Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Maria Duval - Lose Weight The Fast And Natural Way

Lose Weight The Fast And Natural Way
Being over weight affects people in different ways. and can be blamed on all aspects of how we live and our daily circumstances and personal things such as self-esteem and being depressed and many other personal aspects of every day life we all understand or can relate to. To lose weight can only be a positive thing and can only bring positive energy to anyone that has a need to lose weight and want to feel better about themselves. I have been there and I know how being over weight can bring you down waking up every day and looking in the mirror and not like what you are seeing. There are thousands of resources out there to help , but sometimes people do just jump into things without consulting others first and moreover their doctor beforehand and this can have serious consequences, you should always consult a doctor before you get involved in any kind of weight loss/fitness program or activity! Everyone has the desire to look good and feel good about themselves it is only human nature to do so and thank god there is help out there always on hand. Changing my daily routine for me was the most difficult aspect for trying to lose weight as I had to plan the time and make room in my daily schedule just to fit in a 30 min session on a daily basis, but it wasn’t just that, there was a more negative aspect to being over weight that for me was the hardest to deal with and that was how I was feeling about myself on a daily basis, it really was the most difficult thing to overcome for me. I thought there was no help to be had and I was always down and feeling low, there is nothing worse than that feeling because in the end it sucks up all your energy and leaves you hiding in a corner mentally and literally physically, hiding from the way you look, this was something that I one day decided that I had to fix and now I am fixed because I looked and sought help and to my surprise I found all the help I needed. I can now wake up feeling good about myself, I joined and online program to help me and this program has some of the most advanced and modern methods for losing weight and keeping fit, I would and do recommend it to anyone who needs to lose weight fast or to anyone who simply just wants to keep fit on a day to day basis. Lose Weight Fast Get Free Access Here

My name is Ray Paul. I dedicate a lot of my free time to research on the subject of weight and fitness and I enjoy the opportunity to be able to share with others.

Law of Attraction: How does it work?
“Ask and You Shall Receive”, “Your Wish is My Command” and my personal favorite, “That Which You Give Thought To, You Shall Attract”. Those of you who have seen the hit movie “The Secret” will surely be familiar with these phrases. But, how exactly does it work?

In the movie “The Secret” many people world wide were introduced to the phenomenon that is the Law of Attraction. Although in the movie, the steps of how to use this law are mentioned, to a first timer, they may not be to obviously outlined. Wouldn't it be great if you could really live that fabulous life you desire and all it would take is for you to want it, ask for it with emotion and act as if you already have it, and it is so? The thing is, it truly DOES work that way!! Only, for all our lives , we have been taught that life is hard, you have to work hard to earn a living, no pain no gain and many other limiting beliefs. So, no wonder we find it difficult to accept how easily we could be living our lives and put up a little resistance! Sure, we all ask, but do we really expect to receive that what we are asking for? When you doubt, it is like you are automatically canceling your order. Then you find yourself saying “This doesn't work!”. And you know what? The Universe says “Your Wish is my Command”.

How much better would it be, if those same teacher featured in “The Secret”, those same successful people who have been studying and using the Universal Laws to better their personal and business lives, show us the way themselves! Imagine a step by step program detailing exactly how to use the law of attraction in your personal life! Well, I'm here to tell you that this program does exist! It is called “The Science of Getting Rich”.

What Makes The Science of Getting Rich Program so Powerful?

The Teachers featured in The Secret - Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have been studying, applying and teaching this material for decades. They earn millions of dollars every year. But that's not what makes this so powerful... many people earn millions of dollars but they are not able to articulate how they are doing it. Therefore, they are not able to share the cause of their good fortune with others, not even with members of their own family.

This is where Proctor and Canfield have distinguished themselves... they Understand... they Apply... and they are Masters at Transferring the Science of Getting Rich to others. They are two of the most powerful coaches in the world today.

To learn more about the Secret Science of Getting Rich program and receive your 7 Free Lessons visit:

Fiona Muscat is a professional Network Marketer who lives in Malta with her husband and 2 children. She has been running a successful home based Business for the past 2 years and enjoys the benefits of applying the Law of Attraction to her life. It is her mission to introduce people around the world to these Universal Laws so they too can enjoy life as she does.

The MIssing Secret of the Law of Attraction
What’s the missing secret to the law of attraction? �" You think it would be obvious!

Now I know what you are thinking; “…not another article on the Law of Attraction!” I too am starting to feel a little saturated by the continuous onslaught of information surfacing on this age-old idea. There is truth and value to the principles of the Law of Attraction and it can work in your life, however, one important principle has been left out of the “secret” to the law of attraction

There have been movies made about it and countless professional speakers are now adapting their presentations and seminars to include the teachings and principles of the Law of Attraction. One very powerful principle is being seriously overlooked by many who are trying to perfect the application of this law with results that include discouragement and disappointment instead of the dreams and wishes they’d ordered.

“People think it’s magic. They think as long as they are holding thoughts about all the ‘stuff’ they want, it will appear in front of them. They believe that someone will come along and hand them their dreams neatly wrapped in a pretty box,” says Ryan Porter, a professional speaker and creator of the Make Your Own Lunch™ program. Ryan explains, “People seem to miss the majority of the word; ACTION! The Law of AttrACTION is nothing without action!”

This idea of an individual’s vision needing action to be effective has been around for thousands of years. Do you recall this phrase from the Bible, “Faith without works is dead”?

It is, of course, crucial that you have a clear vision of what you want but it is just as important to take action. Taking action gives you power and control of your dreams and vision. Move forward with dedication and commitment to get what you want.

Ryan explains the two-part process, “It’s like ordering food at a drive-thru window. First you have to approach the drive-thru speaker and place your order into the microphone. Then you have to actually take action and drive to the window to pick it up. Your order doesn’t magically appear in your car �" you have to go and get it. Many people forget half of the equation and end up with feelings of failure. This equation works every time without exception. Place your order then go and pick up your dreams!”

The action doesn’t have to be drastic or difficult but without it you are simply daydreaming. The formula is spelled out in the word and it is called the Law of AttrACTION for a reason.

Start taking action today! Your dreams are waiting for you. “Please drive through to the first window and pick up your order”

Ryan Porter is a successful speaker who is dedicated to changing the way people view success and the paths leading to it. To learn more about him and his program Make Your Own Lunch™ visit What's Next?... Transition Strategies or email him Users may distribute and/or print this original article but must credit the original source and author. For questions please contact the author

How to Manifest Money and Attract Wealth
How to manifest money might be a topic that is alien to some people. But for the wealthiest people in the world, how to manifest money is just as easy and as natural as eating and sleeping. How can this be so? Do they hold some kind of power that helps them attract money and more money? Is it in the way they came into this world that created their wealth? The answer to those questions might generate a lot of answers. Some may think, "Yes". People do have that kind of power to attract money and being born rich has a lot to say about a person's wealth. But this may seem like wealth and riches are only reserved for such special people. But there are others who also say, "No". For these people, how to manifest money in their own lives can be a skill that can be developed. It is not some special privilege that only some people have and some don't. People have it in them - the powerful ability of manifesting money. But it is something that should be developed and may not come as a sudden gift or innate talent. The way to effectively manifest money has a lot to do with the power of positive thinking. It is sad that people believe less on the power of positive thinking than on the benefits of their actions. Most people dwell only on action to enable them to do things. But this will only limit their full potentials. They have to rely on something more. Positive thinking may help them reinforce what they already have. The power of positive thinking lies in its ability to suggest and affirm a certain truth. Once you learn how to positively hone in your thoughts on what you want to believe and achieve, you will have the motivation and will power to take action. The brain is one of the mysterious and the least understood organ in the body, and yet it is said to carry the power that until now have remained untapped. This untapped power of the mind can be put to effective use as you learn how to manifest money and achieve success in life. It may take practice and time to develop, but having the right way of thinking can help enforce your actions to work towards achieving your goals.

Michael Lee has unlocked the secret power of the universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Harness the most powerful forces known to man at

Live Life, Be Positive
The ability to understand that things and events around us, that impact on our lives, happen for a purpose, is one of the keys to accepting that there are forces operating around us, over which we have no control. We can hide away from the past heartaches, embarrassments and failures or we can take control and learn from them. They are and do become the tools for our future success, provided we do learn from them. OptiMindzation Acceleration is a new process of using the latest research into how our mind works and builds on the principals of the “Law of Attraction” to develop our inner strengths. The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed on a project, in a specific situation or in a position at work. There is always the next time, so make room in your life and use the Law of Attraction to build your self worth. Call in from the universe the things that are rightfully yours, by being specific in your requests. Keep them positive and you will gain. Be negative and you will attract negativity into your life.. Download the Attraction Accelerator Report from the following web based URL site so you can read up on how to undertake the necessary steps to understanding your self worth.

Ken Triat has a masters degree in Business Administration. Currently reviewing personal development centred around the power of the mind

Simple Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude
Are you the 'glass is half full' type of person? Is it your nature to look on the bright side of things, or do you relate more with the "if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" crowd? While some psychologists believe genetics largely determines whether or not we have a positive or negative outlook towards life, the reality is that we can to a large degree alter our outlook by changing our attitude. Realizing a few years back that my attitude left a lot to be desired, I decided to try and improve it by reading positive books and applying some of the techniques I came across. While the individual authors all had their own particular take on it, much of what I read came back to developing a sense of self worth and gratitude. I have used several of the exercises that follow to help me develop these qualities, and have also found them useful in creating a positive mental state at will.

How often to you take the time to give thanks for all the blessings you have? No matter how good or bad things may seem at the present time, we all have numerous things to be grateful for. Developing an attitude of gratefulness will help you to become a more positive person. A simple way to accomplish this is take a notebook, put it beside your bed, and one of the first things you do upon waking is to list a couple of things that you are grateful for today. This sense of appreciation doesn't have to be anything stupendous, but can be something as simple as gratitude for a great cup of coffee, expressing appreciation for people in your life past or present, good health, a walk in the park, good food, or anything else that comes to mind. The point is, make it personal, and allow yourself to experience the feeling of gratitude. You will soon find that starting the day with a spirit of gratitude helps to put you in a positive frame of mind for the rest of the day. After doing this for thirty days, take a look back at everything you've listed. You will be amazed at just how much you have to be grateful for!

Another technique that helps to build positive feelings about yourself is taking some time to list all of your accomplishments. Too often we focus on what we haven't yet accomplished and fail to take the time to give ourselves a little pat on the back regarding the many things we have already achieved. Again, it doesn't have to be earth shattering, but can be anything that you get a sense of accomplishment from. For example, a few of the accomplishments that I listed was; teaching myself how to play guitar, being the first in my family to graduate from high school and go to college, becoming an excellent athlete, overcoming a debilitating struggle with self esteem, overcoming my shyness, etc. Take a couple of minutes everyday to list one accomplishment in your life that makes you feel good about yourself. When you think about the accomplishment, spend a brief time lingering on the feeling that you experience when you think back to it. Experience it again as if it happened yesterday.

Finally, do you take some time everyday to laugh? I'm talking about a good old belly laugh, the kind that makes the back of your head hurt. One of the ways I've found to bring a little humor into my life everyday is to recall some of the funniest moments in it! We have all had funny and embarrassing things happen to us in life, and the process of thinking back to those moments is guaranteed to put a smile on your face as you recall humorous events from your past. Take a little time each day to recall one of those moments. For me, a lot of the funniest times go back to my childhood days and the pranks we pulled on each other. Sometimes I was the victim, and in others I was the one pulling the prank, but whatever the case, I can't help but smile when I think back to those times. A friendly warning to you; if you do this little exercise while out in public, like while riding the train to work, you may find that your sudden outburst of laughter will have others gazing at you with apprehensive stares. Be prepared.

In life, there are many things beyond our control. Fortunately, one of the things that we do have control over if we chose to exercise it, is our thoughts and consequently our attitude. Try using some of these techniques or some of your own to help bring moments of positive thought into your daily life. You'll be glad you did, and of that I am POSITIVE!

Bill Thomas is actively engaged in Internet Business pursuits. He contributes articles on this and other topics. His current website is..Create Lifetime Income from Home With Your Own.. Internet Business

Is Your Success Written In The Law?
Here are six laws that are keys to effective strategy which can unlock greater success for you. These are the silent laws that are fundamental to your success throughout all the years of your life . . . as they guide you upward and onward to higher achievements. 1. The laws of control. You must be in control in every situation and at every moment; in control of your own faculties as well as any external forces that would exert pressure on you. The fact is; either you are controlling the situation or the situation is controlling you. People are being bombarded constantly by influential forces that tug and pull on their senses. These forces influence their way of thinking and how they react to any process. How well a person is able to stay in control of external stimuli indicates how well they are able to manage their influence upon it. Remember, “if God is with you, who can be against you?” 2. The law of observance Always observe what is going on around you, pay attention, be aware of the possibilities. Take note of what is not happening as well as what is. Don’t make rash judgments, weigh all possibilities before you act. While all action contains a certain amount of risk, you can reduce the odds by careful examination. Don’t make hasty judgments, plot the course then and only then . . . proceed with caution. 3. The law of value. As a leader/manager, how valuable are you to your employer? If there were a lay-off today, would you be let go, or be kept on? Make sure you know your job plus a little more. Learn multiple jobs in your workplace well because, the more you know, the more value you have. Always do your best and volunteer once in a while. 4. The law of integrity Certain qualities of character are unique to a true Christian. A true Christian can be trusted for his/her word is as good as gold. You can take what he/she says to the bank because you know they can be trusted to back up all they say. It seems trusted employees have become a rarity in today’s workplace. From padding the time sheet to small pilferage, everyone seems to be out for themselves. People get the idea the company owes them over and beyond their agreed on wages. They justify their actions by their own distorted reasoning. When a person agrees to the terms of employment, then they must live with it. If the terms are not proven to be as agreed, then you must respectfully, terminate. Integrity is the heart as it represents quality, honesty, high morals, truth, and trust. It is the only quality in a person that they have total control over, to voluntarily give up. No one can take it from you, you have to make a choice to damage your own integrity. Once you have given up your integrity, you can never get it back. 5. The law of Development Most everyone desires to be the best at what they do but few accomplish it. Why? Distractions, loss of drive, inability to focus, compliancy, and many other things undermine man’s ability to achieve. Even though man is a creative being, born of excellence, he/she rapidly becomes victim to worldly conditions and points of view. I can is replaced with I can’t, I will is replaced I won’t and so on. The trials of life creates despair in the mind and clouds thinking. Man becomes embroiled in social and cultural dogma and the world becomes a battleground of uncertainties for the senses causing a distorted perception. The world point of view is a powerful influence on the mind and becomes captivating, addictive and self destructive. The mind thinks it can’t be any better than it already is, yet we know the laws of development can and does elevate a person from failure to success. Success is a God trait inherent in mankind while failure is embracing the inconsistencies of the world order. Man, in his own right, can be anything he desires to be. From Janitor to President, man is what he aspires to be, what he/she has a passion for. You must elevate yourself above the temptations of the world. Be diligent, forthright and mature in your thinking, and always remember, each thought can potentially effect your quality of existence. 6. The law of Adaptability Many people simply can’t adapt to current conditions. When a person Requires supervision to perform basic abilities they rarely further their career. You must adapt to your surroundings. You have to fit in and become a Inspiration to those around you. Every situation in life requires you to adapt in some form or manner. Family, church, workplace, society, club all require you to adapt to the current conditions. I don’t mean give in, or cave in, but consider the options and adjust to the presented opportunity. Fit in, take part in your surroundings, be an active team player. Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. To learn more, visit Super affiliate Marketing Make Money From Home

The Science of Getting Rich - Getting Rich the Scientific Way?
If you pay attention to the people around you what you will find is that there are far too many persons who desire to be rich, or to get rich and at the same time believe they will never get rich, for whatever reason. Usually what it really boils down to is the mere fact that they do not know what to do to get rich, or they may know some things but not others. They are unaware of the principles involved in getting rich and thus by extension the science of getting rich. When Wallace D. Wattles release his book ‘the Science of Getting Rich’ in 1910, little did he know the impact it would have on many persons lives almost one hundred years later. According to Wattles (and I totally agree with him) there is a science of getting rich and in order to be rich every man must adhere to its principles. Now what is the science, what are the principles of getting rich? The major principle, I believe, is a natural law which states that ‘like causes always produces like effects’. Therefore the people in this world who are rich, become and remain rich because they are doing things in a particular way whether consciously or unconsciously. Those who are not doing things in this particular way, will remain poor no matter how hard or how long they work or how capable they are. This principle eliminates the excuse that the environment is why many are not rich. You see too many persons from poor backgrounds are rich or are becoming rich for this excuse to be true. It also eliminates the idea that doing things a particular way is only for persons with talent. No, no, no this can’t be it for there are many, many persons who possess great talent who continue to be poor, whilst others with little or no talent are getting rich every day. Let me repeat getting rich is the result of doing things a particular way. So if you are a plumber and other plumbers in your area are getting rich from plumbing while you are not then it will be because you are not doing things in the same way that the other plumbers are doing them. The next principle is one that has over the last year or so, and still is, been getting a lot of attention. It is called The law of attraction and it has been made famous by Rhonda Byrnes' book and DVD ‘The Secret’ which was featured on CNN and Oprah among other media programs. This principle states ‘Thoughts Become Things’. You see our world and everything in it first began with a thought. The thoughts that we think are emitted vibrations broadcasted into the universe, attracting to them vibrations of the same frequency which manifest what we come to see and experience in our physical world as our current reality. Man cannot shape a thing until he has first, thought that thing. So if a person has the thought of a kitchen of a certain design and this thought is in line with the same frequency in the universe, it may not cause the kitchen to just instantly appear, but it would set in motion events and creative processes that will bring about the building of the kitchen to the specific design. For this reason it is important for us to communicate our thoughts to the universe if we are to cause the creation, or formation of the thing we think about. The third principle is ‘The Law of Gratitude’ which is nothing more than giving thanks to God for his gifts. The more grateful we are as we focus our mind on God when good things come our way the more good things we will receive and the more quickly they will come. Gratitude draws our mind into closer link with God and His blessing. Many are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. If you consistently and truthfully express your gratitude and it is strong enough then God’s reaction will also be consistent, strong and continuous. The things you want always be moving toward you. When you live your life with gratitude you will find yourself focused on only the best and in turn this will bring to you only the best. Waste no time thinking or talking about the faults and flaws of others or even in you. Work instead on cultivating the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and give God thanks. The fourth principle is that of Visualization of your desire and its attainment. You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself. Visualization is about forming and holding a clear and definite mental picture of what it is you want. If it is you desire a brand new car, then it’s not good enough to visualize any old car. You must be more specific, in fact be as specific as possible. So instead you must see in your minds eye the car you want, the make and model, how it feels on the road, the colour, size of the wheel, its features, and even how you will feel driving it. You must see the thing you want as they already exists, take possession of it in faith believing it is already yours and do not waiver for a moment in the faith that it is real. The fifth principle is Personal Action. This arguably the second most important principle in the Science of Getting Rich for without action all your thoughts will mean and attain nothing. You must take definite action now. Your personal action, however, must be of such that you can rightly receive what you want when it comes. It makes no sense to desire something and not take some action towards its attainment, this will only lead to frustration leaving you feeling discouraged. There is a quote which says “He who desires but acts not breeds pestilence”. The way you think brings things to you but your by actions you receive them. You must act in a particular way such that you can appropriate what is yours when it comes to you. It does not matter what your situation is, whether it be favourable or not, you must not delay taking action. Wait not for favourable conditions. When you take personal action, do so with no thought of yesterday or tomorrow as your present action will be divided in your mind making you ineffective. So put your whole mind and body into the present action. Take action where you are now. The last principle is that of Getting in the Right Business. You will do best in that business for which your abilities are best suited. That means it will be easier to succeed if you are in a business for which you are well equipped with the skills and mental tools. Bear in mind, however, that you can get rich in any business even if you do not possess the necessary talents because you can develop the skills needed as you go along. Also you can get rich most satisfactorily if you do that which you want to do. Doing what you want to do is at the core of what life is about. Now if you are in a business or situation that you do not want to be in but you have ‘no choice’ due to some obligation or responsibility like children to support, then do what you have to do. You can make the doing of it pleasing by knowing (reminding yourself) that it is making it possible for you to get to the doing of what you want to do. By making constructive use of the business you are already in and working in a particular way, you can get into the business you want. Always start from where you are. The science of getting rich gives you the courage and the power to handle any circumstance that may obstruct your progress towards getting rich. Once you follow and obey the principles you cannot fail to get rich. Practice the instructions and you will surely get rich and you will do so in exact proportion to the definiteness of your vision, the fixity of your purpose, the steadiness of your faith and the depth of your gratitude.

Vladimir Murray is a father of two boys, runs his own internet marketing business and enjoys helping others improve their lives. To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich and how to apply it to your life then Vladimir recommends Bob Proctor's SGR Program. For info go to

Leaders - From Trenches To Boardrooms
Life is a run away train on a down hill track They arise from their sleep and are greeted above. As their hearts melt in passion and love. They take us in hand and lead us anew on them we depend in all that we do. Here’s to the leaders of the world, may they slow down enough for us to catch up. There are no promises; no one ever said life would be a rose garden. Life comes at you full of stress and negative events, there's no getting around it, at times, life stinks. Even so, tomorrow must be met and past events must stay in the past. You are on a one way road and if you have the fortitude to meet the challenges you can step up and be a leader. Leaders are no different that anyone else, they just recognize their limitations and don’t go beyond them. For leaders tomorrow brings another greeting. Life wasn’t meant to be easy, it was meant to be experienced. Relationships, jobs, financial matters, sickness, physical fitness, religion, all pose questions and all present challenges. In each phase of life there will be complexities unique to that particular period in life. From cradle to grave, no stage will be completely free from challenges. You can go forward with the knowledge that each life event can be met with the confidence and assurance that you can triumph and you can emerge as the true leader you were meant to be. It is important that in the face of adversity you maintain a positive attitude. Anything can be overcome with the right attitude. It's up to you how you greet the world and everyone in it because it’s your experience; unique to anyone else in the world. When all is said and done, it is true that positive is met with positive, and your positive attitude will reflect a winning personality. Winning personalities attract alike personalities which tend to elevate each other in their positive outlook. Let’s face it, success and failure are the same, only on opposite ends of the rule. It’s the law of cause and effect. If results are to be changed, the cause must be altered. It’s the law, nothing personal, it’s the same throughout the universe. Just Keep a Positive Attitude How does John Doe, leader maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity? First off, if he knows himself, I mean truly know himself, he knows that nothing can effect him except what he allows. He meets each event in its' true form, as he looks at it from a disconnected position. He never lets an event become personal, keeping it in its' prospective. Nothing is really personal so he doesn't act like it is. He doesn’t accept that which does not have power over him. You’re the same, if you maintain this position, you will not be affected. No effect can affect your inner self. You control the event, the event does not control you. Many people go around taking everything personal. An event is an impersonal happening. It can only play out as you allow it. Change is on the way If your attitude is maintained at a constant, it can't change. Events are only challenges not personal attacks. The event can't effect your attitude, but your attitude can effect the event. I was a security officer in a hospital for a few years. There were many times when belligerent people would come into the emergency room and I would be called to control them. I would simply face them straight on then let them holler and yell at me while I said nothing. After a while they wouldn't have anymore to say. They would simply run out of steam. As long as I kept my composure and did not let their hollering become personal, they would run out of something to say. Then I would calmly ask them to set down and talk about it. They always complied. The thing is, I did not let their aggressive action become mine. I stayed aloof and waited for the situation to become less explosive. Even though I wore a badge, I would keep it covered so as to stay as neutral as possible. Many times the police would bring people into the emergency room and they would be frothing at the mouth because they were so agitated. The police would leave and I would have to control the agitated person. I always took the same stance and let the person run their course, no matter what they called me. They were not mad at me, they were mad at the policeman and he was gone, so what they were mad at was no longer there. I would not let them transfer their anger to me, and soon they would become calm. Nothing else Matters No event is personal until you make it so. It's always your choice. You take control through positive transference. Transfer your positive attitude to the negative force acting upon you and naturalize it. The key word is control. If you control yourself, you also control anything acting upon you. Negative can't penetrate where positive resides. The one will not receive the other. Negative has to have negative to maintain its' energy. Positive is not a fuel source for a negative foundation. Leaders are positive people and those around them know it. That’s why people are willing to follow, because they feel the calmness in their leader. They can sense the calmness in their manner and become calm in return. To a True Leader In the face of battle the men in the trenches look toward their leader for assurance. They feel the calmness and are reassured in his grace. No person should stand alone but it takes a special person to stand and face an unthinkable challenge. Only leaders of character with the sternness of their convection could stand tall and guide their men into battle. These are the men who command the respect and willingness of their followers. That’s why they are called commanders, leaders of men. Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. To learn more, visit Proven Internet Businesses DVD to Ipod Converter

Sometimes it gets so hard to make a decision of any kind. This is when the intuition steps in. Have you ever felt like believing something is true though your suspects do not really have a firm ground? They say people have five senses excluding intuition. Intuition is the sense every person has, though not everybody knows they do. It is pretty doubtful we actually own such kind of supernatural gift, though most of us are likely to believe we do. So, what is intuition? It is a human’s ability to sense or know anything immediately without firm reasoning. Intuition has been studied since Pharaoh’s times. During those times it was a burning and debatable topic to discuss. Women, being able to use their intuition on purpose, were considered to be either witches or gods’ messengers. Until nowadays intuition is still not examined till the end. Scientists differ in opinions whether some specific people can possess the inner voice or everybody can. It is considered that usually left-handed people are most likely to use their intuition effectively; as it is a well-known fact they are more creative than right-handed ones. But, as a matter of fact, everybody is able to use it correctly. You just need to know the necessary formula. The most spread training of your intuition is to try to guess anything unpredictable at least once a day. (Unless it is a multiply choice on your exam paper, you’d better not use intuition in this one!). To be serious, take, for example, a deck of cards and guess which card lies on the top. At first define if it is red or black, then comes the suit. Do not get upset if it does not work at first, keep on trying over and over again. The important thing is to concentrate! The intuition will show itself, you will see.

Andrew Shwartz is staff-writer at, help essays. Andrew has been providing assistance to students with cause and effect essay and Custom Research Papers for over 2 years. He is always willing to share his own experiences, provide quality custom writing services and writing tips to students of all academic levels.

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