Sunday, October 12, 2008

Maria Duval - A Simple "Flick Of The Switch" Of Your Attention From The Inattention Of Unconsciousness To Conscious Attention by Elysha

A Simple "Flick Of The Switch" Of Your Attention From The Inattention Of Unconsciousness To Conscious Attention by Elysha
You will not see who you are - this "you" of you - while you keep on persisting in believing this mind that is busily informing the mindbody that you think you are. You are not this mind informed mindbody that you find yourself travelling around through. No amount of thinking is going to deliver you of the beauty of your self - the heart of existence. You are literally going to have to surrender, let go of and leave alone your ongoing and momentary attempts to try and be who you think you are to come to the clarity of who you already are - there is no getting around this one. Who you are is this "motion of seeing" that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, right now. Who "you" are is already here, in this very moment. You can actually and truly be completely free from the bondage of this prison of your own making, if you are so wanting. Letting go of what was never true of "you" and consciously being this one that is this "you" of you is completely available to you, right here and right now. If you do not want to be who you are then you need not do anything differently to what you are currently up to and doing in your daily and momentary living. However, who you are is already true of you and this "you" of you is the "motion of aliveness" that is flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved with. You are to find this one that is seeing through your eyes - the seer - by consciously aligning your focus of attention to this very "aliveness" that is flowing through your eyes in this moment. Then you are to stop at and as this one that is "you". This you can do because it is "you". Learning to move from this "you" of you is what frees you up to this "you". Who you are is already here. You need not "try" to be who you are; you simply need to realize that "you" already are; you need to "be" this amness of you. It is a simple "flick of the switch" of your attention; from you believing yourself to be who you think you are to the realization - energetically - that "you" already are; from the inattention of unconsciousness to conscious attention; this on a momentary basis. Because who you are already is, you can actually "stop and drop" what you are not and "see and be" who you already are. Will who you think you are help you along with being who you are? No. Not at all. Au contraire. Who you think you are works flat out in distracting you from the "seeing and being" of who you already are. This running commentary of your mind is an adept at the art of distraction - it is what it does. It will have you looking at anything, anything at all, rather than have you "seeing and being" this "you" of you. Of course, an ever growing of uncaused happiness is not the result of living this attempt to try and be something that is notyou, either. Pain and suffering, falsehood upon falsehood, fear and desire, guilt and doubt is what is served up as the daily menu. All the while, "you" are already right here and flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, closer to you than the nose on your face. The heart of existence, the beauty of the divine one, is this "you" of you.

Elysha sits at The Elysium Ashram daily from 10am - 6pm. Anyone who is interested in learning to get past the resistances that have you bound to the notyou-ness that you are suffering: interested in being the freedom of the heart; are welcome to come along and sit with him.

Your Enlightenment
Throughout your entire life you have been learning, growing and evolving. Everything you have experienced has been teaching you something about yourself. All the books you have read, courses you have taken and things you have done to develop yourself are the result of an innate intelligence, or spirit, that has been guiding you to further evolve yourself, to realize your full potential, to self-realize. The volition to read these words comes from your spirit. The answers lie within you, and from this inner knowing you gain the impetus to explore, to understand, to find greater meaning, purpose and peace. So as you are reading these words I invite you to check in with the part of you that is curious to learn more. This path of self-discovery is guiding you to enlightenment. You have been called. You are being guided, and that with draws your attention to these words is guiding you to take that next step in your development. The same volition that compels me to write these words draws your attention to read them. We are all being guided, by spirit, to realize our full potential through self-realization. As you enlighten you come to realize who you are and why you were born so that you may fulfill your destiny. The fact that you are reading these words is the proof that your spirit is guiding you to full enlightenment. The primary reason I am writing these words is to acknowledge that part of you that already knows this innately. We are all being called to enlighten. We live in an age where masses of people, such as yourself, are learning more about what consciousness is and are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve their consciousness. You are ahead of the learning curve of humanity, you have realized that there is something to be realized and are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve yourself. It is your destiny to enlighten. The Self Awareness Institute is a gathering place for those ready to live in the light, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within us. Welcome home. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Practicing Staying Present to the Now
Transformational Counseling is about assisting others to transform their life. Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others to learn how to let go of the past and live fully in the present. To live fully in the present is to become awaken to what is truly real and to our own natural power. Much of our life is spent living in the past, and in the process, attempting to fix it, to make it something that it is or was not. It is from living in the past that we also attempt to create our future, the result always being a living of life as it was in the past. Transformation takes place when we learn to exist in and be present to the Now. The practice of staying present to our natural power and to that which is real is becoming conscious to what is so, to the Now, to the present. What is so, the Now, has no meaning and exists outside of thought and language. As human beings we tend to give meaning to everything, including other people, ourselves and even life itself. It is in our meaning making that we leave the present and create our life from the past, a life that can be filled with a great deal of anxiety, fear and stress. What is so merely exists and it is in the experience of the Now that we begin to live a life of power and freedom, a life and way of being free from our past. A specific technique that is very powerful for practicing staying present to the Now is meditation. It is in meditation that one creates the space to experience a very deep state of relaxation, a state that is very healing to both the mind and body. As we know, in meditation ones metabolism slows down, including heart rate and blood pressure. The consistent practice of meditation will reduce anxiety and stress. For some the practice of meditation allows them to access true Being. For others it is way of reconnecting to the Spirit within us. It is in the consistent practice of meditation that the subject and object distinction inherent in language, thought and meaning making collapses thereby resulting in our access to the present, to the Now. The meditative process can be enhanced by the use of therapeutic relaxation music. Music has always been a very powerful modality for promoting a very deep state of relaxation and even healings. I have found that musical compositions that are harmonically slow, repetitious, with sustained voices, which are rhythmically, random in tempo assists an individual in experiencing a very deep state of relaxation. A second important component of the use of therapeutic relaxation music is the use of binaural audio tones that have been interwoven into the music. The binaural tones, through a process referred to as entrainment or frequency following, gently guides or directs the mind/body to generate more of the targeted frequency of brain wave activity for an even more profound state of relaxation. The meditative process of practicing staying present to the Now is as follows: 1. Take a comfortable position in an upright sitting position. 2. Allow your legs and arms to be open. 3. Allow your eyes to focus upon a chosen object. The chosen object could be a candle light in a darkened room or any point that you choose. 4. As you focus on the chosen object, allow your muscles to slowly relax from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. 5. Take three slow deep breathes in through your nose as you inhale. Hold each breath to the mental count of four. Slowly exhale each breath out through your mouth. Continue to breath at a slow pace after the three breaths. 6. Continue to focus on the chosen object. When your mind wanders to some thought or thoughts slowly and gently bring it back to your focused concentration upon the chosen object. Simply let go of the thoughts that arise. The thoughts are from the past. Stay focused to what is so. 7. Continue the practice for a prescribed period of time and then go about your daily activities. Each day that you practice you may even choose to lengthen the time you spend with this technique. The ability to stay in the present, to access the Now, can be enhanced with the consistent practice of meditation. What this will necessitate is one making the practice of meditation apart of his or her daily schedule. With the consistent practice of meditation one will also create the ability to stay even more present to what is so even when not actively engaged in the meditative process. It is through a commitment to the practice of meditation on a daily basis that one will begin to live more fully in the Now. Harry Henshaw, Ed.D., LMHC

Dr Harry Henshaw is in private practice in North Miami Beach, Florida.

Meditation Techniques For Time Pressed Executives
Meditation, quite rightly, has an image of relaxation, peace and quiet, and many may interpret this as meaning meditation can only be for those who have time to laze around half the day. For this reason, those people, such as business executives, who live a pressured life with little or no time to spare, may assume that meditation can never have a place in their lives. That is a shame, as meditation techniques can be quite flexible and quite easy to fit in to a busy day.

The benefits of meditation can be so great to somebody under pressure, that even a few minutes occasionally may bring a noticeable benefit. For a busy executive to have reached their position in life, they are likely to be determined and intelligent individuals. This can often mean that, should they perceive a benefit in an activity, then they will continue or extend that activity. It is therefore possible that an executive trying out even a brief period of meditation may soon adopt some meditation technique or other on a regular basis.

What type of meditation techniques may fit in with an executive lifestyle? Important features of meditation are being able to breathe well and consciously, relax and clear the mind, and then focus the mind. An executive with perpetual meetings and a full diary, with pressures to perform and maximise profits, may think such things cannot be fitted into their busy lives.

It is true to say that the most powerful and beneficial meditation sessions are prolonged. However, that does not mean short periods of meditation are a waste of time; far from it. An executive is probably geared up to packing as much into their day as possible and, although it may be difficult to clear a hyperactive mind, they may well learn to pack in short meditation sessions also. In so doing, they may well find that those sessions give them a boost that is far greater and more beneficial than caffeine.

So, what techniques can an executive use during their busy day? Here are a few ideas:

1. If using public transport to get to and from work, and you are able to sit down, it can be a good time to close your eyes, concentrate on correct breathing, and try to shut out the surrounding sounds. Commuting can be a very stressful experience every day of the week, so a snatched meditation session, even in far from ideal conditions, may minimize those negative effects, or even turn them on their head. In fact, it can be good practice to try to meditate in difficult conditions, as that makes ideal conditions even more beneficial later on.

The secret to these train or bus sessions is not to fall asleep, and to concentrate extra hard on maintaining the focus.

2. Do you go to a gym or health spa? Whether at lunch time or in the evening, this can be a good time to tag on a short meditation session. If you have finished your work out, you need some time to shower and relax your body a bit. Following that with a 10 minute or more period of meditation could work wonders. Most gyms or health spas will have a room you can use for a short spell of peace, so it is worth asking. A vacant massage room would serve the purpose.

3. Control your diary, and schedule in a mid morning and mid afternoon "tea or coffee" break. Only instead of tea and coffee, drink water, sit comfortably, focus on your breathing and then when totally relaxed, have a short session of meditation, focusing on something calming and not related to work. Even 10 minutes can provide a power inducing respite from the day's work, and the chances are you will not lose time, but rather gain time, as you will work more effectively.

Snatched meditation sessions spread through the day may not be the stuff of traditional meditation, but they are certainly better than none at all. Hopefully, the rejuvenated executive will perceive enough benefits to set aside time in the evenings and weekends to learn full meditation, and then be able to return to work at the top of is game every weekday morning.

This meditation techniques article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner and part author of the Routes To Self Improvement website.

The Kingdom of Heaven
After years of studying and writing about world religions and spiritual paths a common message appears in each of the world's major teachings, whether it be an eastern or western religion, spiritual group or master, and that is that one day we humans will all live together in happiness and peace in a divine relationship with God right here on earth. We will transcend our lower nature and live in divine communion in paradise: a kingdom of heaven on earth. Many believe this age is upon us. We have come to a point where we are realizing that God never left; the presence of the Divine lies within us, and around us, as spirit. It is spirit that animates our existence. When we realize our true nature as spirit, and recognize this spirit in each other, and in everything, at all times, in all places, then we enter into this heavenly state, for the kingdom of heaven lies within. While doing research for my next book I came upon a powerful description in the Gospel of Thomas by Jesus' brother, this Gospel was very popular among Christians in the first and second century but for various political reasons was not included in the New Testament, and whether you are a Christian or not it provides powerful insight into the nature of our existence. In the third paragraph of this gospel, Jesus tells his disciples: ":the kingdom is inside you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will come to be known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father." Then in paragraph 113, his disciples said to him: "When will the kingdom come?" And Jesus said: "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying �here it is' or �there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." This is completely consistent with the concept of Self-Realization and God-Realization, for when you enlighten you come to know your own nature and realize the living presence God here on earth. You enter into a state of consciousness where you realize God's presence within you and around you. So, those who have eyes let them see. God never left, that which created us is sustaining us even now and we have never been separate from Him. Connect with that life force, innate intelligence, or spirit that you are and allow your mind to realize that it is you. You are entering a revelation in consciousness. You have evolved your conscious awareness to the point that you have realized that there is something to be realized or you wouldn't be reading this. You are being guided by spirit to awaken from the dream and drama that your mind has created and are remembering who you are and why you were born so that you may fulfill the purpose of your existence. You are invited to God-Realization and to enter the kingdom of heaven on earth. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

How to Seduce the 12 Horoscope Signs
Follow the advices and attract the person you desire. The following advices are quite general. You can consult Tarot or psychic for personal questions. To Seduce an Aries Man The type of woman who can attract an Aries man is one that demonstrates a sense of independence and is bold, adventurous, or spontaneous. They'll respect the freedom of a woman like this. They admire strength and courage. Aries men enjoy a challenge, and may find it enjoyable to be seduced by an assertive woman, while offering sufficient resistance to make it interesting. To Seduce an Aries Woman The type of man who attracts an Aries woman is brash and bold, daring and direct, and has a sense of adventure. They are drawn to macho types or men in uniform. They seek competition and challenges, so they prefer authoritative men who are hard to get. Aries women are attracted to winners, in sports or business or any form of competition. Seduction of Taurus Taurus man prefers a woman who is cute, cuddly, calm and comfortable, and shows affection with caresses and kisses. They prefer women who are easy-going, earthy and sensuous, and not too independent or energetic. To Seduce a Taurus Woman The type of man who attracts a Taurus woman is the classic strong and silent type. Men who are down-to-earth appeal to her, and it may be important to her that he likes animals or nature in general. A man who can cook, cuddle, and care for her physical comforts is of great interest to her. To Seduce a Gemini men Gemini men are attracted to women who are clever and changeable and can keep them guessing. They can be drawn to average looking women who are witty and interesting, and certainly more than to the beautiful but dull sort. To Seduce Gemini Woman The right man for the Gemini woman is clever and changeable, and a great conversationalist. Communication is very important to her, so the man who can share information and ideas is sure to be well regarded. To Seduce a Cancer Man The type of woman who attracts a Cancer man is one who will comfort and care for them. A woman who feeds a Cancer man and makes him feel loved may soon see them sharing her home, since home is where they most want to feel wanted and cherished and comforted. To Seduce a Cancer Woman The right man for the Cancer woman is protective, security-conscious, sensitive, and understanding. If she finds that he makes her feel safe and secure, she’ll feel herself drawn to him. To Seduce a Leo Man The type of woman who attracts the Leo man is one that they can feel proud to be seen with -- one who makes them look good just by having her on his arm. A woman who is gorgeous or dramatic or regal or aloof turns them on. To Seduce a Leo Woman The right man for the job of taming the Leo lioness is one who radiates warmth and shows his affection in a physical way. They are even more interested if he happens to be rich or famous or powerful or gorgeous (or all of the above) so that she can share the spotlight with her new love. To Seduce a Virgo Man The type of woman who attracts the Virgo man in search of company always appears well groomed and conservatively dressed -- and, above all, has an air of propriety. They are very particular, and desire nothing short of perfection in their potential mates, which can leave them out in the cold more often than not. To Seduce a Virgo Woman The type of man who attracts the Virgo woman is intelligent, impeccably mannered and groomed, practical, and reliable. Neatness and cleanliness are the single most important factors here for the approval of a Virgo lady. To Seduce a Libra Man The type of woman who attracts the Libra man has lots of class but isn’t too formal at the wrong times. She can be sort of sophisticated but not terribly stuck-up, sort of picky but not too particular, or any one of a number of contradicting categories, as long as she is utterly sincere in her attentions and has no hidden agendas for the relationship. To Seduce a Libra Woman The type of man who attracts a Libra woman is charming, polite, and well dressed -- it also helps if he’s good looking, romantic, and a bit old-fashioned as well. They tend to respond to mental and verbal flirtations more so than the crude physical kinds. To Seduce a Scorpio Man The type of woman who attracts the emotionally volatile Scorpio man is very vital, passionate, and intense. They rend to go for dynamic and powerful types of women who aren’t indecisive, weak willed pushovers. To Seduce a Scorpio Woman Scorpio women prefer a man who appears intense or inscrutable, and has a kind of magnetic charisma about him that hints at smoldering sexuality and unexplored depths of unbridled passion. To Seduce a Sagittarius man Sagittarius men like the type of woman who is honest, direct, and reliable -- basically a lover who is also a friend. They like a woman who's playful one minute, and philosophical the next, but always happy. To Seduce a Sagittarius Woman The man who attracts a Sagittarius woman is one who displays high moral and ethical standards, and lives up to their ideals of honesty and integrity. They want honesty, friendship, and fun from a potential mate. To Seduce a Capricorn Man The type of woman who attracts a Capricorn man is socially acceptable and somewhat formal or aloof -- not to mention quite serious about success and status. To Seduce a Capricorn Woman Capricorn women are after a man who seems serious, aloof, and detached, and somehow projects an inscrutable personal aura. They want a man who's ambitious and socially acceptable, and they are drawn to money, status, and power. To Seduce an Aquarius Man The type of woman who attracts an Aquarius man is intelligent, independent, free spirited, and a good conversationalist. Should she keep him guessing, or be a bit unconventional, she'll fascinate him, but if she's too emotional, he'll pass. To Seduce a an Aquarius Woman The type of man who attracts the Aquarius woman is intellectually interesting, logical, open-minded, and willing to experiment. A man with ideas and insights fascinates them to no end. Aquarius women are even more attracted if he seems unconventional or unpredictable or just unusual in some way. To Seduce a Pisces Man The type of woman who attracts the withdrawn Pisces man is romantic and emotional, sensitive and passive. Should she be intriguing or mysterious or able to make him feel secure, she could be just the one for him. Pisces men are fond of secret love affairs, as well as people who need help or emotional support. To Seduce a Pisces Woman The Pisces woman is after a man who is romantic, sensitive and either an imaginative dreamer or just lost and confused. The idea of a secret love affair can excite and entice her, and mystery intrigues her. You can also develop your own Tarot and psychic reading ability to find the solution to your specific questions. The simplest way to develop your psychic ability is through listening to your intuitive voice. For example, you can do your own Tarot card reading, and then ask yourself what these cards really mean. Trust your own psychic ESP! After all, no one can be a better Tarot reader than yourself.

"How to Seduce the 12 Horoscope Signs" was written by Elaine Fung. Elaine Fung is an expert in horoscopes and psychic subjects. In this article she provides us with useful tips to seduce any person we like just by knowing his zodiac sign. This is a public article, so, please feel free to use our content and give credit by linking back to us.

Yoga and the Age of Magic and Information
The Age of Magic and Information We live in a magical universe. Every facet and function and nuance of life is miraculous, mysterious and, to use a very overused adjective these days: Awesome. We associate the term magic with sleight of hand showmen, who create entertaining illusions, clever deceptions. But real magic is the magic of reality, the magic of nature and the universe. For instance the magic of a flower, the magical transformation of a seed into a plant, then into a flowerChildren see the world as magical, and they are right, it is. Adults stop noticing the everyday miracle of life as our accumulation of facts about the world replaces the awe that once filled our hearts and minds. The child may ask, “How does a plant grow from a seed?” And we would tell the child of water and soil and sunlight, careful not to confuse him with big words like “photosynthesis” and other advanced concepts that we adults understand. We equate the viewpoint of children with the viewpoint of the uninformed and uneducated. But I wish to start off this book with a question. Do we really understand what we think we know? For instance, if I was a child and asked the question, “How does blood circulate throughout the body? You would probably answer patiently, “The heart pumps the blood throughout the body, ” charmed and seduced by my natural curiosity. However, being an inquisitive sort, I would not be satisfied by that answer, “HOW does the heart pump the blood throughout the body,” I would insist. “The heart is controlled by a part of the brain that automatically sends an electrical impulse to it,’” you would say. “How does the brain do THAT” I would ask, “and how does the brain know HOW MANY times the heart should beat” At this point you would probably be looking for a piece of candy to give me or trying to find some other way to distract me or divert my attention. Any 5 year old child can bring the curtain down quickly on our mental arrogance, on our thinking we really understand how things work. The truth is no one understands HOW these things happen. Just because we have been able to isolate and observe the areas of the brain that control autonomic functions, for instance, does not mean we understand HOW they happen. What is the origin of the electrical impulse that is sent forth from the R-Complex of the brain? From where does the spark of life originate? How does an entire plant grow from a small seed? HOW or WHY does photosynthesis work? Just because we know how to grow the plant does not mean we understand how it happens. We have observed cells and how they function, we have split atoms and recently even finished the human genome project which maps the entire human DNA sequence. Yet we have no idea why or how it happens. Life is just as great a mystery now as it has always been, in fact more so now, as we have the technology to see and comprehend how incredibly complex life is. Sub atomic particles appear, disappear then reappear and behave in ways we do not begin to understand. The ever expanding universe reveals deeper and deeper mysteries all the time. And yet even the simple miracle of a flower opening at sunrise, or fish who return to the same river to spawn or crustaceans that mate only at certain full moons every year, how do they know? How does it all work, and WHY any of it? We are more impressed by magicians, the showmen type, who seduce us with their trickery than we are in awe of the majestic natural universe. In simpler times, there was more reverence for the magic of nature. There was not as much intellectual stimulation as today. What was learned and observed was done so with great depth. There was time to ponder and encounter the truth directly, through the heart. To understand a flower, one would sit with the flower and observe it, feel it. Just like with a person, we must get to know a person through the heart and experience them in order to have a chance at understanding them. To understand the flower one must share its being with the flower and allow the flower to share its being too. Flowers are people too! If tomorrow you were to sit with a plant or a flower for a couple of hours, I bet your ideas about plants and flowers will be different than what they were beforehand. Yoga and The Vedic Sciences show the simple yet profound connection to an ancient heart centered wisdom based on direct experience of and reverence for the cycles and magic of nature. They exists beyond surface explanations and dry intellectual data that dominate our thinking and ultimately leave us feeling empty and disconnected. The type of thinking that explains a flower as the natural product of soil, water, sunlight and photosynthesis. The truth is, a flower is a mystery and a miracle to be experienced. That is only possible when our being is merged with it’s being, through communion. Wisdom is a by product of experience not of information.

Sadasiva (Sam Geppi) is a Vedic astrologer, writer and Yoga Instructor in San Francisco. He has over 20 years of Vedic Study and experience. He is a certified Vedic Astrologer and Teacher through the American College of Vedic Astrology (level 2) as well as author of "The Ascendant-108 Planets of Vedic Astrology."

The Zohar
We have all heard of the term "God-Realization" and most would consider it an Eastern Concept, something sought after by Buddhists and Yogis alike, and it is, but few people realize that the Bible itself leads us to "God-Realization." To enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to realize, and have your awareness dwelling in, and with, the presence of God. Both Eastern and Western paths strive to feel the bliss of being in God's presence and envision a time where we will all live together in happiness and peace here on Earth. The Old Testament, the Torah, is written with metaphors and cryptic messages that have become clarified through the study of the Kabbalah; the primary text of which is called The Zohar, or Book of Splendor. The teachings of Kabbalah are said to trace back to Adam himself and carried on through the prophets to the present day. The first written texts, and a classic period of study of Kabbalah, began around the first century, with commentaries being added on through the ages. In this study of God and Man's nature and purpose, the Kabbalah clarifies that we are here to awaken our spiritual awareness and evolve our consciousness to full God-Realization and to bring this enlightened awareness into this world in order to invoke the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It makes very clear that enlightenment is the very goal and purpose to our existence, and the stories in the bible contain the messages that will enlighten us as to how God thinks and what we are here to do. Even more interesting is that this information has been keep secret for thousands of years and it has only just recently been printed, unabridged, in English and made available to the public. The reason, we are told, is that we have entered the age of the Messiah and individuals are going to start enlightening in preparation for it. We have entered the age of Prophesy and unlike any other time in the history of civilization we are being given an opportunity to enlighten and, in fact, we are being called to. The first century Jewish sect called the Essenes were the only sect known to perform baptisms, as John the Baptist and Christ did, and this sect were known to have had practiced Kabbalah. Christ is inviting us to realize his Divine presence right here on Earth and we are being invited to realize that the spirit that lies within us, is us. Those who have eyes let them see. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within. Amen. PS: I have so much more I want to share, come join in during our Satsang and free guided meditations teleconferenced each month. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir "The more open you are to receive, the more you will receive."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

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