Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maria Duval - Law of Attraction Article: Freedom From The Opinion Of Others

Law of Attraction Article: Freedom From The Opinion Of Others
As if it isn’t stressful enough dealing with the critical voices we hear in our own minds all the time, we also find we have to deal with the criticism and opinions of others on almost a daily basis. While we can sometimes benefit from the advice of others, we can also make the mistake of letting their opinions carry far too much weight in the decisions we make and how we decide to live our lives. It is necessary to take a step back once in awhile and ask ourselves the reasons behind so much of what we do. For instance: Why do you have the job or career that you have? Is it something you always wanted to do? Or is it a job or career that others such as your parents, spouse or friends think is the right job for you? I have a friend who always wanted to be a writer. After she graduated high school she intended to look for a job in the publishing industry. Her parents however had a different idea. They didn’t think the writing field was solid enough. Jobs were hard to come by and easy to lose. Newspapers and magazines paid very little. Getting a book published was a one in a million shot. (This was all before the internet by the way.) They convinced her that taking a job as a writer would be irresponsible on her part and that she should work as an administrative assistant on Wall Street instead. Plenty of positions available, good solid income, security. After enough pressure she caved and took their advice and became an administrative assistant for over 15 years. And hated every minute of it. The ironic part was when years later she decided to give her writing career another shot, it was now her spouse who didn’t want her to give up the steady income she was making as an assistant. Even though they all knew she was miserable doing what she was doing, they wouldn’t or couldn’t, look past their own opinions of how she should live her life. Luckily she finally came to the realization that this was in fact, her life, and not theirs. She started writing and submitting pieces in her spare time and eventually started earning enough to make it her full time job. She is now very successful and happy! But it was only when she realized that she had been sacrificing her desires because of the opinion of others that she was able to make the move. So how about you? Are you in the career you want to be in? Or have you been convinced by others that it is the best thing for you? Are you getting married or trying to have a baby because others are telling you “it is time” or because you really want to? Are you single because you want to be? Or is it because your friends are single and do not want to see you in a permanent relationship? How about the person you are dating or married to? Is it a person you want to be with or is it a person others are telling you is “perfect for you.” The clothes in your closet. Are they clothes you enjoy and are comfortable in, or is your closet filled with what others are saying are the “must-have” item of the season? How about where you live? Your religious affiliation? Your political party? How and what you eat? How you look or how much you weigh? It is important to take stock once in awhile and notice why you are making the decisions you have been making in your life. You need to remember that you came down to this Earth to live your life and to create what you want and to make yourself happy. It is your natural entitlement to create your life any way you want to just by your being here! It is not only something we are all naturally entitled to - it is our reason for being in the first place. To create whatever we desire! It is not your job or responsibility to live your life to please others. It is not your job to make others happy. It is their job to make themselves happy and to create the life they are desiring. It is also very important to remember they other people do not live the consequences of the decisions that they want you to make. Only you do. Just like the example of my friend up above. Her parents wanted her to be an assistant. And she became one. And then they went off nice and happy and didn’t give it another thought, while she ended up being miserable every day for 15 years! If you want true freedom in your life you need to remember that other people opinions are just that. Their opinions. It doesn’t matter if it comes from your enemies or most loving friends and family members. They base their beliefs on their own personal experiences which could be completely opposite of what you have experienced in your past or what you believe. What decision might be right for them could be the absolute wrong thing for you. Another thing to remember is to start trusting your own opinion more. You are an intelligent person. You’ve had enough life experience to know what you are wanting or do not want. And refuse to accept any guilt about it. If someone tries to make you feel bad or guilty for not following their advice, it is more important than ever for you to remember who has to live with the consequences - you or them. With practice you will find that making your decisions based on your own happiness will bring you an incredible feeling of freedom. And after awhile others will also start to know you as a person with your own mind who can not be swayed to do anything you do not want to do. And they will either respect you for it and stop trying to change you, or move on and find someone else they can try to mold in their image. Either way, you end up living the life you truly desire to create. If you would like to read about more ways to purposely create your dream life please visit http://www.theveryhappyhuman.com Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at http://www.theveryhappyhuman.com

Law of Attraction and the Millionaire Mind
Wouldn't it be great to have all the money in the world, be able to busy
all the things you desire and help those who are less fortunate than you are?

Of course it would. But ...

You are reading this article because YOU are most likely having a very
hard time making money, paying your bills and having much left at the
end of the month, right? You are in a constant struggle and WAR with
money, aren't you?

Most people on this planet have a very hard time when it comes to making
and having an abundant supply of money. Most are living at the poverty level
or very close to it.

Does it have to be that way? No, it doesn't.

Is it inevitable? No, it isn't.

It is certain that you came to notice a group of people who seem to have
all the money in the world, and are able to afford just about anything they

And it goes beyond that. These selected group of people are more and
more prosperous, wealthier and wealthier every day. We are referring to
the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires!

Why is this so? Simply because 'these people have the so called Millionaire
Mind, that mind which entertains only beliefs and thoughts of wealth and riches,
abundance and prosperity. Because of their difference in 'mentality', the 'rich
get richer, and the poor get poorer'. That is a cosmic truth. It cannot be any other way.

The Law of Life is the Law of Belief, also known as the universal Law of
Attraction. "Whatever YOU deeply believe, YOU will sooner or later materialize
as your physical reality".

The super rich have what is known as the "Millionaire Mind". And the billionaires
have the Billionaire Mind.

The poor have that "Poverty Consciousness", the "Poverty Mind".

Maybe you read that before. And like most "intelligent" humans, you said
to yourself "That's absurd!". You think you are SO SMART, right?

The super rich ONLY believe in success, abundance, prosperity, wealth,
riches, millions of dollars. They ONLY think in terms of success. They
NEVER think in terms of failure. And the universal Law of Attraction gives
them EXACTLY what they believe: success, abundance, prosperity, wealth,
riches, millions of dollars! They cannot be poor because they do not believe
in any financial lack or limitation. They can only become RICHER because
they believe in RICHES.

In sharp contrast to these super rich people,the poor people believe in lack,
limitation, scarcity, poverty, more lack and more financial limitation. The poor
people can only become POORER because they do NOT believe in RICHES.
The way they believe and think all day long is totally opposite to the way the
super rich believe and think all day long.

The poor are constantly thinking on not having enough to survive until the
end of the month, and in their minds they are constantly imagining all sorts of
future events where they see themselves experiencing lack and all sorts of
financial limitations.

The super rich are constantly thinking on ways and means to increase the
wealth and riches they already possess. And they constantly rehearse all
sort of FUTURE successes in their minds. In their minds they see constantly
succeeding and having more and more money, riches and wealth.

The universal Law of Attraction gives to each of these two groups TWO
completely different results. But there is a COMMON denominator.

Did you already figure oit what that COMMON denominator is?

The answer is very simple: the COMMON denominator is that each group
is receiving from Life, the Universe, EXACTLY what they BELIEVE.

God, Life, the Universe, the Creative Force are simply MIRRORS reflecting
back to each peron what he/she believes.

The rich BELIEVE in getting RICHER and they DO!

The poor BELIEVE in more financial struggles, lack and limitation and they

And there is something else that happens as a consequence to the Law of Attraction:
each group behaves, takes actions and get results in PERFECT harmony
with what they BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

This is another aspect of the universal Law of Attraction that MOST humans
do NOT understand:

What YOU do, how YOU behave and the results YOU get depend
EXCLUSIVELY on what you BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

What would happen if, SOMEHOW, you could eliminate from your mind all
beliefs and thoughts of failure, and financial lack, limitations and struggles?

What would happen if, using some TECHNIQUE, you could ONLY start
believing and thinking about success, winning, wealth and riches?

What would happen if you could, somehow, transplant into your brain cells
all the beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors of the super rich?

If you could do that, would you get poorer or RICHER?

Eric Hurczak is an entrepreneur and information publisher who spends much of his time to studying the principals of wealth creation, success and personal development. For more info on how to think like a millionaire, be a money magnet and create wealth now visit http://www.CreateWealthNow.com Law of Attraction - Millionaire Mind - The Secret - Money Magnet

1 comment:

Brown said...

Just want to have a short talk with you on the millionaires dating topic. If interested, AIM: millcupid.