Saturday, November 15, 2008

Maria Duval - Using the Law of Attraction Through The Virtual Reality Process

Using the Law of Attraction Through The Virtual Reality Process

"Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. Practice scenarios that feel good--and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating." Abraham Hicks.

If you really want to know how to attract what you desire in life, you will find there is no easier way to do so than to take the quote above to heart.

Practicing Scenarios also known as the Virtual Reality Process is an exercise where you actively imagine what you want to have in your life as opposed to being focused on any lack you might be experiencing right now.

If there is something in your current experience that you are dissatisfied with, it is only due to past negative thoughts that you have had about the subject that brought it about.

Now you can spend days, weeks, even months thinking about where you got those limiting beliefs from, but the truth is, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is what you think about from here on in. The past is over, it means nothing…let’s start from here. This moment of NOW is where all of your power is.

So NOW it is time to focus on what you do want to have. Close your eyes and imagine what it is you are wanting in your life. Actively see, but more importantly feel what it is like to have these things.

For instance, say you are having a problem with money. You’re currently worried about it quite often. You get a knot in your stomach when you open the bills or the credit card statements. You cringe anytime you have to buy something unexpectedly and so on. As long as your focus is constantly on lack of money it is not hard to see what tomorrows experience with money is going to be.

So now let’s go into your Virtual Reality. Decide to imagine that you have ten million dollars right now sitting in your bank account. (Hey it’s your virtual reality �" it can be as much as you want!) How does that feel? Do you feel relief, satisfaction, gratefulness, even giddiness? So now what you do with it first? Pay off all the bills? How would that feel? Wouldn’t you write out those checks with glee? Maybe even with the attitude of “HA! Never have to hear from you again!” to your creditors? What are you going to buy? A new car, new house, a new big screen television? How does that feel? How does it feel to be able to buy anything you want? Imagine going into the car showroom, taking a tour of your new house with your very grateful real estate agent who is going to make a great commission from you, imagine looking at the best televisions in the store. How does it feel? Really get into it. The sights, the sounds, most importantly how you feel physically and mentally. (Feeling plays a huge part in the transition.)

Now there have been times when people have explained to me that sometimes after this process they feel a little letdown. For instance, “you know that sounds great and all, but then when “reality” hits me again and I really can’t pay the bills I feel even worse!”

And while of coarse I can understand where they are coming from at first, I explain to them that there is something much bigger going on here. You see the more you focus on this new reality, the faster it really will be on your way to you.

You see, you get what you think about. It is called the Law of Attraction because that is exactly what it is �" a universal law! The more often you do this virtual reality and keep your thoughts on the things you do want to experience as well as feel the feelings that go with it, the quicker universe actually brings it to you because it is now working on this higher vibration. So if you have a fear about doing virtual reality exercises because you are going to feel bad when “reality” hits, you must keep reminding yourself that every time you do do these exercises you new reality is being set in motion faster.

So pay the bills you can pay today (even if it brings on a slightly negative feeling) and then as soon as you are done, immediately go into your $10,000,000 virtual reality. When you are driving your car imagine you have ten million dollars and could drive to almost any store you want to buy anything you desire. When you are washing dishes, running errands, going to and from work, keep imagining how it feels to be a millionaire. Say to yourself “Even though I could afford to hire someone to do these things, I do them myself because it feels good to me. Or I like keeping myself “real” even though I am this rich.” Whatever makes you feel better, because quite frankly, whatever makes you feel better is where the vibrational action is!

Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

Mind Power - Tap Into The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is your emotional source where your memories are stored and your conscious mind is the nerve center of your desires as well as the overseer of the subconscious mind. To control your mind power is to control your life.

In other words, the conscious mind is the leader and protects and the subconscious mind follows and trusts.

When these two are in complete harmony your entire mind is functioning at full capacity that will be productive, healthy and creative but when they are not in harmony you could go into full melt down mode if you are not careful.

Your personal reality is created when your beliefs are transmitted by the conscious mind into the subconscious mind and seeded with desire to have that thing for which you thought about to become a reality. When your thoughts or beliefs are manifested into reality you will truly see the mind power you can control. The power of the mind is truly a powerful force.

When you accept something to be true this is when your subconscious takes over. It accepts it also to be true and then starts to create the conditions around you to make it true. It does not matter if you are having thoughts of wealth and success or lack and poverty, the conscious mind is accepts your thoughts and the subconscious goes to work to make those thoughts a reality.

Your thoughts control your events in your life. Whatever thoughts you put out either positive or negative that is what you will receive in return.

That is why it is so important to try and maintain control of your thoughts each day, have them focused on the life you wish to have so that your conscious mind transmits this to your subconscious mind to start the actions necessary to make these thoughts a reality.

By tapping into your subconscious mind power you can manifest your thoughts into the reality in which you desire to have.

Now how you make use of this powerful information will make the difference in the change you will bring about in your life. You determine your future and the results you will see will be determined by the thoughts you put forth into your mind. When you take the time and focus on your thoughts you will soon realize that your choice of thoughts are in direct correlation of your reality.

You must be in full charge of your thoughts to be in full control your reality and by changing your negative thoughts and replacing those with positive thoughts will allow you to tap into your subconscious mind power.

Remember like attracts like and once you have taken positive control of your circumstances positive changes in your life will follow suit. This is putting the law of attraction to work for you.

It takes intense desire on your part to cause positive change in your life and now knowing that these changes are possible though controlling your thoughts, having an intense desire with a positive attitude and a daily effort on your part your wishes will come true.

Remember, control your mind power and control your life.

© Copyright 2007 - All Rights Reserved Delton Doucet

Discover how to use your own subconscious energies for health, prosperity and personal achievement through mind power

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