Monday, October 20, 2008

Maria Duval - Meditations: Developing Your Weekly Meditation Plan

Meditations: Developing Your Weekly Meditation Plan
Meditating without a clear plan or purpose is like going on a safari trip with out a map. You will get lost very quickly and you will not achieve what you setout to achieve. A meditation plan should simply set out how you want to plan your meditation for the week and what you want to focus on during that week but be advised there are few elements you will want to consider. Meditation is a fantastic tool in helping you address issues within your life and the role of the meditation plan is to help you set down how you are going to plan your week of meditation, what meditation types you will use for the week to get the outcome you are looking for. For example, the majority of people simply use meditation for relaxation which is absolutely fine but if you want to overcome what is causing the stress then your meditation needs to address the root cause of the stress. Let us say that your stress is being caused by somebody who is being obnoxious and rude to you at work. The clear objective of your meditation must be for you to develop strategy on how to deal with this person because you cannot physically change the other person you can only work on yourself. The first thing that you must do is to read, that is go to the library and look up as many books as you can on "Dealing with Rude and Obnoxious people". Read the strategies that they recommend. Check out videos by professional psychologists or television professional like Dr Phil and watch what they recommend in dealing with this sort of person. Work out how you believe the best way is to deal with them and that is what you are going to meditate on. Now to develop your weekly meditation plan … We should always start off with our Weekly Meditation Plan on a Sunday. I also recommend meditating twice a day, 20 minutes in the morning and at least 20 minutes in the night, preferably 40 minutes. Our meditation plan runs from Sunday to Saturday. Your Sunday morning meditation session should simply be for the purpose of relaxing. The meditation session should include meditation techniques such as the Stillness Meditation Type, Deep-Breathing Meditation or Numbers Meditation. The session should take no more than 20 minutes and could include meditation music to help you with your meditation. Your Sunday afternoon meditation session is the start of your reflective meditation sessions on helping to deal with the person who is rude and obnoxious. The first 5 to 10 minutes should be spent on clearing your mind and working to get calm. The next ten minutes should encompass reflecting on the material you have read. You should also reflect in that time on how you have reacted to that person. Literally in your minds eye, look at yourself and the other person, look at how you deal with them, how you expect them to act, try and reflect on using the techniques you learned and how the other person reacted when you used those techniques. To finish off your Sunday afternoon meditation session spend five minutes relaxing before finishing your meditation session and clear your mind. Do not get caught into stressing out on what might happen in the following day. Expect the Sunday afternoon meditation session to last up to 40 minutes. If you find that you cannot meditate that long, then do not force yourself but do try to encapsulate all the material covered. During the week your morning meditation sessions are about preparing you for the day. The key issue here is to not work yourself up before you get to work. The morning meditation sessions should be 20 minutes in length and should focus primarily on stress relief and preparing for a calm day. Towards the end of the meditation session take a moment to simply reflect on the key points on how to handle a rude and obnoxious person, by simply bringing the key points to the front of your mind. This is simply a refresher session. Your afternoon sessions are going to be a very important wind down session from the day's challenges. This session will give you an opportunity to deal with anything that may have happened during the day. The first 5 to 10 minutes should be to focus on relieving any stress or anxiety that has built up during the day. Then once you have done that part of the meditation it is time to review the day. During your day, how did you cope, how did you deal with the person who is rude and obnoxious, did you over react, what caused you to over act and so forth. Then once you have identified those issues, reflective meditate on those issues for example, how you could have dealt with those issues better, what you would have preferred your reactions to be etc. To finish this part of the meditation off, simply reflect in your mind the bullet points on how you want to react and deal with this person in the future. Before completing this session each night make sure that you do five minutes of meditation on de-stressing and bringing the mind to focus. Friday nights is important nights for meditating as you need to use relaxation meditation that night so that the stress from the week before does not ruin your weekend. You will need to do a minimum of 40 minutes of meditation if you have had a difficult week. This whole time should be spent undertaking relaxation meditation. Saturday morning meditation sessions should be used to review the whole week and to reflect on how you have grown during the week. To review how you dealt with issues at the start of the week compared to the end of the week. Whether you actually moved forward and addressed some of the issues related to the person being rude. This is also a good time to look and decide if during your reflective meditation if there is any issues you need to research that may help you deal with this person. On Saturday evenings, I like to recommend to people to take time out from meditating and to go out and enjoy themselves. During the week you have grown and now its time to simply take a break. By developing a meditation plan like I outlined above, you are working towards the resolution of an issue and training your mind to deal with certain types of people more effectively. Meditation planning does not need to be hugely in depth, but having a clear plan on how to meditate will mean that your meditation sessions have more purpose and will help you in achieving the objective you wish. Whilst this meditation plan looked at dealing with an obnoxious person, it could be used to for any purpose you require.

If you are interested in reading the Think and Grow Rich book by Napoleon Hill and learning the thirteen secrets to success, it is available at our website as a PDF as well as an MP3 Audio version. The best type of Meditation Music is Baroque Music played at 60 beats per minute and this music is also available at our website.

Creating Wealth And Abundance... Is There A Secret?
The Secret Law of Attraction Creating Wealth and Abundance Internet Marketing Maven Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Is there a person in the world who does not want abundance in their lives? Do people want to live in poverty? Of course not, but how does one go about gaining the abundance they desire? Why are some people wealthy and others poor? Some might say that it is just the way the world works; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and it is usually the rich taking from the poor that makes it so. But, is that true? I guess it depends on perspective. Granted, there are people who are born into wealthy families, who never have to put much thought into how to get the things they desire, but those are not the people I want to discuss. After all, some people born with a silver spoon in their mouths die bankrupt. I want to talk about the people who have everything they want as the result of doing something to get it. Why is it that some people seem to attract money, good fortune, fame, etc., while others seem to fail at everything? One word... ATTITUDE! The Secret, really is no secret at all. It is all in the application of the Law of Attraction. The 'haves' know and practice it, and the 'have-nots' don't. It is that simple. What is the Law of Attraction? It is the scientific principle that states: Like attracts like. If you think about having debt, you will have debt. If you think about wealth, you will attract wealth. If you think about being unhappy, you will be unhappy. If you think about happiness, you will be happy. For example: When a person focuses on all of the things they don't have, they become frustrated, angry, and unhappy. But if that same person put the same amount of energy into being grateful for all that they do have, they would begin to feel good. When a person feels good, they go about their day doing things that perpetuate that feeling; attracting more into their life to make them feel even better. When a person feels bad, they tend to do things that perpetuate that feeling too. Remember what Tinkerbell told Peter Pan...? If you want to fly, just think a happy thought. That is how the Law of Attraction works. Think happy thoughts, focus on them, and take action. You just cannot feel bad, when you're thinking about good things. Good thoughts lead to more good thoughts and ultimately to good actions. Bad thoughts lead to more bad thoughts and... You get the picture. People have been writing about it for a very long time. People like: Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Wallace D. Wattles, etc.. They knew about the Law of Attraction and wrote about it. Millions have read their books, and have learned the secret through them. In fact, the hit movie, The Secret, was based on Wallace D. Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich, which is all about the Law of Attraction. It all boils down to this: If you want abundance in your life, you must think about having it, not about not having it. Think about what you have, and be grateful for it, what you want; not about what you lack.

For more information on the Law of Attraction and how to put it into practice visit: Get 7 free lessons from the Teachers featured in the Secret: Ilona & Christian Fredebeul Hoehenweg 8 51465 Bergisch Gladbach / Germany

Proven Mind Control Techniques �" How to Control Minds By Asking For More
Are there any proven mind control techniques to get someone to do what you want, even if you have that feeling that you’re asking too much? Fortunately, there is. It’s called “asking for more.” Ironic as it may sound, this is one of the most potent and proven mind control techniques you may use. Here’s how it works. Let’s say you want your friend to donate $10 to a charitable cause you’re involved with. For him, $10 might already be a big amount. Instead of asking for less, you asked him for $25 because you imply that’s what most people are giving. If he doesn’t want to give you the $25, tell him, “In that case, we’ll just have to be contented with $10.” He’ll feel so relieved to save $15 and will gladly give the $10 to you. You won’t believe how often kids apply proven mind control techniques. They simply want to go to a movie, but they ask their parents to take them to expensive vacation spots. When their parents say that such trips are too expensive, their children would ask, “Could we just go to a movie then?” The kids get what they want, while the parents feel that the pressure has been taken off them. The power of this persuasion technique comes from the feeling of obligation to reciprocate the concession you initially gave. People will be more receptive to grant your true (and smaller) request after they declined the first (and bigger) one. They will feel embarrassed to turn down the second favor, especially if it’s much easier to comply than the first request. The second request gives them the freedom of choice. It’s like they’re given an escape route. They will feel like a special favor has been given to them because they’re given room to negotiate and reject the first offer. Using this proven mind control technique, they will feel a sense of contentment and at the same time, a sense of responsibility to fulfill the secondary (and even other future) requests. Remember that people feel a sense of guilt if they refuse your request. If your second favor is something they can afford to do, then they'll grab the opportunity to make it up to you. The great thing about this is that they might even give you the larger request. This is one of the most effectively proven mind control techniques because you give them the chance to negotiate, and at the same time you make them feel that they got the better end of the deal because you “gave in”.

Discover proven mind control techniques and be an expert in the art of persuasion and conversational hypnosis in just a few short days! Get a FREE course that reveals groundbreaking persuasion secrets at

Meditation: Choosing the Right Music for the Right Meditation Technique
Many people when they begin learning meditation find it hard to really get into the swing of it. They will purchase books and cd's on meditation but nothing really seems to work. Most meditation kits that you buy either on the internet or at a bookstore will come with at least one style of meditation music, but be warned if you use the wrong type of meditation music for the meditation technique you are using during your meditation session all that will happen is that you will get frustrated and you will not achieve the outcome you are looking for. There are many different types and styles of meditation but I want to categorize them into three core groups: 1. Relaxation Meditation Techniques 2. Reflective Meditation Techniques 3. Affirmation Meditation Techniques The style of meditation music used for the relaxation meditation technique is dramatically different to that used in the reflective meditation technique and affirmation meditation technique. Let me explain … The core object of relaxation meditation is too simply so down, relax and allow the stress in your body to simply flow away. It is crucial with this style of meditation that the music you use for the meditation technique is easy to listen to and has elements in the music that your accentuate peace and harmony. For example the meditation music may be played on a flute with water flowing in the background. Alternatively, the meditation music might be based on noises in a rainforest or in the bush. The music being used must reflect the object of the meditation session. For affirmation meditation techniques the best style of meditation music to use is something that has a beat. One of the best meditation music styles I like for this technique comes from the Sound track of Kundun. The music used in the sound track is written based on the sounds used in Tibetan Monasteries. The beats or drums within the music can help you in setting a rhythm for learning and empowering your affirmations. Where as the style of music that you should be using for the reflective meditation techniques should have a beat of 60 beats per minute. Baroque music played at 60 beats per minute is the best style. It has been shown through a range of studies that because our heart rate is designed to beat at 60 beats per minute, when the music is played at this rate it heightens our ability to learn. Essentially the research showed that the baroque meditation music causes your brain to produce more alpha or calmness waves when listening to this style. This calmness happens on both the left and right sides of your brain. This simply results in you calming down and relaxing in a similar way to when you whistle a happy tune. The "alpha" state of mind is ideal for learning and creativity, which is what you are trying to achieve during a reflective meditation session. If you were to use say the a strong beat mediation music say from the Kundun soundtrack during a relaxation meditation session you would find that it would be difficult to relax and in fact you will most likely find that you are unable to focus on your meditation. Choosing the right style of meditation music for your meditation is absolutely crucial to ensure that your mediation session delivers the results that you would expect.

If you are looking for quality meditation music to help you with your meditation sessions then simply check out our website. Asthma is a terrible disease and using meditation with the Buteyko Breathing Method can help in treating your disease. If you want to learn the 13 secrets of how millionaires get and stay rich then I recommend reading - Think and Grow Rich

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