Thursday, September 18, 2008

Maria Duval - I am Charmed, and You?

I am Charmed, and You?
Possessing a charming way will open many doors. The latent charm lurking within you is your secret and hidden away gold mine. Your charm is like a pearl inside the oyster, and once it is discovered and polished can highlight and greatly enrich your personality and success. Charm is that intangible quality within you, that when uncovered and freed from suffocating baggage, can add a subtle power to your presence that is irresistibly pleasing. The influence of this charm will attract, calm, assuage, placate and delight anyone with whom you come into contact. The ability to win over and influence people is in direct proportion to the charm you are able to summon up and demonstrate. Charm can be developed like every other quality or attribute of the mind by adopting and practicing some basic rules. Adaptation, the art of agreeing with another person for the sake of amicability is lesson one. Finding common ground through genuine curiosity lowers defenses and paves the way for further exploration. Adaptation is an acknowledgment of another’s ‘right to be’ right or wrong. As Voltaire said, "I do not agree with a word you say but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." The goal is to charm not to reform. The primary rule is for you to be yourself. Any kind of physical makeover, including that phoney smile, won’t do the trick. Affectations and pretense, even a well rehearsed choreography, is swift and certain death to charm. It is easy enough to attract and get attention by artifice, but to influence anyone beyond surface pleasantries, you must possess the power of charm within. A smile may win a first look, but it takes the conscious power of charm to obtain results. Authenticity is genuine and indisputable, easily picked up by others as the real thing, where pretense is usually unmasked. By practicing the techniques of charm from within, you can put your prospect or antagonist at ease and even inspire them to do your bidding. Projecting charm requires give and take. The first technique is to listen. You must be an attentive listener interested in hearing what the other person has to say, which also means paying close attention and really comprehending what they have to say and where they are coming from in saying it. The second fundamental is to always be humble, gentle and polite. By adopting these traits you will project a gracious and friendly manner which communicates the attitude that you are both likeable and approachable. Treat all people that you meet as potential friends. By displaying an open and positive attitude, and making others feel that your own life was incomplete before having met them, empowers them, and in turn they will become endeared to you. Interest, kindness, and humbleness are a major part of being charming. Giving praise is another. Praise is like a rare gemstone which derives its worth from its scarcity. Praise is one of the greatest motivating forces there is, and when sincerely applied can work wonders. Praise a dog and he is your friend. Praise children and they will glow with joy. Praise your ability with gratitude and you increase the flow of intelligence into your endeavors. Positive praise feelingly applied is an active multiplier. Praise what you have and more will be available to you. Praise is a positive expression of appreciation. In the case of others, it gives hearty and warm approval and breaks down barriers. If anyone you meet deserves your approbation, by all means give it, and in so doing you enhance their appreciation of your own qualities, a win win situation powered by charm. The third element of charm is tolerance. Life is a compromise, and to realize and accept this adds to ones peace of mind and enjoyment. People are entitled to their own opinion, and possessing tolerance allows respect for diverse opinions, without necessarily believing or sharing them. Respect for another’s point of view will always enlarge your own world view. By exercising tolerance you dispel prejudice and vanity. It is the essential quality necessary to establish the true relationship between divergent situations on an impersonal basis. By becoming tolerant you learn not to take the world and the events and people in it too seriously, yourself included, thus enabling your sense of humor to expand. A true and easy smile and the ability to have a good laugh will relax you, and in so doing, aid you in peace of mind and efficiency. Tolerance and a good sense of humor are indeed additional gems to have in your crown of charm. Charm is the art of pleasing. You need to be poised along with possessing the ability to act natural. Your ability to be pleasingly spontaneous and to act natural is a reflection of your habits. If these habits have been formed through the proper training of grace, poise and cleanliness, then they add to your charm. Negative habits of sloth, crudeness and loutishness diminishes. Charm refines the essence of your personality and permits the radiant beauty of your real being to shine through. Possessing charm will greatly augment your effectiveness. It makes it possible for you to always present yourself in the most favorable light. Through the glow of charm you will feel healthier and those worry lines will soon be replaced by your infectious smile. So train and equip yourself in the art and power of charm. It will enrich your presence and add immeasurably to your personal satisfaction and happiness.

Henry Ramsey is a writer and renewable energy systems specialist who rides an electric bicycle. He is the innovator of New Paradigm Internet Marketing sites like, and

The Magic Lottery Ticket - Master the Law of attraction quickly and easily
Are you frustrated by not having the things you want? Does each day pass and you get no closer to achieving your dreams? The great news is you can change your life to how you really want it, and get the lover, house, car, money or indeed whatever you want. The universe has whatever you desire in stock, and all you have to do is to put your order in and await delivery!

The following exercise will help you to get whatever you really want, make your dreams become reality and all it takes is a little dedication and daily practice. You may want to try a small experiment first, something that would be easy to achieve before you put your order in for a small island in the South Pacific or a Hollywood Mansion.

Starting off small makes a lot of sence too as doing so will serve to reinforce your belief in the following system. At first you may be cynical (you'll need to learn to trust the universe) and it may take a while before you get the things you want. Unfortunately some people give up just before their dreams start to come true, but for those of you who persist with the following exercise,the universe truly has some wonderful things in store for you.

The Technique

Find a regular time each day when you are unlikely to be disturbed, lie down in a darkened room and and make yourself comfortable. Loosen any clothing, close your eyes and relax.

If you have a Brain Entrainment CD to assist you to get into a state of meditation put your headphones on and start your CD.(Moonfish-Design has a selection of free and commercial products specifically for this purpose)

Allow yourself to clear your mind (this can be achieved quite easily by focusing on the tones being played through your headphones) if you don't have the facility to play a CD or MP3 an alternative method (which is also very effective) would be to focus on a simple two dimensional shape ( a circle for example) and hold your focus on the shape. You will most probably find that your mind starts to wander, whenever this happens focus on the tones or shape again. With practice clearing your mind will get easier, so make sure you persevere with the exercise.

After a while you may start to feel that you are no longer connected with your body as all physical sensations fade away. Imagine the thing you truly want, try to visualize your desire in finite detail and in three dimensions. Focus on the object, the colours in the scene, the lighting, the time of year, the feeling of the wind on your face etc. Use your five senses, smell the air, touch the object of your desire, what does it feel like? Make the scene as real as it can be. If the thing you want is a car imagine sitting in it, driving it, how do you feel? What do your emotions tell you?

What can you do to make this dream reality? think of the ways the object could come into your life. I usually visualize a lottery ticket with all of the winning numbers and see myself claiming my cosmic prize. The Law of Attraction will always deliver what you want, so be sure you make your wish carefully!

See yourself getting exactly what you want, believe it is yours and it will be, the more you believe it, the more your subconscious mind will be able to accept it and you will become aligned with the universe.

Make your visualization as enjoyable as possible, congratulate yourself for getting something you truly wanted and deserved. This emotional assosciation is important and will give power to your visualization and breathe life into it. Keep the visualization going for at least 15 minutes and then slowly rise from your meditation.

When you retire at night think about what you desire whilst preparing for sleep and give silent thanks to the universe for helping you to realize your desires. If you wake during the night bring the image of your desire back into your mind and keep it there as long as you are awake.

When you wake the following morning do the exercise again and think about what you want frequently during the day. Make a point of being positive and give thanks once again to the universe for helping you. Maintaining a positive attitude will start to have great effect in all areas of your life and you will be open and receptive to opportunities that you were previously unaware of. Your overall attitude will be one of confidence and self-assurance, you will be focused and able to get whatever you truly want from life.

The more you live this dream the closer you get to making it reality.

I bet you didn't realize it could be so simple ;)

© Rob Maggs 2007

Moonfish Design.

© 2007 Rob Maggs is a developer of Self Hypnosis & Brain Entrainment products.Get the Braingym Free at

The Role of Fake Media in Society
As we all have our eyes fixated in Iraq, Israel, or the potential for another stolen election this year it is important to not forget the role of media in our everyday lives. So many Americans get their information from the tainted mainstream media machine run by the current government that it is a frightening prospect to merely hope the truth somehow gets through. I am sure we all know people who are seemingly good folk, but somehow they keep getting it wrong on such crucial matters such as election fraud, the war, or any number of Bush-GOP scandals. You have to realize the gauntlet of false news that is thrown at them each day, which is the basis for their political opinions. Case in point is the poster child of fake news, Fox News. Using false slogans such as "fair and balanced" or "we report, you decide", Fox News has made its living on being nothing short of propaganda for the Republican Party. News shows are peppered with pro-administration stories and even when they have to cover a negative story; it is always framed from a positive angle, thus skewing the truth. The amount of time spent on positive stories versus negative GOP stories is staggering and the guests on their various shows are designed to put a loud, confident voice on the republican side and a milquetoast, timid voice on the democratic side. That is never more evident than on their flagship show Hannity and Colmes where the jaw-jutting, boisterous Hannity is opposed by the meek and affable Colmes. Guests are extreme ideologues on the right, such as war criminal Oliver North or venom-witch Anne Coulter and moderate voices on the left; people you or I have probably never heard of. News is not reported on Fox, it is packaged. The pre-set talking points for the GOP are sent to Fox each day, so that the commentators throughout the day can repeat them over and over again, so that eventually the populace begins to think it is true. Just this past week we saw President Bush began to use the ridiculous term islamo-fascism and sure enough, there was all the Fox commentators using the same ridiculous line all night long. Karl Rove says to call all democrats who support a troop withdrawal, cut and runners and that very night there is O'Reilly, Hannity and company calling them cut and runners. Never mind that the majority of the American people support bringing our troops home, it does not matter in the world of fake news. The opinion of the American people does not matter when you are deciding what the news will be. Not satisfied with this, Fox also employs flat out lies in their coverage. It was recently discovered that Fox used a"conservative strategist" named Karen Czarnecki on their evening "news" shows. What they did not tell us was that she was not really a conservative strategist. No, Ms. Czarnecki actually was the Labor Department deputy assistant secretary. She was a government employee posing as a pundit on a news program, offering her opinion that not surprisingly, agreed with the government line. The damage done here is that people watching think they are getting an honest opinion, when in reality they are only getting the opinion from the government's standpoint. Similarly, when the administration is in a tough spot, they call on Fox to provide them with an "exclusive", meaning an administration official can sit with someone like Sean Hannity to express the government's opinion without the threat of an actual news interview breaking out. Dick Cheney and Karl Rove have both appeared on these "exclusives" where Hannity did not pose one serious question in opposition to the government position. Propaganda at its best. Propaganda does not end with Fox though, as most realize now that they are not fair, nor balanced. The real damage done by Fox News is that it makes the other news sources seem mainstream, when in fact they mimic Fox and rarely question the GOP controlled government. People like Chris Matthews are presented as moderate when in reality he has as worse a record in supporting the GOP then anyone on Fox. People like Tucker Carlson and Joe Scarborough are presented as average guys representing America. Never mind that Scarborough is a former GOP Congressman and Tucker is as republican as they get. America buys it. About the only beacon in this sea of untruth is Countdown with Keith Olbermann but you have to sift through hours of lies just to get to that one beacon. Moving past TV news however, the same bias exists in print media. Many local papers have sold out the American people for the interest of the companies that own them. People look at the New York Times as some bastion of liberalism, but a closer look reveals that while some op-ed writers are liberal, the paper itself is not. It is owned by pro-Israel folks who agree with this administration. They supported the Iraq War and in case you forgot, Judith Miller worked for them when she sold us the WMD lies, straight from her confidential White House sources. Not all subterfuge however is so subtle. Here in New York we deal with a paper like the New York Post. The Post is possibly the worst paper in the country in terms of objectivity, which should be the hallmark of any newspaper. The Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News. It is estimated that it LOSES 15-30 million dollars per year. Estimates are necessary because Murdoch refuses to allow anyone to know how much he really loses for operating the Post. Why does he insist on operating a paper that loses so much money? Because he does not care about the money, he cares about putting his version of the news on the streets of New York every day. The Post is propaganda straight out of Communist Russia during the cold war. There is never a bad word uttered in its pages about the GOP or the Bush administration. Every article, whether op-ed or "news" is framed to support the GOP. The op-ed section is littered with pro-GOP rhetoric including the daily White House talking points. I know well principled people who rely on the Post as their primary news source each day and it is no wonder that their political opinions are often simply inaccurate.

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1 comment:

Paul said...

I wanted to comment on the blog about Brainwave Entrainment. I've used this technology and can confirm it is very effective in doing exactly what it's supposed to do.