Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maria Duval - Is Science Spirituality? Is Spirituality Science?

Is Science Spirituality? Is Spirituality Science?
It would seem that these two aspects of human life have little in common - as Kipling’s well-known saying has it ‘East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet’. But the latest developments of modern science show us that at the most fundamental level the spiritual aspect of life is not only compatible with, but inseparable from, the scientific aspect, like opposite sides of the same coin. This turning point in science and in history comes from the discovery by Quantum Physics of the Unified Field of all the laws of Nature, described as a field of pure consciousness where subjectivity and objectivity co-exist in a state of singularity. Most people, including some top scientists, seem to be unaware of this discovery and its momentous implications: that peace, fulfilment and joy are available for everyone. It is an extraordinary time we live in at the beginning of the 21st century �" even more extraordinary than most people know! It is unique in the history of our world and mankind and can never be repeated: the transition from a long history of darkness to the Age of Enlightenment. Everybody knows that our present world is confronted with the gravest threats that have ever faced us: for instance the danger of nuclear destruction and climate change, causing rising sea levels. But most of us perhaps are so bound up with our work or vocation and family life that time is hardly left to think seriously about the future of mankind. Even some scientists who know about these threats are also so caught up in their personal lives and specialised work to realise the possibility of positive transition through the subjective technologies of consciousness cognised within the ancient Vedic Tradition of India. These have been brought out to the world for over 50 years by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and have now been confirmed by the objective knowledge of the Unified Field and extensive scientific research on their practical effects for society and the individual. For instance, at the time of writing, Holland and the USA are the only countries with permanent groups of Yogic Flyers of sufficient size (the square root of one per cent of the population) to reap the full benefits of these Vedic technologies in their national life, as is currently being reported in their media. Also other European countries as well as some in the Americas are rapidly approaching the necessary numbers, and remarkable effects are being reported already. In all these countries introducing these technologies to students in schools and universities is being applied for the future well-being of their nation and the world. Article written by Veronica Hatten, author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

Veronica Hatten is author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

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