Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Maria Duval - Manifestation Exercise # 6 - Become the Writer and Director Of Your life

Manifestation Exercise # 6 - Become the Writer and Director Of Your life
“All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players“ For some reason I have always liked that saying. It just seems to roll easily off the tongue. I can’t even tell you how many times I have heard other people quote it as well. In the past I understood that quote to mean something totally different than I what I believe it means now. Back then (before my learning and studying) when I heard or thought about that quote, I took it to mean that I was merely one of the players taking “direction” from a higher authority “up there” and was just merely acting out a play that was being scripted without my input. As I started learning more about the creative power each of us has and the Law of Attraction however, I started realizing that it was me, myself, that was writing and directing the whole production. I was the one hiring the actors, writing the scenes and designing the sets. For example, the person I am married to was “hired” by me (after quite a few bad auditions by other actors I might add). The “set” has been designed by me. I realize as I look around me now that it was me who put up that mirror, painted the wall that color and picked those couches. And I also realized that I am the one who continually decides which role different actors are going to portray in my play everyday, as well as where the scenes are going to take place. So where is the exercise in this? It is time for you to see yourself as the writer and director of your own life. If there is anything you are unhappy with in your life, it is time for you to rewrite the script. With pen and paper in hand, visualize that you are in fact a writer and director sitting in an empty auditorium watching your “production” play out in front of you. What is working and what isn’t? How does your main character (you, of coarse) look? Are you happy with their appearance? Is there something you would like to change? Thinner, healthier, different clothes, different style? Are they optimistic and funny? Sarcastic or angry? Do they wallow in self-pity that annoys you to hear from your seat in the auditorium? Do they keep saying the same thing over and over again? Things like “this will never work” or “I’ll never get what I want” or “Why can’t I do this“? As an objective observer how does this sound to you now? What about the other characters you created in their life? Are they helping the main character or doing more harm than good? Are they upbeat? Are they supportive? Do they help the main character along or hinder them? What about the set? Is your main character living in a place that one would consider pleasing or dreary? Is it fresh and clean or a chaotic disaster? Where does that character work? Is it someplace inspiring, uplifting, with the potential of growing into something bigger? Does this job move the character’s story along? Or is it monotonous, boring and seeming to go nowhere? There are two main objectives with this exercise. 1. To take a step back from your emotions and try to view your life from the perspective of an objective observer and 2. Remember that it is indeed you who is in charge of how this production plays out on a moment to moment basis. Now that you have written down your observations (and be honest about what you are viewing - keep your emotions out of it this first draft) it is now time for editing. Grab your eraser and erase the things that aren’t working for you. Better yet, physically cross them out - slash lines through them viciously - as you tell yourself “that is definitely going in the wrong direction” and rewrite what you would like to see happen. Know as you do this that you are in fact taking back control of your own story; instead of letting your main character wander around in circles on stage just acting and reacting mindlessly to the actions of the other characters. Remember that you are the director as well. Up till now your play has run amok with no direction. Jump into your directors chair and state step by step what it is going to happen next and how you have decided this play is going to unfold. For instance: State that the main character (you) is going to walk into the job interview “scene” full of confidence. The main character is going to meet a great new employer character that is friendly and has a great sense of humor. See both characters hitting it off wonderfully. See the smile on your main characters face as they turn to the audience and give a jubilant “Yes!“ to the audience that they have found the job they want with a person they like. Imagine the members in the audience applauding and laughing at the awesome display of excitement! Then do this with your other scenes. Write down the great romance, the pleasant sets, the fun scenes with friends, the warm scenes with family. As you do this, you will receive a clearer view of what you are wanting to create in your life as well as remembering that you are in fact the writer and director of your own life. Remember there is no one outside of you writing this play. It is all yours! So go write the production you have always dreamed of. And believe with all of your heart that each scene you write will have no other option but to come to fruition. After all…you are the author. No one gets to write this story except for you! Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

The Laws of Attraction Will Improve Life
Let us take a moment to consider the actual "Law of Attraction" and the role it plays in human attraction. The Law of Attraction was developed by members of the New Age Movement who were exploring the potential of the human mind over the body's future. The Law of Attraction states that "you get what you think about; your thoughts determine your destiny". Is this a fact? Can you really make your life into anything that you want it to be just by thinking about it happening? While science has not found a definite link between repetition of a thought, its connection with the subconscious and the role that it plays in a human's success, that has not stopped people from wondering. There are hundreds of programs out there intended to influence the subconscious and, in doing so, affect the way that they conscious mind reacts in an established situation. The potential for success in this endeavor exists in that the human mind is greatly influenced by its perceptions and will often make a decision based upon its intuition and feelings regarding a certain matter rather than the established surrounding facts. This means that a person who is timid can program a confidence into their subconscious through the use of these methods, thereby allowing them to portray this confidence to the outside world. The people around them will respond in kind, believing their potential for success to be great based upon the attitude that they project. How does this affect the laws of attraction of the human race? Take a moment to consider which individual is the most likely to gain your attention and interest, the one who sits quietly in the corner and does not seem to have much to say or the one that carries a confident demeanor and is willing to approach you and strike up a rapport? The simple fact of the matter is that confidence is sexy. People are attracted to people who appear to be comfortable with their lives and their place in it. This confidence will lead to attraction; attraction leads to not sitting home watching reruns on a Saturday night! Is it true that you can influence your destiny through the power of the Law of Attraction? Certainly. That does not necessarily mean that the cosmos are going to align in order to make your every wish come true; however, with the power of positive thought you can change the way that you approach a situation and give yourself an exponentially greater chance to succeed.

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Self-Talk: How to Talk Your Way to success
OUR CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS MINDS We all have a small voice inside our head talking to us all the time. You probably just heard it say, "What small voice?" Every one of us is the result of what that little voice has been saying to us over the years. We are either the victim of, or the benefactor of those words. Tom Monahan was a very productive member of my sales staff a few years ago. During one of our Monday morning meetings, I asked Tom for the name of the prospect he was just describing, and his response was, "I don't remember. I can never remember names." I asked Tom if he thought it would help in his career if he could actually be better at remembering the names of people he meets. He responded and said, "Sure, but I just can't remember names." I then gave him the first tip. I said, "Stop saying that you can't remember names." Psychologists tell us that we have both a conscious and subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is the world's most powerful computer. It does exactly what it is told. No more, and no less. Our conscious mind acts as the computer programmer, giving instructions to the computer, our subconscious mind. Tom's programmer, his conscious mind, was programming his computer, the subconscious mind, to forget any name he hears, because he "can't remember names". His subconscious mind accepted that command without question. AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations are statements we make that we believe to be true, and they affect our behavior. For years Tom repeated his affirmation, "I can't remember names", so that now his subconscious mind paid no attention to names he heard. My strategy for Tom was to change his affirmation from negative to positive. For affirmations to have the most positive effect, they must include the "Three Ps", � Positive — If Tom's affirmation was phrased as, "I will stop forgetting names", the affirmation is simply a reminder to the subconscious about his long history of forgetting names. It must be phrased as a positive. � Present Tense — If the affirmation is, "Someday I will be good at remembering names", the results will not come, become "someday" never arrives. � Personal — The affirmation must be something that you can accept and believe, not mere words you heard somewhere. In Tom's case, the affirmation that he decided to use was, � "I'm getting better all the time at remembering names", which was clearly o Positive o Present Tense o Personal. I told him to write that affirmation on 3x5 cards and carry them with him, clip one to the sun visor in his car, on his bathroom mirror, on the alarm clock, and anywhere else he will see it on a daily basis. I told him his results would be guaranteed if he repeated that affirmation at least 25 times in the morning, 25 times at midday, and 25 times in the evening for the 21 days it takes to form a new habit. GOALS One of the keys to making progress is being able to measure it. My management philosophy has always been, "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it", and the clearest way to measure progress is by setting goals. I asked Tom if he would be meeting anyone for the first time in the next week, and he replied, "Sure. I'm in sales. I meet new people every day." We then set a goal for him to come back the following Monday and give me the name of someone he met, along with a description of them. When asked if he could commit to that goal, he replied, "yes". I then also had him write down the goal on 3x5 cards to carry with him and place them in highly visible locations. The following Monday Tom came into my office with the biggest grin I had ever seen. I asked if he met his goal. He said, "I have the names of FOUR people I met, and I can describe all of them them in detail". He then said, "You know, I really AM getting better at remembering names." Tom no longer had a problem with names. CONCLUSION What instructions has your inner programmer been giving to YOUR subconscious mind? How often is it saying, "can't" or "won't"? Make the decision today to turn your life in a more positive direction. Resolve today to create some new affirmations for yourself, with the 3 Ps: Personal, Present Tense and Positive. Set goals to measure your progress, and begin a new, more positive, stress-free life. Remember the old saying, "If you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are absolutely right!"

Howard Tangler has devoted more than 30 years to helping people live their dreams. Henry David Thoreau said, �"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation�. Tangler has guided countless thousands of people out of that misery to a life they dreamed of, but never thought they could achieve. They now found they could live their dreams every day when they followed his advice and counsel. His tips and strategies have proven their worth over the years. To learn more about what Howard Tangler has to say, click the link,

Importance of Visualization in LOA
Visualization is an easy tool that is used to create reality through daydreaming, mental rehearsals, imagination and fantasizing. However with the lack of power of these images, visualization is usually used to created unwanted experiences where the greatest fears are mentally rehearsed over and over in the minds.Many people use the power of visualization in visualizing the type of response that would be given on being robbed or attacked or perhaps the death of a loved one. This is where the power of mental imagery is being used to create unnecessary things in one’s life. It was recently that the power of visualization techniques was taught widely in the society for better reasons.Employers now train their employees to use visualization in the improvement of performance and production. Coaches consider mental rehearsal a great means of increasing athletic performance while students use visualization in the improvement of test scores. People following diet programs are encouraged on visualizing a thin and beautiful body. It is also found that the power of mental imagery increases the immune system and lowers a person’s blood pressure and heart rate. This is why medical professionals teach patients to use visualization techniques to aid them in the currently ongoing medical treatments. As it can be seen, visualization techniques can be applied in many areas of one’s life where they are used to create the experience you wish to experience. Positive visualization is composed of two components where you develop a clear image of what you want to create and combine this with a strong positive emotion. It is not necessary to have a picture as a mental image; it can also be words, thoughts or sensations.The first step to positive visualization lies in deciding what exactly you wish to create in your life; if this is not decided upon, you can create using ‘broad brushstrokes’. This is a concept where you define the general events in your life, while omitting specific details. So if you don’t know have an idea of a life partner, you envision a harmonious, joyful and romantic relationship. With this image, you generate feelings of love and joy in your mind. Once these board brushstrokes are developed, you wait till the universe fills in the details of the picture you had created. Once you are sure of the details you want in your image, you can imagine these events in your mind’s eye. You can create something specific, but its manifestation comes in quickly if you leave all responsibility of filling up of the details in the creation to the Higher Self. So if you wish to have a new car, you can believe that God will get you the best car possible. You just have to imagine yourself driving a car of no particular model and car and you will find God surprising you with something much better than you had imagined. So it can be said that visualization is a very powerful tool of the consciousness where you combine visualization and prayer, love or faith to overcome any crisis that you may face.

Rhonda Byrne (creator behind The Secret movie and book) began her television career at the Nine Network under one of Australia's best, Peter Faiman, with her creative skills and enormously high standards a true reflection of this close association.Since Prime Time Productions conception in 1994, Rhonda has created and executive produced The World's Greatest Commercials, Great Escapes. OZ Encounters - UFO's in Australia, Learners, Australia Behaving Badly, Marry Me, Loves Me Loves Me Not and Sensing Murder.Following the release of the world wide feature event The Secret,Rhonda Byrne now operates out of the United States creating film and television projects designed to entertain, uplift and inspire. Please visit:

You Are Not A Victim; You Are Not Alone
If you don?t feel good about yourself, you have to fix it. There?s no other way around it. You can?t raise confident kids, have a healthy relationship, or get satisfaction from your job if you don?t. This comes from someone who didn?t, for most of her life, feel worthwhile. Many books come from the perspective of an expert, someone who already has a healthy sense of self-worth, which I believe immediately sets up an alienating perspective between them and us, those who ?know? and the rest of us who struggle with this issue. They assume they know better. They may think they know better, and have a worthwhile plan, but we know what it is really like, we have experienced and not just judged our self-defeating behavior.

We all have varying degrees of self-doubt. A person can be wildly successful in their life, and still have deep-seated feelings of worthlessness. There is a fear of discovery that others will come to see what?s behind the curtain in Oz. So we strive to accomplish more and more, climb to greater heights, yet it?s never enough. You may try to hide it, this low sense of self-worth, but like the alcoholic who wants to keep his drinking a secret, but staggers nonetheless, it is a visible illness. To continue the analogy, I want to be sober. In this case sobriety equals integrity and confidence.

Here is where to begin. It?s the Victim Thing. The most tragic or toxic aspect of victim hood is that victims don?t know they are playing the part of the victim. They see all around them evidence of betrayal, duplicity, and injustice so their victim status is validated and for the most part goes unquestioned. This is why I say, be careful, or the discovery that you have been wronged may be the last discovery you make. We all have injustice and dysfunction in our lives. We have to come to understand that these are just events that come and go. Again, It?s not the circumstances that define us; it?s how we react to them.

Some of us could and do spend many hours, years, in therapy or in our rooms trying to figure out how we got to be this way, but?this is essential?none of it matters. It truly doesn?t matter how we got to be damaged goods, or rather, it may matter to you, but it is not the solution; it is simply part of a very long and complicated story. You may very well know how and when you got to this point, but leave the blame for now and ask instead what comes nex?

Life is about choices. I can feel trapped in my life, but I can choose to begin writing this. I can choose to eat a healthy meal. I can choose to go for a walk. I can choose how to respond to my significant other. Every conscious choice I make brings me that much closer to the integrity I seek, or makes it less likely. The consequence of choosing is to remove myself from the victim role. Victims don?t create their lives; they react to them.

Acceptance is central to the process of coming out from under our victimhood. I would say that it is one of the basic tenets of all spiritual traditions, one that we can use in our everyday life, in the mundane and tragic circumstances within which we find ourselves. Like making conscious choices instead of reacting, it takes practice. I am stuck in traffic. I have lost my job. I am sick. One alternative is protest, anger, and bitterness. A person with low self-worth takes these things personally. A person with integrity and confidence accepts and adapts.

The key question in any adverse circumstance is, ?What do I do now and next?? Sometimes all you can do is breathe deeply. Other times you can take definitive action, but again, you are making conscious choices instead of reacting, you are accepting your circumstances. Everything changes. This applies to the good situations as well as to the negative. That is why the phrase, ?This too shall pass,? is so powerful. Peace of mind comes from accepting yourself, your life, wherever you happen to be at any given time.

Acceptance is the bottom line. Good choices grow from acceptance. There will always be someone better or worse off than we are. Good and bad things happen to us and to others and can happen at any time. Our life may have been difficult or a breeze. Who?s to say? You are. I am. To say that something is unfair is to return to the victim mode. Don?t live a life of protest. You?ll miss so much of what is given. Think of the world and it?s mysterious ways as an impersonal agency, so there is nothing served by anger and resistance. We only succeed in restricting ourselves further. We are worthwhile in our own shoes, where we stand. Practicing and believing this is so brings the part of ourselves that we love to the surface, and then the way gets easier and clearer.

This is a condensed excerpt from Colette Kelso's book, Who's a Loser? Read the book to find a way out of a difficult situation. If you're in the job market, visit I need a job. You need a job?

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