Thursday, October 30, 2008

Maria Duval - Are You Ready To Experience Your True Potential?

Are You Ready To Experience Your True Potential?
Are people responsible enough to have charge over all Earthly things? The Scriptures state that man has dominion over all living things on Earth. This act of responsibility was never surrendered to any principle, principality or demonic power. Man still has and will forever have dominion over all things alive and otherwise, on earth. Why then doesn’t humans take responsibility for what is rightfully theirs? No clue to true reality People have no clue as to their fate. Out of fear they can’t grasp the concept of dominion and cling to the mistaken idea that they could not have such a power. Fear is a paralyzing force that extinguishes hope and confidence in dominion over evil. People must come to a realization to what Truth is for their own peace of mind and future betterment. Fear holds us back Because of fear and unawareness People simply don’t think they have the ability to execute their rightful heritage. Their eyes are clouded and they can no longer see or comprehend truth. They see the world as though looking through a hazed window. They have given up their rightful place and now cling to a materialistic world. If we can get it clearly in our minds that thought is a source of power and there is no need to force or coerce, but simply contemplate the significance of an effect. Thought unused will not produce substance but merely a possibility of substance. From realizing greatness In realizing this, everything that pertains to the nature of wealth or substance already encompasses a correct spiritual principle of intent and may be invoked to advance through truthful activation of the Law of Spirit/Mind. Supply is the materialization of thought which is no more than a symbol of invisible substance which is pure spirit. If you want the symbol to materialize then you must first recognize the root of the substance. Remember, we are dealing with Absolute Causation or God’s will, there is no greater authority in all the Universe. All effect which exist as potential flows through Spirit and automatically demonstrate itself as you use the law of Causation. Idea enforces the law of Substance as supply. The mind invokes the body and surrounding aids to draw the desired substance into reality or experience. Is it impossible to get away? It is impossible to remove ourselves from the effects of Causation for cause is the substance that sustains effect. Where cause is the beginning effect is the end. Because this action/reaction element is in force all the time, it is best to always make known your request in humbleness and thanksgiving. The Law serves its master Always remember, the law of cause and effect is always the servant of the one using it. This gives the initiator a great responsibility to always use the law in a responsible manner. The law does not know good or bad it only knows its force of performance. Even though the law moves in a particular way, it never performs exactly the same given the same circumstance. Conditions are never the same so as to enact the same result. Time and conditions change with each passing moment, which creates a different scenario with each activation. There are never two accounts exactly the same in God’s creation. One action begets another If no two leaves on a tree are the same or two blades of grass; certainly no action of law is repeated the same. You can’t duplicate an action precisely the same. It may seem the same to our senses but as we race through time each event is in a different position. The bottom line is this; thought is cause and effect is its manifestation. They are simply two ends of any particular use of the law, one begins the other finishes. The law never fails only the misconception of the law guides it in a different direction. We are limited by our own insight Whatever disagreement we have within ourselves in which the right to use the law is denied for providing good or experiencing abundance and happiness, we should immediately turn to that disagreement by affirming our knowledge of its destructive possibility and turn toward reaffirming its exact opposite. The Universe we live in is a spiritual manifestation of God’s revealing himself. As such, it is governed by the action of its own Intelligence. God has no limit except that which He places on himself. In our understanding, there is no limitation, except that which we place upon ourselves, in reality all is boundless and free. We use minute particles of power in an unlimited system to achieve simple procedures that we believe to be complex. Our experience is minuscule given the possibilities of a limitless Source of power. We are allowed excess too small increments of information to control evolving conditions but even in our limitations, we marvel at technology and transformation. Limitation is a mindset In our minds we limit ourselves according to our surroundings. Our senses tell us we are limited by natural events. We can’t fly, walk on water, etc. but natural forces pertain only to material undertakings. We place ourselves in a rigid environment and believe we are also rigid, the truth is, thought has no limitations. Our senses communicate a narrow range of what is interpreted as our reality. Because our senses are limited we believe our experience is also limited. We stay within a range of recognition which is a reflection of our perception. Freedom is also a mindset There is a freedom beyond normal observation which we can all partake. In your minds eye, all is possible. “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” Happy Trails

Donald Yates, author, Former Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, and Business Development coordinator for Imperial Research , is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.


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Understanding Truth Aids in Overcoming Faulty Thinking
Creating a manualized cognitive restructuring program that is effective in helping people overcome thinking errors and self-defeating conduct is an art form that few have mastered. Is it possible to go into the subconscious mind and alter thoughts? YES! The secret lies in a book by Dr. David Hawken on truth vs. falsehoods. The truth has a power that has the ability to break through the veil of self-imposed false beliefs and help people find the truth about themselves. That is, help them realize they are so much greater than they believe they are. Creating a cognitive restructuring curriculum requires a profound knowledge of the truth, if this is lacking the written words will have no penetrating energy. In effect untrue words tumble off of the page and right onto the ground. There they curl up and die and are forgotten along with millions of other untrue words. True words raise people to higher whereas untrue words can discourage. True words contain a force that excites energies that vibrate at a frequency that people accept. It is this cognitive energy that has the ability to change faulty thinking. After years of helping victims of domestic hostility it is still enlightening to sit in class and see this self-actualization process change lives. The majority of abused women believe that they have less value than they really do. By the time they get to the 3rd or 4th session of applying true words, the truth starts to have its affect. This reprogramming is shown in their physical, psychological and emotional exhilaration. The changes for most people are extraordinary and enduring. However let us remember that cognitive restructuring counseling is an invitation to change, not a force. Change is the responsibility of the client. The main reason counseling programs are unsuccessful is because they are not structured appropriately and they contain little penetrating truth. This is because the person or people who wrote it lacked truth. People can attend psychotherapy sessions for years and years and not change because the therapist is not aligned with the truth. The truth has the ability to have a life-changing impact on people in only a matter of hours, but it must be available.

Lifeskills Counselor, Larry Lloyd, is the director of the American Community Corrections Institute ( which produces truth-filled cognitive restructuring programs( See also their blog at

Focus Beyond Success
Many people get really anxious when studying for the exams such as the PMP (Project Management Professional) or CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) and so their anxiety works against them. The reason that they are anxious is largely because of their fear of failure. We could say that their belief in the likelihood of their failure is stronger that their belief in their success. In order to find a way out of this mess, it helps to know a little of how the mind works. Everybody wants to be successful. Of course it could be argued that some people obviously want to fail in life �" but that means that they want to be successful in failing. And so when they eventually DO fail, they succeeded in achieving their life’s main goal. And that’s a level of success that few of us achieve. When aiming for a goal, it is very important to concentrate on the successful outcomes of your task, rather than on the goal itself. For example, if you are studying for the PMP exam, you should focus on what you intend to do once you have your certification, rather than just on having letters after your name. You should concentrate on the benefits after the goal is achieved, because your energy ends where you have your focus (I’ll come back to this later). For example, suppose you are playing soccer and you have to take a penalty kick. If you concentrate really hard on taking the kick, you will become anxious and may kick the ball badly. The trick is to imagine that you have just scored the winning goal. Imagine the crowd cheering -- actually hear them in your mind -- and hear them calling your name. Imagine how good the success feels, and how proud of yourself you feel. Imagine the other soccer players running up to you and hugging you and congratulating you. If you do this, then you will relax and actually score the goal. Because if you can truly make your mind believe that you can truly make something happen, then your mind will do all that it can to make it happen (this is explained by “expectancy theory”). So if you say to someone “study hard, and try hard to pass the exam,” that is a waste of time because they are already doing that, and concentrating more on the problems will make them anxious and doubt their abilities. It is much better to get them to focus beyond the end result. Tell them to think about how good they will feel when they pass the PMP exam. And how good it will feel, pinning on the little gold badge. Tell them to imagine how wonderful and proud they will feel the first day they step back into their place of work as a PMP, to give the good news to their boss. Tell them to imagine that they’re being interviewed in the future by a reporter from a big magazine, because the magazine wants to print a feature article on their successes. Tell them to imagine how good it feels to be so successful in life. Once they believe that, it will start to happen. Your energy ends where you have your focus Now, coming back to this statement. It sounds “New age”, but it’s not. A long time ago I practiced karate for a while. This is a very relaxing sport, which seems to be largely concerned with smashing things. I was trying to break wooden planks, but with no success. My understanding of the “formula” was: Strength + technique + tough hands = (whatever you like/don’t like) smashed to bits. I had the strength and the tough hands; in fact I could hit the plank repeatedly without hurting myself too much, and the technique appeared to be right too. But then, as a result of some research, I started really believing that I could break the plank. So now my formula became: Strength + belief + technique + tough hands = (whatever you like/don’t like) smashed to bits. So I focused and my mental and physical energy on a single point on the plank (and pictured it breaking) then hit it really hard. But I still couldn’t break it. Then some time later I met a really sweet girl, who had an incredible knack for smashing things, let me into her secret. She said, “Your problem is that you are focusing on the plank, but that’s were your energy ENDS, because your energy ends where you have your focus. If you want to break the plank, you have to focus on a spot 6 inches BEHIND the plank.” So once my focus (or goal) was to reach a spot behind the plank, my energy ended 6 inches behind the plank, rather than on it’s surface. I would like to say that I was able to smash the plank on my very next attempt. That was not the case, because I was still training my mind to accept the new focus. But only a few days later I was able to smash it. And I would like to say that the girl and I developed a smashing relationship, but it was not to be, because her focus lay beyond me.

Jim Owens PMP is a career Project Manager, Presenter and PMP Instructor. Director of Certification with PMI W Australia, Columnist with and Information Age Magazine. Visit Jim at The Home of Project Management. Jim's Domains & Web Hosting:

The Powers Of A Positive Attitude.
I am going to ask you something very unusual right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?

Now let's say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think anyone would be able to tell you what’s on your mind?

The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be pretty generic. Although people will not be able to tell you exactly what you think, they will more or less have an idea of how you are feeling.

Here's another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if they're waiting for something exciting to happen?

You know what? The answer to all these depends on your state of mind.

Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance, too �" unless, of course, you are a great actor.

And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also affect people the around you.

The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.

Positive thoughts have a filling effect. They are admittedly exhilarating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.

Negative thoughts on the other hand have a zapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.

We can also define attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you choose to focus on the negative things in the life, more or less you are fostering a negative attitude. However, if you choose to focus on the positive things, you are more likely carry a positive attitude.

You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.

A positive attitude begins with a healthy self-image. If you will love the way you are and are satisfied, confident, and self-assured, you also make others around you feel the same way.

On the other hand, a negative attitude, has the opposite effect. So, carrying a negative attitude has a twofold drawback. You feel bad about yourself, and you make others feel the same way.

If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to maintain healthy thoughts. This is actually very hard to do nowadays since all around us the media feeds us nothing but negative thoughts. A study shows that for every 14 things a parent says to his or her child, only one is positive. This is truly a depressing thought.

If you want a healthier outlook in life, you need to think happy thoughts. You also have to hear positive things as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a funny movie, you could play with children, or spend some time telling jokes with friends. All these activities fill you with positive stimuli, which in turn promotes positive attitude.

Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us, you can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.

And this positive attitude you now carry can be of benefit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing most people do is try to give them advice. But sometimes, all they need is somebody to sit with them, and listen to their thoughts and feelings. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up without even having to say anything.

If positive attitude is really great, why do people choose to adopt a negative attitude instead? One who carries a negative attitude may be actually sending a signal for attention. So you don't misunderstand what I'm saying, feeling sad, angry, or gloomy is not wrong itself. But dwelling on these thoughts for far too long is not healthy either. There is a time to mourn, but don't continually dwell on the subject or situation; change it!

If you are inundated with troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good things in life, it will always give you hope. Problems are something you can overcome.

You don't have anything to lose by adopting a healthy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually defers aging, makes you healthier, helps you develop a better stress coping mechanism, and has a very positive effect on all the people you meet every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude? Adopt one today.

Make it a GREAT day!

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Survival of the Fittest In Dating Online
Have you ever wondered what it was that attracted a man to a woman, or vice versa? What it is about one specific individual that seems to make them irresistible to the opposite sex? Why, when everyone else is sitting home on a Friday night, they can have three dates with plans for breakfast the next morning? There are a number of different factors to be considered, but let us first take a look at the core of the situation: the science of attraction. The central component in the selection of a mate lies in the evolutionary need to continue the species. In the wild mates that were weak and unable to stand against the elements would produce weak offspring who might not be able to survive the harsh environment they would be thrust into; that is, of course, assuming they survived to adulthood themselves. The inability of their offspring to survive would lead to the end of the species; therefore, they were rarely chosen by members of the opposite sex for reproductive purposes. On the other hand, strong mates would breed strong offspring. It was primarily the males and females who had proved themselves in battle that attracted the greatest number of possible mates; they would then choose from the strongest of those, and Mother Nature's endless circle would go on, with genetics ensuring that their children were given the best opportunity to make a start in life. This is the reason that physically fit individuals receive the most attention from member of the opposite sex; it is an inbred attraction to those that are considered to be the most able physically to survive in their environment. Strength and survival of the fittest aside there is also the matter of pheromones. Pheromones are chemically secreted molecules that are produced and carried through an airborne route, causing an incredible sexual response in animals. The belief is that it allowed the animal to locate a mate with whom they would have the greatest likelihood of producing an offspring with a strong immune system. It was previously believed that humans had lost the ability to be attracted by pheromones; however, recent studies have shown that this may not necessarily be the case. A great deal of research in the role that pheromones play in human attraction is not yet available, as it is still a matter of speculation. The bottom line is that all scientific evidence pertaining to the attraction of one human to another lies in the potential to produce strong offspring. Pheromones will grant a child the best possible combination of immune systems to guarantee their well being. Physical attraction guarantees that the child will have the best chance of physically surviving to grow to adulthood. All in all, the scientific evidence present to support the baseline upon which all human attraction is based would appear to support the theory of survival of the fittest.

Terry Detty finds Free Online Dating Service and Oak Ridge TN Free Online Dating Service his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk.  His latest interest is a new Symyrna TN Free Online Dating Service he's been using.

Is Your Success Written In The Law?
Here are six laws that are keys to effective strategy which can unlock greater success for you. These are the silent laws that are fundamental to your success throughout all the years of your life . . . as they guide you upward and onward to higher achievements. 1. The laws of control. You must be in control in every situation and at every moment; in control of your own faculties as well as any external forces that would exert pressure on you. The fact is; either you are controlling the situation or the situation is controlling you. People are being bombarded constantly by influential forces that tug and pull on their senses. These forces influence their way of thinking and how they react to any process. How well a person is able to stay in control of external stimuli indicates how well they are able to manage their influence upon it. Remember, “if God is with you, who can be against you?” 2. The law of observance Always observe what is going on around you, pay attention, be aware of the possibilities. Take note of what is not happening as well as what is. Don’t make rash judgments, weigh all possibilities before you act. While all action contains a certain amount of risk, you can reduce the odds by careful examination. Don’t make hasty judgments, plot the course then and only then . . . proceed with caution. 3. The law of value. As a leader/manager, how valuable are you to your employer? If there were a lay-off today, would you be let go, or be kept on? Make sure you know your job plus a little more. Learn multiple jobs in your workplace well because, the more you know, the more value you have. Always do your best and volunteer once in a while. 4. The law of integrity Certain qualities of character are unique to a true Christian. A true Christian can be trusted for his/her word is as good as gold. You can take what he/she says to the bank because you know they can be trusted to back up all they say. It seems trusted employees have become a rarity in today’s workplace. From padding the time sheet to small pilferage, everyone seems to be out for themselves. People get the idea the company owes them over and beyond their agreed on wages. They justify their actions by their own distorted reasoning. When a person agrees to the terms of employment, then they must live with it. If the terms are not proven to be as agreed, then you must respectfully, terminate. Integrity is the heart as it represents quality, honesty, high morals, truth, and trust. It is the only quality in a person that they have total control over, to voluntarily give up. No one can take it from you, you have to make a choice to damage your own integrity. Once you have given up your integrity, you can never get it back. 5. The law of Development Most everyone desires to be the best at what they do but few accomplish it. Why? Distractions, loss of drive, inability to focus, compliancy, and many other things undermine man’s ability to achieve. Even though man is a creative being, born of excellence, he/she rapidly becomes victim to worldly conditions and points of view. I can is replaced with I can’t, I will is replaced I won’t and so on. The trials of life creates despair in the mind and clouds thinking. Man becomes embroiled in social and cultural dogma and the world becomes a battleground of uncertainties for the senses causing a distorted perception. The world point of view is a powerful influence on the mind and becomes captivating, addictive and self destructive. The mind thinks it can’t be any better than it already is, yet we know the laws of development can and does elevate a person from failure to success. Success is a God trait inherent in mankind while failure is embracing the inconsistencies of the world order. Man, in his own right, can be anything he desires to be. From Janitor to President, man is what he aspires to be, what he/she has a passion for. You must elevate yourself above the temptations of the world. Be diligent, forthright and mature in your thinking, and always remember, each thought can potentially effect your quality of existence. 6. The law of Adaptability Many people simply can’t adapt to current conditions. When a person Requires supervision to perform basic abilities they rarely further their career. You must adapt to your surroundings. You have to fit in and become a Inspiration to those around you. Every situation in life requires you to adapt in some form or manner. Family, church, workplace, society, club all require you to adapt to the current conditions. I don’t mean give in, or cave in, but consider the options and adjust to the presented opportunity. Fit in, take part in your surroundings, be an active team player. Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. To learn more, visit Super affiliate Marketing Make Money From Home

Think Positive to Improve Your Confidence and Your Entire Life
Self confidence is one’s ability to believe in one’s self. Those with a high self confidence are optimistic, assertive, and eager individuals ready to take on the world and conquer the goals. On the other hand, people with a low self confidence find themselves often distant and despondent, constantly questioning themselves and often passive or submissive. Self confidence is the key to success in academic pursuits, athletic activities, employment field, and private life, literally every aspect of one’s life. Individuals that entertain a high sense of self confidence usually go on to phenomenally succeed, whereas individuals with a low sense of self confidence tend to be brought down by their inner demons and fail.
The trap of low self confidence is extremely easy to fall into and very difficult to remove oneself from. That tiny voice in the back of the head that criticizes, questions, and insults can easily grow louder and louder the more you listen. Instead of the traditional angel on one shoulder, those with low self confidence would find the devil there more often than not. Instead of boosting themselves up by enjoying their accomplishments or congratulating themselves on a job well done, individuals with low self esteem find their shoulder devil is constantly picking and finding fault in the midst of triumph.
They key to maintaining a high self esteem is positive thinking. Individuals that think of themselves in a positive light are more likely to have a higher self confidence than those nay-sayers in the crowd. One way to remain positive and keep an upbeat aura is to surround oneself with positive people. Avoid individuals who criticize, nit pick, and put down. These negative individuals are a sinking ship and will only bring you down with them. People who surround themselves with positive people, find it easier to maintain a high sense of a self worth and banish that devil from their shoulder. If you find yourself in a situation where you must deal with individuals with a negative outlook, confront them on the matter.
If you find yourself surrounded by so-called friends who constantly make you feel poorly about yourself and lower your self confidence, it might be time to part ways. Remember, friends, family, and loved ones are supposed to make you feel good about yourself and have your best interest at heart. This is not always the case and friends by title alone can do more harm than most enemies. Furthermore, personal relationships can have the same if not worse affect on one’s self confidence level.
Always remember to think positive, believe in yourself and your ambitions and goals and you can achieve whatever you desire.
For a greater understanding of the power of your mind and your thoughts and this can affect your financial freedom, get a copy of the original classic by Napoleon Hill titled "Think and Grow Rich"

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Make use of GRATITUDE to attract what you want
For most of us, getting a full three meals a day is not a problem. Some of us can even afford to dine at expensive restaurants now and then! However, not everyone in this world can be just as lucky.

We should make gratitude our attitude in order to attract more positivity into our life. By giving thanks, we set ourselves in an upbeat mood and can therefore become more constructive in our thoughts and actions. This helps to draw our dreams, goals and success closer to us.

At the other extreme, if all we ever do is to grumble and complain, we slowly poison our own minds with negative thoughts and all we will get are more bad experiences coming our way. If we focus on the bad stuff, that becomes our perspective of life and only unpleasant things will happen to us. However, if we choose to focus only on the good, our outlook of life changes, and we will start to only see and attract the lovely side of life. Learning to show gratitude is one way to help us focus on the good.

So how do we start making gratitude part of our attitude? This is relatively easy as there are many opportunities abound. Every little thing that happens to us can be an occasion to give thanks to eg. waking up after a good night's sleep, having a sumptuous breakfast , getting a gift from a friend, a little help from a colleague etc. I'm sure a show of appreciation is always welcome and who knows these acts of kindness may be returned multiple folds in the future!

“To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let's show gratitude to make this world a heaven for ourselves and others!

More tips on how you can Achieve the Breakthrough Success that you Need! My Personal Blog is at Prospecting LIFE.

So You Have COPD And You Want To Travel
The Key To Traveling With COPD Is In The Preparation I have been suffering with COPD for ten years now, with twenty years of Asthma before that. I know what a hard time it is to do any kind of traveling for and that matter, any exercise at all. Your life doesn’t have to be one of staying at home; you can still have a somewhat active life if you follow a few precautions. Maybe you use oxygen or get tired easily and staying at home is easer than traveling or doing any extra movement at all. Getting out of the house is good for your physic and helps promote a healthier attitude. I know, having limited breathe is debilitating and hard to contend with at times. At the very least it’s a nuisance but you can function at a reasonable level, if you have a strong will to do so. Don’t become housebound The longer you allow yourself to be cooped up the worse your condition will seem to be. You will become depressed, and your reasoning for living will be questioned and if that’s not bad enough, your relationships will suffer. But wait, you don’t have to climb Mt. Everest, or run a five K race you only have to get out and take a little trip. Don’t dwell on what you used to be able to do and find out what you can do now. you can probably do a lot more than you give yourself credit for. I know, it is not only a hassle to prepare for travel it can cause an anxiety others may not understand. Remember, although others may be trying to be supportive, they aren’t you and it’s you who is contributing to your own self-imprisonment. You have to take the first step to overcome your condition and venture into the world. The world hasn’t changed, so you’re not as capable, so what �" do what you can. It’s your attitude that keeps you from experiencing life. I know what you are going through I guess by now you realize I am writing this as much for me as I am for you. I also question my ability to venture out into the world. I can’t walk more than a few feet, I no longer can have intimate relations with my spouse or play with my grandchildren but I am not dead yet. My mind is still active and I can still contribute, in a since, so I look for and try to find that which keeps me going. Now certain oxygen equipment can be brought into airports and pass through security. Some airlines will allow oxygen equipment to be used during the flight so why not take a trip to see the grandkids? If you’re like me, I don’t require oxygen but I do need a wheel chair if I am to move any distance. Hay they let people in wheel chairs enter the plane first, that’s one plus, anyway. Be upfront with your doctor Before you go you need to ask your doctor a few questions. You probably already know what they are but just in case, here they are. • How much medication will I need to last me through my trip? • What if any, over the counter drugs can I use while I travel? • Will I need extra medication? • Which rescue inhaler should I take and how often can it be used? • Should my current oxygen prescription be adjusted for the extra activity? • Who should I call if I have a problem? I am sure there are many other questions you have, just write them down so you can ask your doctor before your trip. It’s just a matter of planning ahead. What form of transportation will you be using for your trip? If you’re going by plane, check on Airport and Airline regulations before you attempt the trip. If you’re going by car, check motels along your route and make arrangements for your stay. Make sure they understand your condition and special requirements. If you’re going by train, check beforehand for any regulations that you may encounter which might hamper your traveling success. Make sure they support and are equipped to handle your special needs. Maybe you need an Attitude Adjustment Before you can attempt any form of travel you must adjust you attitude. Think I can instead of I can’t. Make your own decisions, don’t let others influence how you experience life. Step out, or at least roll out, and enjoy the pleasures of travel. It’s always good to Stay Well If COPD is your only affliction then use the rest of what you have. Using your eyes and ears won’t effect your breathing but they can bring a lot of enjoyment into your life. Using your legs, although limited, helps stimulate the heart and keeps them working to a degree. My legs swell and I can’t feel my feet most of the time but I still walk as far as I can. My spouse, God bless her, is my helpmate. If it weren’t for her, I would be out of luck. Anyway, buckle up Dubby, and take a ride. So you can’t run any more, you probably didn’t in the first place. So you can’t go bungee jumping or parachuting, you can watch, it’s safer on the ground anyway. Hay, you can play a mean video game or write articles of your experiences, see, all is not lost. Get out and take a trip Ok, so we’ve established you should take a trip, go on, enjoy yourself, don’t let COPD get you down. It may seem like a lot of extra work to travel with COPD but at least you can travel. There are a lot of people who can’t. I knew a women who had a stroke at a early age and was in a coma. For fifteen years she could not get out of bed or feed herself or anything. I thank the Lord I only have COPD, I can get out of bed, I can travel, I can be self sufficient for the most part. Be all you can be, take a trip, see the world, lay in a hot tub, do something, anything but most of all be happy. Happy trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. See How To, Run Your Car On WATER
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Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You?
Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You? I was in a nice boutique the other day and noticed a song playing that basically said “My girlfriend is a jerk” repeatedly. Then the next chorus was I love my girlfriend and I’m going to stay with her forever. This wasn’t even a country song, it was current pop music. Mixed messages in those lyrics, or what? Is it any wonder we have such confusion about relationships? Stay in ones where someone treats you badly, yet love the person you don’t like. Now that IS confusing. We are becoming so conscientious about our lives and our health. Some of us are even saying no to television. What about our music? We should really pay attention to WHAT we listen to as it can definitely put us in a good mood or a weird mood. It can even sway our feelings about our partner. I’m not saying it can put you into a bad mood because why would we consciously listen to music that is going to put us in a bad mood? The lyrics to songs definitely play on our subconscious and it does it repetitively. Remember a time when you couldn’t get a song out of your mind? Well, those songs are really placed somewhere in our subconscious for us to hook onto, particularly when we’re feeling low. One of my students asked in a class recently if the music she listens to is going to affect her. She asked this out of the blue after an offhanded discussion at lunch about what we hear affects our body, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. I asked her what she listened to and she sheepishly said “country western”. The entire class simultaneously said “Uh Oh”. Now country music is quite depressing as they are always talking about lost loves, drinking and other dastardly deeds. Imagine what that will do over prolonged periods of time for someone who already has a tendency to be negative. This type music can tend to make someone act more from the negative aspects they already have. Really, any music that has lyrics about lost love, hating someone, getting revenge, etc. all impact us on the subconscious level. A pregnant mother wanting a calm child will spend time listening to calm music and trying to be in a peaceful place. Why not take this into our adult lives? Masuru Emoto, author of “Message from Water”, demonstrates, visually, exactly what classical music does for water with a contrast to what hard rock music does to water. Wayne Green, founder of CD Review Magazine, founded the magazine with the purpose of getting small labels with more eclectic and balanced music out into the public and more press coverage. In the book The “Secret Life of Plants” there is documented evidence that the group of rats exposed to rock music began killing each other. Our bodies are made of mostly water �" isn’t it time to take action with what songs we listen to? I recommend to my meditation class that they turn off the music for one week while they are driving. The purpose of this is to get the students who truly wish to have peace through the aspect of meditation to realize that quiet in the car is actually very soothing. The reports back from the students are that they generally find is that they want to continue to drive more often without the radio on because they feel more relaxed. Join us in making your energy shift and listen to more happy, fun, relaxing music and see what happens to your life and your body.

Sheevaun O. Moran – author of the book Learn to Meditate in 2 Minutes, the book Shotgun Shopping – Adventures in How to Materialize Anything Through the Metaphor of Shopping and 13 Meditate and Transform CD’s. She is the founder of Energetic Solutions, I Am Success Now – Paramitas, and Good to Go Restaurants. She has authored hundreds of articles, been featured on CBS News, Japan’s version of Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and many other publications. Sheevaun has personally worked with over 7,000 individuals and businesses worldwide. Her techniques are powerful energy tools to transform health, create opportunity and she always helps her clients get results FAST.

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