Sunday, September 21, 2008



ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, Fla.�Today, Tinia (Ty-knee-ah) Ross joined the Florida Ghost Hunters, Investigation Team. "She brings a lot to the table." says, Jay Shoemaker, Lead Investigator from the Florida Ghost Hunters.

Tinia Ross, who has appeared on "Larry King Live" has joined the Florida Ghost Hunters in an effort to assist in Paranormal Investigations on businesses, homes, and wherever paranormal activity is reported in Florida.

Tinia has been clairvoyant since a small child and uses her clairvoyance together with terot cards when performing her readings. "I've been reading most all of my adult life." says Tinia, whose regular clients range from professionals in all fields to people in everyday life.

Originally from Michigan, Tinia graduated from the University of Michigan, with honors. She has read for John Edwards (of "Crossing Over" fame), and performed at numerous psychic fairs in the upper Midwest. As her Psychic reputation grew in Central Ohio, Tinia was tested by the University of Ohio, Department of Psychology, for her Clairvoyant abilities and scored extremely high, surprising testers, but not Tinia.

Recently Tinia moved from Columbus, Ohio to the beautiful Treasure Coast to be with her soul mate Gary, who she came to know while giving him a reading — which surprised the both of them.

Tinia is looking forward to living in Florida, providing her psychic abilities to the area and working with the Florida Ghost Hunters.

Tinia will assist in the paranormal investigative process, by using her gifts as a medium. Her feelings will be compared to any scientific evidence collected during an investigation conducted by the Florida Ghost Hunters Team.

For more information on Florida Ghost Hunters visit

Jay Shoemaker, a Lead Investigator for Florida Ghost Hunters ..

Follow your bliss and get all the money, health, and happiness you deserve.
“Follow your bliss,” goes the quote. Ancient authors have held this to be one of the keys to wealth, health, happiness, and general success. Modern self-help guru's have also begun championing this phrase.

Why is this a key, what are the downfalls to doing so? Theoretically, none �" but if you don't know the theory, you can get into some pretty wild scenarios which aren't under your control.

Most people, however they try to remain in control are very much on automatic. The control they have in their lives is mostly through subscribing to other's opinions and concepts. Our habits are those we've chosen partially due to heredity, but a lot are due to our own learning. And the learning we've done is from those people we have experienced in our lives. Books, schools, colleges �" these teach only the mundane, regular theories which have served us for centuries. The wildest concept to break through since Christ has been that of the free market and related concepts such as a written constitution, which guarantees free speech and all the peripherals needed to having an open market.

However, most of the lies are still out there. Economics is based on a huge one, which is usually explained in the first few paragraphs of any basic text �" that there is not enough to go around. Unfortunately, this was disproved many, many years ago. Buckminster Fuller pointed out in the 60's and 70's how mankind had been able to feed the entire world since WWII. Our only problem has been in distribution. (And more recently, Wal-Mart has seemed to have solved that...)

Practically, natural laws described by nearly all religions and known by successful people throughout history have long held that there is enough of everything to go around, not just food. This is due to the simple concept and Law of Attraction �" which is based on the simple datum that “thought becomes things.” Whatever you think is what occurs in the world around you. If you are happy, you attract happy circumstances. Get critical and you will find yourself being criticized. This is, of course, the Golden Rule. But not because someone has told you to treat others like you would like to be treated, but more that however you treat people around you is exactly how you are going to be treated �" whether you know of that rule or not.

Before you treat others around you any differently, you should know one thing: you have to treat yourself like you would like to be treated. This is prior to even treating anyone else in any fashion at all. If you are constantly critical of yourself, you will get critical manifestations in the world around you. If you are loving and cheerful, even supportive of your own efforts, you will then get happy things happening around you. William James, Norman Vincent Peale, Plato, Aristotle �" all these knew that a person could change their attitudes at will. You can think of cheerful things, or just start laughing, and you will soon cheer up. By changing your own attitude, you can then attract whatever you want.

You then get closer to following your bliss. Bliss is very close, almost synonymous with your own personal purpose in life. Wayne Dyer very simply states that you find your purpose by letting it find you. Look around and find what makes you feel good. What do you like to do and what activities bring you real satisfaction? Start keeping track of these and doing more of these. Eventually, you will see a pattern to what is making you happy and constantly feeling good. This is what you should be doing. You might be able to put a name on it and describe it �" maybe not.

What you are finding is your bliss. You are finding what is sublime in your life, what brings you peace, what makes your serene.

If all your thoughts were serene, were happy, were confident �" then you would attract things in your life which bring you serenity, happiness, confidence and security. Fear will drop away and courage will build, as you build your faith in yourself and what you can and do create by changing what you are being.

Bliss, follow your bliss.

Try it for yourself �" make yourself cheerful, as Earl Nightingale long ago prescribed, for 30 days and go about doing things for people far beyond what you are expected to do. Do things which you expect no returns for. Simply do good deeds every chance you get �" for family, friends, total strangers. Be unreasonably cheerful in everything you do and hold this as a constant way of life. What will happen after 30 days is that you have now just developed a new pattern, a new chronic habit for yourself. You can support this by picking up self-help tapes and books which talk about this subject. Earl Nightingale's “The Strangest Secret” is one, while the DVD “The Secret” is another. Wallace Wattle's Science of Getting Rich, or Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich both have intense methodologies for changing your world around. Read them during this 30-day period, and/or listen to such tapes or DVD's daily, over and over. You will reinforce your bliss and refine it. And you will have a very different take on life.

You can have an incredible world around you, full of magic, miracles, and habitual success in all you attempt.

But you have to follow your bliss. You will then find the world around you assisting you in following that bliss. The more blissful you make yourself, the more the universe backs you up.

And tell others why you are “so damned happy all the time” when they ask. Encourage others to find and follow their own bliss.

Eventually, you will make islands of sanity and calm around you. Those islands can become the sea, and eventually take over the whole she-bang.

But it starts with you and your bliss.

Rev. Dr. Robert C. Worstell, M.Msc, MBA, PhD has published over three dozen books in his 35 years of studying and working in the self-improvement fields. Visit his website at

The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 4
Another point of considerable importance is in the realization that divine revelation is not a static impulse of a moment in time but one that is continuous in the unchanging background of eternity. Divine Laws are no respecters of persons. We may believe in a single revelation of God for humanity for all time and consequently seal ourselves in a cage of human thought, or we may understand the nature of revelations to be forever unfolding its petals of divine truths commensurating with the development of man's mental and spiritual capacity. In one case spiritual stagnation may result, in the other continued growth. It is, therefore, a good idea for the metaphysician to attune daily with the Divine Mind to uncover the many laws and principles applicable to humanity's evolution, and to unfold his intuitive and mental faculties that spiritual truths may be easily discerned and assimilated.

Theological dogmas misdirect man's attention to a false perception and understanding of Reality. For example, we are given absurd theories by the Church concerning cosmology and anthropology which we are to consider as Truth. The Church fails to realize that the progressive modern mind of man requires practical, factual and experiential knowledge. Blind beliefs are out of place and faith without a true foundation no longer fascinates the maturing soul. The true purpose of life is left untouched and unconsidered by the leaders of the Church who prefer instead to build one's faith upon the dogma of a "sole" Son of God for salvation; of teaching and emphasizing a God of wrath; of an eternal hell which the God of Love was supposed to have created, etc., ad nauseam. One is left guessing as to what Truth is or to what it refers to. The scriptures, however, are explicit in their statements as to what Truth is, what it entails, and implies--including life's purpose as planned by God; but most adherents of the Christian religion go over them too lightly. Because the incarnating soul tends to forget its origin and purpose of being while sojourning in physical matter, we feel that the metaphysician should remind the masses repeatedly of life's purpose even if it means ending-up as a shooting target for rotten eggs and tomatoes. Below we present just five of the many important statements that sums-up the purpose of man's sojourn:

1) "Know ye not that ye are gods?" (Psalms 82:6, John 10:34)

2) "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matt 5:48)

3) "I and my Father are One." (John 10:30)

4) "Seek ye first the kingdom of God . . . " (Luke 12:31, Matt 6:33)

5) "Get wisdom, wisdom is the principle thing." (Proverbs 4:7)

Know Ye Not that Ye are Gods

Whoever wrote Psalms knew man's true identity to be divine, and that which appears to be a mortal representation of man merely a façade of the soul. Christians have long believed in a "sole" son of God, but this is disputed by the Master Jesus himself when he echoed the words of Psalms to the Pharisees and the Doctors of the Law. In the Corona Class Lessons, the "Master Jesus" complains:

"One of the greatest weakness of so-called Christianity lies in the fact that they have deified me as a god to worship or bow down to and to make wishful prayers to; yet my mission and message they often neglect . . . " (1986:27)

And one of the contents of this "message" is to know that we ourselves are gods and legitimately the spiritual children of God. It is humanity's mission to reflect, to express their Father-Mother in all of the countless worlds, realms, and dimensions.

We repeat, humanity is an expression or partial manifestation of God, and are therefore sons and daughters of the Supreme Being. To consider ourselves any less is to demean the utterance of Truth by the Nazarene. This statement from the scriptures point out that humanity must eventually come to realize this Truth here on earth and in waking consciousness. This truth is what emancipates a person from all mortal states and conditions.

Be Ye Therefore Perfect, Even as your Father Which is in Heaven is Perfect

We falsely believe in the non-attainability of perfection, and yet, if it were so, the Nazarene would not have made the above statement which is to be understood as a commandment and not as a mere suggestion. Granted, that perfection is non-attainable in the sense that it is no static condition of the soul, but an ever-growing impulse toward a higher ideal--for instance, a perfect human being is but an embryonic, imperfect god. However, the goals set for humanity that represent the state of human perfection by the Divine Mind is attainable here and now. In fact, this is one of the purposes of the cycle of incarnation and reincarnation. It is evident that perfection is not attainable in a single life-time, hence the need for re-incarnating to assist the process of soul-unfoldment and reach the "Insan Kamil" (Perfect human being) level as expressed in Islam. The perfect man is a hermaphrodite in a psychological and spiritual sense. Alchemists and Hermeticists knew of this, and Carl Jung rediscovered this principle. He believed that society's psychological ills stems from the non-integration of the many opposite polarities. To put it succinctly, and from the psychospiritual/psychobiological point of view, perfection is attained when the positive male and female qualities are harmoniously united in an individual and the awareness principle centered and functioning from that state. Below we present some of the associated components of the male and female:


Right side of the brain


Pituitary gland

Sympathetic nervous system


Subconscious mind





Left side of the brain


Pineal gland

Central nervous system


Conscious mind


Shiva-Holy Spirit

Imperfection appears real, but life itself is perfect, for life is an expression of the Supreme Being. To believe that human perfection is a chimera is to believe in a cosmic deception. Although perfect human beings are seldom seen they do exist, and they usually live in the discarnate state having fulfilled the requirements for perfection. The citizens of the Kingdom of God are those that are perfect in the human sense.

I and My Father are One

This is a statement of Truth, and may result as a spontaneous expression of one's state of consciousness, rather than a reminder and an affirmation of one's inner unity with the First Cause. Fundamentalists in certain religions may consider it blasphemy for one to enunciate this truth, yet, from the spiritual perspective, the opposite is true. A sense of separation from God is a sacrilege and is the root of all evil expressions. Man's spiritual growth commensurates with his growing realization of the unity of all life. Life is evolving every unit of consciousness to the point where it realizes its individualized identity in the presence and oneness with the One Supreme Being. This evolutionary process is hastened with the cooperation of the life-unit itself when it has reached the stage where it is able to exercise the will of the soul. The will, however, is often misdirected in appeasing the purposes and goals of the personality which simply retards the life-unit's sense of divinity, immortality and identity in God.

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Seeking externally for a permanent peace of mind, contentment, and happiness only results in failure. Acquiring and heaping material things in one's home, on one' person and in one's bank account eventually brings about an empty feeling in the soul. All that is external to us is transient in nature; therefore, dependency on externals for our spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being are likewise short-lived. Caesar's and Mammon's kingdom fail to provide us with anything of eternal worth; it is only be seeking within that we acquire the immaterial things beneficial for our continued soul-existence. The kingdom of God is within and at hand, and not as Christian theology has taught: a place situated in a paradisical garden in the higher worlds or in the Last Days waiting for the faithful to enter at some uncertain date. Heaven does exist as a spiritual archetype and must be manifested in our consciousness and in the physical world. The Kingdom of God within is an inner reality that life is directing us to realize and to manifest in our mundane sphere, our external reality. Once we have gained the Kingdom of Heaven, it is up to us how we will manifest it on earth. We may choose to manifest worldly abundance, or we may not. Nevertheless, what is certain is that suffering will be a thing of the past, for it is promised in the scriptures that God shall wipe away every tear. The Kingdom's successful appearance is dependent upon the way we think and live, and the focus and quality of our consciousness.

Get Wisdom, Wisdom is the Principle Thing

According to Tradition, Solomon is supposed to be one of the wisest men who ever lived. The above statement, therefore, takes on a greater significance for it is attributed to the Hebrew King who was responsible for the building of the Temple. Wisdom may be categorized into two types: mundane wisdom of the worldly man and spiritual wisdom of the enlightened person. The spiritual wisdom of the enlightened person is much wider in perspective, and all-encompassing than the wisdom of the worldly individual. Wisdom in its essence is Soul-knowing, Soul-loving, and Soul-willing. It is one of the aspects of the Spiritual Triad within the microcosmic being of man. Its unfoldment and application in one's world assists in proper assimilation of one's mundane experiences. Wisdom in its lower spiritual form, as understood in Hindu philosophy, is the application of Viveka and Vairagya, or discrimination and detachment--discrimination as to what is real and unreal, and the detachment of that which is unreal and false. Meditation, introspection and prayer are some of the principle means whereby the wisdom of the Soul may be evoked into waking consciousness. Knowledge that is spiritually understood is the acquisition of wisdom, and as wisdom grows, so does one's illumination. Salvation is automatic when one attains illumination. Without wisdom a person goes through life making foolish mistakes and karma that bind him or her to samsara--or the lower worlds. Wisdom, therefore, has an emancipative quality which directs a person to Reality and is to be considered as a "principle thing" to be acquired.

The Laws of Life

The average person drifts through life without sparing a thought as to its purpose. When facing problems he usually either flees from it, in which case he confronts it in another form because the seed of the problem lies within, or else he submits feebly to its occurrence. In both cases he fails to extract the teaching that it may convey to his evolving soul. Without a proper philosophy of life man lives like the lower life-forms, indulging in the lower senses and gratifying the base appetites and instincts. An improper philosophy of life is materialistically oriented--it is deemed improper because it neglects the spiritual side of Nature and because of such it fails to answer adequately the many vicissitudes and paradoxes of life that confronts man daily. What we propose is a metaphysical philosophy in which is based the Cosmic Laws and the Eternal Purpose. Such a philosophy may come about as a result of a growing sensitivity to the divine nature within--to a metaphysical awareness of the Soul. In this philosophy all of the beliefs and tenets of a materialistic way is replaced with a loftier understanding and attitude as seen from a spiritual base. For instance, science informs us that we all possess several instinctive urges that motivate our zeal for life; they may be summed-up as follows:

1) The instinct of self-preservation

2) The instinct of self-perpetuation

3) The herd instinct

4) The religious instinct

These instincts are well known in psychology, therefore we shall not take the time to explain them. We shall instead analyze their hidden, occult nature, as seen from a spiritual standpoint.

The Instinct of Self-Preservation

At a higher spiral of evolution, this primal instinct of self-preservation applies to the soul being of man where it is transformed into the evocation and preservation of one's Higher Self in one's waking consciousness. St. Paul calls this the forming of the Christ within. As man is transformed spiritually, he displaces the lower self, the false ego, with the preservation of the Real Self with which he identifies himself. Mortality is thereby transcended as the divinity of the Real Self is preserved, maintained and lived. We must be careful not to limit ourselves because of the false image or conception we have of what we believe ourselves to be. That which appears is unreal; that which is Real, is hidden. It is the archetypal image of man that God created and saw that it was good. There should, therefore, be a cessation of the identification with the unreal.

The Instinct of Self-Perpetuation

This instinct of self-perpetuation is a creative impulse that the biological being of man translates into procreation or generation. From the spiritual standpoint, creativity is in manifesting the qualities of man's innate divinity, and in expressing the divine urge to create outwardly through the mind with the symbol and tool of his will--the hands; and to internally re-create or regenerate anew the quality and life of the cells composing his organic being. Self-perpetuation, therefore, takes on a spiritual nature in which the "self" that is perpetuated is the intrinsic genius and uniqueness of the Soul expressed and moulded upon inanimate and animate matter. Mediocrity is the result of our own sense of self-limitation and false identity. Our true potential is realized by giving up this false state and expressing what really lies within our spiritual nature. Self-depreciation and exaltation of the lower self simply shuts out the light of our Higher Self.

The Herd Instinct

Gregariousness, or the herd instinct in the lower being of man is the desire to socialize, to identify himself with others like himself. This instinct gives rise to the old proverb, "bird of a feather flock together." Man has been called a social animal, and in this propensity towards others of his kind lies the underlying, unconscious spiritual urge to be one with Nature, to unite with God. Spiritually, man seeks unity with the Source of his being, to identify himself with something greater than what he believes himself to be. Not realizing the purport of this instinctive urge, man seeks outwardly for that which can only be found within. Relationships with individuals, with groups, with clans, with others of like creed will fail to satisfy the Soul-urge, for all that which is external to man is ephemeral. Transcending mob-consciousness is the way towards attaining superconsciousness. Man seeks to unite with God for he senses a certain "separation" from his Source, a certain void in his heart. A sense of separation ascribes to us all the opposite virtues of the Supreme Being--its power, wisdom, and love. We falsely see ourselves as mere humans, weak, powerless, finite, limited, mortal, and wisdomless. Nothing less than the "mystical union" with the Universal Being will bring man true peace, happiness and contentment. In order to enforce this sense of non-separation from God, one ought to think, speak and act as though we were one with God. Affirmations and decrees such as "I and my Father are one" are of great aid.

The Religious Instinct

Carl Jung proposed that man possesses a religious instinct which motivates him to recognize, or to believe, and be devoted to something higher than himself in which he has come to call "God." Basically, this has a similar meaning with the spiritual connotation, interpretation and application of the herd instinct. It is actually the urge to evolve, to progress to a higher state of consciousness. Animals, plants and lower life-forms move along the currents of evolution in an unconscious manner. Lacking the mind-principle and the force of the will, they are unable to participate in their own evolution. Man, however, has all the tools, the faculties in his possession to take part in his return to his "Father," like the prodigal son. We believe that either this instinct has been misnamed or else it has been misunderstood, as it has perpetuated man's bondage to religious creeds. Ignorant of the spiritual nature of the religious instinct, man has created a demarcation between a life lived spiritually, and religious devotions to man-made dogmas, often praising the latter while condemning the former. Man will not fulfill God's Plan so long as his devotions are directed to maya, glamor, and illusions rather than to Truth. Man's present form of worship is directed to an idea, an image of a belief. There is no true knowing by experience of what he worships. Unless he turns towards that which is Real and reflects it in his life, man is not truely being "religious." Instead of humanizing God, we should spiritualize man.

Understanding the primal instincts to be spiritual urges and laws with a metaphysical application enriches one's personal philosophy and attitude towards the purpose of existence. A philosophy of life should be based on Truth, based on the Laws of the Cosmos that brought the solar system into being. Spiritual laws unfold man's awareness when applied, and an understanding of those laws gives man a greater direction in life, a greater sense of unity with Nature and a responsibility to life as a whole. There are many Cosmic laws that man should incorporate into his philosophy of life and turn into principles of living. Laws of Love, of Harmony, of Justice, Beauty, Cooperation, and Service, for instance, provides man with enough material to expand his awareness to embrace the Cosmos. Divine Laws are a manifestation of the Supreme Being . By living in accord with these Laws, we manifest in our lives abundance in a material and a psycho-spiritual sense. It is these Cosmic Laws that the spiritual counselor should teach all those that aspire to realize, to be, and to become their Real Self.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore
Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

Simple Tips to Improve Your Communication/Relationship Skills
Simple Tips to Improve Your Communication/Relationship Skills Have you ever been to a function in a room full of strangers and found yourself lost for words? The art of introducing yourself to others and creating small talk may come natural for some, but most people confess to feeling shy, embarrassed and don’t know where to start. There are four levels of communication: Small talk, fact disclosure, share viewpoints and opinions and share personal opinions. Small Talk In new relationships or acquaintances the safest place to start is to talk about surface issues. For instance, make a comment about the weather, current events or the surroundings you are in. This is called “small talk”, and is used to “size up” the other person to determine the comfort zone between the two of you. There is no need to disclose any personal information with the other person at this stage, as this initial interaction assists you to determine how “safe” they are on your first meeting. If you are comfortable with each other at a surface level you can easily slip into the next level of communication: fact disclosure. Fact Disclosure Fact disclosure is slightly deeper than small talk in that you disclose facts about yourself without triggering topics of emotional interest. The purpose of fact disclosure is to find out if you have something in common. You can use these common areas to build a friendship. You may want to talk about your career, occupation, hobbies, or where you live. Avoid topics like marriage, divorce, politics, sex and religion in this second level of communication. If you find a topic of mutual interest you may want to progress to the next level of communication: sharing viewpoints and opinions. Share Viewpoints and Opinions Once you have established that the other person is “safe” through small talk, and have found areas of common interest, you can build rapport by sharing your opinions and viewpoints. By sharing your viewpoints and opinions you allow yourself to become vulnerable to the scrutiny and objections of the other person. Enter this level of communication once you are comfortable that you both share positive feelings through the first two levels. Be prepared to listen to the opinions of your new friend. This will enable your friendship to survive. Make sure you don’t use your opinions as a form of “character assassination” of other people. You may be thought of as a negative person and this may cause your new friend to distance himself/herself from you. The fourth level of communication is sharing personal feelings. Solid friendships over time usually enter this fourth level of communication. Share Personal Feelings After building upon trust, finding things in common and listening to the viewpoints and opinions of others, you may be able to share your personal feelings. This is when an acquaintance becomes a genuine friend. Things of deep value to you can be shared without feeling threatened. You listen closely to each other without the need to “solve” your friend’s problem. You are happy to reflect their feelings back to them �" forming a bond of empathy and compassion between the two of you. At this level of communication, it is important that you provide a little distance between yourself and your friend. If the distinction between yourself and your friend becomes unrecognizable, it is possible for your relationship to go sour. If you know how to handle your own feelings, attitudes and behaviors while maintaining your friendship at this level, you will build a successful friendship that can last a lifetime. Author: Connie Limon. Please visit us online at: Self Improvement Book is a guide to self improvement, personal growth and self help. It is an organized directory referencing other websites on the World Wide Web. Sign up for our FREE bi-weekly newsletter. This article is FREE to publish with resource box.

Author: Connie Limon. Please visit us online at: Self Improvement Book is a guide to self improvement, personal growth and self help. It is an organized directory referencing other websites on the World Wide Web. Sign up for our FREE bi-weekly newsletter.

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