Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Maria Duval - Essence And Manifestation

Essence And Manifestation
Essence is the totality of who you are - the one - just as it is right here right now. Immutable; changeless; timeless; spaceless; depthless; completely independent of all arisings; block of rocklike solidity; infinite darkness; indescribable - none of these descriptions come anywhere near to what it is like - they fall abysmally short of the mark, and your interpretations of these descriptions does not even come close to these "pointers". There is no possibility whatsoever of being told of how exquisitely rich this one is, that who you are is. You are going to have to experience this for yourself. You are going to have to travel the "journey of self discovery" yourself. You can be this essence because who you are is this essence. It is the "motion of seeing" that is flowing through your very eyes right now. This "motion of aliveness" is the "central point" of itself - essence - writing itself out into its play of manifestation through the mindbody that you find yourself driving around through, day in and day out. Of course, this one is all things everywhere. Without it - who you are - there would not be any manifestation. It is the fullness of nothingness that gives life to all. There is no "gradual" about this essence. It is and it is right here right now. It is complete - changeless. It is not a growing thing. It is not unfolding. It is finished - it did not begin and nor will it end. It is - isness ising. There is no "one" in the driver's seat. You cannot compete for that position because it does not exist. Duality does not exist in this essence. Everything is this one. All creatures, great and small, are this one. All humans are this one. Not only it is who you are, it is also who everyone is. Manifestation is the ground of duality. It is where polar opposites play themselves out, where variance has such "scope," variation. Manifestation was born and it will die. Accordingly, all things within manifestation - all minds, all bodies, all sensations, all emotions, all "heavens and hells", all visions, all feelings, all "toys", all arisings, all subtleties, all grossness, all creations, all worlds, all celestial beings, all human beings, all "shmee" beings, - will die. They were born, they live for a time and they die. Your mindbody - this vehicle that you drive around through - is a part of manifestation. It is an arising that was born and will die. It is not who you are Until you come to realize who you already are you are going to believe yourself to be who you think you are which is just a part of manifestation - not who you are. Who you are is the essence that is flowing through and sustaining this manifest existence - this is who you are. You are not your mind even though you cannot conceive of how you could not be your mind. You may well believe that you are not your mind because of concepts that you have come across about how you are not your mind. But these concepts have not relieved you of the bondage, entrapment, estrangement and imprisonment of this mind that you take to be your "guiding light" in life. This mind is part of manifestation. Who you are is not. Concepts are of this mind - manifestation - and cannot deliver you of who you are, which is beyond not only of this mind but beyond all manifestation - beyond beyondness. Manifestation is the playground of love. Love coming to know itself from within its own dance.

Elysha is a self realized teacher of the heart. http://www.elysha.org Elysha is available for satsang in New Zealand for those who are ready for a change in spiritual consciousness. http://www.tran7.com/Elysha/elyshavids.html

Let's create some intentions for this coming year. As we think about it, visualize and feel what we would like to create, our mind aligns with these intentions and we begin to realize them. What we think we create, and we create what we think. Let us begin by intending to evolve ourselves to realize our highest potential. Let us envision that everything we experience is teaching us something that is serving to help us to learn, and grow and evolve ourselves and bring about greater prosperity, happiness and peace. Let us decide to let go of anything and everything that has been keeping us from realizing our full potential; and consciously decide to release any limiting beliefs and fears our mind might have created. Let us drop any and all negativity, and stories we have created about others, or our past, and live fully in the present moment. This coming year represents a new beginning. This coming year you are beginning a new chapter in the book of your life. If you could write a chapter in the book of your life, what would it say? If you could play any part, any character, what character would you be? What would it be like to fully awaken your consciousness, to fully enlighten? Imagine what it would look like, sound like, feel like? Imagine feeling total love, peace and joy all the time for no reason? Imagine you were an actor in the play of your own life and rehearse the part of one who had found peace within and lived to help others find it. Imagine that you were awakening from a dream and beginning to remember who you are and why you were born. Imagine you had been led to these words by your spirit and even as you are reading them your own spirit is making conscious contact with your mind and as your mind is pondering this you are awakening even more. Imagine you lived your life as the spirit that you are and that you began to see the spirit alive in everyone, and in everything, everywhere, all the time, every day. Imagine you were part of a movement that was uplifting the consciousness of humanity so we could all live together in happiness and peace. Just imagine. From the heart, Steven "Your own potential is realized when reflected upon."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit http://www.SelfAwareness.com for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Use Mental Power To Simplify Your Life
The use of mind for creating personal gain is not a license or promise to get-rich-quick. When using mental magnetism there is no promise of getting something for nothing or conjuring up something from thin air. While using the mind to activate God’s laws is a viable and forceful expansion of thought for enhancing the human experience, it is not a free pass to wealth. Using mind to control to improve conditions is justified when applied in truth because in the setting of truth there always lays an assurance of greater possibilities and improved conditions. God’s assurance is to expand man’s experience through knowledge and understanding. This promise resonates of opportunities undiscovered and future potentials retrieved. While mind emits thought and thought produces ideas as concepts it is still action that puts them into motion. The greatest concepts in the world are no better than the force exerted to materialize them. Promises are only guarantees of possibilities and possibilities are guarantees not collected. One does not make the other appear or justify their existence. Mind sets into motion creative forces necessary to launch projected actions. God supplies the necessary ingredients for all actions but it is the mind of man that sets it into motion. No conscious action can happen without man’s involvement. Use of mind to control one’s environment is based on the premise that all possibilities are obtainable at all times. Since God supplies, and man enacts, the prospect for creative potential is limitless. Its creative influence is in man and through man at all times. This creative law of motion contains within itself limitless probabilities and infinite imagination. The Law is the Law, it has no action in itself, it must obey whom ever calls upon it. The Law Of Infinity While man is obviously restricted by time, the Law in which man operates, is Infinite. There is no obstruction in the Law, but man cannot contemplate that which he/she has not experienced because understanding comes with familiarity. Awareness aromatically brings familiarity because awareness is perception and familiarity is experiencing. Man conceives ideas through imagination and ideas become real through development. While ideas unfold from limitless potential only that which is conscious can evolve into complete understanding. The concept of wealth may be a reality, but the procedures for obtaining wealth is formulated in the mind. In most cases, using known prognoses can result in favorable outcomes. A well trained mind is much more apt to achieve wealth, simply because it is more able to focus on the task at hand. Most often a good education stimulates the mind into definitive actions. Wishing for results do not make a case for obtaining them. Applying ideas to well laid plans promotes an exhilaration and need to see ideas materialize. If you plummet ahead expecting the impossible then the impossible will be your due. But if you expect possibilities then possibilities will return realities. You must perceive a vision of success fortified by well laid plans then activated into actions. You must experience the sweet savor of success and feel its embrace as you invite its presence. You must forge ahead in all confidence that success will be yours and you will create a better experience for all around you. Your success will benefit you and those you are associated with equally. Another truth is, you can only achieve that which you can conceive. If you can’t formulate it in your mind if it’s a lie because it only becomes a distraction. Most people operated in a distorted view of life every day. They may dream of things but do not understand the mechanics behind obtaining them. You are only limited by your understanding of the Law not by the Law itself. As your understanding unfolds, the possibilities of attainment increases immensely. It is a mistake to believe you can get what you wish for or you can have anything you want. It takes great effort to bring the Law into realization; you must pay a price. Wishes are no more than day dreams, they are as wisp-full shadows from an evening sunset with no body or permanency. Ghosts of ideas that could have been but never achieved. You must become more than you have been. If you desire to attract a more rewarding life, you must be reborn into your true self. You must embrace, visualize and conceive ideas that propel you to heights of greatness in that which you were created. You must rise up and grasp opportunities as they are presented. Assert yourself and bring to life those God given talents you harbor within. The Law is about freedom and release, but not at the expense of others. It is precise and challenging but unless you are willing to obey its nature and apply its authority, then you will not receive its benefit. A truth worth remembering is; “that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Again, you must pay the price for success. You must provide an environment or avenue in which the Law can operate, follow, work and thrive. Again it is up to you. You bring mental forces from darkness into to light and apply understanding to reasoning for success Happy Trails

Donald Yates, former Development coordinator for Imperial Research, and Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, Author, and Spiritual Adviser is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.


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Feelingization �" When Visualization Just Isn’t Enough
As part of my own process of preparing to meet and manifest a soulmate I created a series of processes for myself that I call “feelinizations”. While some people might call them “visualizations” I have found that “feelingization” is the more accurate term. Just being able to visualize isn’t enough �" you have to feel in every cell of your being the outcome you want to create. For instance: Let’s say you want to manifest a green Jaguar convertible. You could visualize yourself sitting behind the wheel of this car and you could spend days, weeks or months seeing yourself sitting in this green convertible Jaguar but, if you don’t really believe you deserve this car, just visualizing it won’t make it happen. You need to be able to feel how you will feel driving this car knowing in every cell of your body that it is already yours and that you completely deserve it. This is why I call these processes “feelingizations.” At the beginning of my career, I didn’t always know exactly what I wanted, but I was always sure of how I would feel when I got my heart’s desire. For instance, when I moved to Los Angeles in 1984, I needed to manifest a job. Being young and totally new to the entertainment capital of the world, I wasn’t at all clear on what kind of job to look for but I was 100% clear that I wanted a job that would leaving me feeling satisfied, creative and well-paid. So, twice a day I would lie down, close my eyes and imagine in every part of my body what it would feel like when I had a job that was fun, creative, made good use of my existing skills and would challenge me to learn new things. Within ten days I found the perfect job. I also used this technique for manifesting a place to live and ended up with not only a great apartment but a roommate who insisted on doing all the cleaning and cooking! You can use feelingizations in every area of your life, including manifesting a soul mate. Prior to meeting Brian, I had a ritual feelingization: Each day at sunset I would light several candles, put on my favorite CD of Gregorian chants and sit in my big, cozy chair. With my eyes closed I would drop into the feeling of remembering the joy of having my soul mate in my life, I would experience these wonderful feelings in every part of my body KNOWING that he was on the way (there were days when the thought that he was VERY LATE did cross my mind but I would just let those thoughts go and get back to being in a state of grace that his arrival was assured). Feelingizations have the added benefit of being very relaxing which in turn is good for your health!

Arielle Ford is a professional, previously unmarried woman who is revealing her secret to finding romance, love, marriage, and a perfect soumate. She discovered how to take her professional success and apply it to her personal life, and she has never been happier. Now she wants to share that secret with you. Learn how to find your soulmate at http://www.SoulMateKit.com.

Turn the Page
Each day you wake up to a new beginning. Each day you turn the page of your life story and can begin to write whatever you want. Stories change and what makes any book interesting is reading how the hero makes a transition, has an epiphany, or saves the day. What's the story of your life? Would you want to read about you? What would you want to read? What would you like to write if you could be the screenwriter of your life story? What kind of hero would you be? This year marks a new chapter in your life. With the New Year comes the opportunity to re-create yourself and the best way to do that is to find yourself. As you look within and get more connected with who you are, you will naturally begin to discover why you were born. The more you connect with your purpose, the clearer it will be to fulfill your life purpose. As you begin fulfilling your life purpose you begin to feel more fulfilled, happy and peaceful. As you dial in on that inner connection through Shaktipat meditation the cloud of unknowing is lifted, like the fog evaporating on a sunny day. As you let more light in, everything becomes clear. Innately you already know; you have only to seek to find. Come with me to a place where the sun always shines and God's love is felt so deep you lose your mind. All the things your mind thinks won't matter after you're dead. What matters is love, and I am inviting you to make this next chapter of your life about love. About receiving love and sharing it. Not just personal love for people you love, that's a given. I am inviting you to really love yourself. I am inviting you to stretch your capacity to love others. I invite you to forgive everyone, to drop all judgments of yourself and others. To surrender any and all negativity, and surrender to the presence of God that prodded you to read this. As hard at it might be for your mind to believe, you are in the midst of an awakening. Something is changing in you. Like a spout that has popped up through the soil after years of germinating, your spirit is free and seeks the light. Leave your "you" behind and come with me to a place where the Angels dance with you. Where everyone you see is your brother or sister and the Divine is right here beside us guiding us each step of the way. Are you living with the spirit of a child? Does life fascinate you? Does God inspire you? Do you love for no reason at all? There is so much love being offered to you. There is so much joy awaiting you. Come play in the garden with me. Don't let your mind resist it. Turn the page, a new chapter of your life is being written. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir "It just gets better."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit http://www.SelfAwareness.com for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Why Hurry - Worry? Living Life By Intuition
Why Hurry �" Worry? Living Life By Intuition

Learning to trust and live by our intuitive inner guidance systems is not about developing fancy party tricks to impress our friends. It is about learning to return to a life of balance that is guided from a deeper source of wisdom than our current culture has to offer.

The more "masculine" thought processes (I’m not bashing individual men here�"we all have masculine and feminine attributes) dominate every aspect of our culture, honoring only the linear and rational ways of thinking. As a result, we find ourselves swimming in massive debt, experiencing disharmony and dysfunction in the majority of our personal and global relationships, and finding millions of the most educated, gifted and resourced people in the world dependent on anti-depressants. All that, and at the same time we face the very real and eminent potential of an environmental disaster that could be beyond repair.

What An Intuitive Life Looks Like

Living by intuition, you begin to leave fear, doubt, immobilization and frantic action behind. Why hurry-worry? When you realize that you will know what you need to know, when you need to know it (and very often not a moment sooner), you begin to see there is no need to live in the imagined future. There is no need to plan out ten possible outcomes you don’t want, one you do, and then spend precious time and energy making sure those things do or don’t happen. You have the time, space, energy, and faith that you can simply enjoy the “now” in real-time.

Of course, you’ll lose a lot of the drama in your life. People will come to see you as peaceful, maybe even serene, and there won’t be overly much to complain about. The old friends, stuck in their old ways, won’t know what to do with you. So they will likely leave. Yet you will begin to attract new friends who have also left a good deal of the drama behind. This drawback is like complaining that someone has dumped gold on your fresh-cut lawn. But you will learn to deal with that.

Living By Faith

Where the mind will play a thousand tricks a day on you, the intuitive knowing�"which you cannot always summon on your personally preferred time table, but which is completely trustworthy when it does come�"never fails. Never.

Even if the road that rises up does not take you where you thought you were going, in the end it takes you where you most wanted to go. I call this “Smart Reliability” because when I dream big dreams, but plan my route to accomplishing them in ways that are limited to my current understanding, my intuitive drive makes the needed adjustments so that the bigger dreams can actually come true.


Robin Rice is an intuitive healer and social change artist. She writes transformational fiction, offering two books online for free, and one novel that is published in three languages. She creates spoken word meditation CD's and has a private shamanic healing practice. Learn more about living an Intuitive Life at: http://www.BeWhoYouAre.com

Robin Rice is an intuitive healer and social change artist. She writes transformational fiction, offering two books online for free, and one novel that is published in three languages. She creates spoken word meditation CD's and has a private shamanic healing practice. Learn more about living an Intuitive Life at: http://www.BeWhoYouAre.com

Still More Advice for Ex-offenders looking for Jobs
You have been recently released and need a job to get on with the rest of your life. Hopefully you have learned that life is all about choices. The choices you continue to make will shape your life. The job search is all about choices too. Because you have a criminal record, you will be faced with different challenges than the average job seeker. Your record will make your job search more interesting. There is a choice to be made here too. You can do what many ex-offenders do and hope that a prospective employer will not hold your record against you. Another choice is, you can make yourself legitimately competitive in the open employment market by developing the skills and attitudes that will allow you to compete for a job. Can you tell an employer in five minutes or less what you can do and how your skills can benefit him? How is your dress? Do you look like you are going to a club or to hang out with some friends or do you look like a businessman with a product to sell? Do you have definite plan of action that includes of prospective employers to call on? Do have a resume that outlines you skills, experience or qualifications? If you answered “No” to any one of these questions, you have some work to do. Step One: Identify your skills. I bet if you really look, you have at least 30 skills that would benefit an employer. Step Two: Develop a resume that a prospective employer can look at and get an idea of what type of person you are and what you have to offer. Step Three: Decide what type of work you want to do and how your skills will help you be successful in the field you choose. Step Four: Develop a list of prospective employers to call on. Get help from friends, relatives, and members of your community to help you get leads for open jobs. That is called “Networking.” Step Five: Get your wardrobe together. The clothing you wear both on your job search and interviews should be neat, clean and professional. Your clothes should say “I am the person for this job!” Step Six: Practice you interview skills. Anticipate questions and practice answering until your responses sound confident and natural One additional choice you must make is to never give up! For more great advice for ex-offenders looking for work, visit http://www.JailtoJob.com

Eric Mayo specializes in professional and personal development with special emphasis on life skills and job readiness training. Eric has over 20 years of corporate and educational experience which he uses to help people improve the quality of their lives. Mr. Mayo has a degree in Business Administration from Seton Hall University where he was a standout member of both the Pirate football and wrestling teams. An author and lecturer, Eric is the author of the books, “From Jail to a Job", “The Teenager’s Guide to Getting a Job" , “The Secret to Getting Better Grades", and has addressed, among others, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Charles Hamilton Institute for Race and Justice of the Harvard School of Law. He is an active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and has spent his life committed to community empowerment. Eric has been studying, learning, applying and executing the art of personal achievement and leadership throughout his career. It is truly his passion and his gift. He combines a straightforward approach and real-world perspective with a presentation style that is inspirational and motivational. His primary message is, “Independence through Self-Reliance." You can contact Eric at http://www.Jailtojob.com

Meditation The Easy Way To Relieve Stress
Have you ever been so stressed out from work, kids, relationships or the other millions of things that you just want to pull your hair out? I know you have, we all have. When we are upset by someone at work or in society, danger signals are sent to our brain and our heart starts beating faster and our blood pressure rises. However, we don’t usually run away and we usually don’t start fighting physically. We hold it all in, perhaps showing a smile on the outside. If this is kept up all day, the stress builds and if it continues over a long time it can damage our heart. There is a very easy, relaxing solution to relieve the pressures of modern day life, and it has been there the whole time, its meditation. Many people all around the world use different techniques to meditate but the end result is very similar - “Relaxation”. One of the most popular ways is by listening to meditation cds. You may be thinking you just don’t have time to meditate, but trust me if you just start making a few minutes a day to lock yourself away and find the peace within yourself it will be well worth its weight in gold. If you just start out meditating for a few minutes at a time and stick with it you will find that it is so enjoyable and relaxing you will find it is hard to pull yourself away from it. You’ll soon find that you look forward to grabbing your favorite meditation cd and sitting back to seek peace and harmony. To practice meditation we don’t need to follow a particular religion; anybody can meditate, the only requirement is our conscious aspiration to silence the thoughts of the mind. In fact, one of the important aspects of meditation is that it is a form of sense withdrawal. When you become adept at this technique it relieves stress and is just as effective as going away to the top of a forested mountain or sitting alone on a sandy beach. You’ll find that many meditation cds will take you away to beautiful special places in your mind…more beautiful than you can imagine without experiencing it yourself. There are many positive results that you will get from meditating, besides just a relaxation tool. If you can teach yourself to focus on goals you would like to achieve or something you would like to improve about yourself you will find many answers to a great number of things in the silence of meditation. For thousands of years people have been using this method to obtain the things that they want and the things that they dream of. Many great leaders in history and very successful people have been using meditation to do their most productive thinking and soul searching. Some say there is no connection to the universal energy like the one you will find when develop the skills of a very deep relaxing meditation. Walking meditation is also becoming more popular these days because you can get both mental and physical benefits and some say it is more effective as it is easier for most people to be more intense and more easily aware of their bodies while walking, as compared to sitting. It is truly amazing some of the story’s I have heard about people that have overcome illness and many other disorders with simple meditation. A real possibility of a compassion and wisdom-based world exists, replacing the fear-based world that we find ourselves living in, but it has to begin with each of us taking the time to understand our “selves.” It is one thing to talk about peace and love but it is only when we meditate that we can experience these qualities as a living reality. Our ability to meditate is not some special skill out of human reach. Every human being looking for peace in life should practice meditation and experience how it will relieve mental stress and suffering. To find out more about meditation and get some very helpful tools including some wonderful meditation cds to get you started in finding real inner peace go to www.easy-meditation-cd.com.

To find out more about meditation and get some very helpful tools including some wonderful meditation cds to get you started in finding real inner peace go to www.easy-meditation-cd.com

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