available at our website as a PDF as well as an MP3 Audio version. The best type of Meditation Music is Baroque Music played at 60 beats per minute and this music is also available at our website.

Ten Steps to Electrifying Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is the highest level of life energy we can experience as human beings here on earth. Some may say ecstasy is even higher still, but others might counter that ecstasy is not readily available to every mortal on this planet, while enthusiasm can be felt by anyone who discovers his passion, his reason of being, his life’s mission. Enthusiasm will be felt by anyone who lives, or aspires to live, according to his divine plan. Enthusiasm means you are “possessed” by a divine spirit, taking you higher and higher, and continually drawing you closer to the realization of yourself as the divine creature that you are. The realization of yourself entails the realization of your dreams. First you need to identify your passion and your mission, and then you need to get serious about implementing them in your life. Soon you will be carried aloft by a divine wind, plenty of energy will flow through your being, and you will feel blessed with extraordinary creativity and inspiration, lifting you up to heavenly vibrations. How do you embark on this journey of enthusiasm, cruising the earthly waters? How can you maintain your balance and prevent falling into the cold waters of depression, emptiness and lack of energy? Follow the steps set out below and join the planetary crew of enthusiasts! 1) Find your passion, your goal in life, the reason why you are alive. This passion should not be linked to one particular person, otherwise you will fall into the water whenever this other person goes away. Your passion is something personal, something inside yourself. Your passion does not depend on anything outside yourself (your lover, your children or your job) to guarantee your happiness! Discover your own unique talents, develop them and offer them to the world. What is it that you are passionate about? What are the activities that boost your energy? What makes you lose track of time? What is it that absorbs your mind so much that you forget about dinner? This is what excites you, and that feeling of excitement is your soul raising its hand, shouting “This way, please!” Listen to your soul : follow your excitement. 2) Free yourself of energy vampires, so you can use all of your precious energy to expand and progress. As long as you let yourself be terrorized by your partner, boss, parents, colleagues or children, you won’t get very far with your energy. You are merely trying to survive, and survival has nothing to do with enthusiasm! Break with people who are dragging you down and start living it up! 3) Learn to say “no” to time-consuming, futile activities like arguing with your partner or children, taking care of people who don’t want to change their ways anyway, going shopping and preparing warm meals for people who don’t appreciate your efforts, answering phone calls for people that talk down to you, and so on. Pay attention to what activities you spend your time and energy on, separate the wheat from the chaff and break radically with everything that eats up your precious time without offering something in return! 4) Stop trying to save the whole world, but rather start by saving yourself. Is this being egotistic? No, this is called self-love. Stop trying to solve somebody else’s problems, but rather concentrate on your own goal and keep moving forward! It isn’t until you are receiving a lot of energy from your own exciting activities, that you will have a lot to offer to others. Your mere example of living your passion is much more effective towards producing change than endlessly proposing solutions to people who got so stuck in their problems that they don’t want to resolve them anyway. You are not responsible for them! But you are responsible for yourself! 5) Stay focused on your goal, on your well-being, on your happiness. Fulfilling your dream is your priority and your guideline for every decision you make. Don’t waste time on unimportant details. You don’t have to know everything before you can get started, and you don’t have to resolve everything before you can move on. You don’t have to take your children to the gym everyday yourself; teach them how to take the bus, or set up a schedule to work in shifts with other parents. 6) Find your balance: eat good food, maintain positive energy vibrations, listen to music you enjoy, spend time in nature… Take care of yourself. Nourish yourself with high quality food on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual! Every object, every thought, every environment, every person has a certain energy level. You can easily sense this. Learn how to feel the energy moving in your body. Learn how to feel this energy and stay away from people, places or activities that drain your energy. Instead, look for those things that boost your energy up and integrate them into your daily life. Be sensitive for and pay attention to what your body is telling you, and then act accordingly. 7) Be positive. Don’t listen to naysayers, naggers, or depressed people. Look on the bright side of life! Hang out with positive people. Read inspiring books. Go for a daily stroll in the park or a walk through the forest. Breath. Fill your body and mind with pure oxygen. Listen to something that motivates you instead of exposing yourself to the endless stream of very-low-energy newscasts telling you how many people got killed today. Put a screensaver on your computer displaying motivational quotes to remind you that it is YOU who is creating your own life from your own mindset! Write motivational texts on flashcards and stick them on your dashboard, computer, doors, fridge, bed, table, … everywhere! 8) Love, love, love, and then love some more! Love your children, your cat, your dog, your mother and father, your mother-in-law (if possible, just kidding), your garden, your nose, your belly, your street, your neighbors, your house, your town, your… everything! Love is the highest energy vibration we can feel. Don’t wait around for love to come into your life! Make love happen yourself! Be the love that you are looking for. Love, and you will be loved! 9) Be grateful. Stop complaining about what you don’t have. Stop focusing on what is lacking in your life. Instead focus on what you do have. Be grateful and say thank you to those around you. Say thank you to the Universe. Look at what you already have right now: what do you already possess, who already loves you, what skills do you have already? Express gratitude for these, and more of it will come to you. Focusing on something makes it bigger, because you are feeding it with energy. So focus on what you want and don’t focus on what you don’t want. The best way to receive more of what you want, is to be sincerely grateful for what you have already. 10) Give. Be a giver, not a taker. Give freely and generously of your love, your talents, your energy, your knowledge, your charisma, your time to those with whom you have a good energy connection. Using your talents to make this world a better place is the most satisfying activity there is. By offering your talents to others, you are aligning yourself with your divine life plan and you will be filled with enthusiasm! You will notice that people are happier, more on track, more confident, stronger and healthier after receiving the gift of your talents and support, and this will make you feel so happy and light that you will feel afloat! And this is because your energy vibrations are so high that you are touching divinity! You are floating like an angel! However, be careful when you are giving your energy to “energy vampires.” You don’t have to let yourself bleed for the sake of people who drain you without giving anything in return. Always check to see if the energy is being shared, if it is flowing in both directions. If not, then stop. Practicing these 10 steps in daily life will make your enthusiasm skyrocket! You will feel heavenly and afloat, just like those other heavenly creatures, the angels. Stay on your life path, doing what you were meant to do: realizing your dreams by offering your unique talents to those other angels who cross your path. Your reward: electrifying enthusiasm!

Written by Ineke Van Lint, psychologist. Boost your life with enthusiasm! Find your passion, your mission on earth. Live your life your way, full of joy, abundance and enthusiasm! Free e-course and gifts offered on http://www.theenthusiasm.com and http://www.enthusiasmdaybyday.com

Has TV helped the Online Psychic Readings Industry ?
Moonwhisper.com as well as many other psychic reading websites has proven that the internet is a viable venue for professional psychics to display their services and provide an obviously very lucrative service to the major players in the online psychic reading industry. With an increasing demand for high quality and affordable psychic advice rising daily smaller websites are finding it easier to break into this niche market and take psychic service promotions to the next level with a complete line of co branded services on the web. You will find that the fires of this rise in interest in the psychic readings niche has been fanned in part by the rise of popular TV shows that have really brought the paranormal and psychic ability into main stream American homes. These shows have really taken a lot of the taboo previously associated with psychics and turned them into heroic figures solving mysteries, crimes as well as helping those in need with their psychic abilities. You may be asking how has this helped online psychics? The answer is simple we are now more accepting and aware of these paranormal events that have always taken place and we have been desensitized to the previous stigma associated with psychics by the constant barrage of the paranormal on TV. It has now become normal to consult with psychics and to believe that a psychic has the ability to predict the future because we as Americans are so used to it from our exposure on television. May I add it is about time we have learned to accept psychic abilty instead of shy aware from it as the answers we seek could be just a click of a mouse away. In my opinion we can look at the rise of online psychic popularity in two ways either as a sad cry for help by the public at large who are desperate to find hope anywhere or as a beginning of an age of enlightenment where we are finally at place where we are accepting of a higher spiritual plane and are not afraid to seek advice from a realm that is intangible but nevertheless very real. I find the latter to be a more optimistic and open minded way of thought and I really believe that psychics will no longer be shunned and mocked but be sought after and accepted as a genuine professional service. I see the future of psychic readings to be very bright and something that will continue to grow and blossom as our spirituality becomes more accepting and our rational minds let go and let the psychic mind be released.

Marissa “Moonwhisper” is the webmaster and founder of Moonwhisper.com 1999 a huge directory of psychic readings and metaphysical resources as well as a professional psychic advisor. http://www.moonwhisper.com

How Positive Attitude Change Your Life
Think you already know what this subject is all about? Chances are that you don�t, but by the end of this article you will! I am departure to ask you to something very unusual right now. First of all, I want you to snoop to your judgment. Now tell me, what judgment block your journey? Would you marker them as positive, or unhelpful? Now let's say you are walking down the road with these judgment. Do you think everyone who would unite you would be able to tell you what�s on your psyche? The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be sweet generic. while people will not be able to tell you just what you think, they will more or minus have an idea of how you are view. The second half of this article will help you to extend upon what you have learned in the first half. Here's another subject. When you input a troop blocked with links, do they all tumble silent as if something terrible had occured? Or does everyone there profit up as if waiting for something exciting to occur? You know what? The answer to all these depends on your structure of psyche. opinion are very deep. They shape your broad attitude. The attitude you take reflects on your appearance, too � unminus, of course, you are a great actor. And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also shape people around you. The capture of attitude you take depends on you. It can be moreover positive or unhelpful. upbeat judgment have a blocking upshot. They are admittedly invigorating. good, the people around the character takeing positive judgment are generally eager by this capture of attitude. downbeat judgment on the other hand have a sapping upshot on other people. whisper from making you look glum and sad, unhelpful judgment can direct a jovial gathering into a funeral challenge. A positive attitude attracts people, while a unhelpful attitude repels them. People cultivate to shy away from those who take a unhelpful attitude. We can also delimit attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you elect to focus on the unhelpful equipment in the world, more or minus you have a unhelpful attitude brewing up. However, if you elect to focus on the positive equipment, you are more prone take a positive attitude. You have greatly to addition from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have exposed that a positive attitude promotes better wellbeing. Those with this kind of attitude also have more links. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to export stress and evils better than those who have a unhelpful attitude. A positive attitude begins with a wellbeingy nature-copy. If you will dearest the way you are and are content, poised, and nature-sure, you also make others are around feel the same way. A unhelpful attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an converse upshot. So, takeing a unhelpful attitude has a dual drawback. You feel bad about yournature, and you make others feel the same way. If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to item wellbeingy judgment. This is perhaps very hard to do nowadays because, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but unhelpful judgment. A lessons shows that for every 14 equipment a father says to his or her teen, only one is positive. This is correctly a saddening thought. If you want a wellbeingier outlook in life, you essential to think lucky judgment, and you have to heed positive equipment as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a hilarious film, you could play with teenren, fritter some time decisive jokes with links. All these activities block you with positive stimuli, which in direct promotes positive attitude. while it is impossible to keep ourselves from the unhelpful equipment around us, you can still take a positive attitude by focusing on the good equipment, the positive equipment in life. And this positive attitude you now take can be of profit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing people typically do is try to give them guidance. But sometimes, all they essential is someone to sit by them, and snoop to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up lacking even having to say something. If positive attitude is truly great, why do people elect to adopt a unhelpful attitude instead? One who carries a unhelpful attitude may be actually carriage a intimate for awareness. Before you get me wicked, view sad, fuming, or glum is not wicked itnature. But house on these judgment for far too long is not wellbeingy moreover. There is a time to grieve. As forever, if you are inundated by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good equipment in life, you will forever have plan. harms become something you can overcome. You do not have greatly to exhaust by adopting a wellbeingy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually retards aging, makes you wellbeingier, helps you elaborate a better stress coping means, and has a very positive upshot on all the people you unite every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude? Adopt one nowadays. If you thoroughly examine each part that we have discussed, you will see a common thread of which to explore.

Dechen Lau is an Author, Speaker, and Consultant specializing in Dating Web Online dating Match specialist http://www.thesecret..ws http://www.dechenlau.blogspot.com

Two Beginner Witchcraft Spells For Money And Protection
Your first spell in any path of Witchcraft should be one of protection. There are two reasons for this. First, protection spells are very safe... even if you are inexperienced, no harm can come from casting a protection spell the "wrong way"...

The second reason is because most protection spells are relatively easy. I've given you one here, and also a simple money spell you can do too...

Enjoy these witchcraft spells...

Beginner Spell #1 �"Make a Piggy Bank Seed

This extremely simple spell is so easy it is almost funny. Don’t let that fool you though, it works very well to bring wealth into your life. My Grandmother had me do it as a child (it worked so well, I still have the same dollar bill in a piggy bank almost 30 years later).

This spell also works best in the evening, and in the protection of a Magick circle �" at your altar.

You will need:

A piggy bank
A dollar bill, play money, or a piece of paper
Clove oil
Green or gold thread

Dab the four corners of the money, play money, or paper with clove oil. Fold the bill three times.

Wrapping towards you, wind the thread around the dollar bill. Tie it with three knots. Place this seed dollar in the piggy bank. The anointed dollar will act as seed money and will draw more money to it (and into your life).

Beginner Spell #2 �" Dragon Protection

This spell will create energy of protection through your aura �" giving your protection from bad luck, and bad energies.

This is best done after you have cast your Magick circle, in your sacred space around your altar.

You will need one white or purple candle to represent yourself and one black candle for the earth dragon.

Cast your magick circle. Stir the dragon of the element of the north (Earth). Light the earth dragon candle and chant these words:

“Earth dragon strong and true,
Send to me your magick new.
Egg of protection we shall see,
This is my will so mote it be.”

As you chant, envision energy moving from the dragon candle to the one that represents you. See the energy around your candle as green light in the shape of an egg.

When you feel this has been accomplished, light your candle from the dragon candle. See your magick happening and know you are protected. Snuff out your candle and put it in a safe place. Any time you need additional protection, light this magickally charged candle. Remember to snuff it out (don’t blow it out) and put it in a safe place.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on witchcraft spells visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

Mindfulness Meditation: Creating A Life of Purpose and Harmony
I was just about to give up on my life when I was introduced to Eastern spiritual practices. I had studied everything that our Western world had to say about suffering and what to do about it. And the more I learned, the worse I felt. Out of desperation for a better way of life, I began a daily meditation practice. I studied and practiced a mindfulness practice called shamatha in which the attention is placed on the breath in a restful yet alert manner. This practice showed me very clearly what the problem was: ME! There was so much chaos and distraction taking place in my mind on a momentary basis that it made sense as to why I never felt right. The 'me' that I had come to know was indeed full of conflict, speed, and ambivalence. My thoughts constantly raced and pulled me in a million different directions. It was frankly appalling to see how frenzied my mind was. All of this mental chaos created a state of emotional inertia that kept me confined to a very narrow range of the the human emotional spectrum. Basically, I was so stuck in my head that I had lost contact with reality.
From a meditative perspective, everything in the universe is inherently empty. Our concepts and opinions are devoid of any inherent reality. We are convinced that we are real only because of the deluded nature of our own minds. We simply don't see things as they are. We see through the filters of our concepts and thoughts, which seem to be very convincing. If we buy into our mental projections of reality, we will suffer. Meditation is the practice of developing space around these constant projections. With regular practice, we become less and less convinced that we or anything else is inherently real and solid.
The irony here is that recognizing our own non-existence is the very basis of freedom, joy, and love. Our clunky, solid sense of self is what gets us in trouble. So, when I say that everything is empty, it may be tempting to see this as a negative statement. But even that is empty. When we flash on non-existence or emptiness, we see the ultimate potential in all things. Instead of being pinned down by our dualistic perceptions of good/bad, happy/sad, like/dislike, etc., we see that the universe is free from any kind of limitation whatsoever. This is the nature of genius and mysticism.
Have you ever lost yourself for a moment? Perhaps in your work, or playing with your kids, or watching an intense movie? That is like flashing on emptiness. You are free of your normal sense of who you are. There is no boundary between you and everything outside of you. In Buddhism, this is seen as the experience of Big Mind. It is a momentary flash on the infinite nature of reality from which we are inseparable. In mindfulness practice, this flash of awakening is deliberately maintained; everything that arises in the mind is simply a manifestation of universal energy. There is no 'I' in any thought or feeling. It is impersonal energy that arises and passes. When we taste this freedom from personalizing the constant arising of thought, it is like we can finally breathe and surrender to the beauty of life.
Regular meditation practice enables us to rest our awareness in this state of undistracted, empty stillness. Interestingly, this does not necessarily mean that the mind is quiet and obedient. We can still be thinking and have a recognition of this peace and openness. Over time, the mind does stop for periods of time. There is just absolute stillness. But as a beginner, the main point is to keep your awareness one-pointed on the present moment whether you are thinking or not. Don't try to stop your thoughts. Just stay focused on the moment and be still.
As your mind begins to become more expansive and present, your life will begin to open up in unforeseen ways. Old habits, fears, and harmful relationships will fade away. You will become genuinely invested in the ways that you can be of service to others. Why? Because the inside and the outside are no longer seen as separate. Instead of being preoccupied with this contracted version of 'I', the enormous energies of the universe call you out to offer your best to alleviate the suffering of others. This is the beginning of freedom. It is the beginning of living in spirit. Mindfulness practice is one the the vehicles that can take you there.

Kevin Doherty, L.Ac., MS is a licensed acupuncturist who has been practicing, studying, and teaching meditation since 1992. To learn more about Kevin and his approach to meditation, go to http://www.mindfulnesscd.net

The Law of Attraction and the Secret Science of Getting Rich
The Law of Attraction reveals The Secret to Everything you've ever wanted. Ever since the world found out about the Law of Attraction through the phenomenon of the movie, people from every corner of the globe have been asking Bob Proctor for more.
Millions of people are already using the Law of Attraction to make their lives successful. It's no longer a secret, but a household term that is rightfully being given the attention it deserves.Anybody can learn how to use the "Law of Attraction" to create whatever one wants in life - be it money, love or happiness - and generate abundance.

Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you. If you don't like the results in your life, you need to change your thoughts. That's ALL that the Law of Attraction is about. But If the Law of Attraction is as simple as that, why aren’t more people wealthy, even gratified about the state their lives are in?

The Answer is a Simple One.There is an Exact Science to Applying the Law of Attraction to Build the Life You Seek. This Exact Science is called The Science of Getting Rich. The Law of Attraction as explained in "The Secret" movie, and even in much greater detail in The Science of Getting Rich Program, will teach you whatever it is that you may want or need to manifest in your life.

The Science of Getting Rich was first introduced in 1910 when Wallace D. Wattles released his book by the same title that was the inspiration for the film "The Secret". What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Therefore, any man or woman who learns how to do things in this certain way will eventually get rich." The Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching you how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.

In the Science of Getting Rich seminar - Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, two of the teachers in the secret, will personally guide you to develop the mind-set of the wealthy. Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have taken this Science into a Whole New Era. This is what everybody have been waiting for,Exact Instruction on How To Work with The Law of Attraction! Anybody can now start from today to replace what you don't want by Attracting what you DO WANT. Here is now a step-by-step instructions showing you how to begin applying the Law of Attraction in your daily life -- How to move beyond the theory into action.

Article by Robert Chen Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers featured in "The Secret" http://www.theofficialsgrseminar.com