Friday, October 24, 2008

Maria Duval - Wealth And The Pursuit Of Financial Freedom

Wealth And The Pursuit Of Financial Freedom
Is Financial Freedom for the Masses? Financial freedom Has different meanings for different folks. What does it mean too you? Does it mean being free from a job that is going nowhere, credit cards, house payments or just the burden of making ends meet? To some it means giving more to the Church, School, community, or where ever a need lies. Or, it may simply mean freedom from a particular burden? Just think, no more financial worries, or anxieties. But wait - why aren’t you wealthy now? What has been holding you back? Perhaps you are not willing to do what is necessary for wealth? What price are you willing to pay? What are you willing to do now that you were not willing to do yesterday? What has changed? Are you more desperate, mature, willing, when you woke up this morning? Why do you believe you can do it now, when you didn’t in times past? Hogwash! You’re not ready! Until you can stand and make a declaration of independence Self-Help Programs Don’t Work I have seen and you have also, there thousands of self-help programs, articles, books, magazines, conferences and so on available to the public. I bought several programs myself in my youth. It doesn’t matter how much information is available, people won’t listen or pay attention. They may have good intentions and truly want to change, but unless there is some sort of stimulus, they won’t change. Many people say, “Yes, I will do what I have to do" but when the going gets tough, they fold like a wet rag. They have no imagination; their attitude doesn't match their mouth. They can’t handle nor do they want to face change. They are comfortable in what they do. Day in and day out they follow their self made, hollow avenues of mediocrity. They look at the person of wealth and claim it’s beyond their grasp, so they don’t even try. What if, what if . . . I fail! Everyone would laugh and jeer, I, I wouldn’t be able to face them �" my family, friends, co workers. I would loose face, everyone would think I was a joke. Who’s Paying the Bills? When was the last time your friends offered to pay your bills? When was the last time your friends put something in the offering plate . . . in your name? Chances are, the answer is �" never. You are responsible for you, not your friends, family or co workers. They might come to the rescue if you were drowning but I assure you, they will turn away at the mere mention of money. Your success is in your hands, alone. You must be stimulated The pursuit of Wealth is not so much in having the right information as it is in personal ambition. All the information in the world will not help a person with no ambition. It takes an internal stimulus to change the outside character. You must have internal desire, for whatever reason, but it must come from the heart. Why should you make a change at this particular time in your life? Family, spouse, God, self improvement; why should you change? Why should you pursue and dedicate yourself to a principle you didn’t believe in before? Another thing, don’t let outside influences become your driving force, they won’t last. I can’t say that to be true one hundred percent of the time. There are many stories of people who excelled in their fields because of a very influential Grandmother. Unless you have a supportive person in your life, you will have to do it on your own. You must be able to dream Dreams are good, they excite the soul. Once your dreams are stimulated, you can then assess what changes that must be made within you so you can accept them as yours. Then and only then is when you can begin to focus on the process of application, as you set them into your personal foundation for success. Without a foundation, a hard rock starting point, you will always be in danger of slipping back into oblivion. You must know why you are willing to sacrifice for wealth and be willing to take the first step. . You must define your ambition First, define what wealth means to you. Wealth has a different meaning for different people. As we discussed before, you must believe in your rationality. Don't make the mistake of making your spouse's or your parent's ideas of success, your own. Success is a personal commitment. It's what moves you, inspires you, triggers your emotions, motivates you, and brings out the true you. It’s between you and a deeper principle within your soul guiding, prodding, and coxing you toward your destiny. It wakes you from the dead and stimulates life into your inner being so you may pursue greatness. What matters is what is your most personal desire, what sets you on fire? Do you awake each morning with a new, invigorating purpose for being and can’t wait to get started? The day is yours and it is high time you clamed it. Your must be focused You can’t see the goal if your not focused. Oh you might know it’s there, but you won’t have a clear picture of it. You have been looking at the target through a fog. You must clear the air and get focused on the task at hand. That’s why higher learning facilities get paid so much, they teach people how to focus. You can’t hit the target without first focusing on it. "Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grief’s which we endure help us in our marching onward." - Henry Ford Until the next time . . . Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. See How To, Run Your Car On WATER
Self Employment

Laws Of Attraction For Dummies
Laws Of Attraction For Dummies Laws of attraction is a state of mind When you first begin to implement the Laws of Attraction in earnest, you may have doubts and question your ability to perform. You may even wonder whether or not a physical action is required to set into motion your mental and emotional activities. When all is said and done, it’s your state of mind that is the most important thing in the process. Even though the force of truth is deliberate, the degree of energy needed to activate and achieve the force depends on the depth of your intent, willingness and belief. In using truth concepts the physic becomes activated and alters the personality. The personality then creates desire or passion for the preferred object and or action. Passion then creates a magnetism or drawing toward the objective and a desire to have it. Mental action verses physical competence In many cases, only mental action is required because focusing mind energy toward a desired outcome in repetitive succession creates desire and action always follows. Some form of activity is always required; because action is the vehicle through which all desires are manifested. Mental and physical action is required in unison to achieve results. You may use praying, meditation, affirmations or visualization to draw a specific thing toward you but it takes action to convert it into a material state. Here are a few hints on preparing yourself: · First delve into Your Inner self. Be calm and listen to the quite voice within. Fuse your thoughts, and expectations into complete cooperation with your objective. Don't worry about the how’s or when’s of your expatiations, just focus on the truth in the fact that it will happen. Stimulate the energy forces needed for satisfying your request into submission. You can do this by praying, meditating, visualizing, affirming, and or applying any combination thereof. Remember, all things are of God and are God and you are activating God’s promise of plenty. · Completely release any inhibitions. Once you establish the validly in your desire, turn it over to your acceptance, possibility and God’s deliverance. Don't worry about what people think or past misconceptions. Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to come up with some elaborate plan. Just step back and calmly believe in its reality. Let it grow in intensity for a little while. Stay aware and think God for your good fortune. Dowel time you is up to you, but it’s best to proceed when you feel comfortable in doing so �" probably a couple of weeks or so. · Tune into your intuition. During this release period, turn your attention inward frequency. In all sincerity, ask God if there is anything you can do to bring this desire into your life. Possibly you won’t receive any insights about it but if you do feel a intuition or simple nudge to do something specific, by all means don’t ignore it. Turn your insight into foresight. If something does not happen right away, don’t be alarmed, keep praying, affirming, meditating, visualizing acting on any opportunities that might present themselves later. Don’t try to place a square peg into a round hole. Don’t try to force or hurry the process along, because you'll probably end up derailing the project or cause unnecessary delays. Request’s have a way of arriving at exactly the right time, regardless of how we try to mess it up! Truth in the Scriptures Stay in the truth which is written in the Holy Scriptures. There is no right way or wrong way to use God’s Laws of Attraction. Interestingly how effectively it works usually corresponds with your commitment and depth of belief. If you are convinced in your mind that through your belief, you must take a particular action to attract your desires, then by all means do it. More than likely, you'll have to take some sort of affirmative action. Likewise, if you truly believe that you do not necessarily have to take action, God will deliver your desires without a bit of additional effort on your part. Serves as a guide However, and this a big one, there are instances when you will be prompted to take action even if at first you didn't believe you'd have to. If and when this happens, simply follow your instinct, always affirming to God why you are doing so. Any encouragement you receive will always be for your highest good, even if it’s not exactly what you ask for. Chances are in all probability, they'll also end up being a lot more enjoyment. Learn to detach from the material world and trust your intuition for guidance. Whenever you want to invoke the power of attraction, trust in God and you will be shown the way to get it as quickly and easily as possible. Whatever is involved it will strengthen your belief and trust in God. But wait, what do you believe? Right about here I can hear many of you saying, “it’s all a lot of hogwash. God doesn’t give you anything, you have to get it yourself”. That’s a misconception, everything is of God and everything is God. Would a good father give a son a snake if he ask for food? I think not. He would supply his son’s needs, because he loves him. His son would ask because he believes in his fathers love. What better connection is there than the love of father and son? What higher belief is there than that of a child in his/her father? Our Heavenly Father cares for His children. He provides for our needs in abundance. He lays before us the treasures of Heaven and dominion on earth. We are not the masters of fate How insensitive and self-righteous we have become to have the audacity to believe we provide for and control our own destiny. Have we forgotten our place? Don’t we know we are the eyes and ears of god? That God experiences Himself through our experiences? Perhaps we have become proud of our own self-assurances and can no longer see God’s face as He grieves for his lost children. Happy Trails.

Donald Yates, author, Former Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, and Business Development coordinator for Imperial Research , is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.


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Be Solution Oriented With The Law of Attraction
I was talking to my friend Dru of Tahitian Noni International today. She has always been an inspiration to me, and is a real role model of a woman who has been through tough times and recovered beautifully. She is a top salesperson, and her success is a result of skill and a persistently positive attitude.

We were discussing how that, despite our intentions, because of the way we were educated, that we, (our culture in general), were taught to be able to predict problems, and then solve them. So while the intention was to learn to be solution oriented, the general emotional climate (pick any decade), and the "Lord of the Flies" climate at many public schools, produced exactly the opposite reality for many.

Why do I say that? Well look around and what do I see? Millions of internet searches a day for anything related to riches, inner peace, and The Law of Attraction. Best-sellers related to a zillion aspects of fulfillment. So something sure went wrong somewhere for a few generations of people who mostly grew up without their neighborhoods blowing up, without having to forage for food in a garbage dump, or sleep in the snow. How could we lack anything?

Well, any tv ad will tell you what you lack, right now. It is a form of hypnosis.

Aside from that, if we have attracted what we got, and it isn't what we want.....we all know now, we have to change our focus.

So it seems like we have done the opposite for a long time - did we become problem focused so we could excel in solving problems? We didn't separate the academic side of this with the "real life" version. We were rewarded in many ways for being problem solvers. That kind of includes perpetuating problems. We did the opposite of what we needed to do to fulfill our dreams.

Not everyone, of course. But there are those million searches, million best-sellers. To get our solution-focus from someone else. JUST the people I do business with, at Earn While Shopping, and at Brad Yates' "Money Beyond Belief", 2 out of so many, were, once, reading an article like this.

And then they flipped over to the other side of the coin.

We don't need to be perfect. We just need to be solution oriented, appreciate ourselves for doing so, and engage with the Law of Attraction as much as we can.

All the best!

Dianne M. Buxton is a ballet teacher, and a writer. If you find these ideas useful, you can find out more about them here.

Simple Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude
Are you the 'glass is half full' type of person? Is it your nature to look on the bright side of things, or do you relate more with the "if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" crowd? While some psychologists believe genetics largely determines whether or not we have a positive or negative outlook towards life, the reality is that we can to a large degree alter our outlook by changing our attitude. Realizing a few years back that my attitude left a lot to be desired, I decided to try and improve it by reading positive books and applying some of the techniques I came across. While the individual authors all had their own particular take on it, much of what I read came back to developing a sense of self worth and gratitude. I have used several of the exercises that follow to help me develop these qualities, and have also found them useful in creating a positive mental state at will.

How often to you take the time to give thanks for all the blessings you have? No matter how good or bad things may seem at the present time, we all have numerous things to be grateful for. Developing an attitude of gratefulness will help you to become a more positive person. A simple way to accomplish this is take a notebook, put it beside your bed, and one of the first things you do upon waking is to list a couple of things that you are grateful for today. This sense of appreciation doesn't have to be anything stupendous, but can be something as simple as gratitude for a great cup of coffee, expressing appreciation for people in your life past or present, good health, a walk in the park, good food, or anything else that comes to mind. The point is, make it personal, and allow yourself to experience the feeling of gratitude. You will soon find that starting the day with a spirit of gratitude helps to put you in a positive frame of mind for the rest of the day. After doing this for thirty days, take a look back at everything you've listed. You will be amazed at just how much you have to be grateful for!

Another technique that helps to build positive feelings about yourself is taking some time to list all of your accomplishments. Too often we focus on what we haven't yet accomplished and fail to take the time to give ourselves a little pat on the back regarding the many things we have already achieved. Again, it doesn't have to be earth shattering, but can be anything that you get a sense of accomplishment from. For example, a few of the accomplishments that I listed was; teaching myself how to play guitar, being the first in my family to graduate from high school and go to college, becoming an excellent athlete, overcoming a debilitating struggle with self esteem, overcoming my shyness, etc. Take a couple of minutes everyday to list one accomplishment in your life that makes you feel good about yourself. When you think about the accomplishment, spend a brief time lingering on the feeling that you experience when you think back to it. Experience it again as if it happened yesterday.

Finally, do you take some time everyday to laugh? I'm talking about a good old belly laugh, the kind that makes the back of your head hurt. One of the ways I've found to bring a little humor into my life everyday is to recall some of the funniest moments in it! We have all had funny and embarrassing things happen to us in life, and the process of thinking back to those moments is guaranteed to put a smile on your face as you recall humorous events from your past. Take a little time each day to recall one of those moments. For me, a lot of the funniest times go back to my childhood days and the pranks we pulled on each other. Sometimes I was the victim, and in others I was the one pulling the prank, but whatever the case, I can't help but smile when I think back to those times. A friendly warning to you; if you do this little exercise while out in public, like while riding the train to work, you may find that your sudden outburst of laughter will have others gazing at you with apprehensive stares. Be prepared.

In life, there are many things beyond our control. Fortunately, one of the things that we do have control over if we chose to exercise it, is our thoughts and consequently our attitude. Try using some of these techniques or some of your own to help bring moments of positive thought into your daily life. You'll be glad you did, and of that I am POSITIVE!

Bill Thomas is actively engaged in Internet Business pursuits. He contributes articles on this and other topics. His current website is..Create Lifetime Income from Home With Your Own.. Internet Business

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