Saturday, October 25, 2008

Maria Duval - The Opening To The Psychic World

The Opening To The Psychic World
Neutral believers of paranormal entities and phenomena are yet confused of their in dept purpose to humanity. Astrology sings or star signs are already universal terms but delivers no unique impact to what does it really means or its true objectives. Psychics would explain the topic more deliberately and more specific but some readers may not understand some distinct terminologies and issues that surrounds the subject. It is common that psychic personalities were labeled by the general public as eccentric, mysterious, "out-of-this-world, powerful and knowledgeable individuals, or in other words, difficult to understand. From my article "Psychic Reading: The Fun of Knowing", I quoted the idea "Many people has their own interpretations of their intuitions and natural perceptions. But the bases of its truthfulness or reliability are sometimes doubtful for some people." This bring us to the reality that some people has their own explanation and interpretation of psychic knowledge because of lack of adequate information. Fortunately for everyone, the psychic business or public psychic service break that gap between psychic erudition to civil understanding. Because of the need to be virtually open, the paranormal world involving psychic and mysticism cradled books, libraries and other references with psychic dictionaries. This way, people could easily define each nomenclatures that connect and describe some supernatural phenomena. Uncommonly, this introduction to their world resulted negative effects also to most psychic personage. Critics, non-believers, and religious communities criticize their faith and practices unevenly. They are sometimes exiled from the society because of their odd behaviors, lifestyle and beliefs. Even others would declare their doings as part of evil paganism. But because of modernization (means more choices for information dissemination) and thorough education, a positive quantity of literate individuals already accepts this uncanny knowledge as part of human learning. Even scientists are open to the idea since some of their discoveries and inventions came from the concept of mysteries, phantasms or supernatural impressions. Astrology, for example, is an ancient knowledge for extra-terrestrial depiction and prediction ; and which applied by science as astronomy and also with meteorology. Overall, learning the principles and beliefs of psychic exposes the public to the reality that there are things hard to explain but can be understood with the right cognition and with the right people to ask. Some psychics too understand this boundary of paranormal comprehension of the common people so they learn to expand their definition and explanation of everything about psychic and spiritual world. Thus, people who tend to be cognitive and open-minded with psychic knowledge accept their existence and their probable positive impingement to the society.


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Making Book Of Shadows Spell Book
If you make your own Book of Shadows, you will be able to harness more power from it.

To make one, you need a plastic 3 ring binder, some batting, some fabric, and some glue.

Lay the binder on the table so that it is open. Put the batting underneath and mark where you will cut the batting so that it can be glued to the outside of the binder.

After you are done marking the batting, you want to use your scissors to cut the batting around the outline you made.

Next, you want to lay the open binder back onto the batting. Now, lift up one end of the binder and put hot glue around the outside edges. Then press the outside edge of the binder to the batting to attach it to the binder.

First do one cover, then the binding, and then the other cover.

In the end, the batting should be securely fastened to the binder, and should come to the exact ends of the binder covers.

The binder should open and close easily.

You will now cover the binder and batting with the fabric that you selected. Lay the binder and batting covering on top of the piece of fabric. Make sure you select an area of the fabric that will give you the look that you want on the outside cover of your book of shadows. (In other words, position the binder onto the fabric so that the fabric will look how you want it to on the cover)

Next, take your felt tipped marker and mark the fabric to 2 inches around the binder.

Using the scissors, cut the fabric around the lines that you marked. You should now have a piece of fabric the perfect size to cover the binder with (with your 2 inches of cushion around the edges).

Next, lay the binder and batting cover it, on the fabric you cut out. Make sure you have an even 2 inches of fabric around the binder (lay the binder open).

Lift up one end of the binder and put hot glue around the edges of the batting.

Now bring that end of the fabric up to the batting and pat it flush with the glue you placed on the batting. Gently rub the fabric smooth.

Do the same thing with the binding, and with the other cover of the binder.

When this step is complete, the fabric should be glued around the outside of the batting on your binder. You will still have the 2 inches of fabric around the binder hanging free. We will deal with that in step 6.

Now lay the binder open on the table in front of you. Start with one of the edges of fabric and stretch it over the inside of the binder. Make sure it is taught.

Once you can see how far it will stretch, place hot glue on the inside edge of the binder and gently stretch, and rub the fabric over the glue so that it sticks.

Do this for each of the 4 edges of the open binder. In the end the 2-inches of fabric around the binder will be glued to the inside edges of the binder, but the corners of the fabric will still be up. We will deal with those in step 7.

Next, clip each corner of the fabric with scissors so that it folds neatly over into the inside corner of the binder. Once it looks good, use the hot glue to stick it to the inside cover of the binder.

Repeat with each of the 4 corners.

You've now got a nicely covered (and cushioned) Book of Shadows. Your next step is to cover the inside of the covers so that they look nice.

Cut your poster paper into 2 squares. Each square should be large enough to completely cover the inside of your binder.

Next, cut 2 pieces of fabric. Each one should be big enough to cover one side of the poster board pieces. You should have about 1 inch extra of fabric around each edge of the poster board.

Lay the poster board pieces on top of the fabric pieces you cut out. Gently fold over the edges of the fabric and use white glue to attach them along the edges of the poster board.

Using scissors, trim the corners of the fabric, and gently fold them under (like you did for the binder corners), and use white glue to stick the corners neatly to the corners of the poster board pieces.

Finally, place the covered poster board pieces with the fabric side facing up - down on the inside of the binder.

Use hot glue to glue the edges to the inside of the binder so that your insides are covered with the same fabric used to cover the outside of your Book of Shadows.

You are all done! Congratulations on your new Book of Shadows.

The secret now is to decorate the outside of your book of shadows with items, pictures, colors, and symbols that define and are special to you. Use things that create good emotions deep within you.

Creating your Book of Shadows in an image of yourself will allow you to draw maximum energy from your Book of Shadows when you do your Magick work.

All that is left is to get some 3 holed paper to place into your book of shadows, and you can begin writing your Magick work in it's pages.

Record your journey through the world of Magick, and also don't forget to try to use it as a Magick diary, recording your experiences in life each night before going to bed.

The more positive energy you put into the creation of your Book of Shadows, the more power you can draw from it when doing your spells and rituals.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on creating book of shadows spells visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

Methods Of Divination And "Seeing" The Future
Learning to do Divination may take a little more practice for some people than others, but it can save you from many of the pitfalls of life. However, some people have a more natural affinity for it and can begin to "see future events" much easier than others.

Alsoi, it is important to remember that the visions will not always be crystal clear - you may have to learn how to interpret what you see in your divinations. Any additional materials you need can be acquired from any wicca supplies shop on the Internet (or in your local area).

Now then, here are a few different types of divination that you can begin to practice now - and a description of each.

Square of Mercury - This is a cabalistic form of divination. It is usually used as a base for other forms of divination. It draws the power of Mercury, the Great Diviner into strengthen and better unfold future events.

Scrying/Crystal Balls/Magick Mirrors - These are general focus tools used to see into the future. Sometimes full images and scenes will play themselves out in the depths of the reflections. Sometimes you will only see symbols. Other times it may be a fog or clouds that move one way or another in answer to your questions.

Necromancy - This is a form of divination used to communicate with spirits of the dead, and must not be entered into lightly. The spirits of the dead are said to have answers to past and future, because the have pierced the veil of living in linear time and have the ability to see all things at all times.

Bibliomancy - This is a form of divination where you take a Bible (but any other book or tome of wisdom may suffice), ask your question, open the book at random and start reading where your eyes fall on the pages to receive your answer. Another method is to take a needle and open the book, pinpointing the place where you should begin reading for your answer.

Auguries - Simply put, the signs of nature and other happenings around you. This was the method employed by many of the ancient shamans. A question is asked and then they waited to see what symbols appeared in nature, which way the clouds moved, or the birds flew. These were all ways that they determined the answer to their questions, and gauged what was to unfold for the future.

Ouija Board - I wanted to add this in here, because so many people have played with Ouija boards as a game to ask questions of the spirits. It is a method of finding out answers for the past, present, and future. As with necromancy, must not be undertaken lightly. One thing that people fail to recognize in their “game playing” with the Ouija board, is that you are, essentially, opening a gateway between the worlds to communicate with spirits. I recommend staying away from them. If you feel this is a tool you would like to use, then set your basic circles of protections in place and treat the use of the board with the care and respect that you would with any ritual.
The art of Divination is one of careful practice. You will find an entire section in the Home Academy �" complete with step-by-step divination using pendulums, scrying, Magick mirrors, and more. You’ll be able to see exactly how to use divination to see into the future successfully with the included DVD demonstrations.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on wicca supplies visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

How To Use A Crystal Ball
Step 1. Preparation Most people find crystal ball gazing is easiest in a quiet, dimly lit room. Many people like to have candles burning. For some the reflections of the flames help to summon images - others find them a distraction. Burning incence is common and some people like to have soothing music playing gently in the background.The important thing to remember is that you are creating an atmosphere. The important key when doing crystal ball gazing is that you must be relaxed and your mind must be clear. It is always best to perform a cleansing ritual followed by a protection ritual, and THEN begin your crystal ball work. Normally a cleansing ritual would be performed on night one. The next night you would perform a protection ritual on yourself and within the room you intend on performing the crystal ball gazing. On the third night you can then be well prepared to use your crystal ball. Even though these rituals are not necessity, it is always wise to do them for maximum safety and best results. When performing any form of scrying or divination you are summoning forth forces from the spirit realm. Normally these forces are closed off from this plane we live in unless otherwise disturbed such as through specific rituals such as crystal ball gazing and scrying. When you perform divination these forces can either aid you in bringing forth images of the future or other events, or attack you. Evil spirits and negative influences can use your crystal ball, scrying mirror, ouija board, or pendulum a link for them to step through into this world. They can also use it as a means to drain energy from you as well. This is why it is always best to ensure proper cleansing and protection is prepared before hand. Step 2. The Crystal Ball Gazing Method Place the crystal ball on a table in front of you. Many crystal balls you can buy come with their own stand. If you don't have a crystal ball stand you might like to use a small cushion or a silk handkerchief purchased and reserved specially for this purpose. *Tip* To amplify your crystal ball gazing, you can use a gemstone sphere as a compliment to the crystal ball. Simply having a gemstone sphere resting next the crystal ball can augment your diving two fold. Sit down and relax. Lay your hands gently on the ball for a minute or two in order to energise it and strengthen your psychic rapport. Whilst holding the crystal ball, think about the purpose of this scrying session. If appropriate try to visualise the subject of your question. Some people like to ask the question out loud, others prefer to internalise it. Now, remove your hands from the crystal. Look into the crystal, stare deeply. Allow your eyes to relax and become slightly unfocused. After a little while you should see a mist or smoke forming in the crystal. Let this mist grow and fill the ball, then visualise it gradually clearing to reveal images within the crystal. The images you see might not be what you expected. That's OK, don't fight them. Your subconscious mind knows what information you need. Many people find that when they first begin to use a crystal ball, the images have nothing to do with what they focus on. This is because your mind is not yet adjusted at being able to grasp and focus on the energies being past from your subconscious into the crystal ball itself. Think of the mental energies going from your mind to the crystal ball as a funnel. The base or "tip" of the funnel is your subconscious energies and that energy is being directed upwards towards your conscious mind which is the mid point of the funnel. The conscious part of the mind that receives the subconscious energy then "spills" it into the crystal ball to form those images from the subconscious, which would be the mouth of the funnel. Since divination uses both the subsconscious and conscious part of the mind at the same time it can be rather difficult to concentrate on both at once. Your subconscious is where the energy is stemming from. It passes it upwards to your conscious which is needed to act on that energy into the crystal ball. Without the conscious mind you would be in more of a deep meditated state and your eyes would not be able to consciously focus or input the images within the crystal ball. As noted, it is perfectly ok that the first couple times you divine with a crystal ball the images are not related to what it is you want. The fact you are able to see ANYTHING in the crystal ball is showing progress. The more you work with the crystal ball, the better you will get at being able to see exactly what it is you want to see by manipulating your subconscious energies to your conscious energies, and then to the crystal ball. Either way, just let the images flow, changing and taking you wherever they choose to go. Don't try to rationalise now, time for that later. Step 3. Closing The Crystal Ball Session Let the images slowly fade back into the crystal ball. Don't just stop the session suddenly, instead reverse the process you used at the beginning. Visualise the mists coming back and covering the images, then receding to return the ball to its natural state. Thank your crystal ball and put it away carefully wrapped within a dark cloth is best as dark cloth keeps the energies of the ball contained within it and prevents it from leaking out. It is also always best to ensure you cleanse your crystal ball. A good, fast, and simple way of doing this is to simply light a sage smudge stick and or sage incense and move the ball around the smoke before you place it back for storage. Another quick and easy way to cleanse your crystal ball would be to give it a dip in salt water for roughly one minute. You do not want to soak it too long in salt as it can damage and ruin the crystal ball. If you would like to view different crystal balls or if you would like to purchase one you can find them here:

Moon's Light Magic has their own information blog on ritual tools, wicca, witchcraft, paganism, the occult, and the paranormal:

The Astrological Sun
Continuing on from my introductory article about the Sun, Moon and Rising Sign, we'll have a closer look at the meaning of the Sun within a birth chart. As mentioned in my introductory article mentioned above, the Sun Sign is what most people are aware of because it is easy to calculate. This is one of the reasons it is used most frequently by the general population. If you think about the Sun, when it shines in the sky it brings us warmth, light (and the ability to see what is around us) and life. At the same time too much of it can damage our bodies. It is also the centre of our Universe. Symbolically, the Sun gives us a pointer to what we need to 'shine' or to 'feel alive' and whether or not this process has been encouraged in our lives. Another way to put this is to understand how we need to be treated and recognised to feel at the 'centre of the universe'. The Sun also represents the father figure when growing up and extending this theme further, men in general as we get older. This is particularly true for the majority of women because sometimes they relate to the symbolism of the Moon more easily than the Sun. Therefore the energy of the Sun ends up being projected onto important males in a woman's life. Like the physical Sun, too much of this symbolism can be detrimental to our self-development. For example, if we demand to be at the centre of attention or become so absorbed in ourselves that we neglect the people that need us. When I have a look at someone's birth chart I usually ask the individual how he or she experienced their relationship with their father. This tells me a lot about how they see themselves, males and authority figures. On another level the symbolism associated with the Sun in a birth chart also indicates how the process of discovering the self is likely to progress. These indications are found through the house placement, and relationship to the other planets. The Sun sign tells us who we are, while the Rising Sign shows us who we feel we have to be to fit in to our environment. Since the Rising Sign represents the moment of birth (you can't calculate your Rising Sign without your time of birth), the first place we have to fit into is our family. From there most of us have to learn to fit in to various situations - school, life in general, relationships, etc. Where the Sun is a conscious, masculine and an outgoing energy that is easy to spot, the Moon is an unconscious, internal, feminine and an illogical energy. I look at the Sun as being what we want, while the Moon symbolism is what we need.

The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer daily horoscope, love psychics, online psychics and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer email readings, free tarot reading, mothly horoscope and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer psychic information, love horoscope, psychic service and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer love predictions, spiritual experience, clarvoyance test and more.

Is there really a Secret Rapture?
The secret rapture doctrine teaches that the coming of Jesus will be in two separate stages. The first, a secret rapture of the Church at the beginning of a seven year tribulation period followed by His glorious, audible, triumphant return to Earth accompanied by the Church at the end of the seven years. It also teaches that during this seven-year period the Antichrist is going to come into power, sit in a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. It says that the war of Armageddon is a literal war of nations against literal Israel, which occurs near the end of the seven years and is ended abruptly by Christ’s return with His Church. It says that literal Israel accepts the Lord as the Messiah and enters with Him as His covenant people into the 1000-year reign on earth. Those who ultimately reject Christ’s rule will be judged and destroyed at the end of the Millennium. Is this what the Bible really shows? In Matthew 28:20 Jesus said “…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Why would He promise to be with the church until the ‘end of the world’ if He intended to come seven years before the end to take them out of the world? The Bible shows clearly that God’s church will still be on earth when Jesus returns. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” It shows that when Jesus returns His angels will gather His people from the earth. Matthew 24:31 “And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” How could they gather the church from the earth if the church had come back with Christ? Every eye will see Jesus when He returns. This includes all of the non-believers and all of the believers. Revelation 1:7 “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” The Bible shows that His return will be sudden, and unexpected for unbelievers and those who have not studied His prophecies. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 says “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” This verse also shows that the unbelievers will be destroyed when Jesus returns. When the Lord returns there will be nothing secret about it. The dead in Christ will rise first, those of us who have overcome the time of tribulation and persecution and are still alive will be caught up to meet Him in the sky. All of the unbelievers will be destroyed and the earth will melt. 2 Peter 3:12 “Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” We will then go with Him to heaven where we will reign for a thousand years and the books will be opened and we will judge the nations. Revelation 20:4-5 “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus (definitely shows that they were on earth during the tribulation), and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.” The Bible shows that Jesus comes and gathers His people and that the unbelievers are all destroyed and are not raised again until the end of the millennium. The believers reign in heaven for a thousand years, as the earth has been destroyed. At the end of the millennium God makes a “new heaven and a new earth”. All Bible references are from the King James Version.

For more information on this topic please visit Debra Lohrere is the author of Peace, Prophecy and False Fire and Christian Investing and Money Management

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