Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Maria Duval - A Life of Your Choosing

A Life of Your Choosing
Choice: many of us feel we have lots of them; some feel they have little or no choice in one or more areas of their lives.

“The greatest gift Life could have made to you is yourself. You are a spontaneous, self-choosing center of Life, in the great drama of being, the great joy of becoming, the certainty of eternal expansion.” [Unknown]

Everything we think, say, feel, and do (or don’t) is a choice.

The moment we recognize the value of this, we can choose to be more conscious about our choices.

In love relationships or any other area of life, staying where you aren’t “fed” is like starving in a banquet hall filled with food. When you go to a banquet, no one makes you eat. When and what you partake of is your choice. How is this metaphoric scenario any different from life?

Everything we’re experiencing in our lives right this moment is the result of a choice, whether it included action or perceived inaction. When we don’t like our outcomes, we have the power to shift future outcomes at either the inner or outer levels, or both.

If you’re one who works with the Law of Attraction or any other form of quantum-thinking system, it can take a while to switch from focusing attention on what you no longer want, or believe needs fixing or changing, to what you desire to expand more of into your life, and how you choose to feel.

The key to the greatest energy or power in this is to realize you can choose how to feel in any moment. You really can. I’m not saying it’s necessarily easy, but you can do it. This includes choosing to feel as bad as you feel you need to for as long as you feel the need to. Honoring your feelings is not a flaw. Emotional pain happens as a part of life. How you choose to suffer and for how long is up to you (usually long past the event for many).

It’s remarkable what can happen when you make a choice about what you prefer and figure out which appropriate action will move you forward to your desired outcome. For one thing, it takes your emotionally-charged focus off of where it doesn’t belong . . . what you don’t like or judge as not good (or the past), and puts it where it can do the most good . . . on what you wish to create more of in your life.

Perhaps it’s time to recognize exactly how much power you really have in your life, and live it.

Joyce Shafer is a Life Empowerment Coach and published writer. Discover if you’re ready to create more life balance and fulfillment through the power of coaching. http://www.freewebs.com/coach4lifebalance

The Law of Attraction �" Does it really work?
There is so much going on everywhere about “Law of Attraction”. Bob Proctor has made it so popular with his film �" The Secret. The popularity is so huge that it was featured on several prominent TV shows �" Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, Ellen Degeneres etc. Ok, what is the Law Of Attraction, after all? Simple put, it goes like this: You attract whatever you want! Another way of looking at it : “Whatever you are have today, you have it because you wanted it (attracted it)” This concept is not new. Henry Ford said it long back in a different way: Whether you think you are right or think you are wrong, you are always right! Let’s get little deeper into the application part of this law. Does really wanting something will make sure that you have it? Actually not. Just mere wanting doesn’t help much. Have you not heard, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”?. So what more does it need, than mere wanting? Napoleon Hill in his classing self-development book “Think & Grow Rich” said it perfectly. He wrote, “Whatever the mind of a human being can conceive and believe, it can achieve” Simply wishing for something will never attract anything into your life. If you really believe in your heart and soul, then you will attract everything you will ever need. If that was the case, then why do people just don’t use it and benefit from it? You might ask. The answer for that is: “Knowing is not doing. Doing is doing”. It’s very sad to know that many people know a lot of information. If you don’t put the information into use and act on it, then there is no value for the information you have learnt. In my life, I have attracted so many things just by applying The Law of Attraction. Never did I find that the law didn’t work. It worked every single time I used it. I don’t have any doubts about the Law. If you want The Law of Attraction to work for you, here are few ideas: 1. Write down your goals as clearly as possible. 2. Add in as many details as possible. The more the better. 3. Set a time limit for the achievement of the goal. 4. Start your day with visualising your goal. 5. Truly believe that you have the power to achieve your goal. 6. Never ever think you cant make it. Use positive affirmations all the time. 7. Read out your goals out load three times every day. I am sure, if you apply the above ideas, you will attract everything you will need into your life �" money, love, relationships, opportunities etc. I am currently reading an interview of Bob Proctor and I found it amazing. Its called The Attraction Accelerator. You can download a free copy of the report by visiting my website below.

Nishant Kasibhatla Download The Attraction Accelerator – where Bob Proctor tells you his personal story on creating The Secret at http://www.ebookforlawofattraction.com/attractionreport.htm

Kissing tips, advice
We've all had those moments where we were with someone we liked and somewhere on the back of our mind we kept wondering how do we kiss that person? Do we ask them? Do we just go for the kiss? Do we wait? If so, how long? These questions can be quite discouraging due to not knowing exactly what to do next to bring yourself closer to that special someone. There are, however, a few key steps and signs that we can watch out for and do to increase the probability of bringing ourselves closer to that special someone. For guys: When you're out with a girl on a date and you and her walking around or just talking, you have to understand that you're the one who has to make a move! Girls are told by society that they have to be passive and receptive (not as much after shows such as Sex and the City). Thus, she is expecting you to take charge in escalating the touching that will eventually lead to a kiss. When you're out with her, be the first one to take her hand! Taking her hand is the first step towards bringing yourself closer to her. If she's comfortable, you can escalate non-intrusive touching a little later, such as touching her shoulders or hugging her. As you progress doing this and watch her grow more and more comfortable with your touch, you have much better chance of kissing her successfully, rather than just going for the kiss out of the blue. When you built this kind of touching comfort, get her and yourself into some sort location where two of you could either sit or stand and talk comfortably. As two of you talk, start stroking her hair softly and look into her eyes. If you feel that she's comfortable with that, move in closer and closer. If she doesn't withdraw, go for the kiss, since if she's comfortable with you touching her hair and standing so closely, most likely at that point she already wants to kiss you anyway. If she withdraws or acts weirded out, relax for a bit and continue building comfort with her. Resume normal conversation and try again later. For girls: Usually girls are viewed as the ones who are kissed, rather than the ones that kiss. It's really a matter of personal preference and personal set of beliefs as to how you want to go about this. Most guys are very shy about kissing a girl for the first time, so you might try to make him feel comfortable by accepting his touch or even initiating non-intrusive touching yourself, such as holding his hand or hugging him and being close to him. If he feels like you're accepting him and enjoy his company and being close to him, he'll most likely go for the kiss. If you want to kiss him, it's going to be rather tricky, since some guys might feel you're too aggressive to hang out with. If he's super shy, you can simply tell him you want to kiss him, and let him kiss you. This way you preserve his male ego and still get kissed :) For both: Kissing should be light and bring pleasure to both partners. Don't rush too fast and start shoving your tongue down his or her throat. Just relax your tongue and softly touch your partner’s lips and tongue. Just barely touching, almost sliding. The kiss should feel light, yet passionate. As two of you get comfortable kissing, you can progress to more aggressive and deep kind of kissing, such as French kissing. French kissing is essentially the kind of kiss where there is lots of tongue and sucking action. Conclusion: Just let if flow and let it come to you naturally. Build touch comfort over time and when the time is right, try to move closer to your partner so that the kiss can naturally happen. Visit Kissing tips, advice for more information.

Universal Law of Attraction - Attracting Your Dreams in a Big Way
The universal law of attraction is the greatest of the ancient and unchanging basic laws that rule the universe. The universal law of attraction, basically, is "like attracting like." If you think it, it will come to pass. All of us are made up of energy. We have within us the same atoms and molecules that comprise the universe. As such, we are interconnected, and whatever energy we send out--whether positive or negative--will reel in energy similar to it. The universal law of attraction is set in motion when what had been an idea is turned into a dream, and then guided to fruition by your actions or the steps you take to achieve it. Perhaps you are familiar with the potency of positive thinking. That is precisely what this is. It is all in the mind, as the famous proverb goes. As potent and effective as possessing this point of view is, the same thing is true for the opposite. If you ruminate way too much on the negative and persistently get anxious about anything and everything, then the negative aspects will manifest themselves to you. Contrary to that, if you go about life in a perennial state of positivity and affirmation, then those are the sorts of vibes you are sending out to the rest of humanity. The world will then pick up on those vibrations, and other people will react in kind. In Paulo Coelho's acclaimed book, The Alchemist, the weathered king tells the shepherd boy, "When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it." This is the true meat of the universal law of attraction. It's not a matter of "if" you will attain what you want. Instead, it is "when" your deepest wishes will come your way. According to the universal law of attraction, you hold the power to make things real merely by focusing on it. It just might be cliché to you, but just about anything is possible if you think about it with passion. If you can keep it in your thoughts, you can have it, do whatever you want, or become whoever you want to become. Reserve no room for fear and negativity, or these distressing mindsets will rule over your life and tag along like a storm cloud. Do not doubt for a split second that your dreams will come to pass. If you are completely and utterly sure that they will materialize, then trust that it will really turn real. But don't just sit on your laurels absorbing everything that comes your way. Take command and draw toward yourself all the success and prosperity the universe has prepared for you. Though you may not know it yet, you are in complete control of your choices. But how exactly do you think your way to success? Concentrate on your goal, believe it is within your grasp, and visualize your achievement of it. Experience it in your mind--the feeling of it in your fingers, having it so close you can actually smell it, and the exhilaration of realizing it is yours for the taking. Allow yourself to have this positive mindset and you will attract similarly positive effects. In film, the difference between drama and melodrama is that with the latter, the situation affects the characters. With drama, as opposed to melodrama, the characters themselves control their own circumstances. Just like in the universal law of attraction, you take hold of your own reality; just like in a movie, you create your own lovely endings.

Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/universal-laws.htm

Law of Attraction: I’m Good at the Small Stuff
Maybe you’ve attracted some interesting items, people, or events into your life, but some of what you want is giving you a challenge. What’s different?

If you’ve used the Law of Attraction, you probably have had some good results with some of the smaller things, but some of the bigger ones are presenting challenges to you. Have you asked yourself what’s different?

I reflected on this because I’ve wished for some things and what I got was even better than I’d imagined (and some never manifested, thank goodness!). There was the time I finished reading my last paperback novel and thought, “I need more novels.” The next day, I found around 100 novels on the table in the laundry room of my building. Forty-five books came home with me. And there was the time I glanced at the corner of my apartment in the pre-war building I live in and thought, “I want a lamp for that corner, and I want it to go with the building’s architecture.” A few hours later, I found a lamp from the 1930s in perfect working order in the basement. I could keep going with a long list of things, people, and resources that took anywhere from a few minutes to a year to reach me.

One difference I found was the energy attached to the thought. Now, any of us who’ve read any material or watched any movies about the Law of Attraction know that the deepest feeling belief we hold is what we attract. This is the key, of course.

When I thought about things I wanted, it was like saying, “I see a lamp in that corner” or “I see more novels waiting on that shelf for me to read them.” I had intention, and I had no emotions attached to getting anything. I just knew I would. No thought went into, “Where am I going to look for that, how much will it cost to get it” . . . I basically stated I was going to have it. I didn’t even commit myself to shopping for these things as part of the process, though I would have been willing to do this.

This detachment didn’t limit the amazing ability of the Universe or quantum field that responds to us in any way. It allowed the Universe to provide and provide quickly, easily, and with items, people, and resources even better than I’d imagined.

What happens when we think about attracting more money or the intimate, committed relationship we choose to have? Did you feel the emotional surge when you read that last sentence? It’s called attachment. It comes from a sense of lack, a need to fix or change, and this puts a choke-hold on your cosmic manifestation team because these emotional attachments have a greater energy than your intention to have whatever it is you choose to have.

So how do you flip this? Ask yourself if your hand can hold more water if it’s clinched or if it’s open. It’s the same with our emotional energy. Picture something that you choose to add to your life right this moment. Every time you feel any doubt about getting it or any negativity about deserving it, see your hand clinched in front of a stream of pure water. Take some deep breaths and remind yourself you can quench your thirst only if your hand is open and cupped so it can receive water. See your limiting beliefs and emotions in the same way.

You may have to work with this more than once because of programmed behaviors about how you’re “supposed” to act when you want or need something. Everything you’re experiencing at this moment is the direct result of a belief you hold and a choice you’ve made. Pause right now and realize what this says about how powerful you actually are.

Power is not nervous, anxious, fretful, or distraught. Power is inspired and intentional. It pays attention to opportunities; and when an action feels appropriate, it moves forward.

Remember that some of what we call to us, even subconsciously, we do so to help us learn and grow. A problematic or challenging situation or person showing up for us is not a sign of failure. In fact, it’s a sign of success. If we focus more on what we can learn about ourselves and how we can expand more into who we are rather than what’s going on, we can recognize this as the mastery it is.

One last bit: There is no “small” or “large” in the Law of Attraction. Anything and everything you attract is a miracle, an affirmation of your ability to create. Celebrate all of them.

Joyce Shafer is a Life Empowerment Coach (iPEC) and published writer. Discover if you’re ready to create more life balance through the power of Law of Attraction coaching. Learn about Joyce’s coaching special available for the first 15 people ready to go at http://www.freewebs.com/coach4lifebalance

Law of Attraction Article - Manifestation Exercise #2 - Prepaving What You Want
The Law of Attraction is the Law of the Universe that states that what you think about and focus on is what you bring into your life to experience.

While most people understand the concept of thinking positively of things they want to create down the line such as a great relationship, more money, successful career, dream house etc., they quite often don’t realize how powerful thinking, or pre-paving, if you will, can be used on a moment to moment basis to make their daily lives flow more effortlessly.

Too often they let subconscious negative thoughts about certain experiences rule their day, and as a result, end up with their days filled with ups and downs like a roller-coaster instead of smoothly like a flowing river.

For instance, do any of these thoughts sound familiar to you?

I hate going to the mall on a Saturday; it’s always so crowded and I can never find a parking space.

I can’t stand when I have to go to my dentists office; I always have to sit in the waiting room for at least two hours.

I hate going to the bank on my lunch hour; the line is always so long.

I don’t know why I shop in this store; they never have what I am looking for.

I have a ton of things to do today; I’ll never get them all done.

It’s horrible when it rains, my commute to work takes forever and I always get in late.

These are just a few of the thoughts that many people have on a daily basis that makes life far more bumpy than it needs to be.

Be it due to past experiences that they have had, or things they have heard from others, they subconsciously accept these ideas as foregone conclusions and sure enough by their belief in them, their day plays out exactly the way they expected them to. Filled with tension and turmoil.

The important thing to realize is that none of the statements above (or the ones you have yourself) are in fact true. And they do not have to play out the same old tired way. You have the power to create your day as smoothly as you want, you just need to be more aware of what you are thinking about.

This is where pre-paving comes in.

Pre-paving is where you mentally plan out your day to run smoothly as possible. When you step by step see things going easily and effortlessly at even the smallest of tasks.

The first thing you need to do is become aware of the negative thoughts that pop into your head automatically regarding any task you need to take on. In other words if you have an errand you normally believe is a pain in the butt to deal with, you need to take notice of that negative thought.

Then you need to realize that this negative thought is not set in stone, and the experience does not have to play out as it always has in the past. You have the ability to change the experience into anything you want to.

Finally you need to pre-pave what you would like to happen in your mind and know with surety that it will happen exactly that way.

For instance, last Halloween, time got away from me. I usually buy my son’s costume about a month in advance because he always seems to be into the “character” of the year and if I didn’t purchase it early enough there was a good chance I wouldn’t get it at all.

Sure enough, last year I didn’t make it out to get his costume until 2 days before Halloween. He wanted to be Jack Sparrow from The Pirates of The Caribbean and it was the hot costume of the year. When I had mentioned to people that I still hadn’t gotten it, they told me to forget about it. There was no way I was going to be able to get it at such a late date.

I had even been about to tell my son to come up with anther idea, when suddenly I realized Who says it has to be difficult or impossible to find it? I create my own reality. So I choose to create that I find it quite easily. Actually I decide to find it in the first store I look. As I went through the rest of my day at work I just kept envisioning that I would find it effortlessly in the first store that I looked in, even thought I wasn’t even sure what store I was going to go to.

After work I decided to drive to a Party Place store that went crazy with costumes at Halloween time, figuring that was my best bet. On the way there however, I saw a sign advertising that Kmart was having a 40% off Halloween sale and had a sudden urge to turn into their lot. Kmart had not even entered my mind as a costume place option.

Sure enough I found the entire costume there. The costume in the bag in his size; even the wig, hat and sword that was sold separately. And I got it for 40% off! And I only had to travel half the distance! Oh I love those thrill bumps when things like that happen!

Ever since then, I try to remember to pre-pave how I want my day to go on almost a daily basis.

I picture easy and close parking spaces to the stores I need to visit. I picture short lines that move smoothly. I envision smooth working days and commutes to wherever I am going.

It has made an amazing difference in how much calmer I feel all during the day and how much more effective I have become in getting much more done in much less time.

So start pre-paving your day today. Write out or envision exactly how you want your day to go, how you want your day at work to be, how easy you want your commute to be, how easily your errands will be run. How cooperative your kids or spouse are going to be. How effortless your presentation at work; you get the idea.

You will be amazed at how this works. Because the more often you do it, the more often it works. The more often it works, the easier you believe it will work. The more you believe that it will work, the more often you will want to do it.

Start creating the peaceful, easy-going life you crave. By pre-planning it one step at a time.

If you would like to read about more Manifestation Exercises you can use to create the life you desire, please visit http://www.theveryhappyhuman.com

Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at http://www.theveryhappyhuman.com

Law of Attraction: Manifestation Exercise #8 - Tapping Into Your Higher Self

This exercise is designed to remind you of who you really are. A different kind of meditation technique if you will, to help you get more used to connecting with your Higher Self on a daily basis and to get in touch with the loving, peaceful being that you really are, as opposed to the false identity your ego is trying to convince you that you are. .
It only takes about 5 minutes but the effects can be everlasting.
The first thing you need to do is close your eyes. Now imagine the higher loving part of you takes one giant step backwards out of your body and rises about two feet above you. (as if you were standing at the bottom of a staircase facing forward and there was a person directly on the step above you)
Now envision this absolutely non judgmental being smiles down at the top of your head and puts their hands on your shoulders.
This higher loving self has been with you since the beginning of all time. It absolutely loves you unconditionally. It is never angry with you. It is never critical. It understands every decision you have every made and the reason why you made it.
It laughs at your antics; the funny things you do. It smiles in loving encouragement as you stumble your way through things, having no doubt you will find the solution as soon as you look in the right direction.
This higher being is All That Is. While you may sometimes forget your connection, it never does. It knows every life you have ever lived and every one that you will in the future. It sees the overall picture. While your ego self might not know why you were supposed to meet a particular person today or be in a certain place at a certain time, this higher self knows exactly why. Knows exactly the sequence of events that are going to stem from it that will bring you what you are wanting.
There is nothing for you to ever have to say or do to earn its love and guidance. It is there unconditionally and always. It sees you for the perfection that you are and can be called on at anytime to help remind you of it. It has a greater love for you than any human on this planet is capable of. It is a love bigger than any parent, child, spouse or partner can give you all combined. You are never alone in this world and will never lack the feeling of being loved when you are reminded that this self is always with you.
Now imagine that this higher being gives your shoulders a gentle loving squeeze before stepping back down and back into your body. A reminder that it is always with you. Within You. It is never floating in the skies above out of reach - never outside of you - but within you always.
Now that it is back inside your body release any other thoughts that might be running through your head and focus on its love. Imagine now that the same being that was behind you a moment ago is now in the back of your head. You can actually feel a tingle when you think about it. It is still smiling, still loving. Always peaceful and calm. You might start to feel the tingle run down the back of your neck or your back as you acknowledge this awesome beings presence. This is you - your true self.
Try this exercise a few times a day the first days that you use it. Eventually you will not need to imagine your higher self stepping in and out. Eventually you will feel the tingle and knowingness in the back of your head always quite naturally.
Eliminate your thoughts and just focus on this loving, all-knowing being back there smiling and encouraging. Silently listen to anything it might tell you. Know it will happily answer all of your questions if you take your ego thoughts away and give it silent space to come in.
Remember that it always sees the bigger picture. It is never worried about silly little things like bills, or work or troubled relationships. It is so big and so knowing that those little things are nothing but a tiny little speck in comparison to how big you really are and this part of you knows it with certainty. It is always peaceful and when you focus on it you can feel the peace and hear the words “That is what you are worried about, you silly thing? We are so much bigger than that.”
After awhile you will find that you can call on this feeling at will. The minute any tensions might arise you will learn to immediately go to the back of your head and feel the deep peaceful feeling inside and you too will remember the bigger picture.

Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at http://www.theveryhappyhuman.com

7 Laws of Attraction - How to Attract Your Desired Life
As the words imply, the 7 Laws of Attraction is all about attraction - you attract people, events and circumstances through your thoughts. Your thoughts can lead you to success - or failure. Everything that is happening to you right now is actually governed by the 7 Laws of Attraction. 1. The Law of Manifestation
Whatever you channel your thoughts and energy to, manifests. This still holds true no matter how big or small your thoughts are. The principle here is that you create your reality through your thoughts. Think intensely and frequently about success and you will get it. Think about failure with the same intensity and frequency and you will get it. Be careful what you wish for - it will definitely come true if you concentrate hard enough on it. 2. The Law of Unwavering Desire
If you want something so purely and completely and you believe with all your heart that you deserve it, that you must have it, then you can only be sending out the right vibrations for the universe to receive and send back to you. Let no fear or doubts hold you back. 3. The Law of Delicate Balance
Desperation is a negative emotion; and when you are desperate to have something, you may be sending out the wrong signals. It may seem like a contradiction to Law # 2, where desiring is beneficial to the attraction of positive energy towards yourself; but these 2 cases are different. You must strike a delicate balance between the dream you hope to come true, and living contentedly in the moment. Do not make your goal the singular object of your desire that you neglect all other aspects of your life. Just know that it will happen in time and that, while waiting, you need not be so despondent. 4. The Law of Magnetism
In school we were taught that opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other. Not so in this case. Energy is as pervasive as air. It is all around us, even within us, and we ourselves radiate energy, though often we aren’t even aware of it. But what we must know is that whatever kind of energy we emit�"whether positive or negative�"is the same kind we attract as it returns to us from the universe. What goes around comes around, as the saying goes. 5. The Law of Synchronization
The universe has much to offer in terms of gifts and gains. These fruits are yours for the taking, if you but align yourself and be in close harmony with the ‘Giver.’ Do not fight the flow or resist the order of things. You are part of a greater whole, not a separate entity; to throw yourself into this realm and bask in it is not only a duty but a birthright. 6. The Law of Universal Influence
Do not take the tiniest of actions for granted. Even the most seemingly harmless of deeds can have influence, for we are all connected and, therefore, what I do affects you to a certain extent, and vice versa. Since you are practically glowing with energy, which vibrates and is carried out into the world, it follows that others will pick up on it and be impacted by it. So exude only the positive. 7. The Law of Conscientious Action
Much like the principle of karma, this Law of Attraction follows the rule, “What you sow, you shall reap.” Carry yourself with dignity and act only in a way that is honorable�"to yourself and to others�"and the rewards will be plenty. Live your life according to the 7 Laws of Attraction - think and feel positively, purposefully and passionately and you will attract only the best things. Success and happiness will be yours for the taking.

Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/universal-laws.htm

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