Monday, October 27, 2008

Maria Duval - JFK Conspiracy And Other Historical Secrets

JFK Conspiracy And Other Historical Secrets
The prophecies of Nostradamus, today popularly believed to be the work of a charlatan, are given new life in Morten St. George\'s Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics: A Guide to Cryptic Thinking. St. George discovered that some of the famous stanzas masked their message by means of a unique type of cryptography involving the deployment of a wide array of deception devices. Nonetheless, a rigorous and systematic unraveling of these devices does not always wind up with the prophecies confirming recorded history. Unperturbed, St. George allows his decoding techniques to take the prophecies to where they lead: * Napoleon Bonaparte was murdered on his island of captivity by poison in the wine, instigated by a woman enraged over the defeat of his army in 1813. * President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a group of conspirators led by his vice-president, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Officially accused by the Warren Commission, Lee Harvey Oswald was completely innocent since the bullets that killed Kennedy were fired from a rooftop, not from an open window. * The JFK conspirators were also behind the assassination of Kennedy\'s brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, several years later. * Martin Luther King was assassinated because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, not because of racism. * Egyptian president Anwar Sadat was assassinated because of his support for the anti-Islamic Shah of Iran, not because of his efforts to make peace with Israel. * The Russians paid the Bulgarians with a suitcase containing gold and more than a hundred thousand rubles to attempt the assassination of Pope Juan Paul II. * American satellites over the Falkland Islands guided a British submarine to an Argentine cruiser, which was torpedoed resulting in the death of hundreds of Argentine sailors. St. George claims that this information, as well as a clear allusion to all the major events of world history from Hiroshima to September 11, are conveyed by a mere forty-two stanzas that interconnect in intricate ways to supply the needed details. According to St. George, these forty-stanzas were originally part of a group of one hundred stanzas written in the sixth century, a thousand years before the time of Nostradamus. St. George, however, does not view this as a strategic problem for the prophecies: \"If the prophecies foresaw historical secrets, it is safe to assume that they also foresaw their translation into French; consequently, what we see in Nostradamus\' book are the intended prophecies. Even the destruction of the remaining fifty-eight prophecies can be deemed as foreseen and thus intended.\" As for the other nine hundred stanzas (Nostradamus published a total of 942 stanzas), St. George says they are largely re-writes, re-combinations, or thematic derivatives of elements of the original one hundred stanzas, with lots of new place names thrown in for good measure. Indeed, meticulous analysis of the 942 stanzas reveals a large number of repeating terms and concepts. Consequently, according to St. George, the other nine hundred stanzas have no prophetic merit at all; their purpose was only to mask or conceal the forty-two stanzas of the sixth century, and they were very successful at doing just that. When asked if the forty-two prophecies were the product of extraordinary psychic powers, St. George asserted: \"The future cannot be foreseen by means of psychic powers, nor by means of astrological calculations, tarot cards, black magic, crystal balls, or any other such thing.\" Then pressured to explain the prophecies, St. George replied: \"Super-civilization technology. Very simple, really. You gain access to the time stream by orbiting our planet at the speed of light.\" The final question was: What was the motive for writing one hundred prophecies in the sixth century? To this, St. George responded: \"The gloom of the Dark Ages was already upon the scene, and ignorance became perpetually self-generating. It\'s a common misconception that technological progress is an inherent characteristic of humankind. Without intervention, western civilization today would be exactly like it was back then, embroiled in an endless cycle of famine, plague, and petty warfare. It took the prophecies fourteen hundred years to achieve their objective, which seems like a long time by the standard of a human lifetime, but might not be such a long time by other standards.\" # # # Article by Gersiane De Brito, with special thanks to Morten St. George and the web site. In an upcoming article, tentatively entitled \"The Mechanics of Deception Cryptography,\" Morten St. George goes into detail on how the prophetic verses technically manage to convey historical secrets and other information.

Gersiane De Brito was born and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil. An English language student and aspiring writer, she works part time as an assistant to author Morten St. George and the web site.

Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy �" Combining Hypnosis with Positive Thinking to Beat Pessimism
Positive thinking hypnotherapy�"sounds like a term straight out of a science fiction novel. There is nothing remotely fictional about it, actually, and if you practice positive affirmations, or saying positive things out loud to affirm yourself, then you might have an idea what positive thinking hypnotherapy is all about. But what is it, really? And is it for everyone? Hard as it is to believe, positive thinking does have its share of critics who claim that it is nothing more than foolish and time-wasting idealism. Worse, they even justify negativity as being realistic. But Sir Winston Churchill said it best: “The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.” Even more vilified than positive thinking is hypnosis. People tend to think of hypnosis as some eerie form of mind control, the person being hypnotized completely at the mercy of the hypnotist doing his/her every bidding. And, heaven forbid, it should be used as actual therapy! There is some truth to this, however. Mind control does, in fact, take place; but it is the person undergoing hypnosis who takes full control of his/her own mind; the hypnotherapist is merely a guide. Our minds have a mysterious component known as the subconscious. It is here that all of our beliefs, memories, and experiences lay. What hypnotherapy does is reach into the subconscious and try to influence it, change it somehow, so that we may alter what it is we find undesirable about ourselves. This method can be quite effective at helping us overcome fears or phobias, resolve self-esteem issues, or give up destructive habits and addictions like substance abuse and smoking, respectively. So neither positive thinking nor hypnotherapy is deserving of the bad rep, really. Positive thinking hypnotherapy is more specific, utilizing the power of positive thinking to instill in you an optimistic attitude. The idea is to reprogram your thoughts, actions, and reactions so that you are able to see the positive side to every situation more clearly and act or react accordingly, even when your mind is on autopilot mode. This means that you automatically gravitate towards the positive, even when you are unaware of it. This will help you to become calmer and more focused when faced with a potential problem, and therefore, more attuned to the possibility�"nay, inevitability�"of a solution. When you think positive, everything else just seems to fall into place. Or if they don’t, you are able to find other ways to make them fall into place (or come very close to it) because your positive approach will simply not allow you to wallow in defeat and surrender. So if you find yourself saying ‘nay’ more than ‘yay,’ perhaps a bit more optimism in your life is what you need. Have a go at positive thinking hypnotherapy and give your subconscious a right good shake and a positive spin.

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