Sunday, October 26, 2008

Maria Duval - Abraham's Law of Attraction - Powerful Attraction Secrets to Manifest Your Desires

Abraham's Law of Attraction - Powerful Attraction Secrets to Manifest Your Desires
The basic principle of Abraham’s Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. Abraham, though, is not a particular person but represents any wise teacher with a powerful mind and who is in touch with the universe. Abraham’s Law of Attraction basically shows you how you can use your mind to attract what you want in the universe. Emotion, particularly passion, is important. The greater your passion for what you want, the higher the vibrations you send into the universe. The universe senses this and responds accordingly. You are a proverbial magnet, and the energy that this action generates attracts energy of a similar frequency, one that is on the same wavelength. That is the universe giving you what you want. It is true what they say in the Bible, “Ask and you shall receive.” Here are but a few of the teachings of Abraham’s Law of Attraction: 1) You are a creator; you create with your every thought. Abraham says, “We create our own experience�"with our thoughts.” Whether you want it or not, whatever it is that you focus on or pour all of your mental and emotional energies into will definitely be yours. Unfortunately, this also means that whatever you fear or worry about on an irrationally constant basis may likewise be created, thus, bringing about unpleasant incidences. Abraham’s Law of Attraction is unbiased and does not make a distinction between good or bad experiences. It will only give you the same kind of energy you put out, so be like Peter Pan and think only of happy thoughts. 2) Anything that you can imagine is yours to be, do, or have. Whatever you desire, you create, and the Law of Attraction is the force that brings you what the universe provides. Rest assured, you can expect from it exactly what you yourself release. Again, if you can think it or conjure it in your mind, then it’s as good as yours. 3) You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts. Thoughts and emotions are inseparable. You cannot have one without the other. In the same way that you interact with the universe, your thoughts and emotions impact one another. Your thoughts are capable of eliciting certain emotions, depending on what it is you are thinking. Therefore, use your feelings and emotions from your positive thoughts as a guide to point you in the right direction so you know exactly what you want and exactly what you’ll get. Everything that happens to you is a result of how you acted towards everyone else around you and to the universe in general. Applying Abraham’s Law of Attraction, then, you know that you have the power to have whatever you ask for from the universe.

Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at

Psychic medium �" How to becoming a top psychic medium...
A psychic medium is not born a top psychic medium but like any skill they develop their psychic ability through time. Psychic mediums all start off like everyone else who also have these latent psychic abilities.

However certain environmental conditions can dramatically improve their psychic mediumship skills. Being born to a family of healers and psychics helps program your mind to that fact that it is perfectly normal to become a psychic medium. Other factors are being fascinated with other healers and psychics to the point you read everything you can lay your hands to further open your mind up to the possibility of becoming a psychic medium.

Interestingly many people think that reading about psychic mediums and using psychic tools such as tarot cards etc will transform them into a psychic medium. The reality is the more they trust their intuition and still their mind the more psychic they will become. However being psychic and becoming a psychic medium are worlds apart.

The secret is rather surprising; listing to the spirits from the other side is all about raising your vibration by constantly clearing yourself of negative energy. In other words to become a psychic medium you first have to become a healer. Only then can you clear your space and your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body to the point you will have accurate communication with the spirit world.

Negative energy will come to you in many forms it may be the location you are at, it may be someone you spoke to over the phone or in person or it may be as simple as your own negative thoughts and fears.

Irrespective of the source of the negative energy you must clear your space, everything you consume and all of your four bodies.

There are a number of easy techniques that will all help clear you of negative energy. The more well know ones are bathing in water with a few drops of organic cold pressed essential oils that you have intuitively selected another is to add Epsom Salts to your bath water. More advanced techniques involve your breathing and brushing your body down with water whether in front of the wash hand basin or in the shower or clearing the room with sage and breathing out the negative energy.

If you are not familiar with Reiki or a similar healing modality you may well think that all these negative energy clearing techniques are nonsense. However irrespective whether these techniques alter matter or our perception of reality the fact is that your psychic mediumship abilities and new found health and well being will transform your life.

Although your true psychic potential will be influenced to some extent by your genetics and environment, ultimately becoming psychic medium will be very much determined by what your learn and more importantly adopt in your daily life.

If you wish to explore your psychic ability and dramatically improve the quality of your life and your health then you should make the decision to start today.

International psychic medium and founder of the American Association of psychics and healers. Teacher of psychic development classes, law of attraction spiritual retreat and hands on healing classes. Also availiable for psychic mediumship and healing in person and by telephone. Call 970 586 9231 for details.

Keys to The Secret
In the last decade we have learned so much about how to use our mind and manifest what we want. The Law of Attraction goes back thousands of years to the ancient Vedas of India. When Yogi's would align with the Innate Intelligence of the Universe, and realize their true nature, they would gain this ability to miraculously manifest whatever was wanted or needed in what was called "siddhi's." My own guru, Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj was known for being able to create clouds in the empty sky and cause it to rain, but only on the acre or two that he specifically designated and nowhere else for hundreds of miles. In our manifestation seminars we routinely see people double their income, connect with their life purpose and gain all the direction and guidance to find complete happiness and peace. They manifest this from their mind's realization of their own innate potential. Sometimes people find this hard to believe. Your mind imagines that it should be hard, that life is a struggle, when nothing could be farther from the truth. Life is already in synch. People have only to connect with the Life Force, or Shakti, within themselves to manifest greater prosperity, happiness and peace. It's worked for thousands of years and for thousands of our students. I invite you to join us in creating a better world through creating a better world in your world, by manifesting it. The key to this Secret is in finding yourself. This month we launch Enlightenment Radio on Live 365, the world's largest Internet Radio broadcasting company, with over 4 million listeners. For the first time in world history I will globally transmit Shaktipat live via Internet radio. Go online with us at the scheduled times and experience the energy coming into you and feel the bliss of samadhi. Please join our live broadcasts at the scheduled times below and/or check out all our recorded programming 24/7 at From the Heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Law of Attraction: Manifestation Exercise #8 - Tapping Into Your Higher Self

This exercise is designed to remind you of who you really are. A different kind of meditation technique if you will, to help you get more used to connecting with your Higher Self on a daily basis and to get in touch with the loving, peaceful being that you really are, as opposed to the false identity your ego is trying to convince you that you are. .
It only takes about 5 minutes but the effects can be everlasting.
The first thing you need to do is close your eyes. Now imagine the higher loving part of you takes one giant step backwards out of your body and rises about two feet above you. (as if you were standing at the bottom of a staircase facing forward and there was a person directly on the step above you)
Now envision this absolutely non judgmental being smiles down at the top of your head and puts their hands on your shoulders.
This higher loving self has been with you since the beginning of all time. It absolutely loves you unconditionally. It is never angry with you. It is never critical. It understands every decision you have every made and the reason why you made it.
It laughs at your antics; the funny things you do. It smiles in loving encouragement as you stumble your way through things, having no doubt you will find the solution as soon as you look in the right direction.
This higher being is All That Is. While you may sometimes forget your connection, it never does. It knows every life you have ever lived and every one that you will in the future. It sees the overall picture. While your ego self might not know why you were supposed to meet a particular person today or be in a certain place at a certain time, this higher self knows exactly why. Knows exactly the sequence of events that are going to stem from it that will bring you what you are wanting.
There is nothing for you to ever have to say or do to earn its love and guidance. It is there unconditionally and always. It sees you for the perfection that you are and can be called on at anytime to help remind you of it. It has a greater love for you than any human on this planet is capable of. It is a love bigger than any parent, child, spouse or partner can give you all combined. You are never alone in this world and will never lack the feeling of being loved when you are reminded that this self is always with you.
Now imagine that this higher being gives your shoulders a gentle loving squeeze before stepping back down and back into your body. A reminder that it is always with you. Within You. It is never floating in the skies above out of reach - never outside of you - but within you always.
Now that it is back inside your body release any other thoughts that might be running through your head and focus on its love. Imagine now that the same being that was behind you a moment ago is now in the back of your head. You can actually feel a tingle when you think about it. It is still smiling, still loving. Always peaceful and calm. You might start to feel the tingle run down the back of your neck or your back as you acknowledge this awesome beings presence. This is you - your true self.
Try this exercise a few times a day the first days that you use it. Eventually you will not need to imagine your higher self stepping in and out. Eventually you will feel the tingle and knowingness in the back of your head always quite naturally.
Eliminate your thoughts and just focus on this loving, all-knowing being back there smiling and encouraging. Silently listen to anything it might tell you. Know it will happily answer all of your questions if you take your ego thoughts away and give it silent space to come in.
Remember that it always sees the bigger picture. It is never worried about silly little things like bills, or work or troubled relationships. It is so big and so knowing that those little things are nothing but a tiny little speck in comparison to how big you really are and this part of you knows it with certainty. It is always peaceful and when you focus on it you can feel the peace and hear the words “That is what you are worried about, you silly thing? We are so much bigger than that.”
After awhile you will find that you can call on this feeling at will. The minute any tensions might arise you will learn to immediately go to the back of your head and feel the deep peaceful feeling inside and you too will remember the bigger picture.

Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

Law of Attraction: The Stalemate to Manifestation
Another word for stalemate is deadlock. When you feel your ability to manifest or use the Law of Attraction hits a wall, "this" is the reason.

First a brief introduction, reminder, or new perspective (Yes, there are still those this is new to):

There's only One "substance," One Law, One Cause, and many Effects. Any conflict or "lack" in our lives is the result of how we use this Truth . . . but there is a key point.

The Law of Attraction states that the emotionally-charged thoughts we hold (emphasis on the word "hold") directs what manifests for us. There's a blend of mysticism and science called quantum mechanics. Both say the same thing: there's a field of energy in existence that congeals thought forms into real experiences.

This field is like soil. Soil performs according to certain laws. When we plant a seed or seedling into it, it doesn't refuse to grow what we plant. It doesn't judge the person who planted as unworthy to receive and benefit from the crop. It doesn't think, it responds; and it responds by growing what we plant and nurture (our repetitive thoughts) into a result (expansion into our lives of what we focus on). All we have to do is understand the laws soil has programmed into it. When we understand its laws and use them correctly, we get the soil to produce what we need or choose for it to do for us. And, what it produces can feed, clothe, and house us; and give us material to make violins or violence.

The field, like soil, follows the Law; and the Law follows our moment-by-moment feeling/thought vibrations. We direct, we don't create. The field creates according to our instructions . . . because that's the Law.

The experience of prosperity or any effect requires we embody the consciousness of prosperity. The Effect always matches the Cause in vibration.

Now, here's the key: Affirming or stating something is yours and simultaneously believing you don't deserve it or won't get it, negates having what you desire. The two thoughts cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Until you choose, your situation or experience is at a stalemate.

We also need to pay attention to how small or large we imagine experiences for ourselves. The Source (or whichever word you choose) wants us to ask or claim what we desire to experience. Its very existence and behavior proves its nature is to create and expand. We, as expressions of it, have the inherent right to ask for whatever we want and receive it. No one, especially Source, is going to pat you on the back for asking for very little or for not taking up too much space. Even the universe we reside in continues its expansion.

Ask yourself what will remove doubt from your mind. Dream and desire; then dream and desire even more.

Joyce Shafer is a Spiritual Empowerment Coach and writer ( Buy her new e-book that�s like a B-12 shot for affirmations and understanding manifestation (feel it in your cells), �Law of Attraction Alchemy: Change Lead Thoughts into Gold,� at ($6.95) -- Buy directly from Joyce ($5.95) at her Website. If you�re ready for more success and balance in every area of your life, see her coaching offers at

Law of Attraction and the Millionaire Mind
Wouldn't it be great to have all the money in the world, be able to busy
all the things you desire and help those who are less fortunate than you are?

Of course it would. But ...

You are reading this article because YOU are most likely having a very
hard time making money, paying your bills and having much left at the
end of the month, right? You are in a constant struggle and WAR with
money, aren't you?

Most people on this planet have a very hard time when it comes to making
and having an abundant supply of money. Most are living at the poverty level
or very close to it.

Does it have to be that way? No, it doesn't.

Is it inevitable? No, it isn't.

It is certain that you came to notice a group of people who seem to have
all the money in the world, and are able to afford just about anything they

And it goes beyond that. These selected group of people are more and
more prosperous, wealthier and wealthier every day. We are referring to
the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires!

Why is this so? Simply because 'these people have the so called Millionaire
Mind, that mind which entertains only beliefs and thoughts of wealth and riches,
abundance and prosperity. Because of their difference in 'mentality', the 'rich
get richer, and the poor get poorer'. That is a cosmic truth. It cannot be any other way.

The Law of Life is the Law of Belief, also known as the universal Law of
Attraction. "Whatever YOU deeply believe, YOU will sooner or later materialize
as your physical reality".

The super rich have what is known as the "Millionaire Mind". And the billionaires
have the Billionaire Mind.

The poor have that "Poverty Consciousness", the "Poverty Mind".

Maybe you read that before. And like most "intelligent" humans, you said
to yourself "That's absurd!". You think you are SO SMART, right?

The super rich ONLY believe in success, abundance, prosperity, wealth,
riches, millions of dollars. They ONLY think in terms of success. They
NEVER think in terms of failure. And the universal Law of Attraction gives
them EXACTLY what they believe: success, abundance, prosperity, wealth,
riches, millions of dollars! They cannot be poor because they do not believe
in any financial lack or limitation. They can only become RICHER because
they believe in RICHES.

In sharp contrast to these super rich people,the poor people believe in lack,
limitation, scarcity, poverty, more lack and more financial limitation. The poor
people can only become POORER because they do NOT believe in RICHES.
The way they believe and think all day long is totally opposite to the way the
super rich believe and think all day long.

The poor are constantly thinking on not having enough to survive until the
end of the month, and in their minds they are constantly imagining all sorts of
future events where they see themselves experiencing lack and all sorts of
financial limitations.

The super rich are constantly thinking on ways and means to increase the
wealth and riches they already possess. And they constantly rehearse all
sort of FUTURE successes in their minds. In their minds they see constantly
succeeding and having more and more money, riches and wealth.

The universal Law of Attraction gives to each of these two groups TWO
completely different results. But there is a COMMON denominator.

Did you already figure oit what that COMMON denominator is?

The answer is very simple: the COMMON denominator is that each group
is receiving from Life, the Universe, EXACTLY what they BELIEVE.

God, Life, the Universe, the Creative Force are simply MIRRORS reflecting
back to each peron what he/she believes.

The rich BELIEVE in getting RICHER and they DO!

The poor BELIEVE in more financial struggles, lack and limitation and they

And there is something else that happens as a consequence to the Law of Attraction:
each group behaves, takes actions and get results in PERFECT harmony
with what they BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

This is another aspect of the universal Law of Attraction that MOST humans
do NOT understand:

What YOU do, how YOU behave and the results YOU get depend
EXCLUSIVELY on what you BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

What would happen if, SOMEHOW, you could eliminate from your mind all
beliefs and thoughts of failure, and financial lack, limitations and struggles?

What would happen if, using some TECHNIQUE, you could ONLY start
believing and thinking about success, winning, wealth and riches?

What would happen if you could, somehow, transplant into your brain cells
all the beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors of the super rich?

If you could do that, would you get poorer or RICHER?

Eric Hurczak is an entrepreneur and information publisher who spends much of his time to studying the principals of wealth creation, success and personal development. For more info on how to think like a millionaire, be a money magnet and create wealth now visit Law of Attraction - Millionaire Mind - The Secret - Money Magnet

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