Friday, September 19, 2008

Maria Duval - Chronic Conditions And My Life

Chronic Conditions And My Life
Living with a condition is undeniably stressful and depressing. You soon find out just how much courage you really do have when you are left to deal with a lengthy illness.

There are 'chronic' illnesses (continuing for a long time), and there are 'acute' conditions (such as the common cold or flu). Some chronic illnesses can be fatal, such as cancer. Some chronic illnesses can be relieved and controlled with medical treatment (such as arthritis and asthma), although the condition itself will remain.

Such an illness can leave you drained emotionally, socially, physically and sometimes financially. For the first while, until you adapt to your new condition, you will worry, feel vulnerable, confused, and wonder just what your future holds for you. These feelings are very normal and are just the beginnings of dealing with, and understanding, your condition. Everyone is different, and each of you coming to terms with your illness will accept it at your own own pace. It is very common to feel stressed out trying to live your life, together with your condition, at the same time.

And sometimes people with a chronic illness will keep their condition to themselves, but they soon see this doesn't work. Medications can make you look puffy or make you gain or lose weight, which will undoubtedly be noticed. You will lose time at work when/if you are home sick, more frequently than is normal for you. You won't be too surprised to find that people will, without a doubt, acknowledge and accept your condition with the greatest concern. They are your friends and co-workers, and will want to help however they can, even if it's just listening.

After you have adapted to your condition, the next thing to do is learn all you can about it. The more you know about and understand your condition, the better you will feel. It will relieve the anxiety you are feeling, and will reduce your fear. It also helps to have someone to talk to (your spouse, a family member, or a close trusted friend), or perhaps to join a support group of people with your condition.

And don't be afraid to ask the Doctor/Nurse questions; if you don't understand the Doctor's response, ask again, or ask him to clarify it.

Some questions for the Doctor might be:

What is the treatment for my condition?
How many treatments will i have?
Will they be painful?
Are there side effects?
What if i forget my medicine?
What if the treatments don't work?
Will i be cured?

Learn all you can about your illness, the medications, and treatments for it, and you'll soon thereafter be able to live a healthy, happy lifestyle.

It's difficult at the best of times, to say the least, living with a chronic condition.

Your body's not functioning orlooking the way it should, and to you it's very annoying and depressing. But who of us, healthy or otherwise, is happy with their body? Not very many for sure. If you look after your body, appreciate what it's capable of doing, and accept what it can't, you body image will improve, and that applies to everyone, with or without a chronic illness.

And above all, don't let it be the main focus of your life. You had a life before it came along, and you still do. It has only recently become a part of your life. Maintain your lifestyle with friends, family, favourite activities, and whatever else you do on a daily basis. Be firm with yourself; it's your life.

Unexpected challenges (illnesses) leave one to find an inner strength they may have never thought they had. They grow to appreciate their strengths, and adapt to their weaknesses.
I hope you are going to be one of these people.

You can find more information by visiting our Health conditions website.

Breaking the Tinnitus Habit - A How-To Guide
In regards to breaking the tinnitus habit, I recently received an email from a reader who writes…

“I try to keep myself busy and do things that i enjoy but it seems that my mind is always locked onto the sound. Are there any tips you can give me that helps break this habit? I’m at the point where I’m truely trying to accept my tinnitus and sometimes I can and other times I can’t. I know it can’t hurt me, but I fear that I will have to suffer the rest of my life with it.”

In answer to this question, “Are there any tips you can give me that helps break this habit?” I must first say that, most definitely, it is a habit to focus on Tinnitus. In fact, I suspect you’ve gotten so used to focusing on it all the time that it’s a habit that would be incredibly hard to break. But, not impossible!

So, how do you break a bad habit?

There is only one way to do this. Add habit forming positive routines to your day that are equally habit forming. When you do this, your new habits will override your old ones.

This process is much much easier when you are fully aware of your destination. Even though life is not about the destination but about the journey, knowledge of your true destination makes it easier to focus every day on doing something that leads you to that destination. When you do this your mind will turn away from the negative tinnitus and be turned towards doing what it is you really want to do.

What do you want? I mean really want? ie: fame, fortune, peace, success, money, companionship etc etc…. Take some time and figure out what it is you really want and then make daily habits that lead you to that destination. Good habits. Because, good habits are just as easily formed as bad ones.

Let’s step away from tinnitus for a second and talk about another easily formed bad habit. “Lack of Exercise” which is a big problem in Western Society. You know it amazes me when I ask people at the gym, “how are you?” or “how’s it going.” Most of the time I get the response, “not bad,” or “I’ll feel better when I’m done” or “I hate the gym and I can’t get out of here fast enough.”

For those people I know that I will see them very very infrequently. Why? Because, you can’t be good at something you hate. It’s impossible. When I first started going to the gym it was hard at first but I made it into a habit. Now, everyone around me knows that from 8:15 am to 10am every Monday, Wed and Friday I’m at the gym. No one questions that. Why? Because it’s a habit and everyone respects that. As a result, it’s something I can count on to give me time away from work, from family and friends to be by myself and doing something good for my body.

That’s how to make anything a habit. Learn to love what it is you don’t necessarily like to do, because it’s good for you! And, it is leading you to the destination of healthy living.

Now, let’s take a look at life. If I have a really big goal it makes it so much easier for me to form habits that chase that goal. What is my goal? To play at Carnegie Hall! Now that’s a big goal. Will I ever get there? Who’s to say, but I believe I will. But, even if I don’t, I’ll get 5,000 percent further than if I never adopted that goal or ever learned anything about actually achieving it. And, it doesn’t matter anyway. Why? Because I’m focused on the goal and forming good habit to meet that goal that takes my mind of the negative stuff like Tinnitus.

What’s the really good news? You tinnitus will actually get better (lower in volume) by not focusing on it. Trust me, I know this works.

One final word. Avoid saying things like, “I fear that I will have to suffer the rest of my life with it.” This is the worst thing that you can do is say something like that. Why? Because you’re focusing on what you don’t want…and you’re just going to get more of it whether you like it or not.

Right now, form a new habit by putting your intention forward and adopting new phrases like…”somewhere someone has been cured from their tinnitus, tomorrow it could be me.” The universe understands what you want and what you don’t want equally. When you weigh your statements on the side of what you really want you’re going to get more of it!

I noticed that you downloaded my “6 Top Ways to Reduce the Ringing” eReport. You’re only on chapter 2. Have you adopted the first 2 lessons? Can and will you make them a habit? I promise that if you make them a habit you will heal over time.

Lessons 3 through 6 are also new habits to be formed. You must do them. If you do not take the initiative because of your “fear” then there is little I can do for you. But, I have a feeling that you can and you will adopt these habits. Your sanity depends on it.

Have a most happy, joyous and tinnitus-free day!

Paul Tobey

~ ~ ~ Paul Tobey is a concert pianist, composer and touring artist who has suffered from chronic tinnitus for over 7 years who found a path to recovery without medical intervention. He is also author of “A Practical Guide to Tinnitus Free Living”. For more information visit ==> Ringing In The Ears - Help For Ringing Ears ~ ~ ~

Eureka! I’ve Found It!
OK, so it wasn’t quite that big of a deal. But I did find the “T” that mysteriously escaped from the word “not” in one of my articles a few months ago. Yep, I found it all right. Right at the end of what was intended to be the word “though”. Of course, that misplacement resulted in a stupid sentence completely void of logic �" unless by chance you missed the “t” and read the sentence the way I intended instead of the way I wrote it. So why am I harping about a stupid “t”. Well because it shows once again that most of the time we see only what we expect to see. I probably proof-read (or think I do anyway) most of my writings at least a dozen times. Sometimes more. There’s no way I should have ever missed that danged “t”. Twelve times mind you! Twelve times my little brain saw only what it expected to see. And missed reality completely. Law enforcement agencies have a bugger-bear of a problem with this. If there are seven different witnesses to a crime, the police will commonly wind up with seven different versions of what happened. Oh sure, there will hopefully be enough similarities and concurrence of opinion so the foundation facts of the situation will be usable for an apprehension and conviction, however you can bet that a lot of the details will vary. They will vary because of the different genetics and experiences of each of the witnesses. These witnesses will each filter and interpret what they saw through all of their previous experiences and understandably, will arrive at slightly differing pictures of the event. We only see what we expect to see. This applies to the bigger picture too, doesn’t it? What our days are like. How our lives play out. Whether or not we really accomplish those things that we are capable of doing. Taking it down to the basics �" if we get up in the morning and expect to “see” a yucky day, there’s a close to excellent chance that is what we will experience. If on the other hand, we expect to experience a generally good day, that’s probably the way it will wind up. If we cruise through life expecting to “see” discomfort, unhappiness, stress and struggles, the odds are that when we arrive at our departure time and do a review of our personal history we will be able to view the video pretty much as we had projected. What a pity. I don’t know about you, but I expect more out of my days �" and my life. I expect to see happiness, productivity, enjoyment of family, friends, nature �" and love, lots of love. I expect to see personal fulfillment and satisfaction from doing those things I want to do �" and am guided to do. I expect to see lessons learned, a continuing accumulation of knowledge and insight �" and an ever closer relationship with my Master Teacher. And because I expect to “see” these things, I’m confident that I will. Life’s like that. Now if I could just find that missing “R”…

Gene Simmons, through, provides an easy reading self-help blog, articles, quotations, thoughts and links along with affordable personal growth and self improvement books & materials - all designed to help folks find the road to a more enjoyable lifestyle, to pass on some of life’s “secrets for survival” in a chaotic world & offer a few smiles along the way. It's a down-to-earth, simple approach to discovering a better life. You can visit Gene at

What Works and What Does Not Work in the New Year
As another year comes quickly to a close and we come face to face with the things we didn't get done last year and the new promises to do them and others this year-maybe it's time to change our strategy. If you are feeling inadequate, frustrated, and let down by the promises you haven't kept-you are due for a change in how you do things. It makes no sense to keep doing the same thing over and over each year expecting to get different results-"it ain't gonna happen!" It is insanity to keep doing things which don't work for you. It does very little for your self esteem and the things don't get done anyways, so why do it. Have a good look at your list that seems to be getting bigger every year. If it is the volume of things on your list which are overwhelming you-then take some things off. Learn how to prioritorize your list and make an extra effort to make it much shorter. Maybe your life is getting too complicated and it is more than one person can handle. If the things you see as needing to be done are taking away from the quality of your life-it isn't working for you-you have lost touch with what matters most in your life. Don't feel bad about being in this situation-change it-it is within your power to give more meaning to your life. If you can afford it, it might be in your best interest to hire someone else to do these things or delegate someone else in the family in exchange for something they want or want to do. A New Year is simply a point in time many of us use to mark with gratitude and regret the things we did the year before. With the new year comes hope and a promise of better things to come, or at least it is what we have come to expect-a new sense of optimism. Keep this thought and follow through with it. Maybe bring a new thought into your reality-"all the things that really need to be done will be done" and leave it at that. Trust the universe to accommodate your desires-it will. Whatever is left over at the end of the year will be purposeful and appropriate because at some level of your consciousness it is how you prioritized them. Don't sacrifice family, friends, and peace for control and order. When you get to the end of the year, simply notice the things you have done and feel good about them. The circumstances of your life always follow an order consistent with your thoughts. You don't have to change anything except your thoughts to change the order of your life. Think positively about your life and its circumstances and the cluttered garage will have a different look at the end of this year. Deed always follows thought, whether you physically do anything about it yourself or not. Take a deep breath this year knowing all things are perfect, even if it means fooling yourself into believing it. You are so powerful-work with the universe to create what you truly desire and it will be made so. New Year is truly a remarkable time to change your thoughts and expect your life to be different.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A published author, a student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker, Teacher and Phenomenologist. Roy's books and articles are thought provoking, and designed to empower your imagination, and take you to places you would never have thought about. Claim your copy of Roy's new book at: Visit Roy at:

Has TV helped the Online Psychic Readings Industry ? as well as many other psychic reading websites has proven that the internet is a viable venue for professional psychics to display their services and provide an obviously very lucrative service to the major players in the online psychic reading industry. With an increasing demand for high quality and affordable psychic advice rising daily smaller websites are finding it easier to break into this niche market and take psychic service promotions to the next level with a complete line of co branded services on the web. You will find that the fires of this rise in interest in the psychic readings niche has been fanned in part by the rise of popular TV shows that have really brought the paranormal and psychic ability into main stream American homes. These shows have really taken a lot of the taboo previously associated with psychics and turned them into heroic figures solving mysteries, crimes as well as helping those in need with their psychic abilities. You may be asking how has this helped online psychics? The answer is simple we are now more accepting and aware of these paranormal events that have always taken place and we have been desensitized to the previous stigma associated with psychics by the constant barrage of the paranormal on TV. It has now become normal to consult with psychics and to believe that a psychic has the ability to predict the future because we as Americans are so used to it from our exposure on television. May I add it is about time we have learned to accept psychic abilty instead of shy aware from it as the answers we seek could be just a click of a mouse away. In my opinion we can look at the rise of online psychic popularity in two ways either as a sad cry for help by the public at large who are desperate to find hope anywhere or as a beginning of an age of enlightenment where we are finally at place where we are accepting of a higher spiritual plane and are not afraid to seek advice from a realm that is intangible but nevertheless very real. I find the latter to be a more optimistic and open minded way of thought and I really believe that psychics will no longer be shunned and mocked but be sought after and accepted as a genuine professional service. I see the future of psychic readings to be very bright and something that will continue to grow and blossom as our spirituality becomes more accepting and our rational minds let go and let the psychic mind be released.

Marissa “Moonwhisper” is the webmaster and founder of 1999 a huge directory of psychic readings and metaphysical resources as well as a professional psychic advisor.

The Philadelphia Experiment: New Evidence Surfaces 4
It's taken me some time to be able to write this article. That's because I am in awe of the time travel prophecy that came my way just a year and a half ago. I shouldn't be because it's happened before. I clearly remember sitting in a quiet room in the late 1980s when Preston Nichols, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron spoke of a cataclysmic event that would occur sometime in the future of New York City. As my video camcorder captured their every word, I remember how reluctant they were to talk about it. Their reluctance seemed almost dutiful and preprogrammed. Watching that video today, I know they were describing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. To recap from previous articles: On February 12, 2004, a woman that I'll refer to as Virginia was joined by her husband and two friends to clean out a small room that existed on the second floor of their newly purchased retirement home in Maryland. The eighty-five year old house needed an interior facelift. With Contractor work set to begin shortly, the four had the task of removing items from a smaller room that was going to become part of a larger open area when everything was completed. As the small group of people prepared the items for removal, they suddenly felt sick to their stomachs. A green mist appeared in the room accompanied by the form of a man and the odor of over-heated circuitry. He looked like a sailor wearing a long out of date naval uniform. Before anyone could react, the sailor looked at the group and said, "2005. Watch out for 2005! They're playing with your future!" After that, the Sailor faded into the wall and the green mist quickly dissipated. All agreed later that they had heard his voice and everyone heard the same thing. They described the Sailor's voice as deep and full, but sounding a bit muffled. Despite the seemingly over-dramatic words and manner of the misty sailor, it would be a mistake to dismiss the incident out of hand. I have carefully researched this event as time and finances have allowed since it first occurred over a year ago. My investigations have leaded me to believe that it's not a work of fiction and likely occurred as reported. Although I have dutifully reported the progress of my investigation through follow-up articles, I have not turned the entire situation into some sort of carnival atmosphere. I knew that this event would somehow play out and now it has. Hurricane Katrina was more then just a weather event; it was a catastrophe of almost unprecedented proportions. Was that the nature of the sailor's warning? It's hard to say because there doesn't seem to be any direct connection between the two events, at least on the surface. Digging deeper has uncovered some disturbing facts that we all may want to consider before drawing any final conclusions. The manipulation of weather has long been a priority for the United States. One need only look at HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program). The notorious HARRP array in Alaska is said to have the ability to bounce electromagnetic beams off the upper atmosphere and focus them for the purpose of heating the ionosphere. Although touted as the building block for an advanced military communication and tracking system, there can be no doubt that HAARP has the ability to cause some type of weather changes. It may be no accident that HAARP is also a direct descendent of ELF and Radiosonde research. ELF is a special low frequency radio system used to allow for communication with submarines deep under the sea. The Radiosonde is a radio sounding device. These devices are used by the National Weather Service and often placed on weather balloons. HAARP, ELF and Radiosonde devices have long been connected to research that goes hand in hand with the Philadelphia Experiment technologies. The mind control aspect of the Philadelphia Experiment was said to have involved the use of microwave, Radiosonde and other technologies that could have preceded or coincided with the development of ELF and HAARP. The technology used for the invisibility effect achieved during the original P.E. experiments affected the minds of those involved. This left the door wide open to explore the possible use of that technology for mind control. Imagine the military or political benefits that could be derived from the successful deployment of mind control devices? However, those devices would only be as good as their ability to operate over a widespread area. The development of additional technologies to assure that would be possible may have also assisted in the discovery and deployment of things like ELF, HAARP and Radiosondes. However, there can be no doubt that the use of these technologies to control weather would be equally as beneficial from a political or military standpoint. Weather manipulation can provide obvious benefits in terms of record harvests, national revenues and tourism. The danger, however, is the same one that exists with time travel. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You cannot attempt to alter the past or future without the potential of doing serious damage to yourself or others. That's because we do not yet possess the ability to fully manipulate time. To do that, we would have to have a complete database of its ebb and flow. Most would concede the implausibility of being able to create such a concise record. However, that would not stop us and probably has not stopped us from attempting to control weather or time. Our Space Program provides a good model for this. Once we discovered that the technologies to take us out into Space could be developed, we went ahead full throttle. As with Time Travel and Weather Control technologies, the potential political, economic and military benefits derived from diversified missile and rocket projects were just tempting to ignore. No one was concerned about being able to control how many missiles were eventually deployed, the amount of space junk that would end up in orbit or the number of people who might die during space missions. Worrying about all that would come later. Despite the horrendous damage we might due to our planet in trying to control the weather, I have no doubt that such considerations play a secondary role. I am certain that many scientists have convinced themselves that we now know enough about our ecosystem to be able to predict almost any potential problem with weather control. Likewise, the scientists and engineers working on time travel projects have likely adopted the popular theory that says that Time is actually a big circle with no beginning or end. That would allow for movement anywhere within that circle. Any changes would merely become part of the norm, despite the fact that large numbers of people, places or things may be permanently altered or simply cease to exist. Acceptance of the big circle theory when it comes to Time Travel may have opened a Pandora's Box that can never be closed. It might not be unreasonable to suggest that the government would use available weather alteration technologies to cause what seems like a catastrophe to fix or prevent a problem created or detected by their Time Travel program. Such a problem could end up being ten times worse then the disaster they may have caused to fix or prevent it. Most people think in the now. When considering the past, present or future, they do so in relation to the reality they know. Suppose it were possible to consider any number of possible realities, choose one and replace those less desirable? The problem is that accomplishing that switch may come with unforeseen consequences. When it comes to time travel, little problems can quickly become big ones requiring more then just a little tweaking of a desired time line. Because New Orleans is one of America's largest ports, it's not unreasonable to consider the possibility that something terrible may have happened requiring a PE-style time travel fix and subsequent alteration of the present as a preventative measure. There could have been a dirty bomb or biological attack by terrorists bringing something into that port. A hurricane might have been just the distraction needed for U.S. Authorities to deal with the threat in a quiet way. Less then a year ago there was a story on the major cable news networks of a cargo ship carrying something dangerous on board. The ship was headed toward the east coast of the U.S. The last I heard was that the Coast Guard was going to intercept the ship far offshore because they had word of a credible threat. Following those reports, the story and the ship just vanished. Nothing more was said. I went to the CNN and Fox News websites looking for the story that both networks had reported. The story was gone. This is not conjecture or guesswork, it's fact. Hurricane Katrina and the possibilities it has provided as a fulfillment of the time traveling sailor's prophecy is something we should all carefully consider. For me, the shoe fits and fits very well. We can only hope that the next warning we receive will be one that allows us to take some preventative action. The very nature and dramatic accent of the 2004 warning leaves me with the sinking feeling that it was motivated more by desperation, then the hope that anyone had the ability to stop what was coming. NOTE: You can read the previous three articles on this subject at

Author: Bill Knell Author's Email: Author's Website: Terms To Use Article: Permission is granted to use this article for free online or in print. Please add a link to or print my website address of A native New Yorker now living in Arizona, Bill Knell is a forty-something guy with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He's written hundreds of articles offer advice on a wide variety of subjects. A popular Speaker, Bill Knell presents seminars on a number of topics that entertain, train and teach. A popular radio and television show Guest, you've heard Bill on thousands of top-rated shows in all formats and seen him on local, national and international television programs.

The Law of Attraction and the Secret Science of Getting Rich
The Law of Attraction reveals The Secret to Everything you've ever wanted. Ever since the world found out about the Law of Attraction through the phenomenon of the movie, people from every corner of the globe have been asking Bob Proctor for more.
Millions of people are already using the Law of Attraction to make their lives successful. It's no longer a secret, but a household term that is rightfully being given the attention it deserves.Anybody can learn how to use the "Law of Attraction" to create whatever one wants in life - be it money, love or happiness - and generate abundance.

Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you. If you don't like the results in your life, you need to change your thoughts. That's ALL that the Law of Attraction is about. But If the Law of Attraction is as simple as that, why aren’t more people wealthy, even gratified about the state their lives are in?

The Answer is a Simple One.There is an Exact Science to Applying the Law of Attraction to Build the Life You Seek. This Exact Science is called The Science of Getting Rich. The Law of Attraction as explained in "The Secret" movie, and even in much greater detail in The Science of Getting Rich Program, will teach you whatever it is that you may want or need to manifest in your life.

The Science of Getting Rich was first introduced in 1910 when Wallace D. Wattles released his book by the same title that was the inspiration for the film "The Secret". What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Therefore, any man or woman who learns how to do things in this certain way will eventually get rich." The Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching you how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.

In the Science of Getting Rich seminar - Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, two of the teachers in the secret, will personally guide you to develop the mind-set of the wealthy. Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have taken this Science into a Whole New Era. This is what everybody have been waiting for,Exact Instruction on How To Work with The Law of Attraction! Anybody can now start from today to replace what you don't want by Attracting what you DO WANT. Here is now a step-by-step instructions showing you how to begin applying the Law of Attraction in your daily life -- How to move beyond the theory into action.

Article by Robert Chen Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers featured in "The Secret"

Easy Steps To Avoid Depression
There seem to be so many people who are depressed that we really should take a look at the causes of depression in the first place. The factors that contribute to depression are well-known, and well-researched, but what causes it is not quite understood. New studies have uncovered some of the factors that contribute to the probability of people developing depression.


Stress takes the first place prize. It's true that any stressful environment or situation can lead to depression. It can be anything such as social stress, getting a job, relationship difficulties, worrying about money, staying up late, lifestyle out of control, pressures of school and getting good grades. Other events that could cause depression are: death, change of job, moving from one place to another; even the fear of the unknown can cause depression. The list is endless. While these events cannot be avoided, we must come up with an effective stress coping mechanism to be able to thrive even in stressful situations because they are never going to go away. Stressful situations just keep changing.

Drinking and Drugs

People who take drugs and alcohol are more prone to depression. When these substances are used at a young age, they can effect a a person's brain in negative ways. These substances help make the person feel good temporarily, but in most cases, people become addicted.

Drugs release dopamine in the pleasure center of the brain. For example: delicious food boosts dopamine release by about 50 percent. Sex, on the other hand, doubles this number. However, drugs can increase dopamine release anywhere from four to ten times. This unnatural high almost certainly leads to depression after the high goes away. This substance is the surest way to fry brain circuitry.

Drugs make a person depressed more than it makes him happy. This effect will spiral downward until the person doing drugs will want more and more of the substance to break the cycle of depression that follows each high and so the addiction is born.

Not Enough sleep

Studies show that up to 40 percent of adults do not get the proper amount of sleep per day and among students, up to 71 percent complain of sleep disorders and lack of sleep.

Sleep is essential to a person's health. During sleep, the body repairs itself and reorganizes thought. Lack of sleep contributes to a lack of coherence in brain waves. This scenario often leads to depression. Sleeping during the day and staying up late also interferes with the body's natural rhythms. This can lead to a sense of depression.

Here are few ways on how to prevent depression.

Sleep is a vital part of preventing depression. Balance your life with enough rest and exercise everyday. Most people require seven to eight hours of sleep per day.

Keep some regularity in your life. Orgaize your activities so they can come at expected and regular times. If your weekly, daily or monthly routine is set then your body has time to get used to the activities. This will lead to a reduced chance for depression to set in.

Don't push yourself beyond your limits. Keep stress in check and try to avoid stressors if you can. If this can't be done, then try to deal with the stressors in a manner that minimizes the damage it causes.

Sunlight and exercise can help the brain to function a higher level. Make time to enjoy the sunlight and try to stay active in the daylight when possible.

Keep away from alcohol and drugs. They may seem attractive, but all they really do is cause havoc in a person's life.

Make at least one warm meal daily a priority. Good eating habits and good health are important when keeping away from depression.

Have fun every day. Nothing takes the load off of depression like some good old fun time. Social activities such as chatting, joining a support group sports, and other hobbies can do wonders towards healing a stressed out and busy mind.

Depression can be avoided and treated and it can be fun doing so. Follow the above mentioned tips for a brighter and happier disposition each day. You will look and feel better for it!

Sintilia Miecevole, Administrator of provides comprehensive information or resources from depression, cause of depression, help and information to treatment and more. Be sure to visit for further information.

Basic Law of Attraction Concepts
Basic Law of Attraction Concepts If there is a secret in the universe that can bring you good things,  it  could  be the Law of Attraction. This can bring you  happiness,  wealth,  and  physical well-being. You only have  to  know  how to apply it. A few basic concepts of the Law of Attraction can help you on your way. One of the concepts central to the Law of Attraction is that the  things  you  think become reality. The things you think are  energy,  just  as the entire universe is energy. As you ponder your reality, or simply let thoughts run through your mind,  you are shaping your reality. You do this by means of the Law of Attraction. The energy you send out collects with like energy. Then, the universe responds to your feelings by returning  the  energy back to you. This happens for good or bad feelings. Another basic concept is that it is too difficult to monitor every  one  of  some 60,000 thoughts you have every day. The goal,  instead,  should be to foster a feeling of happiness, gratitude,  and well-being. This will go further than trying to change every thought individually. Feelings are important to the Law of Attraction. One  assumption  of  users  of the Law of Attraction is that life  is meant to be joyous and fulfilling. Many people feel that  their  lives  can  be  no  more  than  difficult  work situations,   unhappy  relationships,  poor  health,  and  a mountain     of  debt.  Unless  these  people  change  their attitudes,  they  can  never know the abundance they can get through the Law of Attraction. There  can  never be a lack of anything that you want if you follow the Law of Attraction. This is another concept of the movement. It means that there is enough for everyone to have what  they want. This is especially true because some people want  certain  things  and other people want something else. According  to the Law of Attraction, what you want is always possible. One concept of the Law of Attraction can be stated as something like, "what you get is what you see." What this means  in  this case is that when you see a result, you will vibrate  with  energy based on that result. If you see good, you will send out good energy. This  energy will return to you in the form of more positive results.  So, if you want positive results, you need to find a  way to see the good in situations. This is how the Law of Attraction  works. If you see good, more good will return to you.  The  concept of asking for particular things is a part of  the  Law of Attraction. When you command the universe to give you what you want, you can get it. To do this, you must believe  in  it.  Then,  you  must  accept  it as if you had already  gotten it. Then you will find the Law of Attraction bringing all kinds of good things your way. The  Law  of  Attraction is at once both simple and complex. You   must  only  ask  and  receive.  Yet,  to  do  that  in confidence,  you  must work to restructure your whole way of thinking. To do this it is good to study the concepts of the Law of Attraction.

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Real Ghosts, Ghost Hunting, and Quantum Physics
One of the benefits of a lifetime of afterlife communication is that I know a lot about ghosts : what they are and what they're not. For instance, they're not "caught between worlds." And they don't need us to help them "move on." They're exactly where they're supposed to be. You don't honestly think that God, the Creator of the Universe, would leave their eternal fate in your and my hands, do you?

You CAN say that they are "earthbound," but that's because their consciousness never left the earth. And when you die, yours won't either. We're all right here together forever. That's just the nature of the afterlife. Yes, knowing the laws of the afterlife can make these things a lot clearer.

Lately, I've been researching what folks believe about ghosts and hauntings. I've investigated the investigations. Repeatedly I've read, "We don't use ouija boards, s�ances, mediums or occult methods." Yet it's common for ghost researchers to accept, as an underlying condition of their investigations, the erroneous claims of psychics, mediums, and channels.

I'm referring to such concepts as "caught between worlds," "unfinished business," "earthbound souls," and ghost children in distress. At the same time ominous warnings urge vigilant caution in case non-human demons and malevolent entities are encountered. Oh, and don't forget the Hollywood expression, "Go to the light." Scientific research can't be conducted properly on a foundation of superstition.

Let me tell you some things that are true about ghosts. Actually there are only two kinds of ghosts: real and not-real.

The real ghosts are everywhere. They're in your home, in your car, in your school, and in your dreams. Ghost researchers call these interactive ghosts. I call them soul-ghosts, or disincarnate souls. I don't care for the term, disembodied because they do have a body. We just can't see it for the same reason that we can't see sound waves and ultraviolet light. They're outside the range of our sentient boundary.

Soul-ghosts are interactive. They reach out to you, and you feel no fear : absolutely none. They envelop you in a blanket of warm fuzzies. Real ghosts can be mistaken for angels. This isn't a paranormal experience. It's a supernatural and spiritual experience.

The not-real ghosts seem to be everywhere too, but only for people that believe they exist, or at least believe that they might exist. They rarely bother unbelievers. Ghost researchers call the not-real ghosts : residual ghosts. These ghosts seem to defy the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy because they pop in and out of existence like virtual particles. The appearance of this type of ghost can be explained by quantum physics. From the Copenhagen Interpretation, which states that nothing is real until you look at it, to the holographic theory of the universe, all ghosts abide by the laws of quantum physics.

People that experience residual ghosts say that they seem to be caught in a time-loop replaying the same scene over and over. The above mentioned physics also apply to residual ghosts but with the addition of Schrodinger's equations. For every "now" that we experience, a positive wave flows into the future and a negative wave flows into the past like concentric ripples created by a rock thrown into a pond.

The fact that some people experience residual ghosts is due to normal functions of human consciousness. Although some might rather think of it as a "glitch." Residual ghosts are unusual and fascinating experiences with natural causes.

Briefly, a few more types of not-real ghosts are poltergeists, demons, and shadow people. Abnormal psychology applies to poltergeists and demons. The physiology of the eye accounts for shadow people.

So, what's the truth about ghosts? Do they exist? Yes, of course they do. Can the scientific method be used to investigate them? Yes, they use measurable amounts of energy. Can you record their voices and photograph ghosts? Yes, but one needs to be alert to pattern recognition tendencies.

The science of ghost investigation has the potential to make a huge difference in a society still tormented by superstition and fear. You have the equipment. You have the rationale. And you have the compassionate desire to help others.

Copyright 2005 Robbin Renee Bridges

Robbin Renee Bridges, a chaplain and grief counselor for more than thirty years, is the author of numerous published articles and the landmark book, �A Bridge of Love between Heaven and Earth: Self-Induced Contact in the Afterlife.� For more articles about death, ghosts, and the nature of the souls in the afterlife visit

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