Friday, October 31, 2008

Maria Duval - Your Energy Body

Your Energy Body
Your body is energy. Energy is absorbed through the air you breathe. It flows in your nervous system, like electricity flowing through wires, to all your extremities and vital organs. It flows in streams through channels of low resistance and high conductivity called chi, or ki. Your central nervous system conducts it like a bar magnet, with the positive charge on the top of the head and the negative charge at your tailbone. Arching fields of bio-magnetism flow out from the top of your head, encircle your body and come up again at the negative pole at your tailbone in what is called an “aura.”

Your thoughts are energy too, literally a movement of energy flowing through streams of neurons, or brain cells, in your head. Emotions are a combination of neurological discharges and secretions of brain chemicals whose discharges create the moods you feel. All your senses are picking up energy: Light is energy, sound is energy, taste and smell involve energy discharges in your brain as well. Movement is energy, gravity is a form of energy, every state perceived is something changing…energy; perception itself is energy.

Even the physical mass of your body is energy. Shrink your awareness down into the cellular level and you find the cells of your body are in constant communication with each other energetically; each cell receives and conducts energy. Shrink yourself down even further to the molecular level and you find systems of organizing intelligence conducting the energy to create the patterns we call molecules, elements, compounds-the building blocks of life. Shrink your awareness down even smaller to the world of atoms and you find that the ultimate constituents of your body are latent potential and realized manifestations of positive and negative energy, which we call protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Your body is both receiving and transmitting energy. What you think, and feel, is what you are creating. Create happy positive thoughts and those thoughts are transmitted into the fields of awareness that link us all together, like cells in the body of God. Negative thoughts are also transmitted into the field of collective consciousness and will cause you to attract the people, circumstances and situations that enable you to see whatever is diminishing the light of your own indwelling spirit. Spirit is consciousness in expression, or Shakti. That which causes life within you is you. You are the light. Realize this.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Discover Your Genius Within
The functions of the right and left brain are only a small portion of the potential that comprises THE MIND. The mind and the brain are two very different things. You can think of the brain as the hard drive of the computer and the mind as the software. Your mind is the intelligence that is in every cell, every system and every organ of your body. It is that intangible, incredible, and awe-inspiring part of you that thinks, remembers, sorts information, makes judgments, forms habits, discerns, distinguishes, communicates and otherwise makes you who you are. It is the genius within. Your mind takes in all information through the five senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste). You can liken the five senses to the keyboard on the computer. You receive input through your senses, your “data entry” system. Your brain then stores, categorizes and utilizes this information. A genius knows how to access that information and then apply it in discovering the solutions to any problems that may arise. It is therefore essential that you discover your own individual style for gathering and communicating information. Some of us process sensory input more effectively through visual means, others through auditory stimuli, and others through a kinesthetic (a touch or feel) approach. Here’s a very simple way to begin to contemplate which way your genius accesses information. Imagine for a moment that you are buying a new item of clothing for an important meeting. Would you be most influenced to buy primarily for a) the color and style of the outfit; b) the benefits the salesperson tells you about the clothing; c) the texture and feel of the fabric. If you chose “A”, your brain receives information primarily through visual means. If you chose “B”, you perceive information primarily through auditory means. If “C”, you most likely access information through kinesthetic means. Everyone learns and communicates in all three of these modes. However, most people have developed a natural preference, and tend to use one method more frequently. As an awakening genius, it’s your goal to become aware of your preference and then strive to strike a balance between all three modes: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Are you willing to stretch your abilities by consciously choosing to use your other senses more? Can you imagine the benefits of opening your mind to receive ALL the input from the world around you? Doing so will give you an awareness of an exciting world that’s been there all along, but which you may have been missing. It is natural for you to use what is comfortable, but the awakened genius is willing to grow. Like the turtle, you won't go far without coming out of your shell. You will be pleasantly surprised as you practice using and developing your other senses. You will notice how your memory improves and how easy it becomes for you to make choices. You will discover a whole new world of communication. Once you learn to create a balance in perception, you will be well on your way to thinking holographically �" and using the full power of your genius!

Dr. Patrick Porter is an entrepreneur, award-winning author, and motivational speaker. His electrifying keynote speeches and seminars deliver the real life, nuts ‘n bolts concepts he used to take his business venture to astounding heights.

Learning Transcendental Meditation
It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life.

In 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formally introduced his transcendental meditation technique. Since then, he has written several books, lectured and toured extensively all over the world and trained over 40,000 teachers. Transcendental meditation is now practiced in the workplace, at home and in medical settings. In addition, doctors and health professionals are increasingly prescribing transcendental meditation as means of combating anxiety disorders and stress.

You may be wondering what is transcendental meditation and what makes it different from other forms of meditation? One of the most exciting elements of the transcendental meditation technique is that it so simple and easy to practice. With the right focus and dedication, you can learn transcendental meditation in a matter of moments.

Basically, during the meditation session, your body enters a deep and peaceful state of relaxation, while maintaining alertness and clarity. First, the person chooses a word or image to focus on, perhaps a religious or cultural symbol that has special meaning. As the person replays this word or image over and over, the body descends into a deeper and deeper state of restfulness. The session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and should take place in a calm and relaxed setting, with minimal noise and distractions.

No other meditation technique has been so extensively studied and researched. During transcendental meditation, the brain falls into a theta brain wave pattern (akin to sleep and deep relaxation), which then carries over to the state of wakefulness. Physical benefits include increased mental comprehension, focus, retention and creativity. Another interesting benefit is the actual reversal of the aging process. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience, the biological age of practitioners of transcendental meditation was, on average, twelve years younger than their chronological age. Transcendental meditation also has positive effects on age and stress related conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure, decreased visual acuity, hearing loss and depressed cerebral blood flow.

It is interesting to note that adherents from all religions choose to learn transcendental meditation. Although it has roots in Hinduism, the transcendental meditation technique can be applied to any cultural context. In fact, those who learn transcendental meditation are encouraged to adapt symbols that have meaning and depth for the individual. For example, a rabbi may choose to focus on a symbol or image rooted in Judaism to enhance the effectiveness of the session. In contrast, an agnostic may choose an image from nature such as a beautiful meadow or sunset to achieve relaxation. The beauty of transcendental meditation is its flexibility.

Jamie Lynn has dedicated herself to teaching others the Power of Meditation and other alternative health/healing tips and techiques for the mind, body and spirit!

Meditations: Trusting Your Own Inner Instincts and Your Innerself
Meditations have a funny way of bringing out your own inner beliefs and values during a meditation session. For example, one belief you have had for ten years can be literally wiped away when you first start to meditate. Often your own inner messenger will bring new meaning to your life and it is important that you use these inner instincts to help you become a better person. There are some simple meditations that will help you to bring out that inner messenger. The first step in this meditation is to find a quiet place to meditate. Sit on the floor and cross your legs if you can. (This meditation is better undertaken sitting on the floor). I should note that this meditation should not be undertaken with meditation music, it is best done in a silent room. The next step is to close your eyes, your back should be straight and your shoulders straight, and finally your head should also be upright. Now, the next step is to start breathing lightly but smoothly. Continue the light breathing and slowly make it deeper. The breathing meditation should be undertaken for five minutes until your mind is clear and focused. To unleash your inner instincts we must now follow the inner messenger visualization process. In your mind visualize a small corridor painted white from the floor, roof and side walls. See the corridor in front of you. Walk down the brilliant white corridor till you come to an opening on your left side. Walk through the opening into a beautiful white room and sit on the floor in this glowing white room. Whilst you are in this room you will feel safe and secure. You are alone in this room and you will hear no sound. After you have spent a few moments in that room you will feel a presence come into the room. This presence is in fact a part of you, it is your inner messenger. Your inner messenger will sit with you. This is your opportunity to ask questions of your inner self. When you ask each question, stop and wait for the answer. You will be surprised with the answers and be aware they may take a little while to come but keep your mind open and focused. Feel free to ask yourself any questions at all, the answers your innerself may share may surprise you but always maintain focus. When you are finished with your innerself, simply walk out the room and turn to the right up the brilliant hall way. This meditation can take as long or as short as you like. Remember to take a little time after this meditation to simply relax and reflect on the information your innerself has shared with you.

We have Meditation Music available to help you with your meditation. If you are suffering Asthma then check out our Buteyko Breathing Method training program. If you would like to read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill visit our website.

Every dream has a price, and if your dream is to become a
model, you should know that from the beginning.

A common fallacy for many people who aren't involved in the
business is that they think that modeling is some kind of a
free ride. To the outsider's mind, they assume that anyone
who succeeds as a model has simply had the good fortune to
be born tall, thin and beautiful, and then all they have to
do is just "show up".

This is probably the number one myth about modeling and it
couldn't be further from the truth.

Modeling is not a hobby and it's not even a job. Modeling,
the kind of modeling I'm talking about, is a profession. And
as with all professions, there are standards of excellence
and definite steps to success.

Are you willing to pay the price required of you to become a
model? And do you know what that price is for you?

It will be different for everyone of course. But at the top
of the list would be the dedication to living an extremely
healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle means regular exercise, getting enough
sleep and eating properly. It does not mean starving
yourself, and it does mean nourishing yourself in a balanced

It means keeping your body at its most fit. It also means
no smoking. And alcohol on rare occasions, if ever. And
it goes without saying that drugs have absolutely no place
in a healthy body and a healthy mind.

If you're not currently living a very healthy lifestyle,
you're going to have to seriously ask yourself just how much
you want this dream, because it is definitely one of the
first prices you'll be expected to pay.

Your entry price may also include working your way up the
career ladder, accepting less glamorous work in exchange for
developing a portfolio that will later get you better jobs.

While your friends back home are doing normal teenage things
like hanging out at the beach or the mall, you'll be on
castings, beating the pavement, often with aching feet and a
bruised ego.

You may even be the subject of ridicule from people, and
sometimes from the people closest to you or from those you
want to please the most.

You'll probably have to wrestle with your own self-doubts
and discouragement at times. And even when you're feeling
at your lowest, you're going to have to do casting after
casting, each and every time with renewed enthusiasm and

You'll have to get up brutally early while people are coming
at you from all sides, fixing your hair, doing your makeup,
having you try on the clothes-all before the sun's up.

You might be wearing a ski suit in sweltering heat or a
bikini on the beach in December. You may be holding the
same uncomfortable pose over and over under hot lights, or
doing a runway show in shoes so tight they'll stop your

And whatever it is, you've got to make it new and alive and
fantastic every time for your clients.

All of this demands an enormous amount of self-discipline
and dedication to your goal. If you don't have it you won't
make it as a model over the long term, and especially not at
the higher end of this business. It's just that simple.

But if you're willing to pay the price asked of you in
exchange for reaching your dream you may soon discover
something very important:

The price you paid was actually very small indeed compared
with the reward. Or as motivational speaker Zig Ziglar puts

"You do not pay the price of success; you enjoy the price of

Kim Luret is a former international high fashion model, working with many of the world's top fashion designers and is presently a model scout for a major Paris model agency. She also coaches aspiring models, teaches modeling seminars and writes about the modeling world at . She is a leading world expert on the subject of modeling success.

Positive Attitudes
There is a common basic element to all achievements of those people that you and I read, hear

and see on TV, newspapers, magazines, in the movies that have achieved a level of success that

everyone, well nearly everyone, dreams about and that is that they all have positive attitudes.

It will be your attitude that will determine how you respond to everything that you will confront

in your lifetime. Will you respond favorably or unfavorably? Your attitude will determine if the

situation will be a positive or negative situation for you.

Your personality it determined by your attitude. I personally know a few people that I now choose

to not to associate with on a daily basis because of their attitudes. One I have cut ties altogether.

Their attitudes are so bad that their give off a negative vibe just being around

them and that is not something you nor I want. Life is way to short to go through life like that.

What people have learned that have achieved a high level of success, or any success on any level is,

that you have to keep your mind focused on the positive. Keep your mind focused on your goals, take

action daily on your goals, and with a strong desire you will eventually attain

what you are after.

Your mind and its thoughts are truly the only things you will control in your life. Either you control

your thoughts or you will allow outside forces to control them for you and those outside forces that will

control your thoughts will mostly be negative thoughts.

If you truly wish to attain any of your goals and dreams in life you must control your mind and its thoughts,

when you control your thoughts, you will create the positive attitude you need to start going after your dreams.

Delton Doucet is a home business person and publisher of the Empowering Today Newsletter which you can subscribe to at and start receiving daily Empowering Thoughts of The Day quotes and awesome proper mindset articles from today's greatest motivational speakers and most successful home businessmen and women.

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