Sunday, November 16, 2008

Maria Duval - Vois online community for Way for People and Businesses to Connect

Vois online community for Way for People and Businesses to Connect
A community site became one of the popular websites in today’s world since the existence of internet. Practically, this is one way of connecting to other people who cannot be seen directly or frequently through a social meeting. One of the advantages of the web is to get connected with other people. In a click of a mouse, you can access the profiles of an individual and can meet them without being physically available. This cyber connection helps people socially acquainted, get updated from ones social status, learn about their thoughts through blogs, and see their latest appearance through their pictures and many others. Getting connected is the key. These community sites are increasing offering different and unique features to its members. Some of the popular ones are friendster, my space, multiply, and tag. There is also community site that specially caters to a certain group of people such as VOIS. VOIS caters to people aging 30 to 50 who are basically into serious involvement to career and relationships and have different interests than teens. The member to this community can promote himself as well as his business aside form mere socializing. If you look at the website at first glance, it is presented in a simple formal manner with menus including blogs, forums, groups, classifieds and events. This feature is rarely seen in some common community sites. In the blog menu, it displays the blogs entered into by the members for everyone to see. Nevertheless, it is categorized on the certain subject. This feature specialize the interest of the members. Same is true to groups where you can choose the group that you want to belong in an alphabetical form. You can choose whether you belong to a group interested in activities, automobiles, business and entrepreneur, cities and neighborhood and so on and so forth. With this you get connected to a people whom you can relate to. In fact you can further voice out your thoughts through the Forum. The forums are also made available for the members to see. This is a very interesting plot because it provides significant information on the thoughts of the members regarding a given subject. One can actually use this as a resource for man’s opinion and issues on a particular subject. These are also presented categorically. The menu on Classified is the commerce part where on can promote, advertise or search for jobs, housing rentals, services, personals, items for sale, autos and sale, items wanted and miscellaneous. Events menu displays the featured events, search events and events made with its description. This too is arranged categorically by place and groups. Of course there are also others in the menu like home, help, join, search, sign in and search engine for existing member but this are also common to other network community. Vois dot com, basically creates a formal network of people with particular interest who wants to be connected to a group which he feels has the same interest as him. The groupings are arranged categorically and presented in a simple format that one can readily click into. This site protects its members from spammers who may take advantage of the member’s profile. Being a member in Vois dot com does not only widen your social network but also expand your commerce opportunities as well as give you significant information in relating to other people. is one of the fastest growing, social commerce/ social networking communities for people ages 30-50. With Vois -- members can create their own digital identity to make friends, find romance or do business. Unlike traditional social networking websites, which prohibit promotion of business.

Essence And Manifestation
Essence is the totality of who you are - the one - just as it is right here right now. Immutable; changeless; timeless; spaceless; depthless; completely independent of all arisings; block of rocklike solidity; infinite darkness; indescribable - none of these descriptions come anywhere near to what it is like - they fall abysmally short of the mark, and your interpretations of these descriptions does not even come close to these "pointers". There is no possibility whatsoever of being told of how exquisitely rich this one is, that who you are is. You are going to have to experience this for yourself. You are going to have to travel the "journey of self discovery" yourself. You can be this essence because who you are is this essence. It is the "motion of seeing" that is flowing through your very eyes right now. This "motion of aliveness" is the "central point" of itself - essence - writing itself out into its play of manifestation through the mindbody that you find yourself driving around through, day in and day out. Of course, this one is all things everywhere. Without it - who you are - there would not be any manifestation. It is the fullness of nothingness that gives life to all. There is no "gradual" about this essence. It is and it is right here right now. It is complete - changeless. It is not a growing thing. It is not unfolding. It is finished - it did not begin and nor will it end. It is - isness ising. There is no "one" in the driver's seat. You cannot compete for that position because it does not exist. Duality does not exist in this essence. Everything is this one. All creatures, great and small, are this one. All humans are this one. Not only it is who you are, it is also who everyone is. Manifestation is the ground of duality. It is where polar opposites play themselves out, where variance has such "scope," variation. Manifestation was born and it will die. Accordingly, all things within manifestation - all minds, all bodies, all sensations, all emotions, all "heavens and hells", all visions, all feelings, all "toys", all arisings, all subtleties, all grossness, all creations, all worlds, all celestial beings, all human beings, all "shmee" beings, - will die. They were born, they live for a time and they die. Your mindbody - this vehicle that you drive around through - is a part of manifestation. It is an arising that was born and will die. It is not who you are Until you come to realize who you already are you are going to believe yourself to be who you think you are which is just a part of manifestation - not who you are. Who you are is the essence that is flowing through and sustaining this manifest existence - this is who you are. You are not your mind even though you cannot conceive of how you could not be your mind. You may well believe that you are not your mind because of concepts that you have come across about how you are not your mind. But these concepts have not relieved you of the bondage, entrapment, estrangement and imprisonment of this mind that you take to be your "guiding light" in life. This mind is part of manifestation. Who you are is not. Concepts are of this mind - manifestation - and cannot deliver you of who you are, which is beyond not only of this mind but beyond all manifestation - beyond beyondness. Manifestation is the playground of love. Love coming to know itself from within its own dance.

Elysha is a self realized teacher of the heart. Elysha is available for satsang in New Zealand for those who are ready for a change in spiritual consciousness.

Galactic Empire, a Space-age Third Reich
Born in May of 1944, in Modesto, California, George Lucas lived a world away from the horrors of Fascist Germany. Yet its imprint is more than evident in Lucas’ life’s work and creative brainchild, the Star Wars Saga. Admitting that the Galactic Empire was based on Germany’s Third Reich, Lucas drew from history the characters and imagery needed to paint his evil regime. While some parallels are obvious�"such as the robotic white soldiers Lucas named “storm troopers,” the same name Hitler gave his personal bodyguards during World War II, other comparisons require a little digging. These comparisons make for a fascinating study.

Senator Palpatine and Adolf Hitler:
The story of Senator Palpatine as fleshed out in Episodes I, II, and III bears remarkable resemblance to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Both men rose from obscurity to power, outwardly embracing democracy and the republic, while behind the scenes they worked for its ruin. In Episode II Senator Palpatine faces the dissolution of the senate with, “I love democracy…I love the republic,” while reluctantly accepting supreme power. It is unknown that he is also the Sith Lord, orchestrating the downfall of democracy. This echoes the history of Hitler, who also outwardly supported democracy, promising to play by its rules, all along forming a shadow government and an army among the ranks of his Nazi party. The similarity is most striking in the burning of the Jedi temple and the 1933 burning of the Reichstag which effectively dissolved the German senate. These spectacles were both masterminded to bring Palpatine and Hitler into power. Afterwards, Palpatine installs himself as Emperor, while Hitler declared himself “Fuhrer,” or supreme leader.

The leadership style of Palpatine continues to be modeled after Hitler, who then withdrew from the public eye and surrounded himself with only those whom he knew to be his loyal followers. While Hitler formed the SS�"a black-coated protection squad which protected him day and night and publicly carried out his orders, Palpatine as emperor created Darth Vader�"his black robed crony whose obedience to the Emperor extended to destroying whole planets. Hitler is remembered as evil embodied, and as such, Lucas could not have chosen a better figure to model Palpatine after.

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker Parallels:
In German, vater means “father.” Thus, Vader is a most interesting and deliberate choice for a character who is the father of the spiritual Star Wars hero. This father-son relationship finds its parallel in the relationship between the German poet and political rebel Albrecht Haushofer and his father, Karl. Karl’s frequent travels to Japan greatly influenced his life and thinking. He was particularly entranced by the samurai--the Japanese military aristocracy which Lucas drew on heavily for inspiration for the Jedi. In the 1920s Karl became involved with Hitler through his close student, Rudolf Hess (who later was considered Hitler's #3 man after Goring). Karl became instrumental in forming the alliance between Germany and Japan. An additional interesting side note is that a geopolitical contemporary named Maull existed at this time. Maul was a contemporary sith of Anakin Skywalker.

Young Albrecht, in a poem entitled Der Vater, alludes to an evil that shows itself once every thousand years. When Star Wars begins the sith had not been seen for that long. The poem continues by saying that Albrecht's father had power to stop this evil but instead he unleashed it, a power and choice that Anakin Skywalker made before becoming Darth Vader. While Albrecht worked alongside his father at first, attempting to bring peace to Europe through a treaty with England and France, he later saw the futility of his actions and joined the Bomb plot to assassinate Hitler and restore balance and peace in Germany. Here George Lucas departs from history; for while Luke succeeds in overcoming the evil that his father embraced, Albrecht was not as fortunate. He was arrested for his treasonous involvement and shot by an SS commando as Russian troops entered Berlin. Karl was also imprisoned after the war. Perhaps the remembrance of his son prompted his death in 1946. Before his death, Darth Vader redeemed himself by throwing off the Emperor’s influence and restoring balance to the universe. He is last seen taking his place among Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, thus becoming the Jedi he once was. Karl’s last act in life also resembled the Jedi when he committed suicide by seppuku, the traditional Samurai method.

Nazi Echoes
The discerning eye recognizes the overt Nazi overtones apparent in the Galactic Empire. This is no accident. George Lucas reportedly told costume designer and military historian John Mollo that he wanted the “baddies” to look Fascist. The atmosphere of rigid control and dehumanization was the ideal of Hitler, whose armies marched in stiff procession, going beyond the description of disciplined to robotic. The uniforms and caps worn by imperial officers in Star Wars were modernized versions of 1915 Bavarian Chevaulgers. The throne room scene in Episode IV is reminiscent of a Nazi propaganda film, further painting the image that history repeats itself. In this way watchers of Star Wars gain a lesson in history.

About the Author Francesca Black has always enjoyed Science Fiction and she manages the content at: Science Fiction Corner

Meditations: For Speaking Unkind and Unthoughtful Words
The world has become a cruel and unusual place and I am quite sure you, like I have been a victim, at some time, of a person speaking unkind and unthoughtful words. Whilst we may not be able to do anything about the person who has been unkind to ourselves, we can undertake reflectful meditations that will help ensure that we do not participate in the act of speaking unkind. Speaking words of a cruel and harsh nature that point out the faults of another human being can have long-term and everlasting effects on the recipient, especially, those that are young children who are not able to deal with this type of behavior or speech. The spoken harsh word or abuse is often caused by a motivation of anger but this is not always the case, even sarcasm or sarcastic speech can lead to pain and suffering by your victims. In reality any speech that induces a recipient to feel unhappy, discomfort or sadness can be classified as a negative action and the result of this will be in the long run that you yourself will suffer for speaking those words not just your victim. Meditation allows you the ability to overcome the use of cruel and harsh language by reprogramming your mind to think in a positive manner. The Meditation �" The first part of this meditation is for you to desire that all people of all races, colour and creed will only hear pleasant and encouraging words from your tongue and that all undesirable, harsh, cruel and angry speech will leave your mind and body. During your second phase of your meditation recall into your mind a time when you have spoken to someone in away that you would consider harsh and unthoughtful. Reflect upon the motivation that leads you to react in this way? As you are reflecting on the pain and sorrow that you have caused, it is important for you to develop a sense of regret and distress as hurting your victim. Whilst you are meditating this pain, feel the pain and how it has hurt not just your victim, but the turmoil inside your own mind. Now it is time in the final phase of the meditation to resolve that you will not undertake to poison another person mind with harsh and cruel words, keeping in mind that you are to be mindful of those that maybe vulnerable to that speech. Your undertaking in this meditation must be to only praise and never to criticize a fellow human being. To ensure that you have overcome this destructive habit, meditate on this issue every day for a week, spending a minimum of 20 minutes a day on this meditation until you have mastered and overcome this destructive habit.

Our Meditation Music is a great tool to help in your mediation sessions. Our Baroque Meditation music will help in meditating through the issues outlined in this article.

My first experiencse with Vipassana Meditation
I started Vipassana in 2001. A friend mentioned it to me and that same evening I had booked myself onto a course on the internet. I was really looking forward to it because I had been looking for something for a very long time and somewhere deep inside I knew: this is it.

The course was very different from what I had expected. I thought it should be about relaxation, blanking the mind, etc. The first three days was like a concentration exercise, concentrating on the breath, calming the mind. It was hard. Not only was I not accustomed to sitting for up to 12 hours a day on a mat on the ground, I also was unable to keep thoughts from getting into my mind so I was getting upset about not being able to concentrate properly. I had pain everywhere, was unable to find any comfortable position whatsoever. There were loads of other people, whom I did not know but was unable to speak to.

On the 4th day, Vipassana Meditation was taught. Although it was quite an experience, it created something I had not expected. Lots of things came up from my past, lots of thoughts and mental pain. It was hard to face. But finally, after about 10 days of this, Metta Meditation was taught and after that we could speak. It was a bit strange and by that time I did not really feel like speaking any more. I did feel very relaxed that day.

The real interesting part came afterwards. All the stuff that had come up during the meditation seemed like something of the past, something I had lost. As if a burden had fallen from my shoulders. It felt incredibly liberating. I kept on meditating daily and became better and better at the technique and more stuff started falling of. Not always was this easy. Usually it started with periods of anguish, the pain of letting go. But when I finally let go it was just great. It made me into a much calmer and more relaxed person. Although anxiety and stress still come occasionally, it does not really matter any more that much - I can let go and relax much quicker and easier.

It has been the greatest gift anybody could have given me. I am so much more aware, relaxed and happy then I every was. I can face the world, while before I just made due. I have no stress, only the occasional storm but you always know that they will pass and they do not happen very often any more. Even the difficulties that sometimes come up are something that pass and when you come out the other side, your are a happier person. So much weight will fall off your shoulders. Just try it ... what does it matter if you try. You will not change that much if you do just one course so try and see if you like it. If you continue, you know now what can happen and what you might have to face. Then again, you might not. Not everybody is the same. Be Happy.

For many years, I suffered from anxiety depression. I tried everything, from psychoanalysis to medications but nothing really worked. Some things helped for a little while to relief my anxiety, but eventually it would always come back.

One day I was feeling particularly down, I saw a friend coming towards me on the road. We said hello and he told me about somebody he met in the pub the night before. He said she was a very happy, radiant and relaxed person. I felt a little pang of jealousy because with my anxiety depression this was exactly the opposite of myself. He said that her secret was Vipassana meditation. I had never heard of this type of meditation, but my friend gave me the website address. He said it was a great way for treating anxiety so the same evening I was on the internet and had booked for a course.

The course was great and I felt better than I had felt for many years. But coming home into the stress of everyday life was a different matter. Soon my anxiety attacks were back again. I tried meditation but as soon as I closed my eyes all the problems of the day came flooding back to me so it was impossible to meditate. After many years of meditation and many courses and moving away from my old life, my anxiety depression has disappeared, but it has taken a long time and a lot of effort. I am certain however that my anxiety will never come back. Vipassana really is an excellent anxiety depression treatment method. But it comes with a cost of time and effort, not something that many people can afford.

Luckily, if it is just anxiety depression you wish to cure, then there are other methods. I wish I had known about them back then but I did not. Vipassana is a very involved spiritual path and although it helped me well, you need to be certain that this is the path you wish to travel. It has many more benefits than just curing anxiety and stress.

There are other methods which will help cure anxiety depression effectively. One especially I found very good and it is especially designed for people with a lot of stress in their lives, which is usually the cause of anxiety depression. So rest assured, there are effective methods to control stress and get rid of anxiety depression without going the path that I have gone. But if you wish to know more about Vipassana meditation, I will be happy to share my experiences with you.

Margret owns blogs on anxiety depression.

Who's Who in UFology Today
Below are ten names of the most educated, respected UFologists alive today. By studying their theories and published works, you will be on the forefront of UFology research.

Jerome Clark: Researcher and writer. He attended South Dakota State University and Minnesota State University, becoming interested in the UFO phenomenon in the 1960s. He initially embraced the interdimensional hypothesis to explain UFOs, but then turned to Extraterrestrial Hypothesis as the best explanation. His focus is on UFO cases with multiple witnesses, or those which leave physical evidence. He is an active board member of CUFOS, and has served as the editor of the CUFOS journal, as well as The Journal for UFO Studies. In the 1990s he published a massive three volume UFO Encyclopedia, which earned him the 1998 Benjamin Franklin Award in the Science category. He has written and co-written several books on UFOs.

Stanton T. Friedman: Nuclear Physicist. He received his BS and MS from University of Chicago, and worked for 14 years on advanced, classified projects such as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space. He is possibly the best-known UFO lecturer in North America, having been the first promoter of the Roswell incident, and the most significant voice of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. His written testimony has been used in Congressional hearings, and he has appeared before the UN twice. He has published two books covering his work with the MJ-12 documents and the Roswell incident.

Richard F. Haines, Ph.D.: Research Scientist for NASA from 1967-1988. He received his MA and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Michigan State University. He investigated aviation accidents and incidents for FAA, NTSB, and attorneys. For 37 years he has specialized in pilot sightings, amassing more than 3,000 reports. Other special interests include analysis of photographic evidence and data on Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind. He has written two books and numerous UFO articles.

Bernard Haisch, Ph.D.: Astrophysicist and President of Digital Universe Foundation; Chief Science Officer for ManyOne Networks, Inc; Director of California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics; and editor of numerous scientific journals. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Self-described as a “UFO skeptic, standing somewhere between the majority rejectionist view of mainstream scientific community and the majority accepting view of the general public,” Haisch advocates personal research of phenomenon while suspending judgment.

James A. Harder, Ph.D.: Professor of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering and Professor Emeritus at University of California at Berkeley. Harder received his BS at Caltech, and his MS and Ph.D. at University of California in Berkeley. From 1969-1982 he was the director of research for Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, one of the first civilian organizations to study UFOs. He was the primary investigator on a number of classical UFO cases, mainly related to alien abductions. He is a strong advocate of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis and the government cover-up theories.

John Keel: Parapsychologist and Journalist. Keel is best-known for his ideas that there is a direct relationship between UFOs and psychic phenomena and demonology. He is one of the most widely read and influential UFologists since the early 1970s. His 1967 book, The Mothman Prophesies�"about a strange winged creature reportedly seen in West Virginia by numerous witnesses�"was loosely adapted into a 2002 blockbuster.

Bruce Maccabbee, Ph.D.: Optical Physicist. He received his BS in physics from Worcester Polytechnical Institute, and his MA and Ph.D. at American University in Washington DC. He has been active in UFO research since the 1960s, when he joined NICAP. After its demise he joined MUFON and is now state director for Maryland. He was instrumental in establishing the Fund for UFO Research. He is the author and co-author of numerous technical articles and books.

John E. Mack, Ph.D.: Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and Pulitzer-prize winning biographer. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School after his undergraduate years at Oberlin. He graduated from the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and was Board certified in child and adult psychoanalysis. He was a professor of psychology at Harvard until his untimely death in a car accident in 2004. (We include him in this article of contemporary UFologists, since his work is relevant today.) Mack’s clinical work focused on the exploration of dreams, nightmares, and teen suicide. In 1990 he published his research on alien abduction encounters, concluding, “There is compelling powerful phenomenon here that I can’t account for any other way, that’s mysterious…it seems to me that it invites deeper, further inquiry.”

Peter A Sturrock, Ph.D.: British Scientist. He studied mathematics at Cambridge University where he earned his Ph.D. Much of his career has been devoted to electron physics, particle accelerators, plasma physics, solar physics, astrophysics, and scientific interference. He was appointed professor of applied physics at Stanford University, where he is now professor emeritus. Gaining interest in UFology, and curious about the general attitudes toward the field, Sturrock conducted two major surveys involving more than 2,500 scientists. Upon learning that a majority of scientists favored better research of UFOs, Sturrock helped establish the Society of Scientific Exploration to provide a forum for the subject. His studies have since been published.

Jacques Vallee, Ph.D.: French-born Computer Scientist and Astronomer. After receiving his BS in Mathematics and his MS in Physics, he came to the US 1962 and began working in astronomy at the University of Texas. He worked at MacDonald Observatory on NASA’s first project making a detailed informational map of Mars. He then received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Northwestern University, where he was a student of renowned UFologist, J. Allen Hynek. Initially he promoted the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, but later modified it, introducing the Multidimensional Visitation Hypothesis. His exploration of the commonalities between UFOs, cults, religious movements, angels, ghosts, cryptid sightings, and psychic phenomena contributed to his change in ideas. He was the model for the UFO researcher in Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and served as a consultant on the set. He has authored numerous books and articles on various subjects, including UFOs.

About the Author: Francesca Black a long time science fiction buff, manages content for UFO Gifts and Science Fiction Corner

World War II Foo Fighters
In the 1938 comic strip Smokey Stover, a firefighter was known for his line, “Where there’s foo, there’s fire.” From Smokey, aircraft pilots borrowed the term “foo fire” to describe the various unexplainable phenomenon seen in the skies over Europe and the Pacific theatre during World War II. While Allied pilots initially thought the flying objects were German secret or psychological weapons, after the war it was discovered that sightings were also reported by the enemy, who had assumed the crafts were US-made. To this day, the sightings remain a mystery.

Over the course of the war, fireballs, estimated to be as big as 300 feet and as small as 1 foot in diameter, were reported and thoroughly documented. These apparitions left witnesses awe-inspired, wary, and frightened�"although the foo fighters never harmed or attempted to harm anyone. The CIA was commissioned in 1952 to study the reports and concluded that while mysterious, foo fighters were not a considered a threat to national security.

A Foo fighter is an umbrella term that includes flying objects of various shapes and sizes. Wobbling, or vibrating flares were described as glowing globes of intense green, yellow, red, orange, or white lights. One crew even reported observing the phosphorescent spheres going through a sequence of color changes at regular intervals. Other reports describe them as silver or gold metallic, and disk-shaped. They frequently appeared at the wing tips of planes in pairs or alone, although sometimes they were found in larger clusters of fifteen or more. In one report 150 objects were estimated to be arranged in 10-12 lines. Picking up an aircraft, these blobs of fire could reportedly pace a plane at very high speeds through extensive evasive maneuvers for several minutes. One British officer and his crew of sailors tracked an object from the deck of their vessel for over an hour. Although a few baffled pilots attempted to intercept, and even fire upon the globes, their efforts were unsuccessful, and the objects usually zoomed away of their own accord.

Foo fighters were mentioned in the American mass media. Ponderous articles appeared in Time and Newsweek in 1945, contributing to the wave of UFO consciousness building in the US. By 1952 so many civilians were contacting government agencies regarding UFO reports that regular intelligence work was being affected.

While scientists have never been able to explain the phenomenon, many speculations have been advanced as possibilities. Five of the most plausible theories are:

1. The fireballs may be nothing more than St. Elmo’s Fire, a reddish brush-like discharge of atmospheric electricity which has often been seen near the tips of church steeples, ships’ masts and yardarms. It also appears at a plane’s wing tips.

2. They may have been optical illusions, mere after-images of light remaining in pilots’ eyes after being dazzled by flak bursts.

3. Occurrences may have been the rare effect of “ball lightning,” a glowing, drifting bubble of light typically eight inches in diameter. These generally, though not always, follow regular lightning strikes.

4. Bright ground objects reflected from the curved plastic canopy of an aircraft can be perceived as images above the horizon.

5. Proponents of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) have suggested that foo fighters are hard evidence of ETs visiting earth.

Foo fighters are certainly some of the best documented reports of UFOs, and photographs and respected testimony abound. Hopefully in time the mystery will be solved, and this comic book name will be replaced by its true name.

About the Author: Francesca Black a long time science fiction buff, manages content for UFO Gifts and Science Fiction Corner

The Practice Of Not Furthering Out From This One by Elysha
It is completely understandable how you are forever hopeful that there may just be some golden elixir out there that is going to relieve you of the suffering that you find yourself in, from within your daily living. You do not understand how it is you being lost in the mechanics of trying to be something that is not true of who you are, that is creating your own reflection in life; that you furthering out and away from this "you" that is already true of you, is what has you hankering for other "out there" extravaganzas to distract you from the daily and momentary round of pain and dissatisfaction that you keep on feeling the frustration of. You keep on wishing for, looking for, something from outside of yourself to relieve you of it all. Someone comes along and offers you "golden balls" that is going to magically dissolve you of the very thing that you get up to without awareness; that you keep on actively trying to do, which obviously does not work for you. You can certainly receive "siddhi" - spiritual juice or power - from outside of yourself but this cannot relieve you of your own daily activity of trying to be something that is not true of who "you" are. You can attempt to meditate and try to go inside who you think you are and hope for some revelation to come along that is going to relieve you of your own pain, but alas, this is not going to do it for you either. Internally "out there" or externally "out there" is not going to have you standing freely in the reality of who you already are - which is the free standing one of all time that is already flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you have so mistakenly identified yourself as being. Going within is a poetical expression for finding the "you" of you which is already free of all arisings, even as they arise. Going within means the aligning of your conscious focus of attention to "that" which already is the happening thing right now - it is flowing through the eyes of who you think you are. It is flowing through this mindbody that you keep on unconsciously trying to be. Without this "you" your mindbody would not even be; without your mindbody "you" would still be - you cannot get away from this "you" that you are, ever. Going within means finding who you already are and stopping at and as this one - your "areness”, your "amness”, your "youness;" that which is already flowing through this mindbody that you keep on thinking that you are and that you keep on trying to be. It is this "motion of seeing" that is flowing through your very eyes right now - this very "you" that is flowing through and that you keep on failing to recognise. Recognise means to know again. You already know who you are but there has been a veil preventing you from realizing this "you" of you for so long now, that it appears that you cannot and are not capable of finding it. This is no longer true for you. The dormant seed of this "you" has come to light - the veil has been rent - and you are now very capable of realizing this "you" of you if this is what you so wish to do. Who you are is this "motion of aliveness" that is flowing through your eyes right now. Aligning your conscious focus of attention to this very "seeing" and coming to rest as this very "aliveness" will have you standing free of who you think you are. It is through the practice of not furthering out from this one that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, that you begin walking the journey of self discovery of the heart of existence. It is through this finding and stopping at and as this "you" that the mindbody begins to unravel from its falsehood of being informed by the mind, freeing you to being the free standing one that already is here.

If you are interested in being the freedom of your heart visit Elysha's website for more free information and self help products.

How to get that �it' factor happening
You know when you meet charismatic and compelling people. They exude a personal power that's hard to miss. You can �feel' their presence as they enter a room and both male and female heads turn. For some, this magnetism is as natural as organic food whilst for others it can be developed over time.

Sitting here today in sunny Queensland Australia, I'm reflecting on what makes one person more attractive than another. Not just by physical attraction, but what makes them captivating. I've met absolutely gorgeous guys and girls that after spending five minutes with them, I'm already trying to find my escape route.

An occasion I remember as clearly as if it were yesterday, happened about 25 years ago. A friend of mine invited my family to visit him at a television station he worked at in Sydney. Of course we jumped at the chance! It's not every day you got such an opportunity!

We were met at the gate and were led down a corridor on the way to a sound stage. As I was passing by a room with an open door, I noticed blonde haired lady was having her hair done. It was Pamela Stephenson (Dr Pamela Connolly), wife of Billy Connolly. Our eyes met and she smiled at me. Her smile radiated the most amazing brilliant light which extended into and filled the entire dressing room! It was as if I was in the presence of an angel! Although I haven't followed her life, I vividly remember that �it' quality about her.

Jennifer Hawkins has the �it' quality as well. When she smiles she absolutely radiates with light. I have yet to speak with any woman who feels threatened by her or has said anything nasty about her.

John Travolta is another who is extremely charismatic and has the �it' factor.

For me personally, I'm attracted to people who are confident, kind, humorous, smart and at peace with themselves.

So how can you get some of whatever �it' is?

1. Peaceful individual's — those standing in their personal power - are relaxing to be around, so if you're not peaceful, get some meditation in, or yoga, tai chi, anything really that involves stilling the mind. Once you know how, apply it across all parts of your life. Tap into peace whenever you need and want.

2. Self-confidence is a huge attractor. Start moving out of your comfort zone by taking baby steps first. Increase the size of your steps as you become more familiar with what it is you're doing. I started to manage my website several months ago and this was very scary in the beginning. As I gradually became more adept my confidence in my ability grew and continues to do so.

3. Self-love follows closely behind the self-confidence. When you have love of self like a ripple on a pond it will permeate across all time and space.

4. Positive people inspire and motivate me. However, before you go ahead and start a huge positive talk fest with anyone and everyone, check out the mood of others around you. There's nothing worse than listening to someone talking to you about fabulously positive and great things if you're walking the dark night of the soul. Meet (or match) others where they're at first, then gradually build up the positive talk and watch the relationship unfold.

5. More on matching body gestures:move in unison with people, breath using their rhythm, always subtly and always with respect.

6. This is one point I always mention because of its importance. Be in the present moment. When you start a conversation with someone or they with you, be attentive, curious and interested in what they're saying. If you're matching their facial expressions remember to stop smiling and nodding when they're talking about something they find very distressing (unless you have a close relationship with them:).

7. Start reading newspapers, magazines, books (fiction and non-fiction). Then you will always have something to talk about. Find out what others are talking about.

8. Share some of yourself with others — not too much at the beginning of new relationships, and never reveal your entire life history in your first conversation!

9. Smile! A sincere smile is when it reaches your eyes.

10. Use your sense of humour, just make sure it's at an appropriate time and place. I once opened a speaking engagement with a funny story - all I heard were crickets! My next words were "moving right along now:."

This list isn't exhaustive, there's more you can do but if you start practicing the above, you're on you way to having some �it' too!�

Michaela is a Transformational Coach, certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), writer and Metaphysician who is totally committed to helping others create positive and action oriented changes to their lives (see Michaela is the author of several e-books including Book of 10 Colour Meditation Scripts and publisher of a monthly newsletter called From My Desk. Married to David, Michaela has two children and a grandchild and currently lives in Brisbane Australia.

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