Sunday, November 9, 2008

Maria Duval - How to Feel Great Every Day

How to Feel Great Every Day

'm about to show you how you can feel great starting right now. Sound too good to be true? Hang in … you’ve got a pleasant surprise coming. Let's start with what makes us feel good. Well it’s not pain, right? So that leaves the logical opposite -– pleasure.

"Hey," I can hear you protest. “Where's the big pleasure button in the sky that I can push to make me feel good? Life is not the so-called bowl of cherries."

That’s a fair question. Let’s explore it together. Remember the last time you had a really B-I-G laugh about something? Maybe it was a funny movie, hearing a really hilarious joke, or some unexpected life event just tickled your funny bone.

I’m not talking about a chuckle at some lame joke. I’m talking about downright, pxx-your-pants laughter. The kind where you slap your thighs, double-over, and tears squirt out your eyes because you are laughting so hard.

Now that’s laughter. And do you recall how good you felt afterwards? Know why we feel good after laughing really hard? Because intense laughter actually gives all of our internal organs an awesome massage. In fact, a really good gut-twisting laugh is the equivalent of 15 minutes of intense aerobics. How about that?

But you don’t have to pay $50 to get into a comedy club to get a good laugh (although it may be worth it at times.) I’d like to share a less expensive approach with you, because I think all of us can use a good laugh.

Get a Good Belly LaughOK.
Our goal is to get you into a good 5-minute belly laugh. Many of us have had laughter conditioned right out of us. But it's OK if you have to jumpstart your laughter with a fake laugh. Yep, it’s silly alright. But that alone is worth a laugh.

Isn’t the promise of feeling great worth feeling a little silly? Besides, the aerobic exercise means you can skip the exercise bike today! Right? So go ahead and start with a fake laugh if necessary. No chuckles -– laugh as big as you can!

Here’s where some amazing things come into action. You know how natural it is to laugh when someone else is laughing? That's due to a natural brain response. Well your brain is going to respond to your own fake laughter by producing the “laughter neurochemicals” that tell you to laugh even more.

Hang in with your fake laughter. Very soon you’ll find you've gone from fake to genuine laughter. And this is really worth a good laugh!

Laughter-Based Problem SolvingNow here’s where the REAL fun comes in. In the middle of your uproarious laughter, think about a problem or something that is bothering you. Then go ahead and laugh about it. Remind yourself that you have survived up to this moment, and this too shall pass. It will, you know!

Know what you've just done?
You've just conditioned your subconscious mind into linking deep pleasure and confidence with your ability to solve your problem. You're going to have the pleasure of feeling your attitude toward that so-called problem shift … helping a positive solution fall into place.

Done laughing?
Pull in a couple of deep breaths and appreciate the extra flow of oxygen into your brain. You are about to have a fabulous day -– with stress running off of you like water off a ducks back. Quack, quack!

There you have it! A proven-effective BRAIN-SMART SECRET of how feel great every day for the rest of your life. Do it, and you’ll get hooked. Guaranteed!

By the way, are you aware of the huge health benefits of laughter? Remember Norman Cousins book “Anatomy Of An Illness” in which he described how he laughed himself free of a so-called “terminal” illness just by watching funny movies and laughing hard?

Interestingly, we now know that laughter stimulates the flow of lymph in your body, and pumps huge supplies of health-giving oxygen deep down into your lungs.

About This TechniqueThe author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is very much a life adventurer. Over the years she has "been there, done that" in terms of the successes (and failures) life can deliver. She long ago discovered, and is constantly reminded, that laughter is the best medicine (Grandma was absolutely right.)

Dr Jill's "Smash Your Limits" ecourse is today being used by thousands of success-seekers around the world to build their success-muscles from the inside out. Get your copy, and bootstrap yourself up to the next level (and get a bonus FREE month in the Quantum Brain Gym.) Click Here!

Jill Ammon-Wexler is a doctor of psychology, former consultant to the Pentagon and a Presidential Commission, and a peak performance advisor to top executives and entrepreneurs. You can get a free copy of her ?Prosperity Mind Power? 11-part course here:

Loaner’s Remorse? A conversation between Juan Carlos and a billionaire named Yu.
Loaner’s Remorse? A conversation between Juan Carlos and a billionaire named Yu.

By Carl Pantejo

(Excerpt from: “My Friend Yu �" The Prosperity Mentor,” copyright Carl Pantejo 2007 �" Y.N. Vurce Publishing.

Note: In this article The Original Substance is the name used for: GOD, The One, Gaya, Infinite Intelligence, The Universe, etc. Please substitute this name with whatever name/word you are comfortable with.

A conversation between Juan Carlos “J.C.” and a billionaire named Yu:

…Even though I have a Master of Business Administration degree, I chronically found myself in the same situation: Too much month left over after the money. My friends thought I was a sap, too nice all the time. It’s just that when I saw someone in need, I felt compelled to help. Here in Thailand, it seemed that EVERYONE WAS IS NEED! IN NEED OF MY MONEY! Crying women would come over to my apartment and tell me all their troubles. I believed about one-half of those tales of woe.

“…In Asia, unless you are a bank or a loan shark, it’s common knowledge that there’s really no such thing as “loaning money” to people you know, you simply give it. If they pay you back, fine; but realistically, you shouldn’t expect to ever get it back. Consequently, I ended up giving, not loaning, a lot of my meager teacher’s salary to those people I believed were telling me the truth about their current crisis. Unfortunately for me, and I’m sure you’ve noticed this too; almost all Asians believe that all foreigners are wealthy, “Walking ATM’s”! This lead to most of the recipients to not repaying any money back at all; even when they were able to; because those foreigners are all rich and don’t need the money anyway.” I said, with the bitterness that comes from “loaner’s remorse.”

“J.C., first off; don’t let your friends make you feel like you’ve been a patsy, a pawn that unscrupulous people have manipulated in the past. Your friends have a narrow view of the Universe. And you need not feel depressed at the “lost money” you gave away. If you gave it away with goodness, a truly honest aim to help another human being in a real crisis (no ulterior motives, no strings attached); you will surely get a magnified, return of goodness back from the Universe. It may not be from the same person you helped; but from someone else they positively affected, or the person of the person they affected. It is okay to know that (and expect) a return of goodness from your benevolence. It will enable you to keep the faith and continue giving graciously, cheerfully. The mistake most people make in giving is to expect the positive return to come from the one, particular beneficiary (or beneficiaries) of their good deed. It doesn’t usually happen that way.

The Original Substance keeps perfect “karmic accounting records.” Sometimes many little good deeds on your part are “saved up,” then a huge positive return from the universe is given to you (usually in the form of something you really needed and always at the perfect time). It is inevitable. So, never feel taken advantage of or get into a depressed state over possibly giving something to someone that might have been undeserving. Just give and let it go. The Original Substance always remembers the spirit in which your gifts were given and, in its wonderful and surprising way, rewards you with a magnified return of the perfect goodness for you, at the perfect time for you.

One caveat: If the same people are chronically in need of your financial help and have grown always to depend on you instead of trying to help themselves, then this is not a crisis; it is a condition, a negative condition. In such instances, the best thing to do is show them how to better themselves. You’re not doing them (or you) any good when you nurture that kind of disempowering dependency. It’s the classic “give a man a fish” principle.

So what if some people were dishonest and accepted your money on false pretenses? You may never know; so let it go. Why waste time, energy, and emotion on an issue that may, or may not be true? And if you find out later that, yes, you were taken in by a con artist, don’t hold a grudge. FORGIVE THEM - NOT FOR THEM, BUT FOR YOU. THERE’S NOTHING POSITIVE FOR YOU IN KEEPING THE NEGATIVITY INSIDE. HARBORING NEGATIVITY WILL ONLY ATTRACT MORE NEGATIVITY. Rest assured. The Universe will still remember your true intentions and reward you; while returning an appropriate, magnified payback to the wrongdoer. Acting on true, honest intention is your job. Doing things in the Certain Way is you job. Fulfilling your desires and managing consequences is the Original Substance’s job. In the end, it’s all good…”

(Excerpt from: “My Friend Yu �" The Prosperity Mentor,” copyright Carl Pantejo 2007 �"Y.N. Vurce Publishing.

Carl Pantejo

About the Author:

He is a retired U.S. Military veteran. Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an A.A., B.S., and MBA in less then 4 years much later in life �" while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic. In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he free-fall parachuted out of airplanes and performed diving ops in very deep, open ocean water. He went to Thailand 1 year ago for a week’s vacation, fell into a teaching job, and has never left!

Carl Pantejo,
Author, "My Friend Yu - The Prosperity Mentor”
Founder, Y.N. Vurce Publishing

He is a retired U.S. Military Veteran. In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, free-fall parachuted out of airplanes and performed diving ops in deep ocean water. He is currently teaching English in Thailand.

A Source of Inspiration
A light was on in one office, even though most of the other offices had been dark for hours. The manager continued to work in the silence of the empty building, reviewing reports, studying numbers, responding to messages and emails that others would not read until the next morning. There was so much to do, so many responsibilities and so many decisions that would wait for the manager's guiding hand. The silence was broken as the manager was startled to see one of the employees standing at the door. The employee knocked hesitantly, one foot in the office and the other still in the hallway. "May I come in for a moment?" asked the employee. "Of course," smiled the manager, leaning back in the chair. "What are you doing here so late?" "I had a lot of work to do and I wanted to catch-up," said the employee. "If I get behind then it could impact our customers, and I don't want that to happen. It's my responsibility, and I want to take care of it. I know that's what you would do." "You're probably right," the manager said with a laugh. "So what made you stop in here?" The employee approached the desk, sat down in one of the chairs beside it and said, "I wanted to ask you a question." "Go ahead." The employee began, "You always work so hard, and you always take care of us. You come in early. You stay late. No matter how much you have to do, you always take time to talk to any one of us when we need you. You are so busy taking time for us during the day that you have to stay late at night to catch up on your own work. Yet, you never complain. You make us want to work harder and do better, and you give us every opportunity to be successful. You are an inspiration to the rest of us, so what inspires you?" The manager's eyes widened, "Wow, well that was quite a surprise. I appreciate the kind words and admit that you completely caught me off guard." "Well?" persisted the employee, "What is your source of inspiration?" The manager was silent for a moment, carefully contemplating the response. Then the manager stood up and said, "follow me." As the manager and the employee walked down a row of cubicles, the manager started to point into them one by one. The cubicles belonged to the colleagues of the employee. "This person is a single parent and comes to work each day to support two children. Those children need someone to look up to, someone to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. This person doesn't work for me, this person works for them." The manager paused at the next cubicle and said, "This person is a grandmother who is working days so she can pay for her college education at night. She doesn't need a degree and it won't make any difference for her career. She is already past retirement age and she could quit at any time. She wants that degree to make her children proud and to give her grandchildren someone to look up to. She doesn't work for me, she works for them." The manager moved to the next cubicle and said, "This person is overqualified for the job. It would be easy to leave for another company, probably get a promotion out of it and earn better pay. Why doesn't this person leave? After eleven years working with the same group of people, it is like a family. This person doesn't work for me, this person works here for all of you." The manager paused at the next cubicle and said, "This person has a family to support. Two kids in school, a mortgage, two car payments, and a whole host of obligations that comes with taking care of a family. Needless to say, you know that this person doesn't work for me." The manager pointed down the line of cubicles, "That young man is engaged to be married, and he is saving up to buy their first home. That next person has a daughter in college. The next one wants to build a career out of this experience. The one after that wants to be a musician and only does this job to earn enough money to pay the bills." Walking into the corridor, the manager paused and smiled as the custodian came around the corner. "This person barely speaks our language, but comes to work every day when everyone else has gone home. More than half of the money earned will go to family members who do not even live in our country, while this person keeps only enough to pay for food, shelter and transportation here every day. This person comes into my office and takes away my trash, not for me, but because it is what needs to be done to earn the money that goes to a family that lives hundreds of miles away." "And then there is you," said the manager with a big smile. "You have your own reasons for coming in here every day. When I need a source of inspiration, all I have to do is look around me. I am surrounded by it. Inspiration comes from recognizing what is important to the people around you and making it your own. If I can feel the dedication that these people feel for their children, for their families, for their hopes and dreams, then I have all the inspiration that I need. They are inspired by their own sense of purpose, and I am inspired by them. Just as you believe that you are inspired by me, I am inspired by you." ______________________________________________________ Words of Wisdom "Inspiration may be a form of superconsciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness - I wouldn't know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self- consciousness." - Aaron Copland "Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation." - William Arthur Wood "Keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspiration with others." - Robert Louis Stevenson ______________________________________________________ About the Author: John Mehrmann is a freelance writer and President of Executive Blueprints Inc., an organization devoted to improving business practices and developing human capital. provides resource materials for trainers, sample Case Studies, educational articles and references to local affiliates for consulting and executive coaching. provides self-paced tutorials for personal development and tools for trainers. Presentation materials, reference guides and exercises are available for continuous development.

John Mehrmann is a freelance author, industry expert and President of Executive Blueprints Inc, an organization dedicated to developing human capital and personal growth.

How to Manifest a Soul Mate
I first became a believer in Feng Shui more than a dozen years ago when I moved into a new home in a new city. I had Feng Shui master come to my house to advise me on everything from which room to use as my office, to where to place the furniture, mirrors, plants, artwork, bells, chimes, etc. Within months of moving into this home, and following his recommendations, I saw my career and finances skyrocket. Within two years, I met my soul mate. I don’t claim to understand how it works, but it’s worked for me (and most of my friends) and I believe there are some very useful “feng shui” things to do when preparing to manifest a soul mate. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that has many branches and is practiced in a number of ways. It means Wind and Water. The basic essence of Feng Shui is to create positive flow of energy throughout your home. With the use of a “Bagua” (which is classically an octagon shape, and in some modern form schools of Feng Shui is presented as a map or grid that is similar to a tick tack tow board, each home or room is divided in eight main areas of “guas.” They include: Wisdom & Self Knowledge, Career, Helpful People & Travel, Children & Creativity, Fame & Reputation, Wealth & Prosperity, Health & Family, and of course love and marriage. One of the main tenants of Feng Shui is related to eliminating clutter. By eliminating clutter we remove blocks to love and increase the flow of positive energy. Just as we focus on eliminating the clutter from our minds and hearts, we must also remove the physical clutter from our homes in order to manifest a soul mate. I believe it’s important to create “space” in your home (and especially in your bedroom) by making and keeping some free space in the closet. It’s also helpful to keep the night stand on “their” side of the bed clear and empty so that when person arrives, he or she can fill it with their own personal items. Creating this type of space in your home sends a clear and specific message to the Universe that you are ready for someone to join your life and share your bedroom. If you find that you are resistant to making room for your soul mate in your closets it may be a sign that you are not ready for your soul mate in your life. By creating physical space in your home (and your heart) you are putting out a “cosmic welcome mat.” So if you come across some resistance, use it as an opportunity to do deeper, more emotional work to overcome the blocks you may still have.

Arielle Ford is a professional, previously unmarried woman who is revealing her secret to finding romance, love, marriage, and a perfect soul mate. She discovered how to take her professional success and apply it to her personal life, and she has never been happier. Now she wants to share that secret with you. Learn how to find your soul mate at

Use Mental Power To Simplify Your Life
The use of mind for creating personal gain is not a license or promise to get-rich-quick. When using mental magnetism there is no promise of getting something for nothing or conjuring up something from thin air. While using the mind to activate God’s laws is a viable and forceful expansion of thought for enhancing the human experience, it is not a free pass to wealth. Using mind to control to improve conditions is justified when applied in truth because in the setting of truth there always lays an assurance of greater possibilities and improved conditions. God’s assurance is to expand man’s experience through knowledge and understanding. This promise resonates of opportunities undiscovered and future potentials retrieved. While mind emits thought and thought produces ideas as concepts it is still action that puts them into motion. The greatest concepts in the world are no better than the force exerted to materialize them. Promises are only guarantees of possibilities and possibilities are guarantees not collected. One does not make the other appear or justify their existence. Mind sets into motion creative forces necessary to launch projected actions. God supplies the necessary ingredients for all actions but it is the mind of man that sets it into motion. No conscious action can happen without man’s involvement. Use of mind to control one’s environment is based on the premise that all possibilities are obtainable at all times. Since God supplies, and man enacts, the prospect for creative potential is limitless. Its creative influence is in man and through man at all times. This creative law of motion contains within itself limitless probabilities and infinite imagination. The Law is the Law, it has no action in itself, it must obey whom ever calls upon it. The Law Of Infinity While man is obviously restricted by time, the Law in which man operates, is Infinite. There is no obstruction in the Law, but man cannot contemplate that which he/she has not experienced because understanding comes with familiarity. Awareness aromatically brings familiarity because awareness is perception and familiarity is experiencing. Man conceives ideas through imagination and ideas become real through development. While ideas unfold from limitless potential only that which is conscious can evolve into complete understanding. The concept of wealth may be a reality, but the procedures for obtaining wealth is formulated in the mind. In most cases, using known prognoses can result in favorable outcomes. A well trained mind is much more apt to achieve wealth, simply because it is more able to focus on the task at hand. Most often a good education stimulates the mind into definitive actions. Wishing for results do not make a case for obtaining them. Applying ideas to well laid plans promotes an exhilaration and need to see ideas materialize. If you plummet ahead expecting the impossible then the impossible will be your due. But if you expect possibilities then possibilities will return realities. You must perceive a vision of success fortified by well laid plans then activated into actions. You must experience the sweet savor of success and feel its embrace as you invite its presence. You must forge ahead in all confidence that success will be yours and you will create a better experience for all around you. Your success will benefit you and those you are associated with equally. Another truth is, you can only achieve that which you can conceive. If you can’t formulate it in your mind if it’s a lie because it only becomes a distraction. Most people operated in a distorted view of life every day. They may dream of things but do not understand the mechanics behind obtaining them. You are only limited by your understanding of the Law not by the Law itself. As your understanding unfolds, the possibilities of attainment increases immensely. It is a mistake to believe you can get what you wish for or you can have anything you want. It takes great effort to bring the Law into realization; you must pay a price. Wishes are no more than day dreams, they are as wisp-full shadows from an evening sunset with no body or permanency. Ghosts of ideas that could have been but never achieved. You must become more than you have been. If you desire to attract a more rewarding life, you must be reborn into your true self. You must embrace, visualize and conceive ideas that propel you to heights of greatness in that which you were created. You must rise up and grasp opportunities as they are presented. Assert yourself and bring to life those God given talents you harbor within. The Law is about freedom and release, but not at the expense of others. It is precise and challenging but unless you are willing to obey its nature and apply its authority, then you will not receive its benefit. A truth worth remembering is; “that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Again, you must pay the price for success. You must provide an environment or avenue in which the Law can operate, follow, work and thrive. Again it is up to you. You bring mental forces from darkness into to light and apply understanding to reasoning for success Happy Trails

Donald Yates, former Development coordinator for Imperial Research, and Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, Author, and Spiritual Adviser is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.


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