Sunday, November 23, 2008

Maria Duval - "Rose Ariadne's Original, Confident Beauty Spell"

"Rose Ariadne's Original, Confident Beauty Spell"
Here is the first in the easy witchcraft spell series, and it works best when done in the light of a full moon...

1. You'll need a small hand mirror, the items you normally have on your altar, an extra handle of your favorite color (representing yourself), and a small charm or figurine that you find beautiful (it represents your attractiveness and beauty, both inside and out).

2. Create your sacred spaces, cleanse your area, cast your circle, and all of the other things laid out for you in the Mystical World Of Ancient Witchcraft.

3. Light your deity candles, and as you sit in the light of the candles (and the full moon) begin by looking at yourself in the mirror. As you are gazing at yourself, focus on all of the positive features you have... don't let ANY negative thoughts enter your mind. Look at your skin, your nose, your mouth, your eyes...acknowledge each part of your face and recognize how unique and special each part is. You came from the earth, you know, and the earth is truly beautiful - how could you be any less?

4. Now, as you continue looking into the mirror, say:

"I recognize myself, Rose Ariadne (or whatever your name is), as being a unique and beautiful person from the tips of my toes to the top of my head - and everywhere inside."

5. Hold the mirror in your left had, as you light YOUR candle. Place the charm next to the candle, at it's base.

6. Tilt the mirror so that you can see your candle, and the charm in it's reflection. Now say :

"This candle represents me, Rose Ariadne (or whatever your name is). And this charm is my beauty on inside and out, that nobody lays claim to but me. For I am unique and special. As I see both of them in this mirror of light, so they are both a part of me. Myself, forever together with my beauty. No words will change it, no thought disband it. And so it is. So mote it be!"

7. Blow out your candles, open your circle, and put things away... all the while think about the spell you just cast, and the feeling of confidence that has welled up inside of you. Focus on that feeling, remember how it feels, and make a promise to yourself not to let it go... but if you ever falter, and negativity takes hold in you again - this ritual will always be there for you to instantly rebuild your confidence...

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on easy witchcraft spells visit her site "The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

How To Use Magical Amulets
Magic amulets have long been associated with many different traditions. From the ancient Egyptians to the druids to modern day witches and wiccans, magic amulets are symbols of power that can not only be a focal point for your rituals and spells, but can be worn with you wherever you go. Magical amulets provide amazing value within wicca, the occult, and witchcraft. The energies contained within various different amulets can surround your body always whenever you wear them. Providing you a constant source of these energies. If you worship a certain deity you can use the amulets as a form of an offering. In this way you can take your magical amulet and as you hold it, say a prayer to your deity and then place it on your altar as an offering each night before bed, or each morning when you awake. The deities will be sure to smile down upon you for this act of good faith on your part. Amulets used in such a fashion can still be used in rituals and spells, and still worn. However, if you are going to use them as an offering it is best to cleanse and purify your magical amulet each time after you use it in a ritual, spell, or if you have worn it all day and night before making the offering to your deity. In rituals and spell work they can be used as a tool or as symbolic symbols to amplify your energies. They can either be used just for your rituals and spells as sacred objects, or they can be used, cleansed, then worn around your neck once again. Magical Amulet that involve protection are perhaps the most powerful ones you can obtain. There are many different types of protection amulets however, when worn, these amulets can help prevent negativity and dark entities from being drawn to you and attacking or draining your energies. The versatility and usability of magical amulets are incredible. Many amulets already come pre-charged and energized. Other amulets need to be charged and energized by you. Either way however, you can charge your magical amulets quite easily with the proper steps. Some of these steps will be outlined here, and with the many different amulets you can obtain, this post will just go into a few examples. Charging Your Magical Amulets The first way to use a magical amulet would be to wear it with you wherever you go. However, before you wear it is always best to charge and strengthen the amulet before you place it around your neck. In order to do this effectively, take the amulet and wait to perform this ritual when the moon is full. The best time is around 2am-4am and on a Friday night. Meditate while burning some incense that represents that of which you wish to obtain. For example if you wish to have a love amulet, you can use amber, dragon's blood, jasmine, or love named incense. Be sure you are holding your magical amulet in your hand this entire time, and while meditating imagine the energies that wish to have come to you flow through your body and being channeled into the amulet. If you wish for love then imagine love, joy, and fiery passion flowing through your body. If your amulet is meant for prosperity or money, imagine wealth, prosperity, and abundance flowing through you and into your amulet, and then use the appropriate incense for wealth(prosperity named, musk, high john the conqueror). Perform this and charge this amulet in this fashion for as long as possible(a half hour is ideal). Once the ritual is done, let the incense burn completely out and then place the amulet into a velveteen bag that is sprinkled with herbs that represent that of which you wish to use the amulet for. For example if you have a love amulet use herbs such as lavender, rose hips, rose petals, jasmine flowers, and ginseng. Place the velveteen bag in a safe place for a period of seven days. After seven days has passed, you can take your magical amulet out and then wear it around your neck and the energies will be within the amulet, all charged and ready to help you. The other way to charge and use a magical amulet would be to perform the above steps however instead of wearing the amulet, leave it in the velveteen bag and then carry it around with you in your pocket when you are out and about, and then when you sleep, place it under your pillow or within the pillow sheet when you retire at night. If you wish to use your magical amulet as a tool in your rituals instead of wearing it or using it to attract things into your life, one way you can use your amulets in your rituals would be as follows. If for example you are performing a ritual of protection to protect yourself or your home, you would open up your circle and perform your normal routine as you would any other ritual to begin with. During your ritual, hold your magical amulet in your hand as you meditate and perform the ritual and visualize protective energies coming out of the amulet and into your home or into you. In this fashion your amulet then becomes a ritual tool to be use during your rituals and spells instead of the ONLY item being used in a ritual or spell. Cleansing Your Magical Amulets Your magical amulet should be routinely cleansed and dowsed like any other ritual tool in your wiccan supplies, witchcraft supplies, and occult supplies collection. When cleansing an amulet there two simple easy ways to do so that is not very time consuming and doesn't necessarily need to be done within a ritual for cleansing(unless of course you prefer that method) The first way to cleanse your amulet would be to light some sage incense or a sage smudge stick and wave the amulet through the smoke a number of times. You can say a prayer as you perform this if you wish. The sage smoke will cleanse and renew your amulet. Another way to cleanse your magical amulet would be to make up a bucket or bowl with some water and salt. Ensure that the salt is completely dissolved and then simply dunk your amulet into the water a few times to begin with then place within the water and leave it in there for roughly 2-5 minutes. Do not keep your amulets in the water too long because the salt can damage the amulet and make them rust, tarnish, or become unusable.(do NOT perform this if your amulet is made of wood) Remember that magical amulets only are as good as their owner. If you want them to work properly and to help you bring that of which you seek, ensure to follow the steps above and they will bring you a constant source of strong energies for that of which you desire. Resources and Information: If you wish to view different styles of magical amulets, or if you would like to purchase one you can do so here:
Magical Amulets

Moon's Light Magic also has an information blog about ritual tools, wicca, witchcraft, the occult, paranormal, and divination where you can learn everything you need to know on these subjects:
Wicca & WitchCraft Information Blog
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Allowing Wealth into your life
Have you ever wondered why for some people money seams to come easily while for others they struggle every month just trying to get by? There are those people that never worry about the amount of money that will be coming in at any particular time. That one person in your group of friends, you know the one that always seem to have more them enough. They never miss out on things from lack of funds, they always pay their rent on time, the bills never pile up for them and they always seem to have new things.

Is this person better then you? Have they done something karmically that they deserve this more then you? Do they work harder or smatter then you? Maybe they where born with money. Does this make you feel jealous? Do you fell anger or hate some time as you struggle ever month to get by? Do you feel like if only you could get a leg up you’d be ok? If any of this sounds familiar to you then what you are about to read could change your life forever.

You deserve to be rich! You deserve to have all good things come to you with out struggle. You can have, be or do what ever it is that you want… No Exceptions!!! So why if you want these things are you struggling to get them? How can it be true that there is no such thing as lack when all you see are people struggling to get by? Maybe you feel that this has to be false information here. You’ve had friends that have tried the whole “Secret” thing and they are worse off now then they where before they ever heard of it. How does that make you feel?

Well let’s take a closer look at what was called “The Secret”. It is not really a secret you know. That’s like saying that gravity is a secret just because you don’t under stand it or electricity because you can not see it. The so called secret is the Law of Attraction. This is a Universal Law, the Law of Attraction. Now in the last year or so, many people are becoming clearer about this Universal Law. Its common knowledge now that what ever it is you think about the most will show up in your reality. It’s not a secret that if you are always thinking about the worse case scenario that the worse case scenario tends to show up over and over again. It’s planning out your future buy thinking about what you want to happen or will happen. You can not plan a birthday party and expect it to turn out like a bachelor party.

Let’s start with the basic principals of this Law of Attraction. This Law states that what ever you focus upon will become your reality. So is it that simple? If all I think about is chocolate cake, then it would stand to reason that you will get chocolate cake? Well the short answer is YES! What ever you think about or give your attention to will eventually show up in your life. This may be a scary thought if you are just now finding out about this. You may even be worried that all the things bad in your life will never go away, and that now you’re going to have to monitor your thoughts too? This may even seem impossible to you. Well it’s actually simpler then it seems and don’t worry about all your thoughts today this will not happen for you over night. This is learning a new skill, like riding a bike it takes time to figure it out but once you do you never forget. You would not take one mechanic class and deciding the very next day that you are done learning and go out and apply for work as a mechanic.

So it all starts with how you feel. If in the beginning you are unsure sure about what you are attracting into your life then ask your self how you feel. If you answer is “I feel good”, then keep doing what it is that you are doing. If your answer is “I don’t feel so hot today”, then you may want to readjust your thoughts. This is how attraction works. Say you where doing an experiment with a magnet. Magnets attract like magnets. You probably remember playing with magnets as a kid. Some of the magnets would slam together and some would repel each other but they all stuck to the fridge. You and your life are the fridge. Now the fridge does not say hey I don’t like the letter “E” so I’m not going to let that magnet stick to me. Well have you ever tried to write any thing with out the letter “E”?

Now lets look at our world, our universe. If there was no such thing as attraction then our world would not exists as it does today. The magnetic field around this planet is what keeps the other planets and stars form falling into us and what keeps us from floating off into space. This is something you know as fact. You do not go around saying well I’d believe it if I see it. You just believe it and because of that you see evidence of it. The same applies to you and what ever it is that you want.

So when we look at what it is that we are attraction into our live it’s most important to focus on how you feel! If you are looking to attract more money into your life you can not be looking at a mountain of debit and saying this is not what I want. Because you are putting a magnet out there, a magnet that is attracting Debit! The Universe answers your every thought. It does not judge you and say “well why do they want that?, You should ask for something else!” No the Universe only brings you a match to what ever the magnet is you have put out. So maybe you are arguing, well it’s reality that I have debit and I can’t renege on my responsibilities. Well that is true this is your current reality because the magnet you put out there was debit related and you got more debit. But that does not mean that you can not put out a new magnet. A magnet that says I will take care of my financial obligations and in doing so I will find that more and more money comes into my life.

Maybe you have tried to attract more money into your life and you have not yet seen success. Well many people will tell you a many different things regarding this subject. Some people will say, “You’re just not working hard enough.” Or, “You can’t always get what you want, just be happy with what you got.” Maybe even, “You can’t just wish it to happen, you have to take action.” This may all seem like great advice and what I want you to do is ask your self how you feel about each statement. What is it that you feel and how does it change your intention. If any of these statements make you fell good then I would say take that advice, because it resonates with you and you are the only one who can make things happen in your life.

On the other hand, if those statements do not feel good to you and you are ready to look at things a new way then try these statements. “I allow new way of money to come into my life and I look for and expect checks to just show up in my mail box.” Or “I feel inspired to talk to some one about consolidating my debit so I can focus on prosperity.” How about, “I will spend 5 minutes daily thinking about my wealth and how I like to live it up.” How do these statements make you feel?

It is up to you to decide which magnet to put out there and to let go, trusting that the Universe will respond. Now keep in mind that things do not happen over night. Just as you had to learn to walk, speak or write so will you have to learn to attract more money into your life! Soon you will begin to see opportunities that inspire you to take action. These opportunities will come to you as you up open you’re self up to receiving. When the opportunities arise and if they feel right making you fell joy then do not hesitate, this is the Universe directing you to your final out come. Trust that you will have more because you want more. Because you deserve more and you will have more!

Aviva Steele

I have been studying the great teachers of all time learning what is now knowingly called the law of attraction. I have discovered my own path in life, loving every one and thing I encounter. I have learned to cherish each moment and learn from all my experiences so that I can move easily through life. I no longer struggle with or fret the small stuff. I celebrate my existence and genuinely feel gratitude on a daily basis. My faith in me and the abundance of the universe grows stronger with the passing of every day. The people I help bring utter joy to my existence. I am excited to meet you and help you build your arsenal of accomplishments. Namaste to all I have met and all the people I will meet.

Galactic Empire, a Space-age Third Reich
Born in May of 1944, in Modesto, California, George Lucas lived a world away from the horrors of Fascist Germany. Yet its imprint is more than evident in Lucas’ life’s work and creative brainchild, the Star Wars Saga. Admitting that the Galactic Empire was based on Germany’s Third Reich, Lucas drew from history the characters and imagery needed to paint his evil regime. While some parallels are obvious�"such as the robotic white soldiers Lucas named “storm troopers,” the same name Hitler gave his personal bodyguards during World War II, other comparisons require a little digging. These comparisons make for a fascinating study.

Senator Palpatine and Adolf Hitler:
The story of Senator Palpatine as fleshed out in Episodes I, II, and III bears remarkable resemblance to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Both men rose from obscurity to power, outwardly embracing democracy and the republic, while behind the scenes they worked for its ruin. In Episode II Senator Palpatine faces the dissolution of the senate with, “I love democracy…I love the republic,” while reluctantly accepting supreme power. It is unknown that he is also the Sith Lord, orchestrating the downfall of democracy. This echoes the history of Hitler, who also outwardly supported democracy, promising to play by its rules, all along forming a shadow government and an army among the ranks of his Nazi party. The similarity is most striking in the burning of the Jedi temple and the 1933 burning of the Reichstag which effectively dissolved the German senate. These spectacles were both masterminded to bring Palpatine and Hitler into power. Afterwards, Palpatine installs himself as Emperor, while Hitler declared himself “Fuhrer,” or supreme leader.

The leadership style of Palpatine continues to be modeled after Hitler, who then withdrew from the public eye and surrounded himself with only those whom he knew to be his loyal followers. While Hitler formed the SS�"a black-coated protection squad which protected him day and night and publicly carried out his orders, Palpatine as emperor created Darth Vader�"his black robed crony whose obedience to the Emperor extended to destroying whole planets. Hitler is remembered as evil embodied, and as such, Lucas could not have chosen a better figure to model Palpatine after.

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker Parallels:
In German, vater means “father.” Thus, Vader is a most interesting and deliberate choice for a character who is the father of the spiritual Star Wars hero. This father-son relationship finds its parallel in the relationship between the German poet and political rebel Albrecht Haushofer and his father, Karl. Karl’s frequent travels to Japan greatly influenced his life and thinking. He was particularly entranced by the samurai--the Japanese military aristocracy which Lucas drew on heavily for inspiration for the Jedi. In the 1920s Karl became involved with Hitler through his close student, Rudolf Hess (who later was considered Hitler's #3 man after Goring). Karl became instrumental in forming the alliance between Germany and Japan. An additional interesting side note is that a geopolitical contemporary named Maull existed at this time. Maul was a contemporary sith of Anakin Skywalker.

Young Albrecht, in a poem entitled Der Vater, alludes to an evil that shows itself once every thousand years. When Star Wars begins the sith had not been seen for that long. The poem continues by saying that Albrecht's father had power to stop this evil but instead he unleashed it, a power and choice that Anakin Skywalker made before becoming Darth Vader. While Albrecht worked alongside his father at first, attempting to bring peace to Europe through a treaty with England and France, he later saw the futility of his actions and joined the Bomb plot to assassinate Hitler and restore balance and peace in Germany. Here George Lucas departs from history; for while Luke succeeds in overcoming the evil that his father embraced, Albrecht was not as fortunate. He was arrested for his treasonous involvement and shot by an SS commando as Russian troops entered Berlin. Karl was also imprisoned after the war. Perhaps the remembrance of his son prompted his death in 1946. Before his death, Darth Vader redeemed himself by throwing off the Emperor’s influence and restoring balance to the universe. He is last seen taking his place among Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, thus becoming the Jedi he once was. Karl’s last act in life also resembled the Jedi when he committed suicide by seppuku, the traditional Samurai method.

Nazi Echoes
The discerning eye recognizes the overt Nazi overtones apparent in the Galactic Empire. This is no accident. George Lucas reportedly told costume designer and military historian John Mollo that he wanted the “baddies” to look Fascist. The atmosphere of rigid control and dehumanization was the ideal of Hitler, whose armies marched in stiff procession, going beyond the description of disciplined to robotic. The uniforms and caps worn by imperial officers in Star Wars were modernized versions of 1915 Bavarian Chevaulgers. The throne room scene in Episode IV is reminiscent of a Nazi propaganda film, further painting the image that history repeats itself. In this way watchers of Star Wars gain a lesson in history.

About the Author Francesca Black has always enjoyed Science Fiction and she manages the content at: Science Fiction Corner

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