Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Maria Duval - Become The Star, Director, And Writer Of Your Future.

Become The Star, Director, And Writer Of Your Future.
One of the secrets of success is to not work so hard with your physical body; instead, use your mind to work out the details of how to be the person you want to be. Are you motivated to spend 10 minutes a day envisioning the future you want to create for yourself?

By deliberately mentally rehearsing the experience of success in your mind, you can turn aspirations into realities. See yourself free from the old negative habits that have wasted your time, energy, and money. Forget willpower for now and imagine yourself with positive behaviors. See yourself handling any challenging situation that normally triggers your old habits and see yourself using new strategies and doing it with

Success experts say your imagination is your own personal workshop of the mind. This is particularly true when you want to program yourself towards new habits of success.

Visualize Yourself as the Person You Want to Be with Mental Rehearsal.

Mental rehearsal is the most powerful way to tap into your creative process and overcome old behavior patterns. Mental rehearsal can be used in all areas of your life, from seeing yourself as a non smoker, seeing yourself as the weight and size you want to be, and even seeing yourself as calm during challenging times.

Mental rehearsal is a tool that can help you reduce the effects of stressful situations. Now you will be more resourceful, reducing the possibility of reverting to your old habits. All areas in your life can benefit from imagery. It doesn?t matter what level your goals are on: physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

Use visualization to improve your abilities. Because the body follows the mind, if you start seeing yourself in a different light, then your body will follow suit ? maybe by not craving the things that hurt you, or by motivating you to exercise more. It?s up to you to experiment. Who knows what miracles you can create in your life by using this
powerful tool?

Counselors and therapists who recommend using mental rehearsal say it is the true key to tap your potential. Their research reveals that all of our skills are learned through the image-making process, whether it?s driving a car, reading a book, or changing a habit.

You use your mind to picture the activity before you actually perform it. Think of it like this: Your mind works like a movie projector, screening an endless reel of memories and scenes of situations both real and imagined. You have the power to direct your movie projector (your mind) to reach your desired goals. Once you imagine something new for yourself, you begin to be flooded with ideas about how to realize that image. All of this will come about when you have allowed yourself to break through your own worst limitation, what you believe are your capabilities.

Seth Francis is the owner of http://www.breakyourhabits.com. Learn the true steps needed to Break any Habit in only 21 days. With the help of Personal coach Lee Milteer, Seth is able to bring you a comprehensive program to help you dig deep into your inner self and release your habits from with in, while reprogramming your mind. Copyright 2006

Science Fiction's Influence on Society
Accordingly, the borderline between fantasy and science fiction is blurred, and many bookstores shelve science fiction and fantasy together. The science fiction genre has a strong fan community of readers and viewers, of which many authors are a part. In reading science fiction books, abstract concepts such as mutations, radiation, space travel and planets are experienced.

Although science fiction is often written primarily to entertain, many authors use the genre to provide insight into science, society, or the human condition. But science fiction is visionary by design and prophetic only by accident.

And yet the strange thing is, in some way, some real way, much of what appears under the title "science fiction" is true. Science fiction has ad a role in shaping public attitudes towards the atomic bomb during the fifties and sixties. Modern consciousness therefore is radically different from that of the peoples who inhabited the planet before the emergence of science fiction. America proved especially hospitable to science fiction, even before it acquired a name.

About the Author Francesca Black is a fan of science fiction. She is a freelance writer and writes articles for Science Fiction Corner http://www.science-fiction-corner.com and UFO Gifts http://www.ufo-gifts.com .

Depression And Relationships
Depression can be a very lonely illness and your relationships are a key part of how you cope with your depression. You need friends for support. Not just good weather friends but friends who can support you when you?re down. If one of these friends is also depressed it is not necessarily a bad thing. You can understand each other and perhaps be there on each other?s bad days (but not if you?re having a bad time at the same time). However, you need to be conscious when choosing sexual partners that your depression will have altered you as a person. It is likely that the person you get together with when depressed will not be the person you want to be with when you are better. When you are depressed you are a different person ? you may not even know who you really are ? but your partner will be with the person you are at that time. Also, depression alters your view of the world and therefore your view of other people, so your view of your partner will not be the same when you are better.

Now, I?m not saying that you shouldn?t start a relationship when depressed. On the contrary, it could be the best thing for you. It may provide the stability you need to start working through your problems and you may be able to talk to your partner about things you can?t discuss with anyone else. Your partner may be the only person you can relax around and start to feel yourself again. Issues may arise that hadn?t before and wouldn?t have come up if you weren?t in a relationship. On the other hand, you may find that you keep up the pretence of being the person you think you ought to be. There is also the possibility that the relationship could fail before you are ready - perhaps due to your depression. This will make you worse. Either way, the stability may give you the space to start seeing things differently and the confidence to start seeking therapy.

However, what I strongly advise is do not start a relationship with someone who is also depressed. I am not a doctor but I do have 25 years experience of depression and there are two likely outcomes of this sort of relationship. Firstly, one of you will get better, you will split and the other will get worse. The reason is this: if you are simply friends with another depressed person you can help each other and if one of you gets better you can still be there to help the other one with your understanding and advice. However, if you are in a relationship with another depressed person and one of you gets better and you split up then the other person will have suffered the end of their relationship plus the loss of their friendship and support. By all means be friends with other depressed people, we all need friends when we?re depressed, but wait until you have both recovered before you think about starting a sexual partnership.

Depression is a difficult illness to really get rid of. Once you have had it there is always the possibility of a recurrence. If you have recovered from your depression but are still in a relationship with someone who is depressed it is very difficult to stay recovered. Also, you may find that you want to get out of the relationship but feel trapped because you know that the other person will get worse. The stress of this may send you back into depression. This is the second outome - you will both remain depressed.

There are two remaining possible outcomes - the first is that you will both get better and stay together. I believe this is highly unlikely but not impossible. You will both be different people when you are better, with different views and personalities from when you first got together. You may still like each other but want different things. It would be great if you both manage to help each other through depression and out the other side but the normal stresses and strains of a relationship make this unlikely.

The other outcome is that one of you will get better and you will stay together. I think this is the least likely to happen. If you recover from depression and live with someone who is depressed you are not likely to be really happy. You may still remember the feelings and understand but there may be an element of "I got through it so you should be able to as well." We all know that's unreasonable as part of depression is the feeling that you just can't try any more but don't people always say that ex-smokers and the worst critics of smokers?

Bear in mind that a long-term partnership is not necessarily a bad thing when you are depressed but please think about the consequences of getting together with another depressed person. Try to help each other and be there for each other but keep enough distance between you so that you help each other and not bring each other down. In other words, stay friends and don?t live with each other, at least, not until you know who you really are.

June23 maintains the Depression Online Site - a collection of articles for people living either with depression or with someone with depression.

Be Positive - Think Positive - Be A Winner - Mould The Champion In You
Do you know that you can gain success over any difficult situation in your life by thinking positive?

Yes you can...

The main reason that you fail in what you do is because of that negative mind set that holds you from behind. Think Positive.

When you fail in something you do, this is what actually happens - Way deep inside your mind, somewhere in your subconscious you will have a negative feeling which says you cant do it or you cant win over that situation or say you cant hold that much or you cant beat him/her or you are going to fail, that's what makes you fail.

Thinking positive and being positive in your life can earn you a lot. Imagine a life where you are the all time champion, where you always win what you do, where there is no failure, where you are well respected in your society, fame, people trying to copy your success...

Ha ha what a dream... you might think its a dream that wont ever happen but I tell you that its all possible when you sort out the negative and think positive in your life.

What if I say I can show you real life examples of people who are successful in whatevever they do because of their positive attitude. Yes I can, read on...

The best example I can show you is none other than the Now California Governor, The Hollywood Super Star, The Body Building Champion what a great titles... Now you know who he is... Yea none other than Arnold Schwarzeneggar. You can see from the exclamatory titles itself that what a big champion Arnold is. Whatever things he jumped in to, he came up with flying colours... See what Arnold says about being positive - From his own words in his documentary video about Arnold training and preparing to win the MR. Olympia Contest, 7th Time:-

"If you want to be a champion, you cannot have any kind of an outside negative force coming in and affect you... Lets say before the contest if I get emotionally involved with the girl, that can have a negative effect on my mind. So therefore I have to cut my emotions off and be kind of cold in the way before competition. That's what we do then with the rest of the things. If somebody steals my car outside of my door right now, I don't care, I cant be bothered with that, the only thing i would do is I would ask my secretary to call the insurance agency and laugh about it because I cannot be bothered with it. So i trained myself for that to be totally cold and not have the things go in to my mind and it was in that way I said the story when my father died because my mother called me on the phone and she said your father is dead and this was exactly two months before the contest. She said to come home for the funeral & i said no, Its too late, he's dead and there is nothing to be done and am sorry i cant come, and I didn't explain to her really the reasons why and i gave other excuses to her because I'll be explaining to a mother whose husband died, you know you are tripped. I didn't bother with it and that actually caused one of the greatest conflicts with my girl friend because she just looked at me and said, it doesn't bother you? & I never talk about it again."

Ha no wonder he became a junior Mr. Europe when he was a boy and then became Five-time Mr. Universe and then seven-time Mr. Olympia, and Mr. World then became Hollywood Superstar and now California Governor.

One day I happened to watch a paul vault competition on TV, well I never watched paul vault sports before. What drew my attention to watch it was the great confidence and positiveness I saw on her face when she was about to do the paul vault. I didn't even know her name actually. When the time came for her performance in the competition what I saw was a super confident face and there was applause all around and what I want to point out was that there wasn't a slight negativeness that I can find in her face and with that kind of a confidence who wont win any competition. Guess what she won it and she won the world record for the highest jump in Paul Vault. Next day I found her name and world record on news paper. Yelena Isinbayeva world record holder for paul vault and who won the world athlete of the year for the second time on 2005. She broke her own world records many times later on paul vault.
So when you are positive in your mission inside, that positive rays will reflect not only on your face but also in what you do and you are going to overcome whatever difficult situation, however tough it may be...

I think I don't need to give any more explanation. Hope you now know how much happiness, positive mindset can bring to your life. So are you ready to Mould The Champion In You... ?


Copyright © 2006 Spencer Jones

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Simply Psychic
Dating After Death or Divorce Deciding to get back into the dating pool after the death of your partner or after a divorce can be a very intimidating prospect. Wondering if you have waited long enough, are emotionally ready to date someone new, and how you will meet available partners are all valid concerns. If you have been in a long relationship and it has been a long time since you dated or met anyone new you are interested in, the idea of going through the process of meeting someone and getting to know them can seem like a daunting task after being in a relationship where you were so comfortable. As nerve wracking as it can be, if you have the right attitude getting back into the dating pool can be an exciting and worthwhile adventure. What follows are a few things to keep in mind as you stick your big toe back in the dating pool. 1) Give yourself time to grieve your past relationship. Whether your relationship ended because of death or divorce, you need to grieve. Loosing a partner to death is devastating. Divorce is also very painful. You need to acknowledge your feelings and process your grief before you can fully commit to pursuing another relationship. 2) Let go of the past. This absolutely does not mean that you stop loving the person you have lost. Frankly, I wouldn’t want to date someone who stopped loving their partner simply because they had died. But it does mean that you have to let them go, accept that that relationship is over, and desire to move onto a new phase of your life. The same goes for people who are divorced. In order to move on to something new, you have to let go of the old. Learn from your mistakes and approach the future with a clean slate. 3) Acknowledge your needs. No matter what our age, we all have the need for human companionship. It is ok to want to have someone in your life. Whether it is just to have a companion to have dinner and participate in other activities with or whether you are looking for a serious relationship that may lead to marriage, you need to acknowledge your needs and be OK with it. 3) When is it enough time? This can be a difficult question to answer. We are no longer bound by convention in society that says you must wait a specific period of time before dating. Many people are afraid of what people will say if they appear to be dating too soon or they have their own feelings of guilt thinking they are betraying their former partner by dating someone soon after a loss. The answer is when you are ready you are ready. For some people that is a year or more, for some it is a lot less. You may meet someone you really like a lot sooner than you plan and want to date them or it may take you a while to find that special someone. As long as you have paid attention to rule number one above, let your heart guide you. Life is short. Do you really want to pass up an opportunity for possible happiness because you are afraid you have not waited long enough? 4) Be cautious. I wish I could say everyone out there is pure in their motives. Unfortunately there are people out there of any age who prey on vulnerable people. If you have not been in the dating world for a while, your anxiousness and excitement when you meet someone new may cloud your judgment. Exercise caution for your physical safety as well as your personal safety. Get to know someone before you tell them where you live. Meet them in a public place the first several times you see them. NEVER discuss financial information until you know someone very well. NEVER give someone money or the keys to your house. Use common sense. If someone really wants to get to know you they will understand why you want to meet in public or take things slow. Also there is safety in numbers so consider taking another single friend with you to single events. It can help you feel more at ease at singles events where it is easy to feel awkward. 5) Have fun. Whether you are looking for a long term relationship or something more casual take time to enjoy the experience of meeting new people and being sociable. Every person you meet will not be a Mr. or Ms Right but that does not mean you can’t enjoy their company and make a new friend. Plus, you never know who they might introduce you to! While dating again after a death or divorce can be anxiety provoking and stressful, how you approach it can go a long way to have a positive attitude and get the most from your experiences. If you consider these tips you will be on your way to putting yourself out there in a positive way.

Kelly Connell better known online as "SexPert Kelly" is a contributing author to many sites dealing with Human Sexuality, Dating and Relationships. Her newest project covers online dating and how the newly single amongst us can maximize their online dating experienceswhile minimizing the disasters..:-) click here to read more!

Galactic Mystery - Matter - On The Dark Side
Scientific inquiry can be described as a sequence of observations leading to a hypothesis which must be tested by experimentation. The results either validate or invalidate the hypothesis which was under test. Unfortunately, the interpretation of the data sometimes does not elucidate some new truth but rather eclipses our thoughts into a new era of ignorance.

Heralding a new age in the cosmos, Norwegian Kristian Birkeland predicted that the universe likely consisted of an exotic component that would later be called dark matter. His comments about this subject matter appeared in a description of the Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition (1902-1903). Birkeland's ideas about the Expedition were published in the fateful year of 1913 which would see the rise of the socialist Federal Reserve System and the Income Tax in the United States of America, two key components of the communist manifesto. Evolutionary processes were in motion throughout all fields of endeavor. Economics, politics, science and the hearts and minds of men and women were in the balance whilst relativism not truth held sway over the modern imagination. Cosmology would suffer from the same 'evolutionary' mindset and Birkeland wrote as much:

"We have assumed that each stellar system in evolutions throws off electric corpuscles into space. It does not seem unreasonable therefore to think that the greater part of the material masses in the universe is found, not in the solar systems or nebulae, but in "empty" space."

In this fashion, Birkeland predicted that because of the 'evolutions' present within the cosmos most of the matter in the universe must be found in 'empty' space rather than that which is observable in stellar objects. It is currently believed that only four percent of the universe is of this ordinary visible stellar type. Further, about a quarter of the universe is made up of the ubiquitous dark matter with the rest of the cosmos being filled with the even more bizarre dark energy. It was Fritz Zwicky, a swiss astrophysicist working for Caltech, who would further the concept of dark matter through the aegis of the Virial Theorem.

This mathematical relation is a formula which bounds the energy of a set of particles. In another dark year in the steady evolution to slavery since 1933 saw the removal of gold from the accounts of american citizenry, Zwicky used the Virial Theorem in an attempt to ascertain the validity of the dark matter hypothesis. He focussed his attention on the Coma galactic cluster and his analysis provided prima facie confirmation for the existence of dark matter. By evaluating the amount of movement of those galaxies at the periphery of the cluster he was able to approximately surmise the aggregate of all the matter therein.

He was astonished to learn that this sum total of mass is different from a separately computed estimate. This other value was obtained by analyzing the sum total of galaxies and the brightness of the Coma cluster. Juxtaposing this value with the periphery computation he observed that there was a discrepancy of at a minimum four hundredfold. Since the galaxies were insufficiently massive to cause the computed orbital velocities there must be some other mechanism to explain this phenomena. This conundrum became in the scientific lexicon the missing mass problem. Zwicky had established the need for the existence of an invisible source of mass hitherto unknown which must provide the necessary gravitational effect for the cluster.

Thus, it is a fact of the current state of cosmology that the greatest set of evidence for dark matter comes from this galactic gravitational data. Scientists have even made galactic curves describing the rotational properties of stars versus the distance from the galactic center. When the gravitational data is plotted it can be shown that only a small portion of the observed speeds are explicable by classical computations. In other words, there is a scarcity of visible mass in the observed galaxies to attribute the sum total of gravitational effects to visibly observable stars planets and galaxies. Thus, the simplest way to explain this galactic mystery of insufficient mass is to hypothesize a non-detectable type of mass known as dark matter which can be the cause for the gravitational effects.

As more and more data is collected on these and other aspects of the universe, formulae and cosmological postulates are generated describing the results so obtained. Fulfilling the requirements of the aforementioned aspects leads some scientists to propose several different types of dark matter. The four main types of dark matter are called 1- baryonic dark matter; 2- warm dark matter; 3- cold dark matter and 4- hot dark matter. Dark matter ranges from the known to the predicted, from black holes to brown dwarfs to the massive compact halo objects (MACHOs), the neutrino, axions, WIMPS or weakly interacting massive particles and the esoteric neutralino. However, there is an alternative explanation for the gravitational effects which originally created the dark matter concept.

If an incomplete understanding of gravitation is factored into the picture, then it can be asserted that the dark matter interpretation is incorrect because some other cause is generating these phenomena. Several different contending theories have been developed to describe the observed galactic data. In particular, one of the main competing explanations is given by scalar tensor theories which try to combine the teachings of quantum mechanics with gravity. Amplifying these ideas leads to a variety of exotic ideas which challenge our most fundamental notions of physics and astronomy. Other concepts go even further and have been the subject of interest for astronomers like Dr. Riccardo Scarpa since these allow for a cosmology without the inclusion of the enigmatic dark matter.

Dr. Scarpa works at the European Southern Observatory in Santiago Chile using the Very Large Telescope Array at Paranal. With all of his experience in this field, it is interesting to note some of his most recent comments on the superfluous dark matter:

"Dark matter is the craziest idea we've ever had in astronomy. It can appear when you need it, it can do what you like, be distributed in any way you like. It is the fairy tale of astronomy."

In view of these comments one should ask if another scientific idea might be on the verge of collapsing. Indeed, astronomers are routinely using these other theoretical principles on a daily basis in infrared observatories around the world. Thus, it is very likely that we are simply wrong about all of this dark matter. It is within all probability that the only dark matter that we will ever find is that ignorant dark matter between our ears.

Michael Strauss is an engineer and author of Requiem for Relativity the Collapse of Special Relativity. www.relativitycollapse.net or www.relativitycollapse.com
Raise Your Vibration!
Raise Your Vibration! By Ana Lovejoy

Seeking to make your life easier, more productive and lots more interesting? Raise your vibration. I am offering a simple lesson here that anyone can follow.

Every object on earth vibrates at certain frequencies. After all, the trees in your yard, your beloved dog, your living room couch and your neighbor are all made of energy. And they all vibrate or hum along with the universe.

If you've ever walked under power lines, you've hear the humming. What about when you were last caught outside as a thunderstorm approached? Did the hair stand up on your arms and on the back of your neck?

How about those "unexplainable" reactions to people you've just met? Everyone has met one person that was so "attractive" she or he drew you like a magnet. Your reactions are explainable. And that attraction isn't one of looks or even personality. You are being drawn by their energy, so if you run into a very positive person, who is vibrating at a higher frequency than anyone else around you, you will be drawn to that great, feel-good energy. The opposite applies as well. If you run into a negative person or someone in a bad mood, they are going to be sending out lower vibrations. While you may not be attracted to them, if you pick up on the vibrations, you may just feel your mood slipping downward.

If all this sounds too woo-woo to you, don't worry. Whether it's too much to rationalize or accept, you will no longer care once you've spent a day or two at a higher vibration.

Benefits include: - Flowing out energy at a higher frequency will attract other people and situations that are positive. - Forget that mid-morning espresso; practice raising yourself up one "step" and you will feel refreshed and re-energized. - Have chronic pain or fatigue? While raising your vibration will not cure all ills.yet, you will feel relief and find yourself able to do more each day. - Raising your vibration will help you to feel more connected with the universe and is the first step to exploring the metaphysical, healing with energy and connecting with angels or spirits.

Practice raising your vibration; follow these simple steps. To get started, an active imagination helps, but if you find this difficult, practice it once a day until you can raise your vibration with ease.

Start with this grounding exercise. Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes. Imagine your legs are the roots of a strong tree. Visualize those "roots" going deep into the ground.

Next take three or more deep breaths. Breathe in.count to 6..exhale. Repeat at least two more times.

Close your eyes. In your mind's eye, see a beautiful stairway in front of you. Before you start up, do a small hum at the vibration you are now. Take one step and FEEL yourself going up. If it helps, sit up straighter each time you take an imaginary step to help you feel your head, neck, and chest raise up. Imagine your humming raises a note each step. If you feel dizzy, you are moving too fast, but you have the idea. Stop when you feel dizzy or have too much buzzing in your ears or head.

If you feel nothing, just try the exercise later or on another day. Practicing it will make it an easy exercise to do anywhere: at work, in the car, at home.

Work days pass more quickly, and driving in stop and go traffic will no longer raise your blood pressure once you learn to raise your vibration.

Ana Lovejoy is the publisher of SpiritConnection, a free ezine on spiritual and paranormal matters. Visit her website at www.tarotbyana.com . Subscribe to the bi-weekly online newsletter by sending a blank email to SpiritConnection-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .

The Law Of Attraction
LAW OF ATTRACTION My Story My first experience with the law of attraction was hearing about “The Secret” DVD 4 years ago. At that time I was having problems meeting the rent and dodging debt collectors and really wanted to get my life sorted out and this law of attraction thing sounded like my last hope. I was so excited when I first heard about The Secret DVD and this mysterious Law of attraction that I immediately ordered it online, at that time it was only available from the US. The first time I watched The Secret it totally blew me away I felt like I had discovered the world’s most precious treasure. In an instant it crushed bad habits like my constant worrying about my lack of money (law attracting more lack of money) and I quickly learned to stop my thoughts and switch my mind to ideas for making money (law attracting more money). The Secret also taught me that if I started thinking I’d be late, or the money wouldn’t come, or I wouldn’t get the job, the law of attraction would always match exactly what my thoughts and feelings were vibrating. I used to watch the Secret DVD every morning when getting ready for work, to remind me to really vibrate positively through out the day and to allow myself dream about things I wanted and to actually go out and research my wants. For instance if I wanted a new car then I would just go an test drive one, If I wanted to live a nicer flat then I would go and view some, If wanted a new outfit well then I would go and try some on and most importantly not to worry or allow my focus to think about the lack of money, the law of attraction would take care of that , all I had to do was learn how to vibrate and be excited about the things I wanted. I found that by actually going in a shop and pretending I was going to buy something I would then get so excited I would realize that I really really wanted and then some how my mind would later find a way to get the money .I really think my mind would not have got the ideas for the money each time if I had not first allowed my self to get excited over it. The Secret DVD also advised that to really get the attraction working; you should start a law of attraction scrap book. So I cut out pictures of things I wanted and stuck them in this book and would look at it every day. In my scrap book I had a new phone, a new PC laptop an expensive Juicer, a new pair of trainers. I had wanted these things for months and months and would often feel sad that I could find no way of getting the money but within 14 days of the Scrap book I had a new Nokia 6300 a brand new Dell 1706 PC laptop and all the other bits too. The law of attraction really seemed to be working. Having these items made me feel I was getting my life together and my vibration and confidence then increased and because of that my work then increased and then more money started coming in. I did get some of the bigger items on finance and I could have actually got them months earlier before The Secret came along but I was feeling so negative and sad about NOT having them I had assumed I wouldn’t pass the credit checks and never even bothered to try, but The Secret made me think it was possible to have them so I did the research which got me excited and then I was determined to get them and I got them. The Secret DVD and law of attraction is a clever but simple psychology that really works and changes lives, it’s fact , not hype or nonsense, but we do need to train our minds to vibrate positive and long enough and strong enough to actually receive and attract and that does take having some real discipline over our minds. If people spent just 1 hour a day working with the law of attraction exercises and formula’s they could save themselves years and years of lack and struggle and really learn to manifest their dream and desires in much shorter space of time. Law of attraction http://law---of--attraction.blogspot.com Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

Why Metaphysics? Part 1
What is metaphysics, and why should we bother studying it? What benefits does it have for humanity? What is its purpose? How will its teachings help advance society? How will it assist our civilization and culture to progress? How will our lives be re-created individually and collectively with the application of metaphysical principles? Questions abound concerning metaphysics, for people intuitively feel that it may have something precious to offer in terms of facilitating personal growth and self-empowerment. Among those spiritually inclined, it has become a "prime directive" to understanding their lives in terms of metaphysical principles and concepts such as multi-dimensional realities, the Higher Self, love, karma, reincarnation, etheric energies, psychicism, oneness with all, cosmic beings, the ascension, etc., and some of the causes of this higher thinking and awareness is the thinning of the cosmic veil between dimensions; the increased contact with invisible forces; the influence of intense electromagnetic cosmic energies bombarding upon our planet and solar system at this time; the influx of higher spiritual beings incarnating in the physical realm; the discoveries of many ancient secrets left hidden in monumental structures and time capsules; scientific developments in hyper-space technologies, and shifts in its paradigms, etc.

All of these are occurring on a global scale, in every nation of this planet, and it is affecting every human being. So it would seem that humanity is awakening from its long sleep of forgetfulness and ignorance. The Tree of Life of immortality, enlightenment, and illumination will be found hidden in the seeds of the Tree of metaphysical knowledge--using the word "metaphysics" in its most spiritual, gnostic sense.

For thousands of years we have sought for truth, and most of the time from the wrong persons and in the wrong places--what we received were man-made opinions and beliefs which were forced upon our minds to be accepted as the "word of God," or the way that Nature had decreed, and that there is nothing that anyone can do to change it. While in our infancy, physically and spiritually speaking, we accepted everything told to us by organized religion, elders, and pedagogues as gospel and truth and we based our philosophy of life on the indoctrination imposed upon us and which subsequently formed our false sense of "conscience," and a poor understanding of spiritual values. This caused us great soulful sufferings and torment in succeeding years in our everyday life--an intense sense of shame, guilt, fear, and sin whenever we "violated" any so-called law of God formulated by theology; and it never occurred to us to question the systems, the mechanisms, and their origins that brought about our morbid condition. This naturally lowered our self-esteem. Conscience is not similar to the concept of the "still, small voice." The latter is the silent voice of the Spirit, whereas conscience in part, is simply the engrams or programs imprinted upon the subconscious mind. Conscience is also partially our memory of the negative consequences of our past actions impinging upon our conscious mind whenever we are about to act in a negative way resembling that of the past.

But to return from our digression: in past centuries we were told lies by false prophets and the ministers of religions that mediators between God and men were necessary; that theirs was the only way to God; that their race or sect were the chosen one of God; that everything that God would reveal to humanity lies in a single book; that God punishes us for sinning and perhaps in the afterlife casts us into hell; that illness, old-age, and death were a natural part of life; that one no longer receives any new revelation from God, etc. We were told to fear God, to see everything as separated from us, to believe that we were born in sin, that the sexual act is shameful, that we were simply mortals subjected to the whims of God for the determination of our fate, that we were inherently bad--and even more--that the world was flat! While at the same time heinous crimes against the Holy Human Spirit were being committed by those very same representatives of religions such as the crimes of persecution, torture, and murder of innocent human beings who simply were more spiritually and psychically inclined or conceived the universe from a different viewpoint--and all these atrocious acts were carried-out in the name of Religion, Love and God. The Crusades and the Inquisition are dark chapters in the history of man.

One of the points that we wish to put forth here is that since time began the dark, retrogressive forces have infiltrated or have tried infiltrating every institution that have sought to improve the condition of the soul, and the expression of the human spirit in our mundane lives. They have always opposed and attacked the true representatives of God and steered seekers of truth away from them. Their purpose is to stall human evolution and progression indefinitely, that human beings cringe and cower under their manipulative control, that humans be made into slaves and automatons answering to their every whim. They work openly and subtly, physically and psychically. They make us believe that we need them--their services and wares--and we are psychologically controlled to be dependent upon them and return to them again and again for their assistance--usually for a large fee or with some loss on our part. We will not be too specific here, we simply caution our readers to "be wary, be very, very wary!" Treading the spiritual metaphysical path will assist one to be more discerning as to the understanding of what is True and what is false, what is Real and what is illusory.

Generally speaking, a portion of humanity is now more experienced in the ways of men and the world than in bygone days, and they seek for that which will release them from all their mortal limitations and errors, from that Gorgon we call "the human ego," from concepts that bind one to personal illusions and glamour, and from that state of human mortality. Many of us are beginning to realize the existence of different dimensions and multifold realities. We seek ways for improving the human condition, for perfecting human expression, and the generation of a new type of Homo sapiens whose intelligence and heart matches those of the immortal gods.

Human beings are basically seekers. Some of us thirst for that which we know not what. The "curiosity instinct" impels every one of us to learn everything we can of our environment, of ourselves, of the universe, of Nature, and of God. What fascinates and intrigues us most are the phenomena caused by forces and powers that transcends the perceptual capacity of the physical senses and the apprehension of the human mind. Humanity is intensely interested in the Intelligence that shapes human destiny--whether this "Intelligence" be considered as a being, a force, a Universal Mind, an omnipresent energy, or a collective consciousness. People are seeking explanations to their "inexplicable" experiences in the field of psychicism and the paranormal. Such occurrences as coincidences or "synchronicity" also baffles the mind as it begs for enlightenment. Those of elderly years wonder what lies for them in the "after-life," as the youthful ones wonder of their place in this world. A questioning being is a thinking being and it denotes, whether consciously realized or not, as a desire to seek, to know, and to be aware of Truth. The curiosity instinct mentioned above could well be the primitive stirrings of the divine will of the highest aspect of Man seeking to be aware of Its essential nature. The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom as taught in metaphysical, esoteric, occult and arcane schools are filled with principles that would help us understand ourselves and our omniverse.

Humanity as a whole, is jaded and sickened by the constant wars and conflicts; with the materialistic and hedonistic life that do not offer any permanent peace and happiness or solutions to the various problems facing us as we approach a new millenium with its tremendous supernal and mundane challenges. Many seek for a more profound meaning in life, for they see through their mundane activities as a brittle illusory facade presenting itself as reality. We often ask "why am I here?" "why do I exist?" "where will I go from here?" Our present systems of religion, philosophy, and science offer no real solution, consolation, solace or comfort to our hearts and soul-search, instead they tend to mislead, confine, and circumscribe the soul and mind to a certain area of life; to a limited way of living and thinking; to a sense of separatism; to a dualistic judgmental attitude; to a sense of fear and helplessness; and to a state of external dependency--it especially confines man to a mortal sense of existence--and we say this not from a sense of judgment but from an observational standpoint.

Conversely, metaphysics as a repository of "New-Age" concepts, the Ageless Wisdom, divine energies, power-centers, and angelic and cosmic support, seek to liberate us from self-imposed limitations as it offers answers to questions that troubles the human soul. The soul loves freedom for freedom is ingrained in the soul. God gave man the liberty to choose, and this privilege should not be taken away from man by any being for it is a violation of the natural order of things.

Freedom may be considered as an instinct for it is to be found in animals as well. No creature enjoys being confined in a cage. Every creature love to be free and to express the genetic joy programmed in its DNA. Nature has granted all creatures their freedom of expression but some of us would impose our will upon Divine Will by creating cages of man-made laws and regulations that do not reflect the laws of Heaven. Man-made laws may easily be manipulated by the unscrupulous for their own heinous purposes. Crimes may be committed that are "lawful," that goes undisciplined in our courts of judgment. In the laws of our society, the innocents are often made to pay for the crimes of another. Where is the love (religion), and rationality (science), and justice (philosophy) in that?

We are writing intuitively here and our statements may be interpreted and applied in various ways. In fact, statements in our literary works may seem to lack any logical structure or sequence. They may appear to be non sequitur. Logic may appeal to the thinking mind, however it is more than conceptual reasoning that we have to develop. There are higher faculties of the soul that should be cultivated and made used of, such as intuition. The cliché "reading between the lines" may seem irrational to the scientific type and yet it is this particular mode of perception that has to be practiced as a spiritual stimulus to the Soul.

There are many scholarly definitions of metaphysics and they are all valid; however, for our purpose, without explaining metaphysics in an overly-academic way, let us say that metaphysics in its more modern connotation, deals with cosmic laws and principles, with unseen forces and powers influencing ourselves and the circumstances and conditions of our daily lives, and how we may take advantage of those laws and principles by re-directing them so as to improve our holistic lives for the better. Metaphysics teaches us how to harness and apply the cosmic power lying latent within us. In its most profound spiritual aspect metaphysics teaches us the nature of Reality and how we and Nature relate to it. Metaphysics instructs us how to harmonize ourselves with the Divine Plan of God, and it reveals the true purpose of life. Metaphysics, therefore, has a dual function: it helps us to improve our lives secularly now in this physical dimension, and it also prepares us for a glorious life in the higher cosmic realms. Actually, as seen from a spiritual perspective, life has no divisions: life is one, as it is continuous. There is no death only a constant change.

The application of certain metaphysical principles assists the acceleration of one's evolution and the quantum leap to a higher level of intelligence and spiritual awareness. We emphasize the word "application," for knowledge of principles or techniques alone is of no value. Knowledge of itself is not power, it is the application of knowledge that empowers one. Spiritually, it is not what we know or the psychic powers that we possess that counts, it is what we are. We know many people possessing a little knowledge or power feel themselves highly superior to their fellow men. This is arrogance and carries the seeds of peril. The saying that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" is literally and evidently true; we can well understand how insufficient knowledge and a disregard for life may result in catastrophes. It was the cause of destruction of previous high-tech civilizations, historically unrecorded, as it is the cause of our present social, political, and ecological unrest.

To understand the above concept of incomplete knowledge, consider for instance the knowledge that we have to construct nuclear weapons--how much do we really know of the impact that it will have upon us and the universe should we choose to detonate one? We may presently believe that the effects of a nuclear blast be localized causing the exploded area to be radioactive for centuries to come. This is an obvious effect, but what about the not-so-obvious rippling, chain-reaction that it would cause in the physical and not-physical universes to the very end of our galaxy?

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

A Back Glimpse at the Chinese Zodiac
Nothing in specific could the answer be when asked why they get hooked with horoscope reading and the like. Walking along downtown China, one could sense the spirit of a well retained cultural heritage attached way back centuries ago. Along the streets are sumptuous food, china wares, dry goods and even shops like psychic reading. As the year unfolds, each coming year would always be associated with Chinese characters that stand to represent the year. These characters determine and are interpreted to gage how the year would be.... struggling or on its top. A Look at History The long and winding Chinese Zodiac fad can be traced dating from 2637 B.C. When it's first cycle was introduced. It takes 60 years to complete the cycle, and each is made up of five cycles of twelve years each. The 78th will end on February 2044, it started on February 1984. For each of the twelve years, a specific animal is assigned to it. Legend says that, Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before he departed from earth. Only the twelve, came to bid him goodbye. To reward the animals, he named a year after each one in the order that it arrived. The order is as follows; Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. According to ancient beliefs, the animal that rules in the year to which they are born has a profound influence on their life. Looking Deeper Five main elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water is combined with each of the animal signs during the complete 60-year cycle. What exercises influence on once life is the element of the lunar sign. A primal part of Oriental philosophy is the relationships among the five elements. These are divided into Conducive and Controlling interrelationships, and are as follows: Conducive and contributing factor We get water from metal. This implies that metal could be a container or any vessel for holding water. Corollarily, we can say that metal catches water. One idea to be deducted, is the feature of metal as the only element changeable into liquid when heated. Woods existence can be attributed from water. The water in this sense is the dew or rain that enables plants to grow into life, thus it produce wood.In order to produce fire, wood is necessary. Fire cannot independently exist and necessitates the existence of burning wood. Ashes comes from the remnants of fire which becomes part of the earth again. It can be gainsaid that from fire we get earth. For metal to exist, it must be extracted from the earth, thus from earth we get metal. Controlling The existence of the five elements are interdependent of each other and each is controlled by another. It is thus presumed that; Since metal can be forged or melted with heat. Metal is controlled by Fire. Water is the only means to put out fire easily, thus it can be concluded that fire is controlled by water. Water is controlled by Earth. Canals are dug in the earth to irrigate fields or construct dikes to keep out or absorb water. Earth is dominated by Wood. Trees and their roots hold the soil together and get their food from the earth. Wood is controlled by Metal. Even the largest tree can be felled by the metal blade of an Axe. In a nut shell Anchored form the interpretations, Luna or the moon being the closest heavenly body on earth has shown visible power to man since the dawn of man's existence. The interrelation of these elements and beliefs as apart of human existence drives mankind to continuously attached to this belief. Reliance to its implication to ones living has been looked after since time immemorial. Man's innate character to be connected with natural phenomena explains the continuous patronage and belief with signs. As far as Chinese Zodiac crazes is concern, there is nothing wrong with believing. Time tested passed from generation s to generations made it more intriguing and interesting. The interest to divulge what concerns the forthcoming year with elements and Chinese Zodiacs is just a natural and spontaneous reaction of humans. As long as we are living, we get crazy over anything. Crazy but sane.

The Writer johnlloyd used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer live tarot reading, free daily horoscope, numerology and more.

1 comment:

Rori Raye said...

What a whole lot of useful information! I really like your take on all of this, and find your writing very interesting and helpful - I especially love your thought that even if you're feeling depressed and "not ready" for a relationship - you should stay open because going through the process of meeting men and getting to know them and allowing yourself to be yourself in their presence can be very healing. Rori