Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Maria Duval - Law of Attraction Article: Manifestation Exercise #3 - Give The Universe Its Own Task List

Law of Attraction Article: Manifestation Exercise #3 - Give The Universe Its Own Task List
The following is an exercise that I have learned from Abraham-Hicks. They refer to is as the Placemat Exercise. However, because I do my tasks list on my computer or in a notebook I started mentally calling it the Universe Task List and the name stuck with me. In case you have never heard of Abraham-Hicks, Esther Hicks is a medium who has long acted as a channel for a nonphysical group of beings known as Abraham. While I know some of you may shy away from the word channel or medium, some of the inspiration they provide regarding using the Law of Attraction is the most enlightening I have ever come across, so I think it would be well worth your time to check them out. In this case I believe the story goes that Esther Hicks was sitting in a diner one day with her husband talking about how overwhelmed she felt over all the tasks that she had to accomplish within the upcoming days. She received a message from Abraham to turn over the placemat that was sitting in front of her and draw a line down the middle of the paper and a line across the top so it resembled the letter t. She was to write Me on the left side and Universe on the right side. Then on the left side of the paper she was to write down all of the things that she was inspired to accomplish that day. The ones she was ready and willing to take action on immediately. The tasks that felt right and clear to her. On the right side of the paper she was to write down all of the things she wanted Universe to take care of for her. Things she wasn’t exactly clear on, felt any kind of resistance to doing, or items she hadn’t even figured how to start accomplishing yet. The point of this exercise is to 1. Get yourself clear on exactly what it is you are wanting and 2. Allowing and knowing that it is going to happen. For example, a hypothetical Universe Task List I would use for myself would be: ME: 1.Write at least 2 fun articles today. 2. Meditate for 20 minutes. 3. Do my yoga. 4. Have lunch with my best friend 5. Respond to some of the emails I have received 6. Update my website with some new articles from other authors All of the items above are tasks I feel good and inspired about accomplishing. I am happy and enthusiastic about doing them. Now on the left side I write what I would like Universe to take care of. Items I am not “in the mood for” or “ready to deal with yet” such as: UNIVERSE: 1. Find me an easy and pain free way to come up with the money to pay the car insurance next month 2. Send me inspiration to help me get clear on the information I want to include in my new ebook 3. Find me an easy and pain free way to get out of a social obligation I’d rather not attend (in your case be specific on what that engagement is) 4. Find the right person who will be able to fix the bug on my computer 5. Find me a simple solution to getting the garage cleaned out It does not matter how many things you give the Universe (or your higher self, if you prefer) to do. Just know that you are not alone here. What you ask for you will receive. So as you write out what you want Universe to accomplish, act and feel as if it is without a doubt, going to be taken care of. Feel as if you just handed this list to the most reliable Manager you have ever met and that you are so confident that these things are going to be done, that you do not even have to give them a second thought. You will be thrilled and amazed at how this works! For instance, let‘s go back to the example of the list I would give Universe to take care of. 1. Money for the car insurance. How would Universe handle it? Maybe my mother wins money in Atlantic City and she decides to share some with me and I also receive an unexpected check in the mail. Between the two of them - they more than cover the premium. 2. The inspiration for my new ebook. Universe urges me to make an unplanned stop at the library where I find a new book that just came in and I find it is exactly the subject I feel inspired to write about. 3. The engagement I didn’t want to attend. The people I was supposed to meet with call me and tell me something else came up and apologize because we will have to do it another time. No hurt feelings on either side. 4. My computer problem. I find out the guy who runs my yoga class also fixes computers on the side and charges less than half what a professional would. I find this out by simply chatting with the person next to me while doing my fun task of taking the yoga class in the first place. 5. My garage getting cleaned out. My niece has just gotten into selling on Ebay and offers to clean out my garage if she can sell and keep the profit on the items I know longer want to keep. I can‘t tell you the thrill-chills you will get as you watch Universe work out these kind of “miracles” without any effort on your part. Now there is one last step to this exercise. As Universe goes about its business and accomplishes each of these tasks for you, it is important that you acknowledge it, be grateful for it and encourage more. Anytime the Universe easily handles one of my tasks and I have clapped my hands together gleefully (and yes, there have been many times I have literally clapped my hands together gleefully) I always follow up with a “Thank You Universe and more of that please!” It helps you to take notice of “who” is responsible for helping you out and reinforces the belief that you really can depend on it for the future. Plus when you say “more of that please” and you start knowing it is really coming, you get more excited about handing over the next task and watching with wonder to see how Universe will work it out. I’ll be honest, while I used to write out this list almost everyday, I now find myself doing it more often mentally. Now if something comes up that I don’t feel like dealing with, I’ll immediately throw it in Universe’s court. For instance, if the boss says I have to work late tonight I give an immediate mental “Yuck! Universe I’ll let you handle this one. I want to go home happily on time tonight.” Then I forget about it and watch as the Universe does its stuff and reminds the boss that his child has a recital tonight and we can’t work late after all. But if you are just starting with this exercise, I would definitely do the physical list. It will give you a great feeling of relief as you write down the tough things you want “your manager” to deal with, so you can stay focused on the things that you are inspired to do today. If you would like to learn more manifestation exercises to help you use the Law of Attraction please visit Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

What You Think IS What You Get
Whatever your belief system, this statement offers great wisdom: "As ye believe, it shall be done unto you." It's also brilliant in its double meaning.

One meaning encompasses faith, though I'm not referring to the religious kind here. The amount of faith you have . . . the measure of how much you believe the Law of Attraction works and expect it to work for you (guaranteed by Spirit) . . . is the measure of your results. This can appear as Not at All, Almost, Some, or "Yes!"

The other meaning directly links to how the Law of Attraction works: what you think, is indeed what you get . . . every time.

Spirit does not meet the request of one person and not another. It doesn't work that way. How it does work is the person who aligns with the Truth of Spirit and with the truth of how the Law works, and removes any hindering thought to receiving, is the one who sees the effect, or manifestation, of cause, which is always a thought.

Faith, or belief, is not hopeful or wishful thinking. It's a solid thought of, "This or something even better," with no opposition and no stress or strain. Many of us, because we've been conditioned to do so, place more faith in fear; that is, we focus more thought on fears. Listen to your inner and outer conversations and those of others. How often are details of what can or might go "wrong," or the worst-case scenarios, entertained? Thoughts of "What if it all goes wrong" often have priority over "What if it all goes right or even better than expected?" How often, after we look back at an event, do we see perfection in what seemed imperfect at the time? We see how everything wove together like threads of a tapestry. We can choose to trust this process ahead of any event.

If we let go of faith in Truth when we need it most, this reflects to us that we don't fully know or accept the Truth. We don't need to judge ourselves in these moments, just ask what's needed to touch and hold Truth.

Granted, we don't control every event, nor or we meant to; but we're always participants in some measure. We don't control the path and evolution of any person other than ourselves. There is a Divine Order and expression. We can open ourselves to our role in this and how we choose to experience this inherent Divine Purpose. We can trust Divine Intelligence to provide the perfect answer or way, always.

What stops you from trusting? Which thoughts block the Law of Attraction working for you the way you prefer?

A final note: It's not about having faith "in" Spirit; it's about having the faith "of" Spirit.

Feel the freedom. Reserve your place before Aug. 31 in Joyce Shafer�s Spiritual/Life Empowerment Do-Over online workshop and one-on-one coaching program. Details at / Joyce Shafer ( is a Spiritual/Life Empowerment Coach and writer based in New York City. Her books that move you forward in life, including newly released �Law of Attraction Alchemy,� are available at and at a discount on her Website.

12 emPOWERment Energizers
Place these 12 empowering, energizing reminders where you can easily see them during the day.

1. Any comment made by you or others about you that vibrates, "I am not what, who, where, or when I am supposed to be," creates a reflection through Law of Attraction that causes delay. It obstructs and hinders your good coming to you. Use this instead:
"I am always in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, and the right action." Agree to see this as a statement of the bigger picture (and true) and watch what happens. It is more important to witness how far you've come than to judge or compare yourself to where others are or where you think you should be. If you were supposed to be somewhere else, you'd be there. If you want to know what your next step is, ask Spirit.

2. Ask! Ask Spirit for everything. You'll get far more than if you never or seldom ask. Forget what the self-limiting mind of man has told you about asking and receiving. Spirit doesn't follow the mind of man, and Spirit patiently waits for you to ask so it can give from its infinite well of All That Is Good and Yours. The more you do of anything, the better you get at it. Also, think of it as any gift-giving holiday. You really would not choose to receive every gift you will get across your lifetime all at once; you want time to savor the gifts and to feel the anticipation of getting and removing the wrapping from each one.

3. Believe everything that is yours is yours already; you just need to collect it or allow delivery. You are not separate from Spirit. You are an individualized expression of Spirit. This means everything Spirit is and has, you are and have. Allow the feeling of what this really means to permeate you. Agree to be what you already are and to receive what is already yours. The greatest thing you have is your connection to Spirit.

4. Let go of waiting for anything to arrive. Waiting is anxious energy. Expect it. Know your Good, whatever it is, is yours and arrives with perfect timing. Get yourself mentally and emotionally out of the way of its arrival by putting your attention elsewhere. Go play; accomplish or attend to something else until it (or something even better) arrives.

5. Own every moment and experience as yours (I can hear some of the comments about this). Recognize if you experience it, you vibrated it into your reality. Like energy attracts like energy. Let go of judgment about this and embrace learning. Ask yourself, "What is my opportunity here?" Take responsibility for your feelings, thoughts, words, actions, and energetic vibrations. This is the path of freedom and joyful expression and living.

6. Honor all steps, small and large, as you strengthen and lengthen your "stride" in your conscious spiritual awareness. No judgment. Every success at accepting more self-responsibility is to be honored and celebrated.

7. Learn to recognize that if you do not feel good or serene, you have reduced or disconnected (in your mind only) your connection to Spirit. As soon as you reconnect, you will feel better and things will shift. Again . . . like energy attracts like energy.

8. Thoughts without feeling have no or little magnetic charge. This is why (thank goodness) every thought we have does not manifest. Anytime you replay anything that does not make you feel good and do so with as much emotion as though you are experiencing it now (re-read No. 7), that is what you will magnetize. If you choose to "replay" something, do it with as little emotional involvement as possible. But, why not magnetize what makes you feel the way you wish to feel by feeling some of it first. Let where you want to go be where you start from.

9. State Intentions. Start every day by stating what you intend for the day and how you intend to feel. How do you wish to feel at the end of the day? What will you have to do at the inner level to achieve this? Also state your intentions about how you wish to feel before, during, and after phone calls, emails, conversations, meetings, events, working on projects, etc. Use this as often as possible and you will be amazed at how your experiences shift.

10. Let go of operating against yourself. Think of all the ways you do this, negative self-talk being one of the primary ways. Trying to please others rather than being authentic and in personal integrity is another. What other ways do you operate against yourself? Take note of these during your day.

11. It is not so much a matter of creating as it is a matter of directing. Read that again and see if you feel the liberating energy of it.

12. We know word usage is important when it comes to right use of Law of Attraction. We hear that using "want, need, desire" and so forth creates more want, need, and desire energy matches to those words. Better not to go crazy about this when we just want a simple conversation (or write an article); but when it comes to stating intentions, what about using "I request of myself and Spirit . . ."

Keep these 12 points on hand. Give them an opportunity to make a difference in how you experience the moments of your life . . . emPOWERed.

Get Peaceful, Poised, On Purpose, and EmPowered in life and business with Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., the 4P Power Coach ( Visit to learn more. (Send email if the link acts out.) Get her free newsletter, take the quiz, and get book discounts at her website. Her books, reviews, and preview chapters are also available at, including newly-released Law of Attraction Alchemy: Change Lead Thoughts into Gold.

Spring Cleaning For The Mind
A look at how mindless tasks help us connect to the universe You know the feeling you get right after spring-cleaning your whole house. I don’t mean just the routine cleaning. I mean a real reorganization of your entire household complete with moving furniture and elbow grease. What a great feeling it is when you’re all done and you sit back for the first time and just relax. This good feeling comes not just because you have a freshly cleaned house. Nor is it just a feeling of self-gratification for accomplishing, what is in my case, a monumental task. It is also the result of your recent connection with the universe through your own subconscious thoughts. You may not realize it but as you focus your attention on physical activities you are actually allowing your subconscious mind to surface with new ideas. When you really focus on something as mindless as cleaning your kitchen or garage you are actually distracting yourself from all the external influences that surround us all the time. It is this distraction that allows your subconscious mind to rise to the level of awareness with new ideas fresh from the universe for you to act upon. Ever have any great ideas in the shower or while shaving? As the master teachers of mindscapes when I’m faced with uncertainty. It helps me clear my head and focus on what my creative side is trying to tell me. I try to let my subconscious mind create the images and shapes as I draw, without expectation of what will come of the art. I enjoy the “now” moments that come with the creation as I draw and it is in those moments of connection with the universe that I project a mental image of what I really want to attract. Occasionally those images end up in the art. In some cases it’s pretty obvious what I wanted to attract at the time of “the doing” but finding the answer to what it is that you really want is half the battle of getting it. So many people believe that the answer to all their problems is money, especially if they don’t have any. I think it’s funny how we humans spend so much of our time following some grand fortune to bring us bliss, when it doesn’t cost anything to be happy. Happiness can be found just about anywhere you care to look for it. I’ll bet if you take a look around you right now you can easily find something or someone close by that makes you happy. There is nothing wrong with believing that it’s easier to be happy when you’re rich. The irony is, very few people realize that the opposite is true. It’s easier to get rich when you’re happy. People make things too hard. Have a Happy Day.

neopoe is a rouge scholar with absolutely no credentials, just a freethinking individual with nearly 30 years of study in personal development and metaphysics. See

Law of Attraction: How does it work?
“Ask and You Shall Receive”, “Your Wish is My Command” and my personal favorite, “That Which You Give Thought To, You Shall Attract”. Those of you who have seen the hit movie “The Secret” will surely be familiar with these phrases. But, how exactly does it work?

In the movie “The Secret” many people world wide were introduced to the phenomenon that is the Law of Attraction. Although in the movie, the steps of how to use this law are mentioned, to a first timer, they may not be to obviously outlined. Wouldn't it be great if you could really live that fabulous life you desire and all it would take is for you to want it, ask for it with emotion and act as if you already have it, and it is so? The thing is, it truly DOES work that way!! Only, for all our lives , we have been taught that life is hard, you have to work hard to earn a living, no pain no gain and many other limiting beliefs. So, no wonder we find it difficult to accept how easily we could be living our lives and put up a little resistance! Sure, we all ask, but do we really expect to receive that what we are asking for? When you doubt, it is like you are automatically canceling your order. Then you find yourself saying “This doesn't work!”. And you know what? The Universe says “Your Wish is my Command”.

How much better would it be, if those same teacher featured in “The Secret”, those same successful people who have been studying and using the Universal Laws to better their personal and business lives, show us the way themselves! Imagine a step by step program detailing exactly how to use the law of attraction in your personal life! Well, I'm here to tell you that this program does exist! It is called “The Science of Getting Rich”.

What Makes The Science of Getting Rich Program so Powerful?

The Teachers featured in The Secret - Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have been studying, applying and teaching this material for decades. They earn millions of dollars every year. But that's not what makes this so powerful... many people earn millions of dollars but they are not able to articulate how they are doing it. Therefore, they are not able to share the cause of their good fortune with others, not even with members of their own family.

This is where Proctor and Canfield have distinguished themselves... they Understand... they Apply... and they are Masters at Transferring the Science of Getting Rich to others. They are two of the most powerful coaches in the world today.

To learn more about the Secret Science of Getting Rich program and receive your 7 Free Lessons visit:

Fiona Muscat is a professional Network Marketer who lives in Malta with her husband and 2 children. She has been running a successful home based Business for the past 2 years and enjoys the benefits of applying the Law of Attraction to her life. It is her mission to introduce people around the world to these Universal Laws so they too can enjoy life as she does.

The Zohar
We have all heard of the term "God-Realization" and most would consider it an Eastern Concept, something sought after by Buddhists and Yogis alike, and it is, but few people realize that the Bible itself leads us to "God-Realization." To enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to realize, and have your awareness dwelling in, and with, the presence of God. Both Eastern and Western paths strive to feel the bliss of being in God's presence and envision a time where we will all live together in happiness and peace here on Earth. The Old Testament, the Torah, is written with metaphors and cryptic messages that have become clarified through the study of the Kabbalah; the primary text of which is called The Zohar, or Book of Splendor. The teachings of Kabbalah are said to trace back to Adam himself and carried on through the prophets to the present day. The first written texts, and a classic period of study of Kabbalah, began around the first century, with commentaries being added on through the ages. In this study of God and Man's nature and purpose, the Kabbalah clarifies that we are here to awaken our spiritual awareness and evolve our consciousness to full God-Realization and to bring this enlightened awareness into this world in order to invoke the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It makes very clear that enlightenment is the very goal and purpose to our existence, and the stories in the bible contain the messages that will enlighten us as to how God thinks and what we are here to do. Even more interesting is that this information has been keep secret for thousands of years and it has only just recently been printed, unabridged, in English and made available to the public. The reason, we are told, is that we have entered the age of the Messiah and individuals are going to start enlightening in preparation for it. We have entered the age of Prophesy and unlike any other time in the history of civilization we are being given an opportunity to enlighten and, in fact, we are being called to. The first century Jewish sect called the Essenes were the only sect known to perform baptisms, as John the Baptist and Christ did, and this sect were known to have had practiced Kabbalah. Christ is inviting us to realize his Divine presence right here on Earth and we are being invited to realize that the spirit that lies within us, is us. Those who have eyes let them see. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within. Amen. PS: I have so much more I want to share, come join in during our Satsang and free guided meditations teleconferenced each month. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir "The more open you are to receive, the more you will receive."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Manage Your Energy to Manage Your Manifestations
Ahhh . . . the confusion about Law of Attraction, affirmations, ask/don't ask . . . these things do swirl around in our minds. Can you really get the hang of using this Law so it works for you in life and business, and release doubts and fears? Of course.

What are some of the things we need to know or remember in order to use the Law of Attraction so it works for us?

1. The primary thing to remember is your connection to Spirit, which means your connection to everyone and everything, as well. If you ever feel alone, lonely, or that you're struggling on your own, you've closed out your eternal partner . . . Spirit. Spirit wants only the best for you because you are Spirit having an individualized experience of itself. Whether you take the spiritual or scientific viewpoint on this, there is only one energy, one consciousness, but it has many facets. The only separation between us is in our minds and our understanding.

2. If we focus our energy (match our vibrations) to a specific condition in our lives, say, one we don't like, we feed it as though it is real and eternal rather than a finite effect/experience that resulted from a cause. We tend to tell ourselves and others stories about events in our lives until we believe them more than the truth of who we are and what we're empowered by Spirit to accomplish. You cannot change or shift anything if you focus on what's wrong or not working. You have to focus on the preferred outcome and you have to trust there's a Divine plan Spirit holds for itself (and us) at work always and in all ways. We often forget to realize if we can do this for events we perceive as negative, we can also do this to feed the positives about ourselves and our experiences. We can't control everything or how others behave, but we can control how we choose to experience our lives.

3. You can affirm out the yin/yang about what you want or need, but needy energy repels what or who you seek to have in your life. It also creates more need of what you need, because this is how the Law of Attraction works. This cycle is like the snake devouring itself or a dog chasing its tail. Nor can you pretend to be in a state of absolute faith if you're not. What you can do is ask Spirit to show you what to do, and you will get an answer. A benefit of doing this is it shifts your energy from matching a condition to matching the expectation of Spirit to show you the way. Just doing this raises your energy and aligns you with a solution rather than a problem. Use affirmations to state the Truth about yourself and your Spirit-given power, talents, abilities, and unique personality.

4. Honor your feelings. Many cultures condition us to stuff down or deny our feelings. Well, we know this really doesn't work. It doesn't mean we have to express what we feel to anyone who'll listen (whether they want to or not) or wear them on our metaphorical sleeve, but we can express what we really feel to ourselves. Whether with a pen or at a keyboard, get them all out. Don't let them fester inside of you. When you hide your feelings from yourself, you give them more power than they are supposed to receive. Feelings provide information so we know how to look out for our best interests. Let them feed you with information, don't feed them with your energy.

5. Ask Spirit for what you want, even if it's the next step or which path to take. Write down your question or request; tell Spirit why you want this. Write down your concerns, doubts, and fears then tell Spirit you give all of this over to it. Ask for a clear direction or answer and put a time-limit on it. Want it within 24 hours? Ask for it. Then stay open to receiving what you need to know or do. (I recently had quite a result with this one!)

6. Do you really want what you say you want? Create a rate scale of 0 through 10. Zero represents Not Concerned with This at This Moment, and 10 represents I Intend to Make This My Reality. Pick something you believe you want and rate how much you believe you want it. Now make another scale where 0 represents I Won't Do Anything At All About This and 10 represents I'll Do Whatever It Takes. Rate the level of energy you're willing to put into making this your reality. You might even do one rating for inner energy and one for outer. Do your scale numbers match? Which one is higher, which one is lower? What might you need to do to get them aligned, or did you discover maybe this is not what you want, you want something completely different? Be honest with yourself. You want an authentic life, not one tailored to anyone else's idea of what your life should be.

7. What are your beliefs? Write down what you believe about what you want, about whether you deserve it or not, whether it can/will be yours or not. Which beliefs serve you? Which limit you? Which beliefs would you rather have, and which will cause you to match your vibrations to what you want?

If this seems like a lot of work to you, consider the phrase: When you do what you love, you never work another day. This means doing work you love never or seldom feels like work; it feels harmonious, on purpose, and energizing. If you can feel this way about yourself and your life, it won't be work. It will be harmonious, on purpose, and energizing.

Details for Manage Your Energy to Manage Your Manifestations online course (starts 9/14/08) are at . On the website, sign up for Joyce Shafer�s, L.E.C. (Spiritual/Life Empowerment Coach) free newsletter, take the quiz, and get book discounts (

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