Sunday, September 21, 2008

Maria Duval - Your Secret Power--Don't You Want to Know

Your Secret Power--Don't You Want to Know
When someone comes to you and wants to tell you about a thing you do not know about, why are you so defensive? When you go to someone and ask them about a thing you know nothing about, why are you eager to hear everything they say? It is because of fear-not fear about learning something new, but fear of a realization of what we knew as no longer our being. It is the ego fearing for its existence. The ego relies on what it knows to assure itself of its own immortality. When someone tries to teach us something new, there is natural resistance to the information. The ego does not want to replace what it knows as real with something that may invalidate or deny what it has experienced, because it would deny its own awareness of self. The ego clings to physical things to assure itself of its existence. The ego is reluctant to know of things it has not experienced, the abstract is something it can not hold on to as real. When someone comes to us with information we did not ask for, our arms go up in a posture of defensiveness. And once again it is about fear, we are afraid what we already know will not being able to stand up to the new information. So in other words, what we knew in the past may not be real, or perhaps a lie and it invalidates what we believe to be our good sense of judgment and our very existence. However, when we seek new information it is a sign the ego has matured and is ready to move into a place of new awareness. The ego has taken charge of its own destiny and is creating it. From ignorance, the ego does not understand its relationship to all other things. The ego sees itself separate from spirit, and does not realize it has the power, or it is the power that commands the spirit to create. For most, we do not want to know we have the power to command, nor do we want the responsibility for it. What if we realized we could change the world into anything we desired? And in doing so we made a mistake, what if we did it wrong? Could we live with what we have created? The power to create is within each and every one of us. There are no worlds or circumstances we could not create. In the immature mind, this information could destroy the ego, or even more accurately the ego would destroy itself. With power comes responsibility most of us are not ready or willing to accept. With the knowledge you could fly off the top of a 20 story building-would you take the responsibility to do it. Yet it is in the knowing you can do it, that commands the spirit to make it so. It is much easier for the ego to accept it would be stupid to jump off a building and expect to fly than to know it could fly. It is a built-in safety protocol that imprisons it and protects it within its limited awareness. Even if one witnesses another doing it, the ego will not believe it. Because it goes so much against what the ego knows as its truth-as how it sees itself-it will even deny what is presented to it in three dimensional colour. You have the power to create anything you desire. You have the power to create and destroy worlds. You have the power to create life and destroy it. Yet you are limited by your ego who says you do not! It is the ego afraid to let go, afraid to accept new information, afraid of its own vulnerability and presence which controls you. The ego is a whimpering child afraid of the dark, wallowing in its dirty diaper-in control of unlimited massive power. If I come to you and told you you are God, how would your ego respond to this new information? Would you need proof, or could you accept it? If I told you I am God and everyone around you is God, would your ego fight for equilibrium? Could you even accept there might be a possibility I am correct? How you answer this question will give you an exact estimate of whom and were you are in your spiritual evolution. It will give you an exact indication of your fear level. It will tell you exactly why your life is the way it is now, and how far you have to go. If you see this information as an assault on your intelligence then you are in denial. If you see it as an opportunity, then it is a symbol of higher awareness. It doesn't really matter whether the information is valid or not-it is all about how you perceive it. It is about accepting your power or denying it. This may just be a dumb little article, but it is also a gift and opportunity to validate what you already know-it was written for a purpose-your purpose, because it is you who is reading it, and it is no accident or coincidence.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A published author, a student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker, Teacher and Phenomenologist. Roy's books and articles are thought provoking, and designed to empower your imagination, and take you to places you would never have thought about. Claim your copy of Roy's new book at: Visit Roy at:

Set Up Your Mind for Money
You are what you want to be. Just like you are what you eat, it also follows that you are what you think. If you set your mind to work for somebody as an employee, you will look for a job and you will be satisfied working as an employee. However, if you set your mind properly to attain financial freedom, you will find means of getting wealthy without the pressures and hassles of working for someone else.

It seems that the mindset of many people is almost always pre-occupied with working as an employee that they forget or unintentionally ignore to cross the line, to see how they can create real wealth.

Just like a coin, they never bothered to look and to find out how it feels to be on the other side of it.

Are you aware that the word “job” fits as an acronym for “just over broke?” And rightfully, the meaning does make sense. Having a job (as an employee) lets you earn just enough to cover your daily expenses.

If you lose your job, you’re broke. Having a job or working as an employee for somebody means your privileges are limited and confined. Although your income is guaranteed, it is also limited.

You see, employers pay just enough so that employees don’t quit. Consequently, employees work hard enough just so they don’t get fired. Subconsciously, if you are an employee, the creative side of your mind is not put to work in full capacity.

You may be making somebody rich but definitely, that somebody is not you. You surrender control of your finances to somebody and you are at his/her mercy. If his/her business go down, you go down with it.

If it goes up, it goes up alone. Most likely, you stay as you are. To surrender one’s finances to somebody is like having your future shaped in somebody else’s hand, not on your own.

I’m not saying that employers are bad. They provide jobs and it’s good. I’m just painting a picture of one of life’s realities which we hardly notice at times. If you go to business, you eventually end up as an employer yourself. I’m just opening the financial area of your mind.

Consider this: Palms facing up is receiving, kind of similar to begging. Palms facing down is giving. Employees receive.

Employers give. How do you want your palms’ position to be?

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Archetypal Symbology: For the Renewal of the Body, Mind and Soul
According to modern research, the mind operates at all times on some electro-magnetic frequency. These vibratory frequencies are measured in brain waves or other types of waves from the electromagnetic spectrum. These frequencies are determined by the level of consciousness upon which the individual is operating. Dr. David Hawkins, who mapped the human consciousness, outlined the vibrational frequencies of various states of mind. His map was designed to help us determine the frequency upon which our minds are ordinarily functioning. Beliefs determine the style and level of our daily electromagnetic functioning. My hypothesis here is that we can raise our consciousness-level significantly by changing our belief systems through the meditative practice of symbology. Certain pictures carry archetypal energy frequencies. By exposing our right brains (which respond to picture language) to certain images or symbols while in a meditative state, we can un-program, or re-program, our subconscious mind where many of our negative belief systems are stored. The theory behind archetypal psychosymbology can be expressed in this simple manner: All phenomena either conceal or reveal the Infinite. When you use your finite sight, the Infinite is concealed; when you use your Infinite Vision, the Infinite is revealed. Sight is the activity of the physical eyes and the programmed human mind. With sight we only see what we already believe, as we perceive through the left-brain and the subconscious mind. Vision is the activity of the observer or the spirit, which is perception through a less programmed right brain and through our superconsciousness. Archetypal symbols are images, which have universal meaning and value which are hardly known to the left-brain, but to which the right brain has direct access in the Superconscious. These symbols, if flashed to your right brain in a quiet meditative state, will work to bring about a change in your state of vibratory frequency, which includes your feelings, behavior and circumstances. In other words, your beliefs, your feelings, your body, your mind, your health, and your life circumstances seek to function in an integrated manner, although the ego system is basically in conflict with our original nature. This conflict is registered according to our chronic bioelectrical level of adaptation. For example, if you are chronically angry, functioning at 150 (as per Dr. Hawkins's map), it will affect your body, your relationships, your finances, and your environment (car, house, job, sex life, etc) accordingly. My thesis is that our entire ego belief system with which we have been brain-washed is in conflict with our basic essence and that this conflict is registered for our benefit through our stressful vibratory energies and symptoms. By meditating on any of these selected archetypal images on a regular basis, you will raise your vibratory energy level, and your entire life will improve. These archetypal pictures include the Door Symbol, Fire and Light Symbols, Water Symbols, Love Images, Power Symbols, Abundance Images, Color Images, Relaxation Symbols, Transformation Images, Sound and Music Symbols, Breath and Rebirth Symbols, Health and Healing Symbols, Peace and Joy Images, Wisdom and Balance Symbols. For the best results, select one of these symbols per month and flash it to your right brain for five to ten minutes before going to sleep, while you are in a calm, relaxed state of mind, following a two minute period of continuous inhales and exhales, with no breaks in between. Follow the same relaxation procedure when you first awaken, using a different symbol or image each day. During the day, feel free to recall and flash either of these symbols to your right brain to re-enforce their impact. Incredible experiences of change have been reported through this simple practice of re-programming the often negative subconscious mind. I have posted a gallery of archetypal symbolic images on a special blog: Archetypal Symbols Spend ten minutes in the morning and ten mintues before going to bed with over a period of a week with each of the images posted in my blog. Keep in mind…"One picture is worth a thousand words." And consider how you might benefit if you do this exercise twice a day. The effort is not a no-brainer; it is a right-brainer. The practice is designed to be: Magical, not logical; Symbolic, not literal; Metaphorical, not verbal; Integrative, not analytical; Circular, not sequential; Absorbed, not just read; Transformative, not just informative; a Right-brainer; not a left-brainer; Meditative, not argumentative; Revelatory, not repetitive.

Carroll J. Wright, Ph.D. is a professional counselor, spiritual psychotherapist, and researcher in the field of transpersonal psychology,as well as author of several books. He can be reached at:

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