Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Maria Duval - WithInAsThru Your Choice to Create Consciously

WithInAsThru Your Choice to Create Consciously
Life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation and pure choice. All that you perceive in your world is the outcome of your idea about it. You are always fully engaged in this process, whether you are aware of it or not, conscious to this truth or not. This is because nothing in life is ever just happening to you, your life, as you live it, is occurring withinasthru you, as you create and choose your life to be. Even as you are sitting here, reading these words, your life is occurring withinasthru you. Now all you need to do is decide what you will choose next. What will be your next creation?

The first step is getting clear about what you desire. Desire is the beginning of creating your dreams, true. Desire comes before thought. It is a heart passion felt withinasthru your very soul. We have all been told, "ask and it shall be given" and "knock and doors will open." Desire is our way of asking, our process of knocking. The promise is that you always get what you ask for. Your promise then, is to ask. Ask with a readiness to receive.

Once you have clarity of desire, engage the process of creation with your very next thought. Thought is the next step through the doorway manifested by your desire. Nothing exists, or has ever existed without a thought. From the simplest concept to the most complex invention, everything begins with a thought. Thoughts create ideas, words and things.

The next step in creation is word. Every word is a thought revealed. Words are creative and send creative energy, withinasthru your life. Words are more vibrant than thought, because they occur differently withinasthru you, once spoken. They disrupt, or change, the field of creation that you’ve engaged with greater impact. Speak and hear yourself speak. Listen to the words that you have created. Once words of desire and thought have been spoken, the dream is permanent; an infinite part of the creative process. Only then can there be action.

Actions are words in motion. Words are thoughts expressed. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies of desire manifested. Energies of desire are magnetic forces released. Forces are elements in existence. Elements are particles of the all that is, the very stuff everything is.

To think, speak and act upon inspired desires creates a burning passion to be something, to do something, to have something. Now add the ingredient of knowing. Add the modesty of gratitude. Because once you have the desire that you’ve asked for withinasthru thought, word and action, there is no other prayer necessary than a prayer of thanksgiving. The more you learn to live in this place of knowingness, the more you live with a constant and ever-expanding gratitude. Be grateful for what you create and you will feed the creative process. Creation without gratitude is often fleeting, because it lacks the appreciation to hold it in existence.

If there is an aspect of creation you find you no longer enjoy, thank it for what it has taught you and move on to the next beginning with a new desire, a new thought, a new word, a new action. Your next action. Simply choose again. Request the next fulfillment to your desire and this circle continues withinasthru your entire life, exactly as it is occurring withinasthru you right now.

Your life is can be created consciously, the choice is yours. It is up to you to manifest your dreams through desire, thought, word and action. It all moves withinasthru you as energy. Your energy. Your light. You can never give up on creation; you are doing it every second of every day. Breathing is a creation. Sleeping is a creation. Holding a loved one is a creation. Continue creating and you are on your way to revealing the life of your dreams. Your life �" lived WithInAsThru you.

The WithInAsThru yoU! Letters is a series of letters offering simple perceptual techniques to keep your thinking on track, as well as recordings and links to other sites that can help you get comfortable with new ideas and processes. There are individual phone sessions available, as well as inspiring thoughts and inspirations.

To learn more about Scott Kiere and how you can create your life WithInAsThru you, visit

Distribution: We welcome you to include this content on your website, blog, MySpace or other web pages! All we ask is that the content, any links therein and the "About the Author" section are fully included and unchanged. Please send a link to your posting to

Scott Kiere – Spiritual Wisdom & Direction, Social Entrepreneur, Visionary Strategist & Poet – ( is Co-founder of MECA Communications, Inc. and serves on the board of directors for Social Venture Network. Scott’s eZine, "WithInAsThru yoU! Letters" is available at

A Source of Inspiration
A light was on in one office, even though most of the other offices had been dark for hours. The manager continued to work in the silence of the empty building, reviewing reports, studying numbers, responding to messages and emails that others would not read until the next morning. There was so much to do, so many responsibilities and so many decisions that would wait for the manager's guiding hand. The silence was broken as the manager was startled to see one of the employees standing at the door. The employee knocked hesitantly, one foot in the office and the other still in the hallway. "May I come in for a moment?" asked the employee. "Of course," smiled the manager, leaning back in the chair. "What are you doing here so late?" "I had a lot of work to do and I wanted to catch-up," said the employee. "If I get behind then it could impact our customers, and I don't want that to happen. It's my responsibility, and I want to take care of it. I know that's what you would do." "You're probably right," the manager said with a laugh. "So what made you stop in here?" The employee approached the desk, sat down in one of the chairs beside it and said, "I wanted to ask you a question." "Go ahead." The employee began, "You always work so hard, and you always take care of us. You come in early. You stay late. No matter how much you have to do, you always take time to talk to any one of us when we need you. You are so busy taking time for us during the day that you have to stay late at night to catch up on your own work. Yet, you never complain. You make us want to work harder and do better, and you give us every opportunity to be successful. You are an inspiration to the rest of us, so what inspires you?" The manager's eyes widened, "Wow, well that was quite a surprise. I appreciate the kind words and admit that you completely caught me off guard." "Well?" persisted the employee, "What is your source of inspiration?" The manager was silent for a moment, carefully contemplating the response. Then the manager stood up and said, "follow me." As the manager and the employee walked down a row of cubicles, the manager started to point into them one by one. The cubicles belonged to the colleagues of the employee. "This person is a single parent and comes to work each day to support two children. Those children need someone to look up to, someone to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. This person doesn't work for me, this person works for them." The manager paused at the next cubicle and said, "This person is a grandmother who is working days so she can pay for her college education at night. She doesn't need a degree and it won't make any difference for her career. She is already past retirement age and she could quit at any time. She wants that degree to make her children proud and to give her grandchildren someone to look up to. She doesn't work for me, she works for them." The manager moved to the next cubicle and said, "This person is overqualified for the job. It would be easy to leave for another company, probably get a promotion out of it and earn better pay. Why doesn't this person leave? After eleven years working with the same group of people, it is like a family. This person doesn't work for me, this person works here for all of you." The manager paused at the next cubicle and said, "This person has a family to support. Two kids in school, a mortgage, two car payments, and a whole host of obligations that comes with taking care of a family. Needless to say, you know that this person doesn't work for me." The manager pointed down the line of cubicles, "That young man is engaged to be married, and he is saving up to buy their first home. That next person has a daughter in college. The next one wants to build a career out of this experience. The one after that wants to be a musician and only does this job to earn enough money to pay the bills." Walking into the corridor, the manager paused and smiled as the custodian came around the corner. "This person barely speaks our language, but comes to work every day when everyone else has gone home. More than half of the money earned will go to family members who do not even live in our country, while this person keeps only enough to pay for food, shelter and transportation here every day. This person comes into my office and takes away my trash, not for me, but because it is what needs to be done to earn the money that goes to a family that lives hundreds of miles away." "And then there is you," said the manager with a big smile. "You have your own reasons for coming in here every day. When I need a source of inspiration, all I have to do is look around me. I am surrounded by it. Inspiration comes from recognizing what is important to the people around you and making it your own. If I can feel the dedication that these people feel for their children, for their families, for their hopes and dreams, then I have all the inspiration that I need. They are inspired by their own sense of purpose, and I am inspired by them. Just as you believe that you are inspired by me, I am inspired by you." ______________________________________________________ Words of Wisdom "Inspiration may be a form of superconsciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness - I wouldn't know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self- consciousness." - Aaron Copland "Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation." - William Arthur Wood "Keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspiration with others." - Robert Louis Stevenson ______________________________________________________ About the Author: John Mehrmann is a freelance writer and President of Executive Blueprints Inc., an organization devoted to improving business practices and developing human capital. provides resource materials for trainers, sample Case Studies, educational articles and references to local affiliates for consulting and executive coaching. provides self-paced tutorials for personal development and tools for trainers. Presentation materials, reference guides and exercises are available for continuous development.

John Mehrmann is a freelance author, industry expert and President of Executive Blueprints Inc, an organization dedicated to developing human capital and personal growth.

A Metaphor For Change - The Egg
There is nothing more certain in the world and in this life than CHANGE. No matter what people might think or what they might try to believe, everything is changing all the time, as we breathe in and out, as we eat and sleep and grow and go through our own spirals of unfoldment.

So here is a simple metaphor for change. It is called ?The Egg? and I hope you enjoy it.

I often have this feeling of stress and desperation because I am quite convinced nothing has changed.

I look around myself and all I see is what I always see.

Same house, same furniture, same pile of bills, same everything.

I work so hard and NOTHING is changing.

I thought that again about something the other day, and this large, beautiful golden egg came to my mind.

There it is, and it just sits there in its nest of straw.

It doesn't DO anything.

It doesn't change shape, it doesn't change colour.

It doesn't pulsate. It doesn't roll around.

You could look at it for DAYS AND DAYS and you'd come away thinking that it was just that and there was NOTHING GOING ON.

And yet, and if one was to extend one's feelers in a different way, one might become aware of the RIOT OF CHANGE that is taking place INSIDE the egg, a storm of re-organisation, feeding and growth, of total unfoldment as a bunch of random cells become a fish thing, which in turn becomes ever more defined and more complex, more organised in every way, more mature, more fantastic with every heartbeat, every breath that passes.

One day, and we know not when, the egg that lay so motionless for so very long and seemed to be nothing but an inert shape will begin to rock, and then it will crack, and the newly born dragonet will emerge, spread its wings for the first time and take its first small steps.

Yes, there was change.

Even if we thought there wasn't.

Free Meditation MP3s and a Free Energy Hypnosis Ebook "Our Dimensions" by Lady Hypnotist Silvia Hartmann can be found on

Simplicity, Patience And Compassion: The Three Treasures
According to Eastern tradition there are three treasures on the pathway to enlightenment: simplicity, patience and compassion. At first glance, such simple ideas. Yet after contemplation one easily recognizes: it?s these basic thoughts, when woven into our day, that can lead each of us to a contemplative, peaceful and more fulfilling life.

In this short article then, I invite you to take a page from Eastern religion: explore the three treasures and become aware of your relationship to them.

The first treasure: simplicity. Simplicity in thought and action. According to author Thomas Cleary in his translation of Taoist Meditation, simplicity leads the seeker on the Way. Simplicity of thought, he tells us, can often be brought about by silence. And in the silence, we gain personal wisdom. If finding 10 or 20 minutes each day to rest quietly or meditate could bring you closer to peace, would you be more conscientious in devoting this time?

Simplicity of action, however, feels a greater challenge. It involves priorities and discovering what is truly important. Here?s how I personally handle this: When I feel overwhelmed by my ?to-do list? I create a game by challenging myself to let go of everything I can do without. Then, I remove as many things as I can from my list. What I am left with are those items of greatest importance. I devote as much time necessary to completing each task with joy and precision.

Try it now. What can you remove from the task list today that could bring you closer to simplifying your life? What will you place your attention on?

Treasure number two: patience. Yes, the virtue. And just like simplicity, it is also a challenge to move slowly through tasks until they have been completed or to remain calm when dealing with someone outrageous. I?ve found that we are often mirror images of others and attract to us parts of ourselves. This is important to note as it could manifest positive or negative events, depending on mindset. In this light, Inalya Vanzant reminds us to keep thoughts pure. She tells us to remind ourselves: "I will gain more understanding when I realize... how I interpret what comes at me is a reflection of what is in me." When faced with a situation requiring patience ask yourself: Am I casting a positive image?

In this framework, more of my favorite wisdom comes from author Richard Carlson in his new book: Easier Than You Think. In it he explains, when we are with someone, we should make every effort to pay expert attention to that person. This engages them and often can diffuse a stressful situation by simply making them feel important. With this in mind, the next time you engage in conversation or even a casual chat with someone: ask yourself if you are creating a role model's image.

Compassion, the third treasure. I often liken it to empathy. Although we cannot always know directly what it is like to be another, we can value everyone?s need to be heard. Conflict or anger is often a cry for help. We simply need to be aware of our circumstances in effort to create compassion in our lives. We will be called to help others as we become more enlightened vessels of peace. Events will come to us as a reflection of what we need to heal in ourselves.

Thomas Cleary reminds us we should always act in sincerity. In Taoist Meditation he writes: ?to choose what is good and hold onto it firmly is a matter of sincerity.? Compassion, as well, challenges us to define what is most important to us; a reoccurring theme throughout the three treasures. To me, this involves being awake and aware in our lives to see the ways in which we are available to give sincerity and service.

Today, be aware of the ways spirit is working through you. Remember: You are the vessel of peace for others and the world. I believe, the more we become vulnerable to trust and open ourselves to sincerity, the more we can allow compassionate behavior into our lives and become enlightened each and every day.

In Conclusion:
It is my wish these positive ideas enhance your life and bring you peace. Be conscious every day of the messages you are receiving, the people you meet, your experiences. It is amazing the way these simple ideas can enrich your life exponentially. Go forth then, and be aware. Place your attention on the three treasures: in the darkness they will bring you light.

Laura M. Turner is a 15-year veteran fitness instructor, fitness trainer and natural health practitioner. She hosts a website dedicated to inspiring and educating others about the benefits of creativity, natural health and fitness. Check out Laura's latest book Spiritual Fitness: The 7-Steps to Living Well or subscribe FREE to her online magazine The New Body News and Wellness Letter:

I have noticed a trend lately and it involves the insertion of a phrase before what we do to pay the bills each month. It isn't an important phrase and it really doesn't have any right to be inserted in the first place, but it is just the same, now-a-days. The unimportant phrase I am referring to is the phrase 'justa'. Think back to a time when either you or another inserted the phrase before stating your title or profession, such as "I'm 'justa' stay at home mom", or "I'm 'justa' furniture mover".

This phenomenon has lead me to wonder how many years of higher education it would take for one to be fortunate enough to have a profession or title that didn't follow the phrase 'justa'. I also wonder, while on the subject, if professional criminals have to follow the same unwritten rules, as we do. I mean do they have to say, no sir, I'm 'justa' get-away driver? What about, 'justa' jewelry thief and 'justa' bank robber? Or is this just a silly phenomenon not worth mention?

If we study the whole silly phenomenon just a bit, I think we will find that the whole phrase insertion process is a product of egotism? Some so-called, superior ‘other’ person, sometime referred to collectively as ‘them', told us that we must insert the phrase under penalty of something, because 'they' were better than us because we had, only a low level job. While on studying, I did wonder if I would find that the insertion process was nothing more than a product of our own low self esteem, therefore self inflicted or justly due to another's egotism, and/or a combination of both. The fact that certain higher paying professions are exempt from having to insert simply re-enforces this point. However, this isn't carved into stone and seems to be as full of special conditions as the original insertion unwritten rules.

After wrestling with all the unwritten customary insertion policies and rules of use, I was left wondering; if a cancer doctor would introduced himself as 'justa' doctor of medicine, would anyone allow him to operate? I have also wondered on Sunday mornings lately, if I would still be in the pew if the minister introduced himself as 'justa' minister. What about 'justa' police officer on a poorly lit side street at two in the morning? Would I allow 'justa' fireman to carry me down the ladder away from a burning building. Lastly, I've wondered how many strong healthy young men and women would follow the orders of 'justa' president!

You see, the more I unraveled the unwritten rules and conditions for the phrase insertion I realized that it was all silly rubbish and truly needed to be done away with! It was simply nothing more than a product of our own low self-esteem. How many times have we conditioned the ears of our children to such foolishness by saying I am 'justa' car salesman or 'justa' home school mom? As silly as it sounds, it is even more silly for us to use the phrase insertion in the first place. Now if someone, who thought a bit more of themselves than they should have, gave us the phrase and all the insertion rules, I say give it back! We don't need the phrase and we surely won't miss it. We can and will live very well without its silly nonsense.

There are no 'justa' anyone’s. If you replace the phrase with a more fitting, and descriptive word, such as lowly, unimportant, or ineffective. Then one would be forced to stop and remove the inserted phrase all together, because we now would be entering the 'political correctness' arena and we don't want to go in there! In the process of removing the inserted phrase 'justa', we all became more important and needed once again, worthy of love and friendship! It's like everyone all of a sudden just received a promotion by throwing out the inserted 'justa' phrase! Now we can once again be proud of 'a honest days work'!

Theresa Twogood is Executive Director of OLIN e-Publishing Company- -Denver Colorado.

Set Up Your Mind for Money
You are what you want to be. Just like you are what you eat, it also follows that you are what you think. If you set your mind to work for somebody as an employee, you will look for a job and you will be satisfied working as an employee. However, if you set your mind properly to attain financial freedom, you will find means of getting wealthy without the pressures and hassles of working for someone else.

It seems that the mindset of many people is almost always pre-occupied with working as an employee that they forget or unintentionally ignore to cross the line, to see how they can create real wealth.

Just like a coin, they never bothered to look and to find out how it feels to be on the other side of it.

Are you aware that the word “job” fits as an acronym for “just over broke?” And rightfully, the meaning does make sense. Having a job (as an employee) lets you earn just enough to cover your daily expenses.

If you lose your job, you’re broke. Having a job or working as an employee for somebody means your privileges are limited and confined. Although your income is guaranteed, it is also limited.

You see, employers pay just enough so that employees don’t quit. Consequently, employees work hard enough just so they don’t get fired. Subconsciously, if you are an employee, the creative side of your mind is not put to work in full capacity.

You may be making somebody rich but definitely, that somebody is not you. You surrender control of your finances to somebody and you are at his/her mercy. If his/her business go down, you go down with it.

If it goes up, it goes up alone. Most likely, you stay as you are. To surrender one’s finances to somebody is like having your future shaped in somebody else’s hand, not on your own.

I’m not saying that employers are bad. They provide jobs and it’s good. I’m just painting a picture of one of life’s realities which we hardly notice at times. If you go to business, you eventually end up as an employer yourself. I’m just opening the financial area of your mind.

Consider this: Palms facing up is receiving, kind of similar to begging. Palms facing down is giving. Employees receive.

Employers give. How do you want your palms’ position to be?

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NO MORE EXCUSES � Becoming a Fearless Woman
If you�re on this page there is only one reason why you are here: burning curiosity about what it takes to become a Fearless Woman. Do you catch yourself telling the same old stories about why you can�t do something? There�s not enough money, not enough relationship, my health isn�t good, I�m too old, too fat, too tired. I used to dream about a future that was better, but that was then, and this is reality. I can�t have it. I�m not capable, I�m not worthy, I�m not good enough, I�m not qualified, I�m not creative, I�m not, I�m not, I�m not. Is that the yadda yadda of your life? If so, you�re not alone. 99.9% of us have that conversation almost daily. You want to know how to eliminate the pain of bad choices that has been plaguing your life, or you want to know how to make better choices. Oh, before I forget, � There�s no such thing as being Fearless. There are only the decisions we all make to show up to it. You see life is all about choices. I�ll give you an example from my own life. I�ve been married for 27 years and counting but it hasn�t always been easy. Several years ago I was ready to divorce my husband. I blamed him for all kinds of things, and I blamed him for creating the life we were living. It was all his fault. Until then, I�d always been good at blaming other people, blaming circumstances and blaming the past for the present predicament. I was ready to walk out on the marriage because I blamed him for creating the limitations in our life. We were constantly fighting about money, about where to live, and how to live. I wanted one thing, he wanted another. And then one day, in the midst of a huge fight, he said something quite profound that I had not heard before. He said �You made the choice to be with me!� For some reason, that phrase slammed home. For the first time in my life (and I was about 38 at the time) I truly understood that we all make choices about where we want to be in life. I had made my choice to be with him and whatever unhappiness I was experiencing, it was my choice. Choices are what dominate whether we have a good life, a bad life or an okay life. We make decisions that seem right for the moment, and frequently, there is an element of regret around the choices. We wish we had thought about it more, had taken more time to consider all the aspects, and had known what we know now. Did you ever hear the song No Regrets by Edith Piaf. She was known as �Sparrow; because she was 4 feet something, a national icon in France she captured the hearts of millions of people all over the world with her voice. Her life was a tragedy of bad marriages, bad decisions and eventually alcoholism and morphine addiction that killed her. She made the wrong choices. Did she have regrets? You bet she did. So did Judy Garland and Billie Holiday. The world stage is strewn with people who made bad choices that affected their lives. And there�s a simple reason for that. You see we build stories in our minds to lend credibility to our position. When you believe you�re no good, then you�ll literally create the life around that. All of these women above inherently believed they were flawed. A teacher in school tells you you�re useless so many times you believe it, and years later, when you�ve forgotten the teacher, there�s a little part of your unconscious that says you will never amount to much. So you go out of your way to create situations that allow you to continue living that story. We are all full of stories. Stories from our past, stories we tell ourselves, stories that other people tell us, and the stories are the things that pull us down because we believe them. I�ll be you can give me an example of negative stories you heard about yourself in the past that you believe to be true. So how do you change the stories? Well, it�s easy. You start changing the stories by telling yourself that they are stories. We all believe in a happy ending, don�t we? Right! Stories are language pictures. When we change the language we change the picture. Can you �see� how that would be? Change the language and you change the picture. The way we think about ourselves is critical to becoming a Fearless Woman. We make choices based on how we perceive ourselves. It took me a long time to figure this out, but when I did, it was so simple. If I tell myself I�m a Magnificent Woman, I become one. But I have to tell myself a few hundred times before the brain starts to get that the message has changed. I don�t need other people to confirm it. I say it enough times and I begin to believe my own story. We place too much emphasis on what other people think. We are concerned about how others perceive us, but here�s the stupid part of this. We can�t see ourselves clearly at all. We�ve created too many stories around who we are and what we�re capable of, and what we give to the world, to be able to see it clearly. Start observing how you think about yourself. When you catch yourself thinking something in the negative, write it down. For the next week, I want you every day to write down each time you catch yourself with a negative thought. You�ll be amazed at how often in a day that happens. We need to start becoming more conscious so we can choose the life we want wisely. We will still be run by the unconscious, but here�s the kicker, the more conscious you can become, the better life gets. We really can re-program our brains to filter out the negative, the rubbish, and put in the good stuff. It�s a lot like having a cupboard full of old food stuffs. The expiration date was months or years ago, and it�s taking up a lot of space. Our old stories are like that. They expired a long time ago. We need to throw them out and make room for new stuff to enter. When we choose our stories we choose our life. So, I�m here to challenge you. You�ve gone through at least 50 years of living and you�ve built up a solid library of stories that run your life. You can make all the excuses in the world for why you�re not doing, what you could be doing, what you don�t do, what you can�t do, and what you�d like to do if only�.. But I�m here to tell you� There are No More Excuses� We all make choices. If the choice you made is the wrong one, then change it again. None of us have to be locked into the place of Now And Forever. If that were true, then life would certainly not be worth living. I for one do not want to be the lassie fae Leith whose mother was urged to put me into the factory beside her so that I could learn to put labels on whisky bottles. If I�d done that I wouldn�t be here today, would I. We have all made choices that were the wrong ones. We�ve hurt ourselves, we�ve hurt others, and we�ve limited the expression of our true selves for many, many reasons. But we�re reached an age where we should know that the choices we have are much more than we�ve allowed ourselves to experience. I want you to know that you have a choice to recreate, to redo, to explore, have an adventure, move beyond the suffocating and limiting places that you feel locked into. We all have choices. Many of them are unconscious, but many of them are based on the reality of the moment. And if you don�t like the reality, then change it. When people say to me �But it�s ALWAYS been that way� I tell them there is no such thing as ALWAYS. There is only Until Today. Until today I have done it this way, but from this moment, I can choose to do it differently. You can choose to do things differently. It�s your life. We give so much of our lives away to others, and the result is we usually feel used up. Women in particular suffer from this syndrome. I�m not saying that we can�t be of service to others. That�s a whole other issue. What I�m saying is we can�t afford not to take care of ourselves. It is counter-productive to living a good life. We all want to live a good life, don�t we? I haven�t heard a single person tell me they didn�t want a good life. We all want better relationships with our significant others, a better job, more money, more free time, more vacations, a better body etc. It�s hard wired into us. So what stops us from getting there. Our stories. The things we tell ourselves and allow other people to tell us. Try this exercise. It will scare the living daylights out of you to begin with , but do it anyway. Say out loud in front of dozens of strangers that you�re a Magnificent Woman. Okay, so you can�t do that, then I want you to paste that phrase where you can see it every day. Use it as a screensaver. Remind yourself of that simple phrase and start to believe it is true. It�s true because you told yourself it was. You�re creating a new story. You�re changing the language of how you speak to yourself and you�re making choices that are good for you. Don�t let other people decide who you are. Decide for yourself. You�re a Fearless woman in midlife. What�s in the past is gone, what�s here today is the beginning of the rest of your life. It�s a clich�, I know, but it�s a very true saying. You have the rest of your life to create the life you want. We can expect to live another thirty to forty plus years beyond this point. Do we really want to continue making excuses for why we are not living the life we want? You can create the life you want. The power is in your decisions. And if you can�t decide for yourself, get some help. We all try to white knuckle our way through life when all we have to do is look around you and reach out to the people who want to help. Getting support is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. I wouldn�t be here today if I didn�t have a long list of people who had mentored me, supported me, nurtured me and encouraged me to be bold and live life on my own terms. I�m not saying it�s easy. But what I will tell you is this. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, better than feeling like you get out of bed in the morning and you�re excited about what the day holds, knowing you are doing exactly what you want for yourself. There are NO MORE EXCUSES��.

Fearless Fifties coach and speaker Jacqueline Wales shows you how to become the woman you were always meant to be; how to take risks to strengthen your beliefs about who you are and grow more confident, secure and strong as you develop the life you want. For your f.ree copy of the Fearless Fifties newsletter and a bonus report Putting PASSION Back Into Your Life go to Please contact or call (718) 502 9332

Identifying Your Purpose In Life
What is your purpose in life? Or what is your mission in life? Or why do you exist in this world? What is the meaning of life to you? What is the reason for being here in the world?

Are you able to come out with an answer to the above questions? Or your answer is just a simple, "Don't know!"

If you are not able to answer the question right now, don’t worry for you are surely not alone. It also took me quite some time before I really know what is my true purpose in life.

“We are here on earth to do good for others. What the others are here for, I don’t know.”
~~ W. H. Auden ~~

Personally I believe everyone comes to this world with a purpose. To some, their purpose is to honor and serve God. To others, it is to bring smiles to the faces of the unfortunate people, like Mother Theresa.

You may have a total different purpose. Everyone comes to this world to provide different services to their community. Scientists contribute by inventing and innovating new and better technologies to aid mankind while entrepreneurs create more job opportunities for the society.

Like what W. H. Auden said, you need not concern yourself with the other people's purposes. You just have to identify your purpose and live up to it.

Your purpose of life is surely NOT only about you. Rather is the the type of service you offer to others.

“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.”
~~ Victor Frankl ~~

Real happiness and fulfillment comes not from taking, or getting or waiting to be served. Instead, it is about contributing to the society, providing valuable services to other people and to give away freely.

Identifying your true purpose in life helps you to break away the “Me, Me, Me” mentally. It requires you to throw away the self-centered and selfish you.

“Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”
~~ Helen Keller ~~

Seeking purpose is not about seeking self-gratification. It is not to seek pleasure, richness or power. It is to give, to contribute and to provide wealth, abundance and love.

Your rewards in life is in fact in direct proportion to what you can contribute to life.

Many successful people in life have worthy, wonderful and big purpose in life.

Examples of some successful people's purpose:


Robert Allen: “To inspire and empower people to achieve their destiny.”

Anthony Robbins: “To humbly serve the Lord by being a loving, playful, powerful and passionate example of the absolute joy that is available to us the moments we rejoice in God’s gift and sincerely love and serve all of his creations.”

Mark Victor Hansen: “To create and inspire one million millionaire who each give $1 million to their church or charity.”


As you can see successful people don’t become successful because they take from others. Instead, it is because of the amount of contribution they make to the society.

Also, it is their worth-dying-for-purpose that helps them to face all adversities they in their lives. It also helps them to persist and preserve through all challenges and obstacles along their route to success.

Therefore by having a worthy purpose and truly understanding the WHY, you’ll be able to continue through your route of success no matter how difficult it may seem for in front of your purpose, obstacles are nothing but stepping stones to help you fulfill your purpose in life.

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”
~~ Edgar Cayce ~~

So what type of purpose are you crafting for yourself?

Zach Kong is the faciliator of a personal development site which focus on building a community to support, inspire and motivate succeed. For more information click on:

Discover Little Known Secrets for Successful Living!
Being lucky in life is the result of putting yourself into action for good luck to happen to you. You've probably heard the statement "The harder I work the luckier I get". Another way of putting it is "Whatever you are ready for is ready for you."

Are you satisfied with your life, the job you have, or the amount of money you're making? Or are you not satisfied with the feeling that life is somehow passing you by? Chances are one of these reasons fits you because most people aren't satisfied with their lives, and usually one of those reasons is the cause.

Success is not a spectator sport, something that just happens before your eyes. It's an experience, a game that must be played to be enjoyed fully. You need to get involved with life. You'll need to get more involved with your family, friends, people you see every day. Because in that involvement, you'll find you have everything you need to succeed.

You have within you, right now, at this very moment, all that is necessary for you to become the happy, successful person you've always wanted to be. All you need to do is unlock the riches that have been locked away with-in you.

Are you ready for a more abundant and happier life? If you are, then you'll need to know how to put yourself into action to achieve it.

Consider these discoveries for successful living:

• Convert your hopes and dreams into physical reality. Train your inner vision to transcend outer world stimulation, and become a true master of your fate. An example of this is the experience of being immersed in a dream while sleeping and being certain that the dream is real. This apparent reality is brought on by the fact that the mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. Thus this emphasizes the power belief has over the believer. "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

• Expect increased achievement and assured success. Unlock yourself from limitations of your own making due to impressions received from family, friends and associates. Break free to create new self-images formed from your own reasoned conviction. Don't fall into the trap of unreasoned convictions about yourself; belief in something about you that is not true is destructive. Remember the power belief has over the believer.

• Become a good friend to yourself, and stop trying to be perfect. Most children were brought up to do things the right way and it seemed that the natural way was always the wrong way. You were either right or wrong… there wasn't any in-between, and you started out wrong and had to learn to be right. Right was perfect, wrong was not, and as a result, you were trained to be perfect all the time.

You probably know that you can't be perfect, but you may have this deep down feeling that you ought to be. So you're not perfect, well welcome to the human race. Take a good look at yourself as you really are, you have a lot of good qualities, including some that other people haven't even seen yet. In fact, when you're honest with yourself, your good qualities outnumber and outweigh your shortcomings, don't they?

Visualize your future in dimensions of color, sound, and pulsating life. The objective here is to train your subconscious to obey you. In this way it will be possible for you to become free from frustration, failure, and even disease. That's when you will begin to stop letting things happen to you and instead start making things happen for you. As you set out on the journey into your future, I wish you joy, and success beyond your hope and dreams, but above all, I wish you love.

© 2003-2006 Rupert Mamby, Owner of ViewBiz Marketing. This article has been provided courtesy of Dimensions4Living,

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