Sunday, November 9, 2008

Maria Duval - Why Powerful Affirmations Work

Why Powerful Affirmations Work
Why powerful affirmations work It has been said, that you are what you think. Most of us are to busy to think about the things we really want in life. We may have vague and wishful thinking about how we want to have things coming into our life, such as more money and great relationships. But that is where it usually ends, because most of us have a “treadmill life”, which means we live from one hard working day to another, from one paycheck to another, and most of us always are only one paycheck away from disaster. Have you ever wondered about why this is so? Has this been your experience in life? Well there have been great news for many people the world around. We are just now learning what it really means to have the life we are all naturally desire, a life that was meant to be for all of us. We are now learning what it is that we did wrong and what it is that we can do to dramatically improve in all areas in our life, such as improving our income, our relationships with family and friends, and how to improve our health. We are now learning that the way we think makes all the difference in the way we live. Most people will focus on the things they do not want , which will bring to them more of the things they do not want. Everything in life is a learning process, therefore we want to unlearn those habits of wrong thinking and learn how to think and what to think to turn our life and our finances around and to finally have total financial control in our life. No doubt this is also your goal, and a great way to achieve this goal, is to do your daily affirmations. Yes whatever it is that you want, including financial freedom keep your mind focused on this thought and say your daily affirmation, put your feelings into this and live and do things in your life, that are in harmony with those affirmations and your feelings. Things may not turn around all over night, but you will see the difference that it makes in your life. To do powerful affirmations you want to clear your mind of all the thoughts and problems that you may have encountered that day, get into a relaxed position and start with your affirmations. Tell your mind what it is, that you want and have a clear picture of it. Keep your mind focused on your goal and continue with your affirmations. Select a time, that is more likely most convenient for you, some people like early mornings, some may like evenings or even nights. Whatever time is best for you, that should be the time that you want to choose to do your powerful affirmations. Your mental attitude is the result of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings and it constantly works and it also influences the world around you, your affirmations will also shape your mental attitude and it will create the world that you desire around you.

Enigma Valdez is an internet visionary dedicated to helping people and businesses improve their lives. He does not claim to have the answers to everything, but instead shares time tested and proven strategies that have worked for him and countless others. You can view more information at Http://

How to make the Law Of Attraction Work For You
The Law of Attraction states that you attract what you think about most.

In my humble opinion, I think this only holds true if you have the following in place:
1. a truly committed decision to achieve and attract what you want.
2. a concentration of power or focus in doing the things that help you achieve what you want.

Get realistic! Things do not happen in your life every single time just because you are thinking about it.

Think about this:
You wish to attract wealth into your life and you want to be a billionaire.

But you are lazing at home every day thinking about having more money and becoming a billionaire some day
without making a conscious (or subconconscious) decision to take action to achieve what you want.
Things will not manifest the way you want them if you are going this way.

Lazing around all day will only attract to you boredom, the lousy feeling of being broke and procrastination etc, and definitely
not your wealth.

However, making a decision and taking action itself is not enough.

You need to ensure that you are focusing on doing the right things to attract what you want to achieve.

With that, you must also practise the concentration of the power and focus to move yourself towards what you want.

What this means is that you need to concentrate and focus on doing the right things persistently to yield you the end results that you want.
Doing things once and thinking that whatever you want will start to manifest in your life will not always work every time!

For the Law Of Attraction to work, you have to be realistic!

Donald Lim is an ardent student of the Law of Attraction and the power of the subconscious mind. His passion lies in helping and supporting people to live a better life by harnessing the power of our mind. You can visit his web site at He is currently giving away a free interview report with Bob Proctor and you can get a free copy at

Your Inner Compass
We each have an inner compass guiding us to fulfill our purpose. We all have an inner knowing that is providing the impetus for us to develop ourselves. We are all evolving, all growing more conscious through all our life experiences; all part of a critical mass of awareness that is awakening within the collective consciousness of humanity. We are each being guided to realize our full potential by realizing our Self. Self-realization is the culmination of humanity's potential, it is the underlying desire within all humans; it is our instinct to evolve. Enlightenment is innate. Your true Self is already realized. You couldn't be anything other than that which you already are. It is time for your full self-realization. Reflecting on your own nature helps your mind align with the part of you that already knows. Having the presence of mind to check your compass brings your mind in alignment with the spirit that's calling you to wake up from the dream, to remember who you are and why you were born so you can fulfill the purpose of your existence. The energy the guides you to be reading and reflecting on these words is your spirit. Your spirit is guiding your mind as you are reading these words as evidenced by the fact that you are reading them. It's bringing your mind into focus on the feeling that is your spirit reaching out to your mind. Shaktipat meditation is tuning to that feeling. When you put your attention on the place between the eyebrows, as we teach, energy flows to this area and several incredible things happen: Your pituitary gland is stimulated, and working in conjunction with your pineal gland, they regulate heart rate, metabolism, respiration and other biological functions, bringing about a more peaceful state. This endocrine response further facilitates the lowering of your brain wave activity; guiding you down from Beta (14-40 cps) to Alpha (7-13 cps) then Theta (4-6 cps) and eventually Delta (0-3 cps). From within this inner quiet greater clarity, insight, happiness and peace develop. This meditation also draws the energy from your nervous system up to the uppermost regions of your brain; the "crown" in the frontal and temporal lobes of your neo-cortex. Herein lies our sixth sense, and by developing this sense your own nature is reflected back to your mind and your mind realizes the true nature of your Self. When you meditate on your 3rd Eye, you plug into the very life force current that you are; your mind is simply connecting with your spirit, consciously. Each time you meditate on your 3rd eye, you align with the energy guiding you; spirit guides you like a compass needle pointing the way. Picture me reaching out to you in the screen of your mind, connect like a radio tuning into a broadcast, and my spirit will join with yours and we can move into this state of consciousness together. Like Saint Peter awaiting you at the pearly gates, I am reaching out to you in spirit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within. I will meet you here. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's an indepth article! Thanks for posting it!

I'm so glad there is more and more people getting into affirmations. I've been using them for years and as long as I've been diligent, have experienced some amazing success with them.

I've just joined bmindful - - it's a whole community full of affirmations users, you should check it out!