Sunday, November 23, 2008

Maria Duval - Controlling Your Mind Equals Great Dates

Controlling Your Mind Equals Great Dates
The Law of Attraction says to live in the knowledge that you are getting what you want. It may seem like a feel-good philosophy and nothing more. You might think it is worth considering, but not something that exists in nature. However, the Law of Attraction is based upon the science of physics. The Law of Attraction and quantum physics shows us that all in the universe is made of energy. This includes both what we call "solid" objects and something as ethereal as thoughts. The truth is that even so-called solid objects have a high percentage of empty space in them. They are made up of energy. The Law of Attraction takes this fact into account. The Law of Attraction is based upon the fact that the energy in our bodies and minds are always vibrating. This makes wavelengths of different frequencies. We send these frequencies out from ourselves into the larger world. The world itself-in fact, the whole universe-is all made of energy as well. The whole thing is constantly vibrating. It is always full of possibilities. Our individual frequencies go into this vast ocean of movement. The Law of Attraction can affect this. Once our frequencies are emitted, they attract frequencies that are like them. So, you are constantly using the Law of Attraction to bring things to you. If you are sending out negative vibrations, you will not like what returns to you. This is because, by the Law of Attraction, those negative frequencies are clumping together with others of their kind. You can deliberately use the Law of Attraction to focus your thoughts and your being on a positive outcome. The frequencies you emit will stick with other good ones and return to you as a joyful result. This is not simply a matter of wishful thinking. It involves living in the state you choose for yourself. You don't need to start out with millions of dollars in the bank to feel wealthy. You can think, speak, and act like a millionaire. You just need to believe that's what you are deep inside. The Law of Attraction will do the rest. You need to feel excited by your choices for the Law of Attraction to work well. That is because the level of excitement determines the level of vibration you are sending out. If you choose something in a half-hearted way, it will return to you in the same way. However, if you are excited by your choice, you will increase the power of your vibrational frequency. The results will come rolling in. You must do what you can to maintain your excitement. This will bring your dreams into reality by the Law of Attraction. On the other hand, if you complain about something, or fight against something, that is the thing you will bring to yourself. The Law of Attraction works this way because the universe only has a way of grouping like with like. Your negativity about a subject will return to you as more negative results for that subject. Several people with doctorates in physics have studied the power of the Law of Attraction. Many of them believe that the mind controls the universe. They believe that this is done through the Law of Attraction.

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The Secret to Abundance �" Pitfalls When Putting The Law of Attraction to Work in Your Life
Okay, if you are reading this, you probably have watched the #1 DVD The Secret or you are interested to know how you can manifest abundance and wealth in your life. The secret lies in 3 simple steps need to take to get the things you want: Ask Believe Receive These 3 steps embody the Law of Attraction that is the underlying basis in The Secret, and is the universal law to manifest the things you want in your life. After watching the movie, I was very excited and decided to immediately put the Law of Attraction to work in my life, at least in the best way I know how! Along the way, I discovered some pitfalls that most people (including myself!) fall into when applying this universal law. I hope by sharing those pitfalls here, my fellow explorers with the desire to master the Law of Attraction as I have, will benefit. **********Pitfall Number 1 �" In Asking********** Most of us will think, what can be easier than asking right? Wrong! Because this step is so simple, it is also the step that trips so many people. Why do I say that? Because most people ask for what they think the can get and not for what they truly desire and want! When I first heard this, I ask myself: How is it possible? However, on closer examination through self-reflection, I realized how true this is. Very often, our upbringing, mindset and our sense of “worthiness” prevent us from asking for what we really want. Instead, we settle for “what is realistically possible”, making do and not experiencing the abundance that we want and deserve in life. **********Pitfall Number 2 �" In Believing********** Have you got yourself into a position to receive? This position is in the step 2, believing. Because no one is ready to receive until they believe they can acquire what they want to receive. It all boils down to one word �" Belief. I rushed into Step 3 �" Receive without much thought for Step 2. Big mistake! I thought I believe and I discovered I did not. In one of Bob Proctor’s interview (yes, he is one of the Teacher in the hit movie The Secret), he talks about having a high degree of self-awareness as a starting point to Step 2. **********Pitfall Number 3 �" In Receiving********** The most unbelievable truth about receiving is that most people are getting their money through the keyhole, when they should open the doors and the windows and accept it from all sides! This truth hits me hard when I learned it. At this point, I am examining the different barriers in my life that I’ve put up that stop my abundance from flooding in (sound silly, but it is true! All, if not most barriers that stopped us from getting and receiving are put up by us!). And I hope that the insights which I have learned from Bob Proctor will start you on this journey too. I hope that by highlighting the pitfalls and overcoming them together, our abundance will soon flood in without ceasing! Jean Giam

Jean Giam is an ardent student of the Law of Attraction and the power of the subconscious mind. She is also a PhotoReading and Accelerated Learning coach. Jean is on the journey of her life – putting her passion to action and supporting others to do the same. You can email her at or visit her web site To access a free copy of an interview with Bob Proctor,you can go to

Increasing Prosperity With Positive Thinking
Increasing prosperity in our lives can be accomplished by having the right frame of mind. The truth is, our thoughts are very powerful. They are capable of influencing every aspect of our daily lives, from our physical health to our social behaviors. I'm sure you've heard the adage, "As you think, so shall you be."

If we want to improve our lives, we must first improve our thoughts. Harnessing the power of thought in a positive way has the ability to create great change in our lives, including our financial well-being and prosperity. But how? How do we take something as intangible as thoughts, and manifest them into a physical reality?

We must first understand that being prosperous is more than having a lot of money. Prosperity is a mindset, a way of interacting in our lives, and a way of thinking. Mastering this train of thought is not easy, but it is simple enough if we keep working on it consistently.

Following are some ideas to help you improve your thoughts, and ultimately attract more prosperity into your life:

Be grateful for the blessings in your life right now. Take a few minutes each day to express heartfelt gratitude for the good things in your life. Even more powerful, write a few of these blessings down each day. This helps to put your focus in the right direction -- on abundance, not lack.

Use positive affirmations to begin training yourself to think positively. Use "I am" statements such as "I am worthy of all that is good." Write the statements down and repeat them nightly before bed. Over time, this will implant these thoughts into your subconscious mind, and you will begin to naturally believe them.

Creative visualization can help you achieve prosperity by determining what it is you wish to achieve, and then thoroughly creating that image in your mind. This works in the same way affirmations do. Our subconscious will fill with images of prosperity, and eventually these subconscious "truths" will manifest in the physical. "See" yourself as being prosperous, and you will become so.

Encourage yourself with the belief that you can achieve great things. This could also be one of your affirmations, but expand on it. If you know you can earn a certain salary, tell yourself you can earn more. Allow yourself to believe all things are possible, and you will gain the confidence needed to reach higher than you ever imagined you could. If you believe you can do it, you are more likely to take the risks associated with people who are highly successful. Prosperity and success go hand in hand, so take risks and aim higher.

Start a savings account. As strange as it sounds, think about this: Like Attracts Like. Even if you can only afford to put a few dollars into your account every month, it will begin to build up and attract more money.

Finally, believe you are already wealthy. The creative ability of our thoughts is such that we lend more power and energy to whatever we consistently focus on. Focusing on lack will create more lack. Focusing on wealth and prosperity will create . . . guess what?

Remember that this is a process. You likely won't change your circumstances in one day. But over time, with consistent focus, your thoughts will begin to attract what you want. Once you master this power of thought, there are truly no limits to what you can create!

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer who strives to motivate, uplift, and inspire you to make your dreams a reality. Visit her website, for more positive thoughts to help you on your journey.

Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich - By Jeffrey Tan E H
The Law of Attraction states that "whatever we think about, we bring about". This law may initially seem like new age fluff but believe it or not, there are scientific merits to this proposition. The top quantum physicists of our time have discovered that our universe and our reality is very much directed by the "observer". When studying quantum particles (the smallest observable unit of matter), these scientists discovered that such particles behave in accordance with the person conducting the experiment. It the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in a certain way, they do. And yet, if the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in another way, they do. It is the "observer" that dictates the outcome of the experiment! What does all this mean for us normal people? Well actually, these scientific experiments has far reaching implications for us as our world is made up of these same quantum particles! In this case, we are the "observer" the director and hence the creator of our reality, our world and our experience. So, be careful of what you think about! for example, have you thoughts ever begun with the following phrases: I don’t understand… I don't want... I’m frustrated that… I hate my… I can’t figure out … I’m stressed about… I’m worried that… I should be able to… but I can’t… Why am I having so much trouble? The Law of Attraction indifferent to the words preceding your thought. Whatever you think about you will attract into your life. When you think "I don't understand why bad things always happen to me?", you are "attracting" bad things into your life. When you think "I want to get out of debt", you are attracting more debt into your life. When you think "I'm worried I will get sick", you are attracting sickness into your life! The Law of Attraction brings about what you focus on even if it is not what you want. Get it? If you understand this principle, here are some examples of how to make the law of attraction work to support you rather than to act against you. Try observing your thoughts and changing your thinking in the following way: "I want to get out of debt" to "I want to earn amazing riches" "I hate my boss" to "I look forward to owning my own business" "I don't understand why he is so lazy" to "I love it when he helps out around the house" "I'm stressed about this project" to "I always create amazing results in my projects" "I'm worried about getting sick" to "I experience vibrant health daily" Now that we have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction, it is no surprise why so many people struggle with regards to money. It is been said that "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer". This is actually the Law of Attraction in action. Because the wealthy have money, they often think about how to best use their money and hence they attract more money. The poor on the other hand often think about their present lack of money and unfortunately, that also attracts lack into their lives. Currently, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by just 1% of the population! To address this issue, the main teachers behind the movie is launching a program is called "The Science of Getting Rich" and it is based on employing the law of attraction to create wealth. This amazing program is based on the principles and philosophies outlined in a book of the same title written in 1910 by Wallace D Wattles. This is the same book that inspired the movie. What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth. Click here to learn more about the Science of Getting Rich Seminar Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret" Jeffrey Tan is an entrepreneur, he has a company dealing with export, he also coaches many students, and internet marketing is his passion makes it easy to provide ways which would gradually increase your site conversion rate. To receive your free part-mini course visit the a> free ebook on - Secrets To The Richest Path a>

Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret" Jeffrey Tan is an entrepreneur, he has a company dealing with export, he also coaches many students, and internet marketing is his passion makes it easy to provide ways which would gradually increase your site conversion rate. To receive your free part-mini course visit the free ebook on - Secrets To The Richest Path

What are affirmations?
Close your eyes for a full minute and observe your thoughts. Try it. According to a study, an average human have 55,000 thoughts per day or 38 thoughts per minute. So, what were your 38 thoughts about? Were the thoughts running so fast you couldn’t decipher its meaning? If you try observing your thoughts in silence with your eyes closed for a longer period of time, you will come to experience how our thoughts are a reflection of our inner beliefs. Every thought you think that is decoded into a word you say is an affirmation. Our reality is created by our beliefs; beliefs are thought patterns we developed since childhood. These beliefs make up our personality; the positive beliefs become our strengths while the negative ones form our weaknesses. So, self development is all about transforming our weaknesses in order to have a more fulfilling life. You would have probably read numerous self-help books and attended countless motivational seminars, yet the dysfunctional thought patterns are still a hindrance to growth. Why? Most of our learning experiences are done on a conscious level. There is still growth and change on this level but some of our erroneous thought patterns are deep-seated. These flawed thoughts ought to be released and replaced with affirmative positive thoughts. When we integrate positive experiences like a duck takes to water, it means we have made an affirmative deposit into our subconscious level. Our self-talk is a stream of affirmations and we are constantly affirming subconsciously through thoughts and speech which in turn become our life experience in every moment. The subconscious utilizes the behaviour patterns learned in the past to respond and react to all that is happening every moment in our life. If the basis for our beliefs is flawed at an early stage (e.g. “I am not good enough”), problems would crop up throughout life. The skills of being aware of our thoughts are not taught in schools as we were growing up. So, as long as we haven’t understood that faulty beliefs are the source of our problems, we would be going around in much despair. Just like how you would re-boot the central processing unit of your computer when you want to start anew, you can re-programme your thought patterns. Positive affirmations can replace invalid beliefs and create the reality you desire. Positive affirmations are short statements that help focus your awareness on your power and ability to create and have what you want. They are stated in the present tense as you repeat and say these affirmations, you will begin to create them as true for you. So in place of the erroneous belief in the example above, affirm: “I accept and love myself for who I am now”; and, “I give myself permission to be all I can be”. Use affirmations to open and expand your awareness of what you can have. Use them to align with your wisdom and to attune with the unlimited abundance of the universe. As you repeatedly say them to yourself, you will create positive, more enriching realities in your life. For a start, you may write your own affirmations on small pieces of paper and plaster them on your computer screen, car dashboard or the bathroom mirror.

Meeyuen Thang is a former journalist and since becoming a mother, her main interests are self improvement and child development, particularly in emotional literacy. You can visit her website at

Online Dating's Top 5 Myths
Many lonely singles are afraid to try online singles sites because they have listened to the many misconceptions about internet dating. Matchmaking sites are among the fastest and easiest to find people who share your interests, politics, and ideals, and we’ll show you the truth behinds the myths of online dating.

1. Bigger is Better
Everyone should know not to believe this myth when it comes to finding true love, and yet it persists when it comes to dating sites. Some online dating sites boast 12 million members and more, which sounds impressive. But millions of members is actually a disadvantage, when most of them don’t share your ideals or interests. A smaller site that is targeted to your kind of special person is more likely to help you find love quickly and easily.

2. Online Dating is Expensive
While it’s true that some dating sites charge an arm and a leg for the privilege of using their service, that doesn’t mean that you have to fall into that trap. Many good dating sites offer basic services absolutely free, and advanced features for less than the price of a cup of coffee every month.

3. You Can’t Find Good Singles Online
There are a whole lot of rumors that fall into this subcategory, but they boil down to the belief that people who use online dating sites are all desperate liars, weirdoes, or losers. In actuality, the people who look for love online are exactly the same kinds of people that you’ll meet offline. Just about everybody is online these days, from progressive singles looking for lovers who share their political passions to busy doctors who have little time for dating games.

4. Long Distance Relationships Don’t Work
With the entire dating world at your fingertips, it’s easy to fall in love with someone who lives far away, and everyone knows that path leads to heartbreak. Better to date close to home, right?

Wrong. Studies have shown that long distance relationships actually tend to be stronger and last longer than average couples. LDRs foster frequent communication, patience, and honesty

5. People on Online Dating Websites are Only Looking for One Thing
Even if you’re not ready to jump into dating, online matchmaking sites are a great place to meet friends and companions. Whether you’re looking for a partner to debate politics or to take with you to protests, or a friend who’ll play board games and go to the movies, you can find them on singles sites. And who knows? What starts as a friendship might end up being a true romance.

Singles sites are a wonderful place to meet people who hail from around the corner or on the other side of the world, who share your interests, and who are looking for friendship or love. Why not give it a try today, and see for yourself how it can be to find your true love?

Sandra Grauschopf is a firm believer in true love. For a great place for liberals to meet other democratic singles, she recommends, the internet's top free meeting place for progressive thinkers.

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