Sunday, September 28, 2008

Maria Duval - Success is Not all in the Mind

Success is Not all in the Mind
First you have to have wish, or a dream, then a desire and passion and then a target or goal (Success) But it all starts with that initial thought, what ever you want to call it. Also success comes in many flavors. Napoleon Hill's idea of success was not just the accomplishment of goals. He wanted his students to accomplish something wonderful with their lives. Regardless of how you measure success, it all starts in your mind.....your subconscious mind, to be exact. While most people are familiar with the concept of the subconscious mind, few truly understand how to use its power to create the success (and happiness) that they desire. Unfortunately, for many, everything stays just as a wish or dream. Fear of failure prevents them taking that thought any further, or just laziness, it's much easier to stay within their comfort zone and just say, “I can't do that”, or “that will never work for me”, But for the lucky few, their passion becomes a driving force that turns that dream into reality.. Many successful entrepreneurs and business people who dared to dream, never took their eye off their goal. I doubt if any made it on their first try. But they never gave up, and they never stopped believing in their dream. Obstacles were there only to be overcome, as they reached out to their final goal. To take advantage of this incredibly powerful tool, you must first program your subconscious mind for the success you are seeking. Without a clear, consistent "picture" of the results you seek, your subconscious mind can actually sabotage even your best efforts. Any time there is confusion, your subconscious will struggle to help you achieve your goals. That's why the more detailed your goal and your mental image of its results, the better the chances you'll achieve it. By creating and focusing on this concise concept of what you want to achieve, you're helping your subconscious mind manifest that result in your reality. By tapping into the the universal law or attraction Your subconscious mind can only react to the thoughts that you give it. To bring yourself success, you have to keep feeding your subconscious mind with positive instructions about what you want it to do for you. This technique will put your success on autopilot! Wishing however, is not enough. There has been quite a lot of coverage on the recent video “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction. But the strongest will in the world will not achieve a thing without action Reading a book will not make you successful. It's what you do with what you learn that makes the difference. The Law of Success remains a valuable series of lessons to study and apply in accomplishing more with your life. To put this in its proper perspective, a positive mental attitude begins with the things that we tell ourselves on a subconscious level. In other words, how a man thinks is how he will become. And remember, your success may start in the mind as a thought, a dream, but without action it will remain just that. A dream!. Focus on your dream. See it. Feel it. Keep an open mind to be receptive to outside sources. Plan your journey and program your mind to show you the way. To your success

Brian Worley : Editor/Publisher : wealthbulder Bulletinboard : Reporting on the Latest Internet Marketing Strategies and Wealthbuilding Opportunities : : : (703) 596 0328

Discover Your Genius Within
The functions of the right and left brain are only a small portion of the potential that comprises THE MIND. The mind and the brain are two very different things. You can think of the brain as the hard drive of the computer and the mind as the software. Your mind is the intelligence that is in every cell, every system and every organ of your body. It is that intangible, incredible, and awe-inspiring part of you that thinks, remembers, sorts information, makes judgments, forms habits, discerns, distinguishes, communicates and otherwise makes you who you are. It is the genius within. Your mind takes in all information through the five senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste). You can liken the five senses to the keyboard on the computer. You receive input through your senses, your “data entry” system. Your brain then stores, categorizes and utilizes this information. A genius knows how to access that information and then apply it in discovering the solutions to any problems that may arise. It is therefore essential that you discover your own individual style for gathering and communicating information. Some of us process sensory input more effectively through visual means, others through auditory stimuli, and others through a kinesthetic (a touch or feel) approach. Here’s a very simple way to begin to contemplate which way your genius accesses information. Imagine for a moment that you are buying a new item of clothing for an important meeting. Would you be most influenced to buy primarily for a) the color and style of the outfit; b) the benefits the salesperson tells you about the clothing; c) the texture and feel of the fabric. If you chose “A”, your brain receives information primarily through visual means. If you chose “B”, you perceive information primarily through auditory means. If “C”, you most likely access information through kinesthetic means. Everyone learns and communicates in all three of these modes. However, most people have developed a natural preference, and tend to use one method more frequently. As an awakening genius, it’s your goal to become aware of your preference and then strive to strike a balance between all three modes: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Are you willing to stretch your abilities by consciously choosing to use your other senses more? Can you imagine the benefits of opening your mind to receive ALL the input from the world around you? Doing so will give you an awareness of an exciting world that’s been there all along, but which you may have been missing. It is natural for you to use what is comfortable, but the awakened genius is willing to grow. Like the turtle, you won't go far without coming out of your shell. You will be pleasantly surprised as you practice using and developing your other senses. You will notice how your memory improves and how easy it becomes for you to make choices. You will discover a whole new world of communication. Once you learn to create a balance in perception, you will be well on your way to thinking holographically �" and using the full power of your genius!

Dr. Patrick Porter is an entrepreneur, award-winning author, and motivational speaker. His electrifying keynote speeches and seminars deliver the real life, nuts ‘n bolts concepts he used to take his business venture to astounding heights.

Steps To Building Your Self-Confidence
Accept yourself

The very first step in building self-confidence is to accept yourself in an unconditional way. You are human, therefore you are not perfect, so don?t dwell on what you see as flaws. Everyone has qualities that someone else does not. This is what makes us want to go out and find partners who give us love, and make us feel wanted and complete. Those great feelings would not be possible if you were perfect. Accept yourself how you are. It will help to rid you of constant stress and worry over things that you cannot control.

Do what you want!

How long it has been since you last did something that you really liked, something that you enjoyed doing as a child? How long has it been since you went out for ice cream with a friend? These simple things have the power to build your self-confidence and add fulfillment to your life. Life can be very quite simple. It is easy to get caught u in the rat race of today?s world, and lose yourself in the process. It is easy to forget your purpose, what you like and what you enjoy doing. It happens to people all of the time. It is your responsibility to yourself that you get back to those simple things in life.

Find a group of friends

You?ve heard the saying, ?birds of a feather flock together?. It is important to find people with whom you enjoy spending time and doing things. You will find that life is a little bit easier when you are among the people who share your interests and your feelings. There is an understanding between you, as well as an open dialogue. Good conversation and friendship are healthy and important for our minds and souls.

Set goals and just do it!

Take one step at a time. Those single steps will develop into a giant gait over time. Do not overwhelm yourself, but simply do the task at hand. But set achievable goals and go for them! Don?t focus on the big picture, concentrate on the small steps. This is the only way to accomplish anything, and to avoid procrastination and depression. Even the smallest achievement will give you a sense of accomplishment that will boost your self-confidence.

Discover more about self confidence by visiting

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