Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Maria Duval - Turning on your Heart Light

Turning on your Heart Light
As you sink into your space remember a time when you experienced love or appreciation . . . it can be something as simple as when you looked into the eyes of a baby, or a pet or a cherished friend . . . allow yourself, in this moment, to re-experience those feelings of love or appreciation. . . as you do this notice the area around your heart . . . breathe these feelings of remembered love and appreciation into the area in and around your heart. . . And I want you to imagine that this experience of love and appreciation allows you NOW to locate your own personal heart light . . . however it appears to you… know that you have an internal heart light. . . see it now and switch it to the ON position . . . Good, take a breath into your heart as you continue remembering the feelings of love and appreciation . . . And as you allow yourself to breathe in these feelings, surrender any doubt or thoughts that you are imaging this. . . Strongly connected to your internal heart light, imagine now that you can broadcast these feelings of love and appreciation out into the world . . . out to every other heart in the world . . . out to every man, woman, child, dolphin, bird, every sentient being . . . practice now broadcasting your purest love to the world and as you do this, knowing that your inner heart light is now in the ON position . . . know that you are beaming a signal to the heart of your soul mate that you are ready and willing to magnetize them into your life see this light emanating from your heart, this light filled with trust and knowingness, see it filling the spaces around your body and beaming out to the world around you . . . breathe into this light, into this loving feeling and continue to broadcast it out around you. Sink into the deep knowingness that your soul mate has been touched, just now, by the energy of your heart. Breathe into the deep knowingness that he or she IS on the way. Rest assured that every cell of your being now knows that your soul mate is on the way. You do not need to know the when, the where, the how of your meeting . . . just rest in the YES that they are indeed coming to you. And allow that thought to bring a smile across your lips. Tell yourself now that it is safe to keep your heart-light on . . . know that you are loved and protected and ready . . . remember that you have much love to give and much love to receive. Know that as you savor the waiting for your soul mate to appear, you can give your love to all around you and as you do this, your heart-light beams stronger and brighter with each loving thought you have. And when you are ready open your eyes remembering to keep your heart open as you do.

Arielle Ford is a professional, previously unmarried woman who is revealing her secret to finding romance, love, marriage, and a perfect soulmate. She discovered how to take her professional success and apply it to her personal life, and she has never been happier. Now she wants to share that secret with you. Learn how to find your soulmate at http://www.SoulMateKit.com.

Controlling Your Mind Equals Great Dates
The Law of Attraction says to live in the knowledge that you are getting what you want. It may seem like a feel-good philosophy and nothing more. You might think it is worth considering, but not something that exists in nature. However, the Law of Attraction is based upon the science of physics. The Law of Attraction and quantum physics shows us that all in the universe is made of energy. This includes both what we call "solid" objects and something as ethereal as thoughts. The truth is that even so-called solid objects have a high percentage of empty space in them. They are made up of energy. The Law of Attraction takes this fact into account. The Law of Attraction is based upon the fact that the energy in our bodies and minds are always vibrating. This makes wavelengths of different frequencies. We send these frequencies out from ourselves into the larger world. The world itself-in fact, the whole universe-is all made of energy as well. The whole thing is constantly vibrating. It is always full of possibilities. Our individual frequencies go into this vast ocean of movement. The Law of Attraction can affect this. Once our frequencies are emitted, they attract frequencies that are like them. So, you are constantly using the Law of Attraction to bring things to you. If you are sending out negative vibrations, you will not like what returns to you. This is because, by the Law of Attraction, those negative frequencies are clumping together with others of their kind. You can deliberately use the Law of Attraction to focus your thoughts and your being on a positive outcome. The frequencies you emit will stick with other good ones and return to you as a joyful result. This is not simply a matter of wishful thinking. It involves living in the state you choose for yourself. You don't need to start out with millions of dollars in the bank to feel wealthy. You can think, speak, and act like a millionaire. You just need to believe that's what you are deep inside. The Law of Attraction will do the rest. You need to feel excited by your choices for the Law of Attraction to work well. That is because the level of excitement determines the level of vibration you are sending out. If you choose something in a half-hearted way, it will return to you in the same way. However, if you are excited by your choice, you will increase the power of your vibrational frequency. The results will come rolling in. You must do what you can to maintain your excitement. This will bring your dreams into reality by the Law of Attraction. On the other hand, if you complain about something, or fight against something, that is the thing you will bring to yourself. The Law of Attraction works this way because the universe only has a way of grouping like with like. Your negativity about a subject will return to you as more negative results for that subject. Several people with doctorates in physics have studied the power of the Law of Attraction. Many of them believe that the mind controls the universe. They believe that this is done through the Law of Attraction.

Terry Detty finds Free Online Dating Service and Germantown TN Free Online Dating Service his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk.  His latest interest is a new Cleveland TN Free Online Dating Service he's been using.

The SGR Program Review
What is The SGR program ? The SGR program is one of the most powerful and complete seft-help club in the word. Three teachers featured on The Secret - Bob Proctor,Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield will teach you The Science of Getting Rich. In the SGR club program, you will not only get the knowledge and mental programming for unlimited wealth from the SGR Home study course, you will also get the opportunity to create wealth with the SGR Affiliate program. In the SGR program, you will get Law of Attraction with a 180 page workbook , this workbook and action planner help you further understand and implement the Law of Attraction as well as other Universal Laws. There are also providing 10 CD's with 15 hours of content so you can listen, while on the road. On the other hand, there is an MP3 player included with the CD content preloaded You will also have Weekly live training calls where you will be taught Bob Proctor's teachings. You also have an opportunity to discuss and mastermind with other like minded individuals On top of that, you can get access to the SGR Club Library & SGR Forums. The membership also includes a ticket to SGR Club regional seminars offered in various cities around the world. In this life enhancing, transforming seminar, you will learn the practical side of the Science of Getting Rich and how to create multi source of income. If you would like to join in SGR affiliate program, you have to sign up online. You can also sign up for Premium Affiliate System .once you sign up for Premium affiliate, you can instant access affiliate website with all the supporting tools to market online straight away. These include Internet marketing course, customizable website, auto-responders, sales copy, articles, news & etc. Premium Affiliate Membership comes with the leading Internet Marketing Course on how to build a successful online business for those who don't have a lot of internet marketing experience. In affiliate program, you can earn US$500 for every Tier one sale and US$250 for every Tier 2 sale. The cost price to join The SGR club of $1995 is a small price to pay for the amount of money the SGR program will help you earn. The SGR Club program has many positives and the mindset materials are worthwhile. If you would like to know more about the SGR program visit: The SGR Club Program review

Joel writes informative articles on various subjects including Review of SGR program. Read mora at The SGR Club Program

Spiritual Coaching: Will It Go �Round in Circles?
Everything and its opposite are merely two ends of the same "measuring" stick. How can we use Law of Attraction to get the end (experience) we desire and stop going in circles?

Let's start with cause and effect.

The Law performs according to its nature, and it never disagrees with us about whatever we vibrate. Vibrate is a key word. We can affirm as much as we like, but if we have even the smallest portion of doubt, we will not manifest the experience we desire fully and maybe not at all. Why? because the Law's nature is to match what we vibrate.

When we find ourselves experiencing certain circumstances we don't like or we wish to change, we tend to focus on the circumstance. Maybe you've heard yourself say a variety of things, to yourself or others like, "I Have Got to Change This!" The act of making a statement in this way or about any condition in our life, repeating it to ourselves and/or saying it to others . . . makes the circumstance more and more like a tangible (real) thing rather than an experience . . . an effect that resulted from a cause. (Note: I'm not saying don't vent. I'm not saying deny what you feel. I am saying it's better to speak with someone who will support you properly and productively rather than join you in a pity party or repeat your "bad luck" to everyone they can think of.)

The more you perceive a circumstance as a real thing, the more life force you give it to remain in your life (so does everyone who thinks or talks about your "condition" as real). What might happen if you perceive a current condition in your life as an experience rather than a solid thing? What might happen if you ask what you can learn and how you can grow from this experience? What might happen if you write down what you prefer and ask what you might need to do to cause it into your reality?

Ask is another key word. A lot of us were told not to ask for much, not to expect much. I could go on and on about belief statements about such things. I have a surprise for you: Spirit/God/Universe/(Your Favorite Word) wants us to ask.

It's easy, because of what the world tells us is "real," to feel we're doing everything and/or doing it alone. That's impossible because Spirit is with us always and in all ways. Do you need, say, $5,000 to take care of something? Affirmation aficionados would tell us to write and affirm aloud many times a day, "I have $5,000." Ever tried that one? Why is it generally ineffective for so many?

For one thing, such a statement doesn't really engage Law of Attraction. What are we to do? How about, "Spirit, I ask that you show me how to obtain $5,000 by (date). I ask you to open me to receiving it, open me to entrusting you with the how yet taking any action you inspire me to take. I ask you to show me how to open myself to new possibilities. I ask for this or something even better."

Through such statements, you've asked for what you want or need; you've reminded yourself that Spirit is your eternal partner in all matters; you've released how fulfillment can or might happen by entrusting Spirit with the how (Spirit is a Master with the How); you've agreed to take action when inspired to do so (rather than running amok); you've agreed to trust rather than fear or doubt; and you don't impose a limit on Spirit to provide even more or something even better.

When you hold as your condition that you will be shown what to do rather than a perceived lack or limitation, Law has to obey . . . because its nature is to (say it with me) match your vibrations always and in all ways. You can apply this to money, health, love, career, and any and every matter in your life.

If you have an experience, you can bet you hold a vibration that supports it.

Joyce Shafer is a Spiritual and Life Empowerment Coach and writer (jls1422@yahoo.com). Visit her website to learn about her extraordinary introductory coaching program, see her books and e-books, and sign up for her free newsletter. Watch for her upcoming online workshop: How to Manage Your Energy to Manage Your Manifestations. http://www.freewebs.com/coach4lifebalance

EXIST - Do You Mind?
Do we really exist? All around us is nothing but molecules; molecules in the air, molecules in our body, molecules in the space; molecules nothing but molecules.

One thing that has gone unanswered for billions upon billions of years is the meaning of life. Why are we here? What is our purpose? How are we self aware? How do we have free will and no one else can control what we do? Is everything by intelligent design or evolution? How are we who we are today?

My theory is explained in a completely straightforward and non-religious way. With hopes you can take even a piece of what I have to say and begin to lead a more fulfilling life each and every day!

The one fact in human life, in your life and in mine, is the coming into a conscious, vital realization of our oneness with this Infinite Life. This simply means, that we are recognizing our true identity.

Envision yourself as one of the first human beings to walk this planet. There were no mentors, no social network, no family tree, just you and the earth you're revolving with. What do you feel? Are you confused? Are you afraid? Are you conscious of yourself? By natural instinct, you are hungry. With your inventive nature you find a way to survive and to satisfy your needs. You do whatever it takes.

Set aside the Internet, the media, education, your job, your credit card debt. You are not your body. If you were, where would you be? Your brain, your heart, an eye? Your arm, or leg? No.

Sit in the quiet and realize you are NOT your body.

Still the mind. You are not your mind. You are not a thought that comes and goes, nor an emotion. You are the observer of all these things. You are the I, the I that exists beyond the physical body, beyond the mind. You are the I that Is. When the physical is gone, the I remains... the Infinite I.

Sigmund Freud was well beyond his years when he explained that our behavior is based upon conditioned responses to stimuli. Life is about breaking free from the mold we are conditioned to believe in. Opening your mind to unconventional wisdom!

Some may never see the beauty! Our soul reflects the highest, purest form of love we carry within us. We are one with all people, the planet, the universe and all that is. We are one consciousness, one energy field. We have been created by one source. It's so hard to comprehend Infinity, but there was never a beginning and there'll never be an end. Energy always existed; making changes from one form to another. The law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed. Energy makes our bodies grow and allows our minds to think.

This leads me into why I believe to an extent in the 'Law of Attraction', which simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. You must be very clear on exactly what your desire is. Focus on it. Give it all your positive energy. Any thought you may have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you to the universe and will attract back what you want. Just like Vincent Schiavelli taught Patrick Swayze how to move things and make things happen in the movie Ghost. Schiavelli said "You got to take all your emotions, all your anger, all your love, and push it into the pit of your stomach". It sounds cliché; just listen to your head and your heart. You are the captain of your ship, the master of your destiny. You choose the journey.

Yes, we ultimately want to be happy. But as Leo Rosten said, "I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be just "happy." I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all." If you aspire to achieve greater meaning and self-fulfillment, things don't come easy. It requires courage and a leap of faith.

Nevertheless, I think the only thing we cannot control in our life is the day we are born - day we die. It's what we do with that little dash that matters.

Live For The Moment. Don't Worry, Be Happy & Have Fun!

Copyright (c) 2007 EZas123 ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Schwartz, Entrepreneur & Marketing Extraordinaire, known as “EZ” on eBay. Sign up for his FREE EZ-ine newsletter at http://www.EZ-ine.com

How to Manifest Dreams
How to Manifest Dreams
by Jimmy Roos

Words: 528
CPL: 65

Lets face it, we all have dreams. And we all want to know
how to manifest dreams.

We had dreams since we were young and since that time we
wanted to know how to manifest dreams. We lived our dreams
in our imagination. We were brimming with confidence and
were sure that one day we would manifest our dreams.
However sadly for most of us, it all ended when we grew up.

Why? Because the world and all its instruments, including
our parents and teachers told us that our dreams are just
not possible. So we gave up on our dreams and followed the
paths that were laid out for us.

Some became doctors, others became teachers and some others
followed other professions. However there were those who
were determined to manifest their dreams.

They defied the establishments and followed their passion.
They became sports stars, musicians and still others became
artists and actors.

When we look at these people they show us something which
is a key ingredient in learning how to manifest dreams.
They all have a passion for what they are doing. They have
discovered what they love and they started doing it and
found that they are actually good at it.

And very soon other people noticed it too and started
supporting them by wathing their games and movies and buying
their music.

There's something else that these people have and that we
too had when we were young. It is "imagination." They
imagined their dreams, which is necessary if you want to
know how to manifest dreams.

Imagination is very important for manifesting dreams,
because it allows you to experience something before you
can actually have it.

If you want to know how to manifest dreams you must
realize that all reality starts in the mind. The architect
cannot construct a building if he hasn't designed it. And
he cannot design something if he hasn't seen it in his mind.

Similarly you cannot manifest your dreams if you cannot
see it first. But seeing is not enough. It needs to become
tangible. You need to hear it, feel it and touch it.

Next you need to affirm it with emotion in the present or
past tense. That indeed it is so.

Another thing that is necessary if you want to know how to
manifest dreams is to listen to yourself and following your
gut. That small voice inside you that may tell you to go
left when everybody shouts, "go right!"

Following your dreams seems daunting, especially if you're
surrounded by negative people. However, if you give up
on your dreams you may end your life with regrets.

Isn't it better to see how far you can go. Where you may
end up? In case you're thinking who am I to want to be
great and famous, let me remind you of the famous words
of Nelson Mandela. Who are you, not to be great and famous.

Now that you know how to manifest dreams, you have no
excuse not to manifest yours.

Jimmy Roos has failed most of his life. After much trial and error he finally discovered how to manifest his desires. Now he wants to help you, manifest yours. Visit his website, http://www.how-to-manifest-your-desires.com

The Law of Attraction - Why so Many Fail at it
Manifesting the ideal reality that you want is a practice that has been known and practiced by many powerful individuals. Those who have been privileged to learn the true secrets to manifesting took the time to understand their true nature and the nature of reality itself. Although the law of attraction has become mainstream few people understand what makes it works and what makes it flop. It’s not unlike prayer where some people experience instant miracles while other fail miserably to get even their bills paid. In order to manifest what you desire you must know exactly how to align yourself with power and only then can you truly attract what you are holding in your mind or repeating with affirmations. There are many law of attraction courses that teach you the best affirmations and teach you what to change about yourself. You have been told if you just change this one quality about yourself it will work. Yet, after you have spent months working hard to change that particular quality you realize that you are still very much struggling all over again. All these changes are great but they are hard and frustrating and they are completely backwards in the entire process to you getting what you want now. The true secret to attraction is in the proper alignment of God power. There is no other way. Imagine now that you are an appliance, think of the computer you are now using. That computer has all the software programs and languages installed to do its job, however if that computer is not plugged into the circuits it is worthless. You are no different as a human being. You may have said affirmations for years and those affirmations may have helped you a great deal but imagine if like the computer you could connect to the source how much faster the changes would be. We may call that source of power God, the Universe or any name we choose, what matters is that this source is all that we truly need. Connecting to that source of power changes your entire biological makeup it releases the barriers to you getting what you want. The struggle you are now having, to be or do what you want ceases and what happens then to your life will be pure miracles and absolute magic. The ancients who understood the law of attraction and the many other spiritual laws knew how to properly connect to their source of power to get the maxim results. Most people are connecting with the car or the house but the true miracle is to connect with something greater. The moment you connect to that source of power that is greater than those things you will suddenly begin to get the things that you want effortlessly? Magic will become the way of your life.

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that excellerate the attraction process? To learn more vist: http://www.cosmic-wealth.com where Daniel Hinds shares secrets to manifesting faster.

I accept myself as I freely communicate. As I speak, my self- acceptance at the same time will shine Light out of the window of my soul. Self acceptance brings me in the present moment, which is the only true vehicle of authentic communication. If you read my blog about communication you would know that I have been working on a message that will be presented in our upcoming infomercial and the challenge I was facing in creating the message. This article is to continue the subject of communication and all the ways in which we communicate to ourselves and the world around us. I have discovered a huge array of ways that we communicate. There are probably 10,000 ways we communicate, the way we walk, talk, drive, dress, the house we live in, the way we look at one another, the frowns, the smiles, the music we listen to and even our hobbies just to name a few. Since I typically wear jeans and cowboy boots, I would be communicating silently the western or cowboy way of life. With so many forms of communications to choose from it is hard to know where to begin. Let's start with our voice which includes not only the words we choose to speak but the tone in which we speak them, the volume we use, and the change of pitch along with the emphasis we use as we speak these words. Sometimes we are not even aware of exactly how we have said our words or the impact they have left behind. It is a good idea to be conscious of our words. The Bible even says to be careful of the tongue (not a direct quote, but you get it). We communicate through the way we write and the meanings behind the words. They can be interpreted in a million different ways, depending on who is reading them and how they feel at that particular moment, what they believe and how they perceive what has been written. Then we communicate through pictures. We can get many varied ideas while looking at a picture, and see many different aspects of life all in one picture. As the saying goes "one picture is worth a 1,000 words". That is so true. Even a picture in your own mind can reveal untold volumes about our coming actions or events in our lives. We have a blank canvas in our minds to create pictures as to what we want or what we dream of in the future. I'm reminded too of the saying my mother was fond of when we were kids "little pictures have big ears"! And of course we also have sign language as a form of communication, which is an art of its own. Along with other forms of communication we look back in time and see the caveman drawings, and the signs or painting on the cliff walls left by the Indians. Ever try to guess what the ancient Egyptians were trying to tell us with the pyramids? But perhaps the most important communication is the conversations we have with ourselves and then next with the people we desire to connect with. I recently ran across a quote by Malcolm Forbes, "People will forget what you said; People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel". When we communicate with ourselves and the world how do we want them to feel after we are gone? Yes, even ourselves; do I want my communication with myself to leave me feeling positive? Accept myself, communicate honestly with myself, be authentic knowing I have the ability to change how I communicate and therefore how I am. As I personally don't tend to be the most outspoken person, although there are definitely certain subjects that once you get me started talking about I can go on forever. I still believe writing is the best form for me to communicate my true thoughts, whether it is in articles, stories, poetry, prayers and an upcoming book. Take a look at your own unique style of communicating and make sure it is authentic in order to let your light shine. Rebecca Hofeldt

Businesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Rebecca Hofeldt fulfills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and inspiration to others. Be Sure to Visit: Success

Is It Possible to Run Your Car on Water???
Is It Possible to Run Your Car on Water??? http://www.burn-water.net Congratulations! You have just found a way to own a water-to-energy converter for your car. Water4Gas is one of the most PRACTICAL free-energy devices, marked by extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness. You cannot get anything, anywhere near this good, for twice the price. We offer devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery, to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also called Hydroxy or Hydrogen*Oxygen™, burns beautifully and provides TONS of energy - while the end product is just WATER! Mobile Magazine says HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water. DID YOU KNOW: Pound for pound HHO GAS IS 3 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN GASOLINE!!! HHO is a fast growing trend for boosting performance and MPG. We took a 90-year-old suppressed technology, We SIMPLIFIED it, You can have affordable yet very effective devices, right now. You have our permission to replicate all our devices - we'll even show you how! Easy to install & maintain. Good for carb/fuel injection, gas/diesel. Old/new cars, light trucks, boats, more. About the author To get involved in knowing all there is to know and in learning how to POWER YOUR CAR WITH WATER, visit http://www.burn-water.net for all the SECRETS of Water Car Technology


As I reluctantly stood atop the twenty steps I had to descend daily in order to catch the New York train that would bring me to my daily grind, I attempted to put one foot in front of the other and suddenly, I tripped! In the few agonizing minutes it took me to regain my composure and my footing, I realized, had I fallen, I probably would have plunged head first onto the hard linoleum flooring that awaited me at the bottom of the staircase. More importantly, I would have most assuredly suffered serious injuries, or worse, death. (As a result of my misstep, I sustained a bruised big toe that ached for a week due to my awkward attempts at avoiding this tumble). Few people know that my greatest fears are drowning in the coldest, brightest-blue, chaotic water, and of course, falling down a long flight of stairs. I endure dreams of my demise or being severely handicapped, even temporarily disabled, from either of the aforementioned situations quite frequently. I harbor such an acute consternation for these two circumstances that it has taken me weeks, months, years even, to sit down and construct a story that vaguely includes the topic of drowning or falling. I would imagine I've been unenthusiastic in including tumbling or sinking in any of my writings because as of late, I've begun to allow myself to partially believe if you talk about a topic, you inadvertedly give life to it. Hence, this script is my defiance and inability to absolutely believe the latter. Hopefully, admitting my premonitions and briefly jotting them down will help me prevail over my fears granting me restful slumbers in the future. As I was saying, I nervously retrieved my bearings after my stumble and I bid those who love me good-bye. While I moseyed in the direction of the train station, I became aware that I was strangely agitated. I guess I was troubled not so much by the fact of the act of falling, but rather, the end result of my plunge coupled with the disastrous effect that my injuries would have upon those who love me and persistently expect me to function as the full-of-zip, individual I've always been. As I strode, step-by-step, I started thinking of how precious life is and how in a in a jiffy, in a flash, with the bat of an eye, even a tiny flicker, the life you have at 9:00 a.m., won't be the same life at 9:01 a.m. All it takes is an accident or an injury and your life is altered, possibly forever! Isn't it funny how people rarely take the time to observe their own lives appreciating the blessings that have been bestowed upon them? I'm talking about the "things" that are constantly overlooked. However, if we were to have those "things" removed from our lives, our existence would be hindered or unfamiliar. "Things" like the loss of a limb or an eye. Imagine being told that you had to choose which one of those "things" you had to get rid of. How about waking up a few hours from now and being told you'd never walk again? What if you never woke up tomorrow and your loved ones were told you had a stroke and were in an irreversible coma? How devastating are those scenarios for ya? What about the fact that we wake up each day just plain ol' healthy and pain free? How blessed you are if you can admit to being healthy absent pain each day? What about the fact that your brain and thought processes are working properly allowing you the capability of making sound decisions to construct your life or the lives or your loved ones 24-7? See? We never think about these "things" do we? We take LIFE for granted! We often talk and think in terms of always being around to see another sunrise. When you leave your job at the end of the day you don't say to your co-workers, "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow because I might not wake up in the morning," do you? Of course you don't! What you do say is, "Good-night, I'll see you tomorrow." We bid goodnight to our co-workers in that manner because by design, we take for granted that we are going to be around for another tomorrow. It's unfortunate that our tomorrows are not promised to us, although most of us live each day mindless to that reality. Therefore, we should practice living each day conscious of our brief existence on earth. Make each second, each minute, each day, meaningful. Take the time to say I love you to your loved ones as you leave the house each morning. Otherwise, you might not have an opportunity to say it to them again, ever! Hug someone you think is deserving of some kindred spirit. Maybe you'll change that person's life in a positive way you'd otherwise believe unimaginable. Speak to someone as you pass him or her in the corridor. Greet someone who wouldn't normally part his or her lips to speak to you. Take the introductory step for a change and be the bigger person. Speak to them, even if they never speak to you first. Being kind should become infectious, because being mean certainly is. I know for a fact, I'm nice to people each day that I'd rather not tolerate for a microsecond if I weren't forced to work with them. Sure it's called professionalism and cordiality, but I'm a very compassionate person by nature. So it's easier for me to be nice than to be cold and cruel for 8-hours. Heck, it sure makes my workday end faster, I know that! Besides, being mean and grumpy takes too much energy. I don't know of anyone deserving of that much power over my way of thinking. Appreciate those you love by giving them your "time." Spread your wonderful self thin by surrounding yourself with people and friends who appreciate you and your company. If you have elder parents, GIVE THEM YOUR TIME!! Do it today!! Because in a flicker, the life you lead today could be drastically altered or, over in a flicker. Just in case you'd like to know what a flicker is? Blink your eyes right now. That's a FLICKER! Now think about that! And while you're thinking? Make sure you hold onto the railing from now on as you descend stairs. Even if you believe you're taking them gingerly. Cause your FLICKER could be just one step away. (c) 2006 by C. V. Harris. All rights reserved.

C. V. Harris pens about topics most others would rather forget. Ms. Harris recently completed writing her Memoir entitled, "Stubborn Stains," which is due for publication in October, 2006. Want to ask Ms. Harris a question or comment regarding Flicker? Send your inquiries to info@onewriterwriting@hotmail.com, or visit her Blog at onewriterwriting.blogspot.com to read other dynamic articles scripted by C. V. Harris.

1 comment:

Nancy from www.Mindbridge-loa.com said...

Turning on your heart light can do more than find you a soulmate.

Please see videos at http://www.mindbridge-loa.com/Gregg-Braden.html

for the value of this great technique.
