Sunday, November 2, 2008

Maria Duval - The Historical Sketch Of Hypnotism

The Historical Sketch Of Hypnotism
The history of hypnosis is as antiquated as the human lineage. Even the most crude pagans were aware of this amazing psychological display, and it was used in the magical celebrations of their wizards to bring up apprehension and magnify faith in the supernatural and the occult. With this extensive record of supernaturalism and mysticism, it is not shocking that the conventional public point of view toward hypnosis has been and still is one of antagonism, misapprehension and fear. The early scientific presentations in the study of hypnosis began with Anton Mesmer in 1775, from whose name originates the term mesmerism which is even today in modern usage. Mesmer`s utilization of hypnosis commenced with his find that some types of medical patients were affected by arm stroking and sleep suggestions. Mesmer ascribed these sanative outcomes to the `quality` of `animal magnetism`, and he proposed a concept that animal magnetism was some enigmatic and peculiar cosmic fluid with remedial properties. Despite Mesmer`s excellent insightful comprehension of clinical psychology, he had no distinct awareness of the psychological attributes of his therapy. Yet, he cared for a large number of patients with success on whom traditional medical procedures had failed. Regrettably, his radical temperament and mystical peculiarity of his therapy brought him inordinately to discredit despite the fact that a lot of physicians visited his clinic throughout the height of his accomplishment to come to know the important lessons in the mystic art of psychotherapy, specifically, the significance of clinical psychology. Since Mesmer there has been a succession of talented men who became interested in hypnosis and maintained it effectively in medical purposes, granting it an gradually more scientific justification and power. Elliotson, the first man in England to utilize the stethoscope, got interested in hypnosis about 1817, used it thoroughly, and left tremendous manuscripts of its beneficial effect in selected cases. Esdaille, motivated by Elliotson`s case reports, became an devoted advocate of mesmerism, as it was then called, and truly succeeded in interesting the British government in founding a hospital in India, where he used it extensively on all sorts of medical patients, leaving countless exceptional transcripts of major and minor surgery executed under hypnotic anesthesia. The commencement of a psychological apprehension of the phenomenon began in 1841 with James Braid, firstly an opponent and then later a most dedicated inquirer and supporter. It was he who invented the phrase hypnosis, acknowledged the psychological constitution of hypnotic sleep, and addressed a lot of its manifestations, designing methods whereby to check their authenticity.

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Invisible Energy Fields Are Conducting Life
For everything that exists, there lies a latent potential for it to exist. The realization of that potential is an expression of consciousness. As consciousness is expressed we observe it as energy, it appears to us as time, space, energy and matter. We engage it in light and sound, through natural laws and in how our own brains function. This life force current, innate intelligence or spirit, that underlies all existence is creating, regenerating, directing and guiding all life. Life is expressed through fields of consciousness we think of as spirit. Spirit is what animates all of existence, and guides it too. That which causes life within you is you. You are the consciousness, expressing as spirit through the body-mind vehicle that you will one day discard. So, if everything is being guided by these invisible streams of consciousness, if there really are fields of energy conducting life, and if we can learn to feel them and be guided by them and get connected with the very design and expression of the Divine itself, wouldn't that be wonderful? We "know" some kind of energy is being conducted throughout our body, causing life, but do you really know it? There is a whole world of subtle energy guiding life. There are invisible forces guiding your life, you experience them all the time, but wouldn't it be powerful if you could know what you are being guided towards, and what you are being guided away from? You can work with the Force, the Guidance, with Spirit. The way to connect with this inner knowing, this Source of life within you that is you, is through Shaktipat Meditation. You may even begin to feel it now as you are reading this. Observe the energy moving from this page into your eyes. Spirit has brought us together so I could help your mind develop a relationship with the Spirit that you are. So my spirit is writing this and your spirit is reading this; an inner knowing is awakening within you now as I remind you of that which you already innately know. Interesting isn't it? Take deep breath now and see if you can feel the Shakti in your body, let your mind behold the spirit that you are. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and observe the feelings. Shaktipat Meditation is simply your body and mind being present to the spirit that you are, you basically get high on God as your spirit is expressed through your mind and senses; as your mind realizes the true nature of your Self. Each time we connect through CD, book, newsletter, Enlightenment Radio, retreat, home study or Self Realization Course your energy grows stronger, your spirit shines brighter. We not only make it stronger, clearer and brighter, we raise the level of consciousness you are conducting until you can reside in the bliss all the time.Don't settle for less. God is calling you. Just stay tuned into this. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir "Anything other than this:is just of the mind and isn't ultimately real."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation MP3�s & eBook!

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