Sunday, October 19, 2008

Maria Duval - Trekker versus Trekkie: The Controversy

Trekker versus Trekkie: The Controversy
So what is the difference between a trekker and a trekkie? The short answer is: nothing. According to Wikipedia, the all-knowing, on-line encyclopedia, both terms denote a fan of the Star Trek science fiction franchise. So why all the controversy between the two? I once heard that fans of the original series were called trekkers, while those of the Next Generation were trekkies, but I have since learned it’s not as simple as that. The difference, it turns out, has nothing to do with the actual meaning of the terms, but with the connotations associated with them. Taking this into consideration, it’s largely a matter of preference which label you prefer.

The Star Trek fan base is, after all a widely diverse group. Attending a convention, you will see young and old, male and female, from all walks of life. The ideology of Star Trek captures the interest of more than science and technology “geeks.” I’ve known well-educated professionals to don a uniform and attend a convention as enthusiastically as the pop-culture groupie. Can one term describe them all?

Apparently not. In the late 1960s, science fiction editor Art Saha used the word “Trekkies” to describe a group of early fans who were wearing pointy Vulcan ears at a science fiction convention. The label caught on, although some devotees felt it sounded too much like “crazies” and preferred to call themselves trekkers. To a trekker, the term trekkies creates images of fanatics struggling to distinguish between reality and fiction.

Our friends at the USS Dauntless (, a web-site devoted to Star Trek trivia, makes these comparisons between the two:

A Trekker wears a STARFLEET uniform to a convention because its fun…
A Trekkie wears a uniform to a convention because s/he has heard that it is in style at the academy.

A Trekker has a STARFLEET Academy window sticker on his car…
A Trekkie is cramming for the entrance exams.

A Trekker thinks Wil Wheaton was a lucky kid who got to play a kid on Star Trek…
A Trekkie thinks that Wesley Crusher was a lucky kid who got to sit on the bridge.

A Trekker thinks that it is a shame that the show is coming to an end…
A Trekkie thinks that it is a shame that the crew is being reassigned and the Enterprise is being decommissioned.

A Trekker knows that there are gaping holes in the technology, but ignores them and enjoys the show…
A Trekkie can't wait for the price to come down on those home food replicator units.”

Those self-identified trekkies, however, have their own fodder to fling. They associate the term trekkers with pretentious nuts obsessed over minutiae and details. Moreover, they accuse ‘trekkers’ of being too ashamed to admit they are ‘trekkies.’ Apparently this camp has the good graces of Gene Roddenbury, the creator of Star Trek. According to his former assistant, Richard Arnold, Gene Roddenbury spoke during a convention and used the term trekkie. Someone attempted to correct him, to which he responded, “Excuse me, did you say 'TrekkER?' The word is 'TrekkIE.' I should know, I created them." (

And so the question still rings, trekkers or trekkies? What is the correct term of usage? My advice? When labeling any group of people, political correctness rules the day. Just to play it safe, maybe use “Star Trek enthusiast.”

About the Author Francesca Black has always enjoyed Science Fiction and she manages the content at: Science Fiction Corner

Hands up who's broke!?!
The key problem most people have is that they earn their main or sole income from a “job”. Do you know what they say “job” stands for? 'J'ust 'O'ver 'B'roke In my experience this is true. If you work for someone else then you are extremely unlikely to be financially free let alone rich. In fact, I found I was financially insolvent and pretty much broke despite a relatively high monthly wage. Let’s first of all consider the definition of “rich”. I am really keen on Robert Kiyosaki’s (of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” fame) definition of rich: He describes being rich as the ability to be able to stop working tomorrow and be able to maintain your current standard of living without eating into any of your savings or selling any of your assets. So this means that your only sources of income can be “passive income”. Passive income includes things like interest from savings accounts; rental income; dividends from shares in quoted companies and income from businesses which you might have a stake in but which you do not actively work in. Other things might include royalties from books or music , or perhaps commission from past activities in network marketing businesses. You see, the key factor is that you no longer have to work and yet you continue to maintain your existing lifestyle or the lifestyle you desire. So on this basis we should all work out the level of income we need or would like and build passive income streams to satisfy this. So ask yourself now: if you gave up work (your “job”) tomorrow, how long could you maintain your current standard of living before having to run back to get another “job”? How long could the interest off your savings (if you have any?!) or rental income from your portfolio of properties (?!) maintain you in your current lifestyle, pay that mortgage etc? Not very long? Now, hands-up who else is financially insolvent or broke according to this very revealing definition?! We have some work to do and I will show you how in snippets via my blog - but at least you can hopefully now see where you (and possibly 95% of the rest of the population) are going wrong?......

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Science Fiction's Influence on Society
Accordingly, the borderline between fantasy and science fiction is blurred, and many bookstores shelve science fiction and fantasy together. The science fiction genre has a strong fan community of readers and viewers, of which many authors are a part. In reading science fiction books, abstract concepts such as mutations, radiation, space travel and planets are experienced.

Although science fiction is often written primarily to entertain, many authors use the genre to provide insight into science, society, or the human condition. But science fiction is visionary by design and prophetic only by accident.

And yet the strange thing is, in some way, some real way, much of what appears under the title "science fiction" is true. Science fiction has ad a role in shaping public attitudes towards the atomic bomb during the fifties and sixties. Modern consciousness therefore is radically different from that of the peoples who inhabited the planet before the emergence of science fiction. America proved especially hospitable to science fiction, even before it acquired a name.

About the Author Francesca Black is a fan of science fiction. She is a freelance writer and writes articles for Science Fiction Corner and UFO Gifts .

EXIST - Do You Mind?
Do we really exist? All around us is nothing but molecules; molecules in the air, molecules in our body, molecules in the space; molecules nothing but molecules.

One thing that has gone unanswered for billions upon billions of years is the meaning of life. Why are we here? What is our purpose? How are we self aware? How do we have free will and no one else can control what we do? Is everything by intelligent design or evolution? How are we who we are today?

My theory is explained in a completely straightforward and non-religious way. With hopes you can take even a piece of what I have to say and begin to lead a more fulfilling life each and every day!

The one fact in human life, in your life and in mine, is the coming into a conscious, vital realization of our oneness with this Infinite Life. This simply means, that we are recognizing our true identity.

Envision yourself as one of the first human beings to walk this planet. There were no mentors, no social network, no family tree, just you and the earth you're revolving with. What do you feel? Are you confused? Are you afraid? Are you conscious of yourself? By natural instinct, you are hungry. With your inventive nature you find a way to survive and to satisfy your needs. You do whatever it takes.

Set aside the Internet, the media, education, your job, your credit card debt. You are not your body. If you were, where would you be? Your brain, your heart, an eye? Your arm, or leg? No.

Sit in the quiet and realize you are NOT your body.

Still the mind. You are not your mind. You are not a thought that comes and goes, nor an emotion. You are the observer of all these things. You are the I, the I that exists beyond the physical body, beyond the mind. You are the I that Is. When the physical is gone, the I remains... the Infinite I.

Sigmund Freud was well beyond his years when he explained that our behavior is based upon conditioned responses to stimuli. Life is about breaking free from the mold we are conditioned to believe in. Opening your mind to unconventional wisdom!

Some may never see the beauty! Our soul reflects the highest, purest form of love we carry within us. We are one with all people, the planet, the universe and all that is. We are one consciousness, one energy field. We have been created by one source. It's so hard to comprehend Infinity, but there was never a beginning and there'll never be an end. Energy always existed; making changes from one form to another. The law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed. Energy makes our bodies grow and allows our minds to think.

This leads me into why I believe to an extent in the 'Law of Attraction', which simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. You must be very clear on exactly what your desire is. Focus on it. Give it all your positive energy. Any thought you may have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you to the universe and will attract back what you want. Just like Vincent Schiavelli taught Patrick Swayze how to move things and make things happen in the movie Ghost. Schiavelli said "You got to take all your emotions, all your anger, all your love, and push it into the pit of your stomach". It sounds cliché; just listen to your head and your heart. You are the captain of your ship, the master of your destiny. You choose the journey.

Yes, we ultimately want to be happy. But as Leo Rosten said, "I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be just "happy." I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all." If you aspire to achieve greater meaning and self-fulfillment, things don't come easy. It requires courage and a leap of faith.

Nevertheless, I think the only thing we cannot control in our life is the day we are born - day we die. It's what we do with that little dash that matters.

Live For The Moment. Don't Worry, Be Happy & Have Fun!

Copyright (c) 2007 EZas123 ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Schwartz, Entrepreneur & Marketing Extraordinaire, known as “EZ” on eBay. Sign up for his FREE EZ-ine newsletter at

Use Mental Power To Simplify Your Life
The use of mind for creating personal gain is not a license or promise to get-rich-quick. When using mental magnetism there is no promise of getting something for nothing or conjuring up something from thin air. While using the mind to activate God’s laws is a viable and forceful expansion of thought for enhancing the human experience, it is not a free pass to wealth. Using mind to control to improve conditions is justified when applied in truth because in the setting of truth there always lays an assurance of greater possibilities and improved conditions. God’s assurance is to expand man’s experience through knowledge and understanding. This promise resonates of opportunities undiscovered and future potentials retrieved. While mind emits thought and thought produces ideas as concepts it is still action that puts them into motion. The greatest concepts in the world are no better than the force exerted to materialize them. Promises are only guarantees of possibilities and possibilities are guarantees not collected. One does not make the other appear or justify their existence. Mind sets into motion creative forces necessary to launch projected actions. God supplies the necessary ingredients for all actions but it is the mind of man that sets it into motion. No conscious action can happen without man’s involvement. Use of mind to control one’s environment is based on the premise that all possibilities are obtainable at all times. Since God supplies, and man enacts, the prospect for creative potential is limitless. Its creative influence is in man and through man at all times. This creative law of motion contains within itself limitless probabilities and infinite imagination. The Law is the Law, it has no action in itself, it must obey whom ever calls upon it. The Law Of Infinity While man is obviously restricted by time, the Law in which man operates, is Infinite. There is no obstruction in the Law, but man cannot contemplate that which he/she has not experienced because understanding comes with familiarity. Awareness aromatically brings familiarity because awareness is perception and familiarity is experiencing. Man conceives ideas through imagination and ideas become real through development. While ideas unfold from limitless potential only that which is conscious can evolve into complete understanding. The concept of wealth may be a reality, but the procedures for obtaining wealth is formulated in the mind. In most cases, using known prognoses can result in favorable outcomes. A well trained mind is much more apt to achieve wealth, simply because it is more able to focus on the task at hand. Most often a good education stimulates the mind into definitive actions. Wishing for results do not make a case for obtaining them. Applying ideas to well laid plans promotes an exhilaration and need to see ideas materialize. If you plummet ahead expecting the impossible then the impossible will be your due. But if you expect possibilities then possibilities will return realities. You must perceive a vision of success fortified by well laid plans then activated into actions. You must experience the sweet savor of success and feel its embrace as you invite its presence. You must forge ahead in all confidence that success will be yours and you will create a better experience for all around you. Your success will benefit you and those you are associated with equally. Another truth is, you can only achieve that which you can conceive. If you can’t formulate it in your mind if it’s a lie because it only becomes a distraction. Most people operated in a distorted view of life every day. They may dream of things but do not understand the mechanics behind obtaining them. You are only limited by your understanding of the Law not by the Law itself. As your understanding unfolds, the possibilities of attainment increases immensely. It is a mistake to believe you can get what you wish for or you can have anything you want. It takes great effort to bring the Law into realization; you must pay a price. Wishes are no more than day dreams, they are as wisp-full shadows from an evening sunset with no body or permanency. Ghosts of ideas that could have been but never achieved. You must become more than you have been. If you desire to attract a more rewarding life, you must be reborn into your true self. You must embrace, visualize and conceive ideas that propel you to heights of greatness in that which you were created. You must rise up and grasp opportunities as they are presented. Assert yourself and bring to life those God given talents you harbor within. The Law is about freedom and release, but not at the expense of others. It is precise and challenging but unless you are willing to obey its nature and apply its authority, then you will not receive its benefit. A truth worth remembering is; “that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Again, you must pay the price for success. You must provide an environment or avenue in which the Law can operate, follow, work and thrive. Again it is up to you. You bring mental forces from darkness into to light and apply understanding to reasoning for success Happy Trails

Donald Yates, former Development coordinator for Imperial Research, and Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, Author, and Spiritual Adviser is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.


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Colors in Dreams and Their Meaning
Dreams in colour are rarer in comparison to others. The question of colour in dreams has been proved of absorbing interest; and there has been much research into the subject. We often claim to have dreamed in colour but when we are questioned we fail to clearly tell which colours we have dreamed in or what was the colour of a particular object or so. This, to some extent, is because of our tendency to forget our dream once we are awakened. Every colour possesses its own symbolism for everyone of us. Colours play an important psycho-physiological role in our daytime lives. Hereunder we are giving details in regard to the different colours we see in our dreams and their significance. Red: Lighter shades of red can be representative of excitement (especially sexually), passion, energy, and life. However, deeper or "weighed down" shades of red may be indicitive of anger and vengence. Notice how the stop sign is red; possibly a hint from your subconscious to cease and desist in a certain activity? Orange: Orange is considered to be a color of warmth, thoughtfulness, wisdom and sociability. Muddier shades of orange may be representative of pride or vanity, while golden orange denotes self-control. Yellow: A bright yellow color represents "sunniness," joy, optimism, and intuition and mental stimulation. Muddier shades of yellow may mean blocked intuition, betrayal, treachery, and faithlessness. This color may be used by your subsconscious to help ease you out of depression. Green: This is the color of nature. It is also the color of development and growth. Lighter shades of green tending towards blue represent healing. Darker, muddier shades of greens represent envy and greed, as well as a stubborn and/or self-opinionated attitude. This color is also representative of money. Blue: Blue is a cool, calming color, often used for relaxation and meditation. It is a very spiritual color, and is representative of truth, intellect, and justice. Muddy shades of blue may denote depression or moodiness. When this color appears in your dreams, it is probably a message from your subconscious telling you to relax and take things more slowly. Violet: Darker shades of violet may denote a person who feels misunderstood or has obstacles to overcome. It too is a spiritual color, and brighter shades help inspire and stimulate, especially in relation to dream activity. Black: Because this color is often regarded as the color of death, its appearance in our dreams may represent the death of old ideas or change. Another possible explanation is that it represents a hidden or rejected aspect of the dreamer. It is the color of mystery, the unconscious, and sometimes even protection. White: White is often regarded as the color of purity and truth. Seeing this in your dreams may be a message from your subconscious telling you to regard the truth of a certain situation. It is also the color of completeness and innocence.

The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic phone, psychic and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot card reading, dream interpretation, psychic phone and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot reading, live psychic, psychic reading and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic readings, psychic advice and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer accurate psychic reading, psychics, tarot reading and more.

Identifying Your Purpose In Life
What is your purpose in life? Or what is your mission in life? Or why do you exist in this world? What is the meaning of life to you? What is the reason for being here in the world?

Are you able to come out with an answer to the above questions? Or your answer is just a simple, "Don't know!"

If you are not able to answer the question right now, don’t worry for you are surely not alone. It also took me quite some time before I really know what is my true purpose in life.

“We are here on earth to do good for others. What the others are here for, I don’t know.”
~~ W. H. Auden ~~

Personally I believe everyone comes to this world with a purpose. To some, their purpose is to honor and serve God. To others, it is to bring smiles to the faces of the unfortunate people, like Mother Theresa.

You may have a total different purpose. Everyone comes to this world to provide different services to their community. Scientists contribute by inventing and innovating new and better technologies to aid mankind while entrepreneurs create more job opportunities for the society.

Like what W. H. Auden said, you need not concern yourself with the other people's purposes. You just have to identify your purpose and live up to it.

Your purpose of life is surely NOT only about you. Rather is the the type of service you offer to others.

“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.”
~~ Victor Frankl ~~

Real happiness and fulfillment comes not from taking, or getting or waiting to be served. Instead, it is about contributing to the society, providing valuable services to other people and to give away freely.

Identifying your true purpose in life helps you to break away the “Me, Me, Me” mentally. It requires you to throw away the self-centered and selfish you.

“Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”
~~ Helen Keller ~~

Seeking purpose is not about seeking self-gratification. It is not to seek pleasure, richness or power. It is to give, to contribute and to provide wealth, abundance and love.

Your rewards in life is in fact in direct proportion to what you can contribute to life.

Many successful people in life have worthy, wonderful and big purpose in life.

Examples of some successful people's purpose:


Robert Allen: “To inspire and empower people to achieve their destiny.”

Anthony Robbins: “To humbly serve the Lord by being a loving, playful, powerful and passionate example of the absolute joy that is available to us the moments we rejoice in God’s gift and sincerely love and serve all of his creations.”

Mark Victor Hansen: “To create and inspire one million millionaire who each give $1 million to their church or charity.”


As you can see successful people don’t become successful because they take from others. Instead, it is because of the amount of contribution they make to the society.

Also, it is their worth-dying-for-purpose that helps them to face all adversities they in their lives. It also helps them to persist and preserve through all challenges and obstacles along their route to success.

Therefore by having a worthy purpose and truly understanding the WHY, you’ll be able to continue through your route of success no matter how difficult it may seem for in front of your purpose, obstacles are nothing but stepping stones to help you fulfill your purpose in life.

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”
~~ Edgar Cayce ~~

So what type of purpose are you crafting for yourself?

Zach Kong is the faciliator of a personal development site which focus on building a community to support, inspire and motivate succeed. For more information click on:

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