Monday, October 27, 2008

Maria Duval - And the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth...

And the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth...
‘Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.’
William James, 1842-1910, Psychologist and Author

‘Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.’
Matthew 5:5, The New Testament

What do Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Professor Mohammed Yunus of Bangladesh, Immaculee Ilibagiza, Rwandan holocaust survivor, and the Amish community in Pennsylvania have in common?

Let me briefly tell their stories based on the little information I have read.

Prof. Yunus teaches economics. What made him increasingly uncomfortable was the ever-widening gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots.’ In his country, millions of people were destined to never raise their heads in life because in the eyes of the current banking system the poor are not credit-worthy. Prof. Yunus thought differently; he thought that applying for and getting a loan or credit was a basic human right and was the only way to start to close that gap.

So he started up his own system, called ‘microcredit,’ where he loaned small amounts of money to poor struggling families who wanted to start a business so they could provide basic necessities for their families through their own efforts. These loans were around $100-500US and required no collateral. They now have established the Grameen Bank which services millions of people and has helped countless impoverished men and women start home-based businesses. (Interesting to note that no-one has ever defaulted on their loan repayments even though they have no contracts and the deal is based on trust.)

Immaculee Ilibagiza was a teenager during the Rwandan holocaust in 1995. She spent 90 days in a bathroom with 8 other Rwandan women hiding from the murderous Hutu extremists. She lost both her parents and two brothers in the massacre and managed to escape, eventually getting a job with the United Nations and migrating to the US with her husband.

Once the war was over, Immaculee went back to Rwanda to her village to piece together what happened to her family and to complete that chapter in her life. This included visiting the man who murdered her family in prison. When he was brought to her, the man fell to his knees and couldn’t even look her in the eyes. She asked him to look at her and when he did, she simply said ‘I forgive you’ and left. The man couldn’t stop crying.

The Amish community in Pennsylvania suffered a terrible loss when 10 girls were brutally attacked and shot by Charles Roberts, five of whom died. Although this caused shock waves around the world, the Amish quietly went about their business, living and taking care of things the way they always have: with forgiveness and love in their hearts.

It was reported that an Amish neighbour went to comfort the murderer’s family after he shot himself; that they also attended his funeral; and that, when a fund was set up for the grieving families, an Amish leader insisted that one also be set up for Roberts’ family.

Here are the common threads I see:
1. They are all unremarkable, simple people yet their actions are an example to us all.
2. They live according to their beliefs, not seeking rewards or recognition but simply doing what they think is right.
3. Their humility (and by that, I mean an acceptance of life) in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles has led to actions that have irreversibly changed and touched people’s lives, and the world.
4. They take 100% personal responsibility for their lives, living on their own terms without blaming this, that or the other for their plight.

I don’t believe these people are blessed with anything extraordinary. They are ordinary people, just like you and me. I don’t believe they ever intended to do anything in their lives that would be worthy of media attention. They followed what was in their hearts. Most of us may never be rich or famous but we are all influential. These stories prove that beyond doubt.

Given we are experiencing much despair and disillusionment with leaders, government, churches and business, it’s time for us to look elsewhere. It’s time for us to put our hands down and stop pointing fingers of blame or throwing them up in resignation. At this time of year, when there is so much talk of ‘peace and goodwill among men’, we cannot afford to remain idle any longer.

We need leaders, yes; but what I see happening more and more is that true leaders and leadership is coming from among the people and not from ‘the elected few.’ We need to appoint ourselves as leaders because no matter how small your contribution YOU CAN and DO make a difference �" the question is ‘what sort of difference do you want to make?’ Whatever you decide, DO IT NOW.

Till next time,
Love, light and laughter to you


You are free to use material from this newsletter in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read:

‘From Jenny Mallos of Total Transformation Life Coaching. Please visit for more information.’

Jenny Mallos is a coach and author who works with individuals and groups to find and follow their own path with a heart. The most frequent comment her clients make is that she messes with their minds, which is exactly her intention! Jenny realises that all of our grief and unhappiness is caused through our own fixated thoughts and the only way to a truly fulfilling life is to mess it up so we can finally uncover what is true for each of us. Living true to yourself is not for the faint-hearted nor is it an easy path to tread. That’s where the most valuable work is done – supporting you while you go through that journey and most importantly allowing you to experience your journey. Whether you are working on your business, your health, relationships or some other facet of your life there is only one prerequisite: the willingness to face the music no matter how out of tune it may seem. "There is something in human nature that wants to soar, to be free to express itself in life and work." Kermit Campbell, CEO of Herman Miller

Feelingization �" When Visualization Just Isn’t Enough
As part of my own process of preparing to meet and manifest a soulmate I created a series of processes for myself that I call “feelinizations”. While some people might call them “visualizations” I have found that “feelingization” is the more accurate term. Just being able to visualize isn’t enough �" you have to feel in every cell of your being the outcome you want to create. For instance: Let’s say you want to manifest a green Jaguar convertible. You could visualize yourself sitting behind the wheel of this car and you could spend days, weeks or months seeing yourself sitting in this green convertible Jaguar but, if you don’t really believe you deserve this car, just visualizing it won’t make it happen. You need to be able to feel how you will feel driving this car knowing in every cell of your body that it is already yours and that you completely deserve it. This is why I call these processes “feelingizations.” At the beginning of my career, I didn’t always know exactly what I wanted, but I was always sure of how I would feel when I got my heart’s desire. For instance, when I moved to Los Angeles in 1984, I needed to manifest a job. Being young and totally new to the entertainment capital of the world, I wasn’t at all clear on what kind of job to look for but I was 100% clear that I wanted a job that would leaving me feeling satisfied, creative and well-paid. So, twice a day I would lie down, close my eyes and imagine in every part of my body what it would feel like when I had a job that was fun, creative, made good use of my existing skills and would challenge me to learn new things. Within ten days I found the perfect job. I also used this technique for manifesting a place to live and ended up with not only a great apartment but a roommate who insisted on doing all the cleaning and cooking! You can use feelingizations in every area of your life, including manifesting a soul mate. Prior to meeting Brian, I had a ritual feelingization: Each day at sunset I would light several candles, put on my favorite CD of Gregorian chants and sit in my big, cozy chair. With my eyes closed I would drop into the feeling of remembering the joy of having my soul mate in my life, I would experience these wonderful feelings in every part of my body KNOWING that he was on the way (there were days when the thought that he was VERY LATE did cross my mind but I would just let those thoughts go and get back to being in a state of grace that his arrival was assured). Feelingizations have the added benefit of being very relaxing which in turn is good for your health!

Arielle Ford is a professional, previously unmarried woman who is revealing her secret to finding romance, love, marriage, and a perfect soumate. She discovered how to take her professional success and apply it to her personal life, and she has never been happier. Now she wants to share that secret with you. Learn how to find your soulmate at

Conquer your habits-----Conquer your world
There is nothing more powerful in the life of a person than their personal habits. Your habits decide the destiny of your life,what you do and how you do it .Your personality,your character is the sum of your habits. If you try to slip away from work or if you try to avoid any work as far as possible ,or if you overspend regularly ,these habits will be to your detriment in your personal as well as in your business life. People who regularly work long hours,or are more thrifty in their spending do not find it a hardship. The power of habit has established this as part of themselves.. They do it without thinking negatively. The same applies to people who have the habit of working intelligently and who habitually encourage their staff members or fellow workers. Your habits also play a large part in your personal relationships .How often we exercise,what we eat and what we do with our spare time .If you are the victim of bad habits it is time to conquer your habit and get rid of them. The moment you conquer a bad habit,new and more useful habits start to appear .These are your greatest allies. Once they are established,it is relatively easy to keep them going.. The power of habit is in the way every habit maintains itself. Their is no need to re-invent it daily -or at all. Try and make your nervous system your ally instead of your enemy .You must make automatic and habitual as many useful habits as you can. A habit is only good if it supports a goal that will be beneficial to you or your family or your community. Habit is defined as “the intersection of knowledge,skill and desire”.If that is what habit is ,it sounds like a good recipe to get started on as soon as possible. You need knowledge when starting out. If you start a business or work for somebody else you need skill,and you must have the desire to succeed. Together this is a powerful combination. GK Chesterton put it very well when he said”I do not believe in a fate that falls on men,however they act, but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act”. Your fate is in your own hands and useful habits are going to help you win.They support action ---and by taking conquering action this is what is going to take you where you need to go

John Muller is a retired entrepeneur living on the east coast of South Africa.

Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You?
Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You? I was in a nice boutique the other day and noticed a song playing that basically said “My girlfriend is a jerk” repeatedly. Then the next chorus was I love my girlfriend and I’m going to stay with her forever. This wasn’t even a country song, it was current pop music. Mixed messages in those lyrics, or what? Is it any wonder we have such confusion about relationships? Stay in ones where someone treats you badly, yet love the person you don’t like. Now that IS confusing. We are becoming so conscientious about our lives and our health. Some of us are even saying no to television. What about our music? We should really pay attention to WHAT we listen to as it can definitely put us in a good mood or a weird mood. It can even sway our feelings about our partner. I’m not saying it can put you into a bad mood because why would we consciously listen to music that is going to put us in a bad mood? The lyrics to songs definitely play on our subconscious and it does it repetitively. Remember a time when you couldn’t get a song out of your mind? Well, those songs are really placed somewhere in our subconscious for us to hook onto, particularly when we’re feeling low. One of my students asked in a class recently if the music she listens to is going to affect her. She asked this out of the blue after an offhanded discussion at lunch about what we hear affects our body, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. I asked her what she listened to and she sheepishly said “country western”. The entire class simultaneously said “Uh Oh”. Now country music is quite depressing as they are always talking about lost loves, drinking and other dastardly deeds. Imagine what that will do over prolonged periods of time for someone who already has a tendency to be negative. This type music can tend to make someone act more from the negative aspects they already have. Really, any music that has lyrics about lost love, hating someone, getting revenge, etc. all impact us on the subconscious level. A pregnant mother wanting a calm child will spend time listening to calm music and trying to be in a peaceful place. Why not take this into our adult lives? Masuru Emoto, author of “Message from Water”, demonstrates, visually, exactly what classical music does for water with a contrast to what hard rock music does to water. Wayne Green, founder of CD Review Magazine, founded the magazine with the purpose of getting small labels with more eclectic and balanced music out into the public and more press coverage. In the book The “Secret Life of Plants” there is documented evidence that the group of rats exposed to rock music began killing each other. Our bodies are made of mostly water �" isn’t it time to take action with what songs we listen to? I recommend to my meditation class that they turn off the music for one week while they are driving. The purpose of this is to get the students who truly wish to have peace through the aspect of meditation to realize that quiet in the car is actually very soothing. The reports back from the students are that they generally find is that they want to continue to drive more often without the radio on because they feel more relaxed. Join us in making your energy shift and listen to more happy, fun, relaxing music and see what happens to your life and your body.

Sheevaun O. Moran – author of the book Learn to Meditate in 2 Minutes, the book Shotgun Shopping – Adventures in How to Materialize Anything Through the Metaphor of Shopping and 13 Meditate and Transform CD’s. She is the founder of Energetic Solutions, I Am Success Now – Paramitas, and Good to Go Restaurants. She has authored hundreds of articles, been featured on CBS News, Japan’s version of Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and many other publications. Sheevaun has personally worked with over 7,000 individuals and businesses worldwide. Her techniques are powerful energy tools to transform health, create opportunity and she always helps her clients get results FAST.

Healing the Heart
Whether we endured a difficult childhood or experienced rejection from a hurtful lover, we all have emotional wounds in need of healing. As part of the preparation for magnetizing your soul mate you must now decide to actively begin healing the deepest wounds of your heart. Please note that I said to “begin” the healing process. For many of us this may be a lifelong process and it doesn’t mean you have to be fully healed to manifest your soul mate. In fact, one of the things a soul mate does is HELP you to heal your deepest wounds. BUT . . . I believe you really do need to clear out the stuff that is KEEPING you from having your soul mate in your life. If the walls around your heart are ten feet thick and you are unaware that you are blocking love from entering you will be sending the Universe mixed messages. One part of you will be a giant YES to having a relationship while your wounded heart is unconsciously saying “No, I am afraid of being hurt again.” Your job now is to uncover the wounds and begin the healing process so that you can send a clear signal that you are now ready for love. Forgiveness is often a two-part process: first, it involves forgiving those that hurt you and second, it means forgiving yourself for all of the times you didn’t listen to your intuition, or made unfortunate choices, or any of the hundreds of other things we blame ourselves for. In order to manifest your soul mate you really do need to clear the emotional and psychic clutter of your past. By not doing so you take the risk of attracting the same type of person you have failed with in the past. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. If you have emotional baggage around relationships, commit right now to working through it and begin laying the ground for a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life with your soul mate.

Arielle Ford is a professional, previously unmarried woman who is revealing her secret to finding romance, love, marriage, and a perfect soul mate. She discovered how to take her professional success and apply it to her personal life, and she has never been happier. Now she wants to share that secret with you. Learn how to find your soul mate at

Hypnosis - FAQ by Performance Hypnosis
What can hypnosis be used for?
Hypnosis actually has well over 300 uses. Dramatic positive changes happen every year for people that seek out and use Hypnosis. Most associate hypnosis with weight loss and smoking cessation. However hypnosis is also good for stress management, pain management, grief management, nail biting, hypertension, self image, motivation and attitude, public speaking, pre-op preparation, post-op recovery and rapid healing, memory recall, sports abilities enhancement, finding lost objects, stuttering, self sabatoge, self improvement, intimacy concerns; the list goes on and on and on.

What is regression therapy?
Regression therapy is taking one back subconsciously to re-live a past event.

Will I be able to wake up?
Most definitely! As I said hypnosis is a natural state between being awake and being asleep. If you do not wake up when I tell you to you will sleep restfully and wake up on your own feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Who can be hypnotized?
Anyone who sleeps (everyone does) and can concentrate can be hypnotized. As a matter of fact the more intelligent and imaginitive a person is the easier they can be hypnotized. Hypnosis is only contraindicated in some individuals with psychological conditions and the very young. The reason for this is their lack of ability to concentrate for a period of time. Also some heart condition clients would not be good candidates to undergo regressive hypnotherapy.

What exactly is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the state of mind between being wide awake-alert, and being in a very light sleep. Basically we are dealing with the subconscious. I use your conscious desires to change your subconscious actions. Thus making your conscious desires reality.

What does hypnosis feel like?
Hypnosis is a very relaxed feeling. In most instances you know what is going on around you, unless you are really deep. It feels like you are just ready to fall asleep. That feeling of shutting down and going out at night.

Is hypnosis safe?
Yes. Going into hypnosis is as safe as getting into your own bed and falling asleep at night. Suggestive (change) therapy is safe for practically everyone. There are those with some psychological conditions that hypnosis is contraindicated. Also some heart condition patients are not good candidates for regression therapy only. However, they can handle suggestive therapy just fine. I will take a brief history and will tell you right away if you are or are not a good candidate for Hypnotherapy. Most probably you are a great subject to under go hypnosis."

Can you make my husband/wife quit smoking?
No. The person who wants to make a change must have the desire and be willing to change; and being willing to under go hypnosis. You nor I cannot make someone do something they do not want to do."

Will I do or say anything weird?
No. You will not reveal any secrets, nor do anything that would be against your morals or religious beliefs.

What is the hypnosis process?
First- There is the client interview at which time we will go over your history. I will administer several evaluations to help determine what techniques will work specifically for you. We go over your new goals and come up with suggestions and ideas that will help change your behavior, or get you the information you are seeking. Second- I will do what is called an "Induction." You will become very relaxed. Third- Deepening techniques are used to make you more relaxed than you have ever been. Fourth- The suggestions we come up with are given. Fifth- I wake you up.
Lastly we have a post-hypnotic interview . I will make sure you are wide awake, alert, and you are on your way.

How many times do I have to do this?
This of course depends on you. Although a few people will only have one or two sessions, to be most effective a program normally consists of four to six sessions, it depends on how deep seated the persons problem is, and whether they really want to deal with the issues that come to light. The last session is usually thirty to sixty days from the initial visit depending on the frequency of the sessions. This is the final wrap up to make sure you are happy with your change(s). This is the usual format of course some individuals and programs are different. Such as for weight loss this is a six week program, one visit every other week. People of course did not become the way they are over night. Some habits take longer to change even at the subconscious level.

For more information or to order your hypnosis mp3 download visit Performance Hypnosis at

Georgina Powell, CCHt is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the National Guild of Hypnotist, the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the International Association of Counselors and Therapist and the American Alliance of Hypnotists. She has also been profiled by Psychology Today.

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