Saturday, November 22, 2008

Maria Duval - Master "The Force" Like A Jedi

Master "The Force" Like A Jedi
Whether you call it "The Force" as in Star Wars, innate intelligence, nature or spirit, we all recognize that there is something inside us animating our existence, and all existence. Some kind of energy is flowing, intricate systems of organizing intelligence and will, all working together. The more we connect with this force, the more powerful we become in using it. The more you find it within yourself; the more you realize the true nature of your Self:you enlighten. You ARE this spirit, and it is guiding you now to the full realization of God, within you and around, in every place, in all situations, all the time. As you tap into the wellspring of life itself, you tap into the flow of love that sustains your existence:and it is guiding you now. Use The Force: Take a deep breath and connect with the life force within you, that is you. Be present to that presence within you that knew to lead you to these words. Feel the volition that is guiding you, and guiding us, to bring more light into this world. As you begin to connect and be guided by the spirit within you, you will also begin to become conscious of how spirit is guiding other people, situations and events and will know when, how and what to do. You are so much more powerful when you know what is going on. As you become more conscious you learn to use these flows of spirit as this is how we are guided to fulfilling our life purpose. The more you are on purpose, the more everything flows. To the degree you are "off" you will find your life becomes more difficult and painful. Difficulty and pain is a sign of resistance; you just need to be guided back on track, to get back on purpose. Use your Jedi skills; use The Force. Where there is darkness bring the light. Like Master Yoda says: "Anger leads to hate, hate leads to the Dark Side." Watch where you energy goes. Are you getting angry? Are you in fear? Is there darkness in your mind? Meditate. Connect with the source of life within you, the light within you that is you. As you become increasingly more conscious of how energy is flowing into and out of your mind and your life, you will become adept at using the energy like a Jedi. An instinct innate within you is already guiding you. The Force is with you now compelling you to read these words. Spirit has your mind's attention. You have come to a pivotal point in the evolution of your consciousness where you are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve yourself to enlightenment. Your training is about to begin. Are you ready? From the Heart, Steven S. Sadleir "You are part of a movement that is changing the world forever."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Meditation: Meditation for Improving Concentration
I was reading an article in an American Medical Journal a few days ago that talked about how keeping your mind active and improving your concentration will help you as you get older. The focus of the study was looking at how people aged 70 plus could ensure their minds stay active by improving their concentration. There are simple meditations techniques that you can use to improve your concentration that if you practice regularly will ensure your mind will maintain is stature. There are two meditation techniques for improving concentration that are easy to use. The first technique is using the number meditation technique; the second technique is using the object visualization meditation technique. The Number Meditation Technique: The first step in this meditation process is to find a comfortable place to sit and close your eyes. The potential distractions are a big issue with this technique because you will be challenged by noise both internally and externally. With both of these techniques I recommend that you do NOT use meditation music. The next step in this meditation technique is to ensure that your back is straight, with good posture. Start by breathing slowly and lightly. As you are breathing on the exhaled breath visualize the number one in your mind. When you see the number then breathe in. Whilst you are focusing on the number one, breathe out and then visualize the number two. Continue breathing and visualizing each number till you reach one hundred. Once you reach one hundred then you may stop the meditation session. Here is the catch, you cannot continue to the next number until you only have focus to the previous number. If at any time during your visualization that your mind wanders or starts thinking about something else, you must stop the counting process and start from the number one again. The objective of using this technique is to help maintain your concentration and ensure that you maintain the focus on the numbers you are counting. You need to practice this technique till you are able count to one hundred without losing focus on the first go. Continue to practice this technique till you have mastered it. Once you have mastered this technique and have control over your focus, the next step is to use the object visualization technique. The Object Visualization Technique: The object visualization technique is designed to help you visualize an object. To start this technique, begin your meditation just as you would any other meditation session. The first step is visualizing a common object that you know like a flower, a car or a cup. You will find that when you first try the object visualization technique that using a simple object will make life easier to help maintain focus and concentration during the meditation session. During your meditation session you need to visualize the object by literally drawing it with your mind. Start with an outline, making sure it looks as beautiful as possible. Visualize its shape of the object, the color of the object, any pictures or colors on the object, the texture of the object such as whether it is smooth or rough. Whether there are any words on the object and then rotate the object on a 3D axis. As you are visualizing the object, test to see if the object has a distinct smell in your mind. Visualize that smell clearly in your mind. Now during the visualization meditation session, should at any point you lose focus and visualize on anything else. Simply stop the visualization process and start again by redrawing the object in your mind. Continue this process for a period of ten minutes each day, till you are able to visualize the object without distraction. You should continue using this technique till you can meditate up to twenty minutes a day using this meditation technique. The number meditation technique and object visualization meditation technique are designed to help program your mind to concentrate. The more you practice this mediation technique the better your concentration will become and the easier it will be to attain focus during your meditation sessions.

We have Meditation Music available to help you with your meditaiton. If you are suffering Asthma then check out our Buteyko Breathing Method training program. If you would like to read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill to learn how you can achieve greater success then you can get access to this book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting Visualization Technique I personally use it everyday, excepts when I want to manifest something I use feeling. I believe the inner feeling is what creates our Reality and Meditation brings forth peace which can in turn leave us in that space of feeling good and then life becomes worth living.