Friday, November 14, 2008

Maria Duval - Law of Attraction Article - Manifestation Exercise #2 - Prepaving What You Want

Law of Attraction Article - Manifestation Exercise #2 - Prepaving What You Want
The Law of Attraction is the Law of the Universe that states that what you think about and focus on is what you bring into your life to experience.

While most people understand the concept of thinking positively of things they want to create down the line such as a great relationship, more money, successful career, dream house etc., they quite often don’t realize how powerful thinking, or pre-paving, if you will, can be used on a moment to moment basis to make their daily lives flow more effortlessly.

Too often they let subconscious negative thoughts about certain experiences rule their day, and as a result, end up with their days filled with ups and downs like a roller-coaster instead of smoothly like a flowing river.

For instance, do any of these thoughts sound familiar to you?

I hate going to the mall on a Saturday; it’s always so crowded and I can never find a parking space.

I can’t stand when I have to go to my dentists office; I always have to sit in the waiting room for at least two hours.

I hate going to the bank on my lunch hour; the line is always so long.

I don’t know why I shop in this store; they never have what I am looking for.

I have a ton of things to do today; I’ll never get them all done.

It’s horrible when it rains, my commute to work takes forever and I always get in late.

These are just a few of the thoughts that many people have on a daily basis that makes life far more bumpy than it needs to be.

Be it due to past experiences that they have had, or things they have heard from others, they subconsciously accept these ideas as foregone conclusions and sure enough by their belief in them, their day plays out exactly the way they expected them to. Filled with tension and turmoil.

The important thing to realize is that none of the statements above (or the ones you have yourself) are in fact true. And they do not have to play out the same old tired way. You have the power to create your day as smoothly as you want, you just need to be more aware of what you are thinking about.

This is where pre-paving comes in.

Pre-paving is where you mentally plan out your day to run smoothly as possible. When you step by step see things going easily and effortlessly at even the smallest of tasks.

The first thing you need to do is become aware of the negative thoughts that pop into your head automatically regarding any task you need to take on. In other words if you have an errand you normally believe is a pain in the butt to deal with, you need to take notice of that negative thought.

Then you need to realize that this negative thought is not set in stone, and the experience does not have to play out as it always has in the past. You have the ability to change the experience into anything you want to.

Finally you need to pre-pave what you would like to happen in your mind and know with surety that it will happen exactly that way.

For instance, last Halloween, time got away from me. I usually buy my son’s costume about a month in advance because he always seems to be into the “character” of the year and if I didn’t purchase it early enough there was a good chance I wouldn’t get it at all.

Sure enough, last year I didn’t make it out to get his costume until 2 days before Halloween. He wanted to be Jack Sparrow from The Pirates of The Caribbean and it was the hot costume of the year. When I had mentioned to people that I still hadn’t gotten it, they told me to forget about it. There was no way I was going to be able to get it at such a late date.

I had even been about to tell my son to come up with anther idea, when suddenly I realized Who says it has to be difficult or impossible to find it? I create my own reality. So I choose to create that I find it quite easily. Actually I decide to find it in the first store I look. As I went through the rest of my day at work I just kept envisioning that I would find it effortlessly in the first store that I looked in, even thought I wasn’t even sure what store I was going to go to.

After work I decided to drive to a Party Place store that went crazy with costumes at Halloween time, figuring that was my best bet. On the way there however, I saw a sign advertising that Kmart was having a 40% off Halloween sale and had a sudden urge to turn into their lot. Kmart had not even entered my mind as a costume place option.

Sure enough I found the entire costume there. The costume in the bag in his size; even the wig, hat and sword that was sold separately. And I got it for 40% off! And I only had to travel half the distance! Oh I love those thrill bumps when things like that happen!

Ever since then, I try to remember to pre-pave how I want my day to go on almost a daily basis.

I picture easy and close parking spaces to the stores I need to visit. I picture short lines that move smoothly. I envision smooth working days and commutes to wherever I am going.

It has made an amazing difference in how much calmer I feel all during the day and how much more effective I have become in getting much more done in much less time.

So start pre-paving your day today. Write out or envision exactly how you want your day to go, how you want your day at work to be, how easy you want your commute to be, how easily your errands will be run. How cooperative your kids or spouse are going to be. How effortless your presentation at work; you get the idea.

You will be amazed at how this works. Because the more often you do it, the more often it works. The more often it works, the easier you believe it will work. The more you believe that it will work, the more often you will want to do it.

Start creating the peaceful, easy-going life you crave. By pre-planning it one step at a time.

If you would like to read about more Manifestation Exercises you can use to create the life you desire, please visit

Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

Law of Attraction: Manifestation Exercise # 7 - How To Make Eliminate The Negative Past and Get A Fresh Start Today
Imagine that you have this friend. Your best friend. A friend who has been through everything with you in life, all of your ups and downs.

Now at times you think this friend is great! Who would you be without this friend? There is just one little thing though about this friend that drives you crazy. He or she just lives to criticize you.

They remind you of every embarrassing thing you have ever done, every mistake that you have ever made. They can make you feel guilty, jealous, and angry like no one else on the planet can. They tell you that you will never be more than you are now. That you should just be grateful for what you have because what makes you think that you are so special and entitled to anything more? They tell you to get real. That you will never get that dream girl or guy, they are way out of your league. They say you will never get that promotion because you are just not smart enough. On and on they go everyday telling you what you cannot be, have or do.

Now you might be thinking, who on Earth would want a friend like that?

The answer is you if you are still letting that pesky thing called Ego run your life. Read the above statements again and see if that “friend” sounds familiar to you.

We originally created the Ego to help us stay focused on our own unique experiences while on Earth. Because we are in fact All One, we needed a sort of tuner to help keep us focused on our own station and have a way to “tune out” all the other traffic out there. Otherwise we would just be hearing all the other gibberish from all the other parts of ourselves (the millions of other people on our planet right now).

The problem however began when we started giving that Ego too much power and mistakenly started to believe that the tuner was in fact our “identity”. When we started to believe everything it told us was truth. Our next mistake was in believing that everything that has happened up in our lives until today has now defined who we are going to be tomorrow. Another trick of that pesky Ego. It has now established our identity and it doesn’t want to give it up easily. It likes itself just where it is. It feels safe and easy…even if you are miserable.

So now when you say “I’m going to lose weight and get in shape over the next few months“ the Ego says “Uh. Uh, Uhhhh. No we are not. I am comfortable here. I don’t like change. We have now established ourselves as a “slightly overweight person” and I don’t feel comfortable changing that label.” And then it goes into a whole bunch of reasons why you won’t be able to do it. It will tell you things like “You’ve tried it a million times before and it’s never worked so why even bother.” Or “you’re never going to find time to go to the gym a couple of times a week.” or “Eating food that is good for you is boring” or any of the one million things it will try to come up with. I am sure you can fill in any blanks from your own pesky little voice. So now…what do you do?

You need to shake that little sucker up. Throw it off its tracks. Shock the heck out of it!

How do you do this?

You focus on the moment of NOW!

You see, the Ego can only survive on the past. All of the criticism, guilt, negative talk and thoughts all stem from things that it has made connections with from your past. If you choose to live in this NOW moment there is nothing for it to feed off of anymore.

You can be a new person as of this MOMENT. It does not matter a lick what happened in your childhood, or past relationships. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you have made or how many failures you have had. That is in the Past. It’s over. There is nothing that can be done about any of that. All that matters is right NOW. This moment. Right NOW you can be anything you want to be! And there is no one to tell you differently.

So what is the exercise?
Grab a pad or open a fresh page on your word processor.
Imagine that you just arrived on this Earth for the first time this morning. You have absolutely no preconceived notions about anything. Everything around you is fresh and new. You are amazed at all the unbelievable experiences you can have while you here on this planet. It is like the biggest playground you have ever seen! Write down all your impressions. Even the smallest thing. Imagine you were writing someone “back home” and explaining all of the wonderful things down here on this planet there are to experience.

Tell them about the food! You discover there are at least 25 different places you can eat with hundreds of food choices within blocks of you. Tell them about the people! There are so many you can meet, have fun with, laugh with, share things with. Tell them about all the millions of ways people have to make money while they are here. Explain how you can’t imagine anyone not being able to earn a fantastic living while here doing something they love because there are just so many options! How about where you live? Explain how cool your house and apartment are. Explain about cell phones, televisions, computers, etc.

For the next few days keep acting like everything you see around you is brand new Everything is possible for you because “you have never tried them before”. And if that pesky ego tries to thwart your fun be sure to say to it “I don’t know who you are or where you get your pessimistic ideas little fellow but I know that I am entitled to experience every good thing down here just be being here. So I think you better move on and find someone to tell your silly fantasies to.

You will be amazed at how differently you will see the world and all of your possibilities when you look at them with fresh eyes.

Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

Law of Attraction Article: Let The Universe Handle Your Holidays This Year While You Get To Enjoy Them
I love the holidays! I didn’t always feel that way, however. In theory I wanted to love them, but in reality the craziness that always took over the entire month of December made it almost impossible. The decorating with the tangled lights, the shopping with the long lines, the must have items you just couldn’t find anywhere, the invitations that clashed, the numerous holiday functions at the school which there was no time for, and those darn Christmas cards. I used to look at any person who actually got their cards out within the first two weeks of December as if they were Gods. My friends and family considered themselves lucky if they received mine by January 15th…Correction... They considered themselves lucky if they received them at all. And each year it just seemed to get worse. More crazy -- more frantic. I actually started to dread the upcoming holiday season knowing that there would be no rest until December 26th. That is, until I decided to put the Universe and the Law of Attraction to work. I have been studying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years, and it amazes even me that I never thought to really test its abilities during the holiday season. It wasn’t until about two years ago that I decided to really “hand the holidays” over to the Universe to deal with while I went back to enjoying them. So I decided to write a list. A play-by-play if you will of how I wanted my holiday season to progress. First I started with a letter stating my intentions. “Dear Universe: This year I choose to enjoy every possible moment of this holiday that I can. I expect you will handle everything I want accomplished smoothly and easily. I will watch for signs from you that will help things along and I am grateful in advance for all of your help. Thank you, Love Me.” Then I specifically stated my intentions: 1. Decorating goes smoothly and easily. Everything works perfectly. If there is some decoration that I will need to buy, I know you will urge me to buy it at the right time and place beforehand. 2. Christmas cards go out effortlessly. I will get the perfect picture of my son and find the easiest and most cost effective place to have the cards printed . 3. Presents. I will find every gift on my list with ease. I will pay attention to any nudges you give me and head to places you direct me to. 4. Sales. I choose to purchase all the items on my list at wonderful prices. I trust you to lead me to the best places to buy them at the right time. 5. Gatherings with friends. I trust that the timing of all social engagements will coincide perfectly. Me and every one else involved will be satisfied and happy. There were a few more things I put on the list, but you get the idea. Then I started my holiday season with the confidence that the Universe was working behind the scenes and watched as it unfolded. 1. Decorating did go much smoother than ever. I was in a discount store that was having a sale on Christmas lights. I felt the urge to pick up a few strands (about three I think) at a great price and a few other knick knacks I felt pulled to buy that were very reasonably priced. Sure enough when it was time to decorate, the things I purchased fit in perfectly to create the finished product with very little effort. 2. Christmas Cards. My girlfriend emailed me a picture she had taken of my son in October in front of a bunch of large pumpkins that I had forgotten about and it had turned out awesome! Then she recommended that I use an online Christmas card service that was much faster and cheaper than the place I had normally went to every year. My cards and envelopes arrived in the mail with 4 days and I didn’t even have to leave the house! What a huge difference from previous years of long lines at the photo place getting my tired and cranky son to smile. The cards were perfect! 3. Presents. I had written out most of my list of what gifts I had wanted to get certain people. Then I kept my eyes open. At times I felt led to check out a certain news flier, at others, I felt an urge to go to a particular website or store. Sure enough, not only did I find everything I needed, but quite often at a huge discount due to a sale. Quite a few of the items online even had free shipping. It was awesome! 4. Sales and discounts (see above). 5. Gatherings with Friends. Sure enough everything fell into place here as well. Where normally I had 2 or 3 invitations that would clash - this time the timing worked out perfectly. One would be a holiday brunch - another for later in the evening. (Actually one invitation did clash - but I didn’t really want to go to that one anyway, so I was glad I could say I had something else planned - Yeah Universe!) Then last year came the best “miracle” of all. My son wanted the Wii system (actually I kind of did too). As you probably know last year it was the most impossible gift to find. The ones online were going for at least $500 and up each, and on principle I was not willing to pay that kind of money for a gaming system. So I decided to hand it to Universe. This one I chose to write down on its own sheet of paper. I wrote down that I wanted to find the Wii system at its regular price by Christmas time and thanked the Universe in advance for supplying it. Then I did my part by telling everyone I knew to keep an eye out for the system when they were out shopping. (I can’t tell you how many laughs and “good luck with thats!” I received) but I didn’t let it deter me. I also envisioned my excitement when I received it and I envisioned my son’s excitement when he opened it on Christmas day. Sure enough about a week before Christmas my brother calls me from his cell phone in disbelief. He was in Target just as a store clerk came out of the storage room with about 4 or 5 systems on his hand truck. My brother snatched one up before it even made it to the shelf! The funny part about this is my brother normally does not shop for Christmas. He is totally a gift certificate man. But he happened to need something for himself in the electronics section when he saw the clerk come out! I still get chills when I think about this. (No matter how many times the Universe comes through for me, I always get these chills. There is no better feeling!) So it is time for you to get started making your own Holiday list for Universe. Think of it as your own private Santa Claus. And all you want for Christmas is to actually enjoy the holiday a little. If this is your first time doing this, do not feel discouraged if things don’t fall in place immediately. Stay with it. Take notice of the little “miracles” that keep happening and let it boost your belief system. If you feel yourself getting stressed remember to go back mentally to your list and know that all is well. Happy Creating and Happy Holidays!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

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